PROMYOTED B i. aterA. Bean, 36, of Ottawa andl~thenrOnt. , vho has been prmte rom the rank of Colonel an ~lhold an unspecified posi- vt.h Dnada's &th Pacific Divisio3n ï, ý:cr Bean haýs served in the Eopathe North African and Pa~war theatres, lie command- ed a combat teamn on the Island o)f Paiu ad aerve-d alsu with the mikan Marines in aperationrs es fTokyj and south of the Brg A ames Creighton, 43, o!à Vact~ewho las been promoted' from te rank of Colonel and wiii h -nci unspei-e. patwith Canl- daa thPacific Division. Brig-, Crg-onl a former officer corn- 7F dgt he Seaforth Hiighlanders i -ia.He went overseas with the Sc~rhHighlanders in the Can- ainFîrst Division and returned taCtaaas Giea Staff Officer. 0o~ rctu rrn o v,,r se a s, lie served in tNU Mditerranea.-itheaýtre-. S~ASFOR ITSELF Whiunion heads argue that there s n sortag-e of aircraf t tires, UJ. S. emp~omentoffice in Cleveland uses ths lewalki display to recruit more mapwrfor rubber factories, RESCUED QUEEN 0F SHAiNGRI-LA Fonrt-s!even days in a biidder Shenagýri-'la vally 'n New Guinea3 seem ýta have ag'reed with pretty W CCorp)oUal Margare J,Hat mo~-thriller resýcue by'gle' GURKHA WINNER 0F V.C. Naik Agansing Rai of the 5th Rayai Gurkha Rifles was the l3th Indian winner of the V.C. He won the decoration for bis part in the recapture from the Japan'ese of' three features in Burma- Mortar Bluff,, Water Picket and Double Deck. With him in thi% exploit was Subadar Netra Bahadur Thapa who was kilied in the action and awarded the V.C. posthumousiy. They were the second and third V.C. winners, in ýtheir battaiion. Picture shows japanese medium machine gun capturedby Naik Agansing Rai, V.C. (Right) and two menÀbers of bis section. ON THE BEAM Right on the beam waz- the Navy fioating drydock as it rode through the Panama Canal en route to theý Pacific. ,Tao wide to clear the cý Îanai coriventionaily, officers of Naval CivilEnies Corps resorte-d to simple but daring stunt of fioating it throughý, on its side. Drydock is large enough ta accommodate cruise-rs, io? several smrail warships at one time. U.S. SIPS -STRIKE IN JAP W-1ATERS Admn. Chester W. -Nimitz bas reveaied that light U.S. war ships have sunk several enemy craf t in the Sea of Okhotsk. Thi- was the firat invasion of U.S. vesseis into waters'northwest of Kurile islands, deep in Jap territory.,Large map indicates adjacent areas, and inset shows relation of scene of action to Japan, Russia and Alaska. BUSY AS A LITTLE BEE egeJohinson, Jaliet> Ill., had a honey of a jo-ýb on bis banda when hie found a city ardinanice provýided a stingin& fine af $1 ta $10 for edahday that vî-ch of hl 400000 F)becýs wc l se in thne tawfn. Eqipedwth a head net,Jhsn is shi-wn oundfing up bis cotony for a bee-line shîimnou lt ofJuet TEMPT'ING RIVER ROUTES INTO'CHINA Arrowis on map above- indicate three spots on the Chi nese coast whlich moight weil tempt an Aiiied iinvadý-ing forc-the mouths of -China's trio of great rivera, Lthe Yeiiow, thle Yangtze, and the Sikiang, or West River. Ail command the mi inland routes and areý of prime straiteg,,ic imr-portance,. Photo. at top shows the Yangtze at Nanking before Japs, movedL in. At righýt, the Yanigtze at HankowDv, shortiy befare the provis.*oni cpti' a CANDIN'NURSES DECORATEID BY FIELD MARSHAL SMUTS ,Ten Canadian nurses were decorated for their servicesin South Africa during this wvar by Field Marahal Jan Christiaan Smuts, Prime Minister af South Africa, during a recent ceremon>' in 0t. tawa, at which the Field Marshal laid a wreath on the Cenotaph. This photo, taken at the Cenotaph immediatel>' following the pre- sentatian as Field Marshal Smuts addressed a few words to the nurses, includes, left ta xight: Miss Gladys Sharpy Toronto; Miss P. Mi. Steinhoff, Toronto; Miss M. E. Booth, Ottawa; Mrs. MA. Beal, Ottawa; Lieutenant (Nursing Sister> P, M. Farmer, R.C.A.M.C, Ordale, Sask., Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) M. V. Singer, R.C.A.M.C., Ormstown, Que.; Miiss Dorothy Brown, Saint John, N,., and Miss M. McAfee, Saint John, N. B. HEADS KIWANIS New President of Kiwanis Inter- national, .elected in Chicago, is &amiitun Hait. above, af PMacon, Ga. Hait is in i arbie and gran.. ite businless, .anid presideiit of AssocýiatedLidustries of Gorgia. Hle succceds Ben Dean, of Grand Rapids, Mich., adverti;ang ex- ecutive. REWARD, PROMISED if yuserve Maxweli Hïous&'e Coffee to your famlily to-ý nighlý TjI e'l just louc, YODi for it! coules m aï Al Purpose Grindwhc SUItIS anly type f c offee Ho,w You Cmn Cet Quick oelîi Froïm Sore, Pufinful Pilos Most ,eo Le seem ta tblriLthe on- paiifî ple uina,,soon iteal ove:' t;way to geý frelief 'roým their sore, laig iesestvercal.n~ painul plesfa b loal teatmnt.brans dan and healthy, Local treatmIlenit vmay give tempor- W invite you to try Hem-Raid ary relief l'OM H0e' ic' n bUt -and let fi prove itself. Yau eau Yeau cen aai ae mkcyour teat, why suh rêmt- in the privacy of met i fotc r. .' your ow6 homre. rect the cause f 3 a 0;N COST If yoii eorpl.. ire not canvinced No la stLinIlelfree- t ttis a l dom frkpl ~.~~ tazinglyte a ;Y. cen be hiad unlesI the cause of thle ad arrsn troulble ta correct.efcie mta ed Piles are due 1 0f tý....... ........ ......B re to y u relief ÉatLo trenal ri.aay ta get Iasting (À--GL akg tb21em intoteRa j - He-1oidt- wiha medicîne ~ ~ ~ < 'dy fo likr tIy-ten.o idl ! ' ' - . Sý 1,a dire5- HemRad a -~'~< '" tor, JUST Fl V a formutl' l-a iatbas U A S. Ati Il e Lea beenGuse fo ve., ' ' fth at tintee R ' es by 0thon-........'V-' ou are flot ah.. aandILCi fplile si:'- ' . so tey sure nAil, l1hl 1ly -c 0,- a1 l~'~ ie st, cleeat-s centrted ab~e, - t ~' ~ ndmoat eHetv easy antId opeas- 1 Ile traaàtmatit art', U se. hls 1 G 1e,, min i4e"u you v2 Lied, s'eI. poiînded Labi. t fomula directs ortiny aiLuel'acla taiotr ita edîal ctiun t reief0f be dugg,~ nd e wiÀl promptly re- cogaun'itetV aLie real c-auseta fqfnd yourmanety.- your 1,1 e,. 1H1em i-Ra Gid ra, ea N 01 X, T'him genlerogam effew âI fre. esa ndcatafantable bawi sak te e iati e fia'm deizag bim- Iliraioltaaed ,.CreS3 1-1(j eitiiu- Yeer, tfrn-I*oïll ma i 1mW yoiam 1iate(.,a) býeterblooCI 1eirclatiiin b hie pil~eOi.dtIO iitely iAty al [lcwe tr tw e Wtigoodblood air. fsmnl . hi Ipees'ts ctiletion - li teloIwer bawel. tIlâeqcate ouen anili"tasTuy !Lt teduy. k t- e' t N 'N N N N N N 'N N N N N 'N 'N N 'N N N -N 'a N 'a N N N -a N 'a N a N N 'a