OTTAWA REPORTS 77hat ', Tvii Empire Stateame.,n Praised Cana-da's Part et Sa- FjacsoConferenice Onceimplcabe1eiserny jf the Britsh mpirjnw ane aI ifs geatest n oat ftilsted 1leaders, r i (e 1 d Marshal Jan liisia Smuts was greeted by thau)isanido whe avisited 0Ottawa. 1 ltIe red-tabbed uniorro a BrtstFielld Marslial, ha laid a wreatli for tse Union of South Africa et the National War Me- ma iainspeý,cd servicemen, in- eldn-a graoup af Saut h African War eternsand decorat'ed aine ret'uond Canadiain nursing. altIers repjresentîng a group o! 300 who, lresponrdad ta the !eall of the Southi African goyernment in 194f ta serve with 'the farces of thal caunl- try, Latar lie spake vigourously and hopefully af thse avents of San Fsrancisco fromn which ha lad just retomnred. DEappite bhis 75, yaars General Simuts stops along with the brisk- nesof an athiete. His physical fitues 18 sattributed toa 3,frugal 11fe an bis ferrm near Preforia 'wliere lie spenda most of bistlime. Ilis mollies'was caI Frenchi Hugue- flot diÏeet, bis father a Duteli faurmer and -minor politician., Once detndfor the iistry,,General- ýSmutis becamei a lawyer, leter solier andi statesman. LAdCmnone British secret. amyr o! state for the Dominions, nhaalo cmeta Ottawa from can Francisco, seid la an inter- (,ewvtIsiaIt ha confem-ence and Lon- dion tlswibpeeded il, wers good xamlesof bow thse relation- slip 'betfwaen the Commonwealth autisworks unden thse Statute of Westinster. "Tlere is no questýinof the coercion of ona winmer bny tire others. We are all ariesof!aur own fate, but, by etutn onslta,,tion witli eauh atlas', we are able vemy, often ta eahcommnon view. By maintain- jing f!îtIsa,,viw we can axent great infuecelafhe affairs of the wrd"Lord Cranboumne said- of tIse Canadian dlegatian ta San FranýCe, MTh3 amendments whj -j ii thy put forth were always consruciveand balpfnl, and tIse contibuionwliicb 1t1ley rond laI rt'ainl To Build 200,000 îNew Cars - rtoiiautomoubile industry - popsaitamanufacture 200,bi00 privat cars, during, the îîcxt 12 innlshas been approved by the riihBoard af, Trade and tIse Supýply Minîstry. it w,,as understood tliat most af flccrs will be af amaîl types and hal i them will be for overseas exer1nden flic agreement by Govemmentagencies, Is ie manufacturers axpect ta c-omplete 40,000 of thea ýcars sy flic cnd af this yeam. Not Demobilizaion But Re-Allocation Altliougl itifis expected fliat socma 5,00men wîll be eleased froro the British Army by tIse end ,,f tIse year, tIse mobilization ai Brî- tahîi's wvar cffoit remains. Wlist is naow taking place is îrot demoliliz- ation but me alocatioai mpawen. Tisec call-op ifno t thaforces con.- tiusforiman uýîp ttIsa aý ga 4-)f30a, adcitizan1s vwill cont*tinue ta Is "diectd" b xam jobs, ailithogli Men aeligible for mi-ilitary service 1il ialoger Ïbe (rfîad mbthe camies, -llogl hse calledop maygo mb ýtiue ines iostead af ni othie armed forces if they pre fer, TIse ate af elease from tfli R1oyal Navy and flic R.A.F. will hanucli slower than fro tIse Anvbacante aoflice nceds aoflice ,var against Japan, which is tIse ccutmlling lacrfai aIl flire 5cq- BELGIAN TARGET Dark-haired Princess of Rethy, aboya, commoner wif e of King Leopold III of the Belgians, is target for attacks of Communist wing seekcing abdication of the King, now in Austria. A featured article in the Communist news- paper challenged payment of a pension to har father, Horror Pictures Sober Prisoners' German warprsnr confined at Fort Goster, h, werè taken on a bnciefmaTie tour aI German homros camps and emierged a far more serious, saber lot than enter- ed -the Ilicater. It was the fist sliawing of a series of newsmeels of Nazi prison camps w hicli the War Department lias ordcred ail Gerinan prisaners ta sec. As pictores af gaunit, enaciatcd German captives were flàslied on the screcu, many af tlie prisaners shifted uncasily in their scats. As tliey filed ont, mnany af thse Germans were swallowing liard, thecir lips in tigli t îliî lities. Theme ivas no joking. laughing or talking aruong theinselves as wlien tliev w'ere going ino theli theater. Largest Plane ' ugi imraIt Company lifted tlie wraps slý,ightly on its "worid's laree pane," revealing that il conild carr 750 sodiers and their equinîeu [Lfis ai seaplane witli a wiopra fa moetlian 300- feet" an-d Lahul220 feet long. Ail Beautifully Furnisbed Witb Running Waller. Rates: ' NIAGARA F'ALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION Pro1esi your 11001S ',nd CASH froin VIRE £%Bd THIEVES. We etave na ize and typ~e 01 Snfe, or Cablnet, for nny purpose. '.1515 ,a. or wride for pripes. ete. 50 Depi W. 4.&J.TAYLDR q-LIMITEU TORONO SAFE WORKS 14'l Font St foironie ý-thaU a 100 package of WILSON'S FLY PADS wiI kili more Mies than $500 worth of any other fly killerli Grocery. Drug, Hardware and General Stores mcli and recammendl WILSONIS FLY PADS. Quckl Stop itching cfialsect bites, heat resh. ecaerna, hives, pimples, acales. arabies, athlete s foot and ather externally csnsed skin'troubles. Use qikacting. oathing, entiseptic D. D. O. PRESCiRITION. Greaseless, stainlessa Itch stops, or your nioney back. Tour druggist stocks D. O, D, PRESCRIPTION. NERYNUS TENSION wlth i is wsoJ, Iired feelings? If flimcîionlperiodic disturbances make yoifeeli nervous, tired, restless- at sucli imles-- trv' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege.. table Com nilta r1eliev-e such symp- toms. Pinkiz1MWs Compound is anc 0f the mat 1effoct ive madici nes for this purpose. Follawael121directions. Buy todayl VcmA8LE Emergency Fiat 'Kept In London For Royal Famnily Thse King and Queco Isad a Iash- lonable flat in Mayfaîr ta use if tlicy wcre brmbed out fi Bcking- hiaroPalace. TIse ememgeney apatient was on flie lourth flbar ai Curzan Sfreet Haute,-usad by tIse War De- parnment as ifs prisoner-of-war of- fice. Vcry few oiflice 1,600 mcn and women working in tise build- ing flinaugliaut the war knew tlie secret of tIse fourîli floor, Thse existence of the apartment was discloscd whcn if was leamoed thaf the Dowager Quaca Mary would useeflic fiat wlien tse re- tornn froro hem country home in, another week or so if lier own Marlboroughi Haute is ual rcady for han. TIse King and Queen neyer used tIsis' emargency Palace, but thle Duke and Ducliess ai Gloucester and tIse Duchesa of Kant usad flie apamîment during tIse w orstf tfli London bîjîz. Easier To Move Dutch Than Rebuild "If wonid be mucà. casier ta transport ail af Holland's nine million people and ra-asfablith thein in Anîcrica flian fa ne- Isuild flie country", ProfF, J. T. Ruttan, aI Nijmegcn Luiiixemsity said ecenfly. Ha said fIis' was the tragie commalntary on flic devastation iin Houla,îd as exprcssad fa liim by a senior United Statas Army olhicen last montît. Prof. Roîfon is advisem aI flic Duteli Govermmnt and lias jesot arrivcd in Canada on a special mission, Do net niake -thing couilort- able fon youFselî in such, a way as ta niakeflot ni unconfortable for otiiers. IMMEDIATE DELI VERYTWT.O- week-old staýrted chicka luin any poplarhea ybreeda lu non- sexa, pllet orcocjrarels. APSO clghtweekold p ta laying free rangepoles.Takling orders inow for Augut]j nd Septemiber hth ,d dyodchcr.Free aalge cd,1 rg , Outarj.% hsm,, 2 -w, ck , p coscrerbond h oyrard.Alo frWe rnge hx esm ay I-e.Top eN,13 othChn is- Gultp, Ontaro ED 0F TEEND SEAON SALE dn-oredcheaicir pr bracdsn hybinfrid.ationfracrnglaist 8 sweaks r upesti ogs.Fra ct- Lalgua.791Top NoteiChclaras t4uclphtrutkarea . l, n dyleing or cleaingfWie te us flo or nfrmlion Ca ractgrisnl GandVellyi qenton. )eat mnt H akr y ok IASN4 HARRIS 101 FUPERSALIN Buicir tMotor onadubfer, wark. ANt Md a sl eo oel tiat oni good inAI oditio. JAlvaiGuly, PER0FNECTIN MILEERS L A SUP pl.. 8. F.ndon aio.J~evle Oou St. ProwgrY, tr eato n frubem, rae- tically nn Ae., odloCCaeono sLOi. A cniton4Avn4rnr 15-10ITERNATIONALETCACTOR PUonisee14Priee$35000, . Bel sor,.On. Lno.Otro FOR SAeamEnleprtcn dritio. Onuitabrenalso for turi bsiess; xParry12.anddisrict. 441 WePtmount Ave.,x Toronto, REGISTE±tEj) FEMAL > ERCOCER puppiesfor4saeksW aI. CReal sr.., O tlsnurO t poer$ nine, perfectcon- ditin. e Waren, çsteam ompr Oance materaDupinle taa pefect co ube Sale, H7 aMliLmT,Toont. PRGPSERO BOTON"TERRIER Po11 ppifo s. . Be. Conlon, ville1,2OntlsnurOt 15 l'O 20I YATRDS, LNEAL MES-D ur 18 , zcons it b . un- beac, rhe cotton cushîricoye,,rs, ratepa mtral lnnlfte waala.. CODpsaeeta Strength of R.A.F. Cut To One Third TIsa R.A.F. is ta a rcduced fa about oua flird ils prasent strcngfli of appmoxinî-aîcly 1,000,000 men and v.omcn in flic next 12 monflis, ac- cording ta flic Air Mînîslry.-' Readjustment Ion fIs war ,agains-t J apasu will bmîîog about flic release oI nany groops, thc metraining and rcrnusfcring ol etherb sud tIsa mc- emtiting, SoicR.A~.F. personnel bas FoRt SALE GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA acsyou re ta inrSIlender, Figqure, t -- ou.- food into, e y nta of tt 100ACRESTE0D ARMLESS, camp, e implesant heb, ne axr-, teepon s spl $10 0 me pide Dominion Hraeristributkoks Distrct. . nirene ll,,entseal FA RIM FOR SALEACE 1 loarhn, bSalance bus h wpauye suarbshW.-ooer house; Kich eneph Onet. iabe 0 ie F53RMAC R 2SALE-193 ACRE0SPT modie westofofitenr liitra tchenter-Stratordd hI hay. Crbuldingse r. A.1. 4, Kitch. enter, Ont. 13ACES R2DFREMING ,0 T taRottrnBigod Indfmauso Bngalow camp: an Roertbuldngs. Eirr A, G ade eutter.17Ont. Rad orno * AI H REMD PESSING Robertan himethodPainformtons anoberts's Hairdrsg eD- Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $100. STOMACH AND TE'READ WORMS often are the cause of lll-health ln humains, ail ages, No one Im- mune! Why flot find out if this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars-Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists. Toronto 8. READ TH-IS-EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumnatic Pains or Neuritis shouîl try flixon's Rermedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postp'sid $1,00. BAUMEEKA FOOT' EALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly. 45e bottie, Ottawa agent. [Deniman nrtie qlnrA Ottawa OI1I'O Wl' UNI lIES FI,'Bt ,'ME BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADAS LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignîfied profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's grealesi sys- tem. tllustrated ca talogue free. Write or cal MARVEL (_W 1 RESSING 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 7T4Rdeu t reet. Qttýwa MUSICAL INSIRIJMENTS FiRE D A. BODDINGTON BÜYS, selîs. exehanges musical Instru- meAnt.ql111 Ch,îrrh Toronto 2. FETHrRSTONHAUCGH &SCOiMPANi Patent S,llcltoîs Esabise 1890: 14 King West, Tor'onto Boolt let of Information on tre- quiest.. been transert-ed 1ta tlieNàvy. Thse Enropean wa.r rcqnired 75 percent o)f the RA.F.'s personnel ta be basedi at home stations ta send bomber lIeeds. againat Ger- înany, In thse japanese war home- bascd personnel will. be reduced ta 630 percent of thse force. Yen only gel rid of yaur enemies by mnaiig thero your friands; and_ youl e-au only do Oliat by loving your eîme;that i5 aonc af the great "lawvs oa ife". TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISt-llNG STUDIO Get better pictures et lowest cost, D7on't taike chanices wîth u filmn roails Yocu cant ti re' "snIlaps-~oe again, PRMTMAILSEVC Anîy Size 101 Cor 8Epsus AInstme l Cpe Betnsays, " havabee seningfilmus to youî for 4 o 5 ear. WuldnotSend thlemr SPECIAL ALBUMv OFFER INew Style Albumn With Prints sizea 1-20-127 if 29e (Ac extra) ta sent with film raol.- ,SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 xr>6" ln beautiful essai mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed on ivory ttnted matsý, 7 x 9", ln Glid, Silver, Circassian 'Welnut or Black_ Ehony finish frames SO59 each. If arlargament colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We ean restore any aid photograph or anapabot. . . and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The pmocesa requires the workç of skilled' artiats, but the cost la reasonable. Send us yonr picture and tell us vvhat yon want done and we will tel you the coet' before doing the wark. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Namne and Address Plalnly on Orders.-, MR 1'ESTED QUALITY SERWVCE and SATISFACTION Vau fims îupr'ydevelotel and il O s XFOSJIlR [ObUS 25e REPINT brot 2ôe FIES NLARGiýNU SERVICE Yau ma flt gel ail the films you ?,h18qtissltY and service you desire l'y sendlng your films to IM'ERIAL PHOTO SEItVICE Station J. Toronto TEACHERS WA1%TED DRANFT CO.; 5 MILES SOUTH OF Brantford. Experienced female .Protestant teacher. S.S. No, 4, Brantford 'Twp. Salary $1,500,00. .State qualificationls, also former inapector., Personal application preterred If possible. Gordon RKellam, Sec -r1'reas., R.R. No. 2. -Branîtford, Ont. STISTRD ITOWNSHIP AREA requires three ,P ro te staen t teachers for three ane-room achools nar Huntsville. Salary 1,200. Please state qualifications, experiance and asat inspector. Dunies te commence September 4th. Apply ta George Tait, DORSET' TEACHER WANTED (Protestant preferred) ta taach grade 6 ta 10. inclusive (senior room), and ect as principal aof a 2-room aschoal with modernon veniences, tarm commencine Sepi temr. 145,salr$1,300. Apply, statîg'u1 fiaios t Mis Phyllis 'Cîsyvton, Dorset, Ont. for Ess. No. 15,Doe wa a. amy $1100,0 ppystating qual- fctosand salr ' epecled t demdTetreanît, Rt. ,,Na. 2 etLinu, GUta. GROWT F CANAD AS FOO00 EXPORIS IIELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR PROTES'I- ant motharless home ln country, Ail cenvaniencas. Two school sgta ch!idran. Box 39, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. Young Womnen ta train as Nrs1es'ý $7 n-~mntlyita stsrt $2,5 1onti1y dadiutedfor mamien ointena. ceua Apply Snpt. ai' Nurses. Toronto Hiospital, Weston. TWO WOMEN TO WASH DISES' and prepare vegatables la North-. arn Ontario sommer resort for Jnly and Augnat. Exceptionally good wages. Apply hy latter te Pow-Wow Point Ladge. Hunts- ville, Ont. GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN BOit hauscireapar on a farma, gond home, wages. Apply. Lawrence Erowe, Box 42, Dalkeith, Ont, STRONG, ABLE WOMEN IFOR genemal houaework, $60 - $90 month, bcd, board. Girls, young wamaen for aummer raaort, pây eccomding ae ability. MarrieS couple, man. boy, gardan ferm. Mms. BoydA, Car1sbad Springa. Ont, AUJTOMOB1)EILE 13UMPERS A N D Painters, exparlenced on repaIs' work. Ilighast rate ai' pay, 48 hanc weelç, hast waring co.nditions. Apply nearest Selective Service Office. CRi 2925. HOUSEUREEPER WANTIED O1N a-mJmiles fromn Tillsonburg, Ail city conveniences. 2 claldren, 2 aduits. Goad wages. J. A. Mc-. Cab. illsanburg, Ont. FARM MANAGER, MARRIED, 100- Acre Mîxed Barm, gaod wages, bouse and privileges. J. Kea, Inglewood. WANTED WANTED 1MMEDIAT3L-Y bIC- anscd garage mechanle as part~- star. Bradi Char, Surira Palls, Ont. Box 254. GENEIRAL STORE, WITH- GOOD mixed clothiing stock; wiII psy cash; confidentiel. Lightman and Company. 3270 Danforth Ave., 'Toronto, Ont. SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: APPLICATIONS NOW BIENG COq- sidcmcd. Date ai' admission Sep- tamber 4th, 1945, Ed ucafional ta- qoimemenîs Junior Matricula tin, Remunemation affar preliminary terra, $10 o$200 par wontb, WANTED TO PURCHASE PFUb. laIs, ail bmecds fmom 8 weeka nia ta laying, Good prices paid. Apply fa Box -8M 73 Adelaide W., l'o- route.. WE BUY itarîcaFloemsI cvasetc. PRCSHIGUER NOW 'tilc f'oi fît i is Do-minion Herb Di-stributor8 ISSUE -94 HARNESS & COLLARS FresAttention - Consuit your nearest HarnïesShop about Staco Harness upila We seiliOur goods only thr-ouig your local Stac" L.ate Goo(dS dealer, The goudQa are rightý, and 0so are our pricea. We'm'anýufaceture ii oUr fac torýies - Harness, Horse Col,. mar, Sweat Pads, Horse Blpa etand Leather Travellin Gooda Ins0t1o Staco Brand Trade aredGoods, and yov getsaifti. Made 01n1y by:- SAMUEL TREES CO., LD WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellîngten St. E., Toronto Kittenâ Neyer Dîd Like Juicy Wormsw A 1Leghorn hen. has adopte£d three orphaned kittens and Owlier Herman Offenbacher of Medfori& Ore., says already trouble has, Aeveloped. The kittens battle, paws against wing as their eages' foster mother tries unsuccessfully to get them ta eat the food she wcrks so liard ta provide-fat, juicy wàrmns ecratched from the garden. SUCCESSFUL PARTIES resuit whýen you Serveý MxelHouiseThs e alla cheerS, It's a coc blendof rarýe,etafao Latîn-Amterican toceeï- the finest obtainable, 1939 1344 BiEP 3,873, j M0 tas 143,2m,800 t95 BACO(JN 181,125,000 L8Sï 6515,0Les. ECGS 1,27,4,327 DOL 58,403,410 001.ý p#eemiges rtu ef. *CIEESE 90,944,800 L? S, 131,429,200 LM;. 194 snces ear SH 1135,M08TONS 215,180 TONS 1937 figures. WIET 4,887,13î TONS 0,750,391 TONS