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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Aug 1945, p. 1

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EE LV T ES Vol 9., No. -29. ORON, OT., HUUDAY AUGST th,1945 ýSubscription s$1.25' per-Year LO.O0F. Dance, Town Hall, Orono, Wednesday Evening Aug 15 W,7,ecopy the following fromi the Fami"ly Herald .becý-ause of the local -inteIesit attached ta the article, and -also for- the worthy effort put forth ~by Ms Tucker in fashioning- an at- trciehomie from what wa- former- avery plain and staid house. The Ars. Tucker in q uestion is the wife, ,cf a formier -minister of Park- St. Crcanid 1mother of Ewart Tucký- eri also muentioned in the article. Pic- trs cf the bouse beffore and after Yh ennovation accomý-pan.,y the ac- cntinthe erald. " ana mn has looked at bier nbousje and long-ed tco reimodel it, but m-se i0nany have realized their M4rs. Tùckçer, of M'vilford, Ontaria, -whose eariy ambition was ta Combine -nterior decorating wýith architecture,. ýirsa i dnc just that. Always she had ~want"ed ta design ccmnfortable, liva[blei bomI, leS, butl, lke hundreds; of other! woeambition Wa- sidetrackedl ~when she- married, and life as the wife af a olt man in the miistry, hichiclnded too the care of a son ndadaiughter, becamie very full in- ît was the son, Ewart, now a gun- enerin Hollanld (wlien this waïS writ- ton) who 'provided bis motiier wt ~e incentive Vo realize bier dreamIn. E'rwart'ýs iesire -was ta own a farmi nderýentuaLmly hie dîd buy a smnail a'nc ,at 3Milîford whIere hec.,planned taÉn cýare an apiary. iHis wife did not e-njoy good h-ealth at that time and ~i arents camie ta lire with themi, Remodclling Plans 'When Mrs. Tucker seniar saw thie 7as cone an od ftireplace,, d. Sinice fron this rooni ne a lorely riew of thc decîidcd ta use it as thel .,<Wlere the large vilad-oan is noi there was Étien a smll d oor. Theq wenovsare enlarged. Onute far vievlere the firceplace was fouad, a dýoar anas rmade, Tic odlhomuýe, Mrs. 'IIckýer says vias "fu11 of dioors," and sIeutlized them aiTla itthe living- wiman ecam a clothes closet, -vihle anlother was tr.ansformned into a ciacabi-net witi a cupboardwic nolds nmag-azines, In tic lcft-hand coç)rner cf tic roorrt, Mrs. Tucker, whlo ,1ores foyeýrs, bas a small conserva- toôry, pand at the oppositec cnd are lier husband's boaks, raw on ray. C Thec dialngroom, origiaall',y the parlonr, is -naw a 'briglit and chee-ry room w. %hc-re a door- leads ta the flow- eý rid veg-etable g-ardens. Tic thrce * -indows look ,ont upoan a «noodcd hill, Thraýughb the door -lealint the b L ict-chen ane bas a vievi of a compact, -complcey equipped anworkroom-, wihose wiAndo)ws at the turne cf aur vi,7f ,wcre fifllcd wi7th fla'Werslp vaihl later would g-o into the garden. Ftrom a central rantage point Mrs, Tuckerca reach out ta strtgcl iy placeti shelves, range aind cquip- ment. T'he 'back af the louse, Mrs. Tuck- er bcd tornclowun and in its place c -... smli-shed vins built at the (,sie la -vihicli is stared coal, wood anid gardern mmpemets.Just outside the door ta the sIt ý;ed is tic entranece ta tbe cel- la)r. The aId cimcs ere tornclown and new Chuincys built for t1he it- and Registration of Carpenters Now In -Other 'Work Wo)rkers experienc ed in the con- struction indus tryý, but nt ot10w en- gaged at building construction work, are ta be required ta register with the National Employment Service during the week of Au.gust 6th ta Augýust L 1th, accordiîng ta an an- nounceen macle by HFon. Humphrey Mitchell, Mi'nister af Labour. This regitration is provided for uinder an Order signed by thle Minis- ter, under authority of National Se- lective Service Civfilian Reg-ulations.- Male required to register are ail those from 16 ta 65 years of age, either skdlled or unskilled, at výaniaus occuipations in building construction, wha have otal of at least tiwo years experience, continuos or otherwise, in the construction industry since Decemnber 3lst, 1936.; Construction tradesmien are defined in the Order as skïied or unsýkilled_ tradesmnen or labourers employed or engaged in any building construction w ork. Men at present employed on build- ing const ruction are not required ta reg-ister under this specialreita tian Dëiing tlie -weck of registration the offies of the Nationali Em- pymentSeic will remnain open tili 9 o'cock ý fromi- Monday through ta Frîday ta facilitate the reg-istration of mcien working ln employment other than construction durig the day-j time "Where a persanr lires miore thian 5 miles fromi the placere there is anemïpkylm.-ntoffic, he cn eau -ister ~at the nearest post office. "To assist in relleving thie howulng shortage", the Labour 'Minister said, "it is necessary ta try ta get ac into building construction work ail experienced and qualified men who are rworking in any othier industry. Thle Local Eriiloymint Offices will facilitate transfers ta construction by every reatsorable mneans. 'The fact thiat there are not a great inany con- struction wooekers em"ployed at ather work is rather well known, but that very fact miakes itmare -Important ta secure the rcturn ai any of these ni 'wha can jbe located'" H3om-es miust be provided for vet- crans, Mr.Mitchell poinited out, and only by takîng every nmeans of pro- viding the necessary labour can it be hoped that the' essential homne building rwll be carried out th-is year in sufficient volume. chnwhere there -is today an elie- tric as well as a ,wood range. A curvïing staîr-way, Pagain _Mr s. Tuckeýr's idea, leads from k1itshien ta attic, and here at the back of the bouise when- the roof was lifted w as m-acle a larg-e roomn, lgtaild airy, and havin'g a ;fine view ol, the1 countryside, Thtis is Mrs. Tucker's own room-- where she does mmcli of her se-wing at the mnachine set lie- fore the windO1W.(.Mrs. Tueker is an active Red Cross worker). Anote roomi is ta lie flnisied later:. The hanse was orîiially a log building wvth thick, rafters, beamls and wails, It is therefore a warni house. Todaiy its interior iis finqishedf in creamn colored stucco, and the grounds sranigi are lovely midcccl. Mrs. Ttcîer loves the littie houise of ber owvn creating and ier husband is very î.ra-'Ud of her handîwork. tA stting tSe machiaery iPort DHope, Warden Cecil Cartb of for establishmnent of the Nericastie., Reere WlbrCaleOf cavering Nortiumberland l liilton To wn s hip and Deputy m1) Counities, viijýhcb Couaty Reeve E. R. Waodyard of Or-ono. Tic prorof last Junie at tîcr board decied tA appoint Dr-. M. Chai- einaugural meeeting of the le, h bs bensevinig as ship's Les Roaàrd of Hetith ook oct)r at Eqiat as chIef M.,OH of ýloourg on Saturday last. icalt unit. Therec y1l be tltirteeni rbers of tiche aith Uniît- nurses, facuiof yhorn ihave -,Iieadyl BELSEN CIIILDREIN ARE HAPPIER NOW Sdnce the British freed Bel seniconcentbratian camp), everything pos- sible has been done tý)ïalmae t.he children torg-et any horrors the'y may have seen there. Most of the childrený had Jewish blooci any many o f their parents die*d ini the camp. British -soldiers have given up their cig- arette rations ta the aduits and their sweets ration o the children o.f BeI-, n cam-rp. Toys have, also bLeen requ-isitioned( from neariby towns. Pictuie takeni on April 26th. Picture showvs Cudrnplaying ori the ýýwings whichi were erect- ed by a REME detachmnt. A British soldier gives a9 ejpn hand.. 'Daylight Savinog' Claimed Daylight VWasting (By Dr. John Dearness) " For lmost workig pnurposes dy ligit is preferable ta lamplight. This letter is offered ta show that anh-Iat is called dayliglitb saviaig tinte, or in the United States war time, is w a tr ir, sýieral 'ways, inclu.ding dayighr cvrn thc superscded staindird tipte during the 'Canadian winter mionths is a waster ta some exjýtent. Standard time as it ýis unýdcrstLood is the coin- p-romi-ised cuiination ai Sir Sand- fard Flcming's vigorouis advocation of unirersal'-tim-e, t1hat is harinig dlocks everyiwhere showýiing the same time as a master dlock la the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, a borougli of London, Eng. 111e was chairman of Vie coaference in Washing-ton, 18,84, that scttlcd an recom-mending tic standard time belts of 15 deg-rees. Canada extends acrosýs six of those, knawn as Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mouatain, Pacific, and Yukcon, The- haîf-Ibelts rary in vidth lbctw,een 300 and, 4001 miles.' Obiously in the east hlf of these bets thle sua is in adrance of tic donck, and se ayigh saving. ensues; la the- iesit haîf the dýock in ahiead of thle-sun, causin1g hani activities ta begia before sunrise and therlby las- Ling The present 1 aiwi f abeyed m-Qores the dlock, into another full hour of daskness, StUdy the AIa p No'w use te iap of Canadla ta leama that the lsigwest- sides have together miuchilre areas and wa- wor'kiag populaions than te cast sides. The Atlantic bet-- the 60- &legree ine-lias only Nwonln on the east while three Prýovinc,:es are! on the west s'ide; tic Eastcmn-tlic 75-deg-ree line-lias the mnuacur i* ctics of Quebcc east of Mon-treal, In1 ihi et "fitae t, mrenmr ouis fa1ctories and cities as far as Windsor; ýFort William is near the 90-degrec lUne, -with tic narth of La-ke Superiar couaitry as far as White River on tie cast and Lake of the Woods, Winnipeg andi haîf of -Mani- toba) on the west side; on the ncext tliree timie meridians it is rot easy ta senlse much difference in the sila- thouli Vancouver is west of the 120- diegree line. The Cities of Mnra aad Ottawa anoi ,pposite sides and near the 75-degrcc uine m-ay bc-,oit- ted in 'adga caniparison. War Lime, usiag- the sharter antd bietter name, is, ilaftic larg-er ares iof the west sides, a waster of dlaylighlt aind electric rveof -yorkcçrs' coin- fort and efflciency, of nmothers' and ciildIreni's health it nd hpîpiness, ar miers as a rule are strangly ap-pased1 ta it. Rlpt m iothers lhave been pr-o- te.sting againist ruigtheir cuil- dren, rushiing prepaýrednes's ta get tlieni on the cark ronads ta choo-; rooms, vihere oni cloudy monrningýs it, is too caktao. start vork. So me sých1ool boards are cpening ach-ool atL ~ -1ý1-,--1--' the feeling against war tiYYiè is as strong an 1the cother West ides 1s i s la Western Ontaria. bondon tried it anc summer; two electi*ons since ic trial 'thc voters defeated it, and that for sumer onths only. Wind- sor isý 100 mlsf-urther wcst annd the distance increases the dlarkn1-ess for orcnghou_îrs. The Chatham Cityl Cou.ncil lias asked the London City Council ta co-operate ini obtaintingý a change. Tic riew presented here îs inteided fer a thing cilsc Vlan win-~ aing the war. This Tfopsy-Turvy Minte (1Theý Farncr's Adrocate)__ Civilization andi science hare for centuarie tke the N'orth !Star as the supremne point of direction, and the aicridian cf the- suai as the means of location of t1ime and place. It is, tberet'orc, no -voider that -ye have confusion wiith t'his so-calcd daylighit timne vhicli is approxfimately niinety minutes aliead of the meridian cf the sua. The people an the farm-s are sick and tired of it, eaeiaIy iose vwhose cbildrein are hig-h achool studenits. The sume, applies ta thase in, aur cities wlo mnuet Walk, blocks and then wait la the chili raw air of te nmorning for street car or bus. The oniy peo-~ ple 1 knoywlio favaur this fast tbuef- are the "village play boys" viho have only a short distance ta walk tc their place ef business, -whichi they o-peii as late as they dare and los3e as early as possible. Due credit being- girea Vto Hydro and liglit on tractors and trucks, there is still no substi- tute for daydigî1ht, and farmiagýl, es- pecially field work, is frami dawn ta For tiwo years iwc have tried to get along il-wtfi this to,-psy-turrytm, whîch is- about as satisfactor a a ill-fttiag shoe. It is time cta Write ta aur Federal miemibers for thei,ýr in- fluence ta secure a return ta1 standard timec, sa that the hours onm the cicck will once again bhe in licrmoay with the liglit of day. Kent tCa., Ont. liaroldChds Prort Perry Bank Robbed, 0f $2,500 In Cash Former Orono Boy Sends_$5f00 To Baud On Tuesday last Mr. R A. For-1 rester rueived thie following letterl from Mr. M. F. Keat, whlo awns a Furniture Sopat Oneida, N.Y. Augu-st 5th, 1945. Orono Timies, Orono, Ontario. Gentflemien One ai your papers camie ta me a few-, days ca Glad ta know t1hat the old homie town still lias a paper of its owý,n. I note that m-y old fricnd Orm-re Gamsby is stil la the swlim un- 4ec lis ovin payer. AIso note my aid pal Jîi Richards is on the sickzý lisýt and trust le vil soan be his (Ad ssniling self. Glad ta note Orono stili bas a band. 1 vieil remembher the aid band. Ab. Leigli, Ormie Gamtsby, San-,Guttell, Ad. G'am-sly, Wes. and Win, Andruis and grandtfather Andrusý, and others that 1 do not remi-ember. The ldd Ornots n1emmbrGrIan'father Allar-s. ile played in the band, would mnake a punvu, file swtopi S hacs, repair the ald hand fire puiinp, referce a dog fight, and in fact a gen- eral utiiity mn With best wishies for the Tlow\n'- S'uces.'s, l arn Yours respectfullyv, M. F. Keat 'Eiiclosed $5.00 for thle lband and wish themi success. Local News Mr^. and ýMrs. R. E. Log-an, arcý spendling this weck visitig at Tweed. Mrs. F. W. L. Tamhiiýlyn returned home on Wedncsday last after îapend-i ingr a rweek with br sister, -Mrs. Hoidge. ýMr. and Mrs. C. B. Tyrrell and dalughter Conistance Anne holidayedà this week with friends at Shielbiurne anid Toroato. On Wed!nc.sdaiy even-iing, August 1-5th, tlhe locail IO o.F rder yl hld a dance in, the town hall, Orono, i'tMarpian's Orchesýtra a f Clobourg i n attendance. Camre and enjay this enigsente-rtaînmeint, Church service in St.,aisuk Church willl bie held at 31.00 p.,p. on August 12th and l9th. The Rector b)eing awa,,y on hiolidays bath tlhese services wilI1 be in charg-e of Mr. Scott, of Triaity ClegPart Hope. Mir. and Mrs, ae hmpoof Blackstock, aver isitors aon Sundny', at thie home af the latbter's parents,i Mvr. and Mrs. W7. S. Colblilick. Their, daugliter Jean returned home " itli them fallowing11 a risit with Mr. anid Ms.Cobbledick. Mrs. Stanley Chapmaan eaitertained orer theweknd lier brother Dr. i Johpn V. Nelles 'of the Brant Sanator- iumi, Brantford, also lier sister, Mrs. G. W. Gruiba)ýck and niece Carmen« bath (cf Moatreal, -aIl on their retur from hliay-gfor, tl-rce wceks at1 Kosy Cabia Loclge, Part Elgin. Mrs. On Civic Holiday, Monday,Au. ust 6th, two men mansked ani armedl iwith revolvers, hPeld up the Canadïai Bank ( o Gommerce brandi at Port Perry ind escaped with manaut i currency estîmnated at $-9,500, The tw\o bandits ondered Élhe rle ing- accafunItant and two gr employesi ta lie on tlie floor-, whîle tliey scooped up the money fromi the teller'scae The three, -H. W. Dawson, Miss, Mar-. garet Day and Miss Audrey Kerry, werýe locked in the banIk ranît, whlle thc men mcetheir escape, It is believcd a thîrd man wsdrfr- ing the getaway car, rwhich was Park- edl at the door oI thýe batik. "The two mnen cýame into the batik about 2.15 and just stuck us up," cx- plaiaed batik em-ployes. "Th9,y order.. cd uis into thie vault after they had taken thc money. Wc remained iti the vanît for ncarlIy a haîf an hiour, before w,,e mjanaged ta unlack the door and get out to give the alairm2i,5 PolicIe an, patrol on Scugog1 Island4 shortiy aftcrwards found a car stoierr froi shawa the night before. There.- weevery feiw people an, the strec-t at the tïime as nearly ah the residents were at the races beinghld in theu Ifüey(IOGI. rnbckis staying onrwiý-th hier sis-. ter for two wees. A slni congregagtion attendel, mforning worship at Park Street- Ghurch last Sundlay, despite the ahd- sýence oi many people from- towni- ow- ig ta the holiday weken. r. >T. J. Melocssrii1(n was c>fa lheart searching nature w,,hîch lait mc fodfor tbiough't the listeners.. Terendition of tCe Lord's Prayer as a vocal solo was heartily appre. ciated. Mr. Huberft Gobbledick, c) Leamnington, was the soloist and the- oaacoin-panimenit was played by Mrs. Rl. Brown, the chiurch organist and chboir leader. A beautifuldipa of seasonal flower s made psil through the mlinistrations of Mrs. J, Giibson Sr. aànd Mrs. E. Hall. 'Canada Will Become Winners of Field Crop competition Leading Aviation lst Prize, James Brown,Nwc- tle. ~Tha!krs ta thâe Domninion Ooer-pleted arrf 2hdInian . Tnibln, ron. mntspliy anada is likely ta b)e- laid and viater srd, Leslie ComeBwanr- corne ni--toV oly the aircraft produtc- Iia addition ta ville R. R. No. 4. tion centre of the B rit is>-'itEm-pire tors, Canada lias 4tb, MWilton Wight, Bowmaiariihlc yitbîn itlic ncxt ten years, but also Of 111gh1lY skilled R.R o. 4. anc of fthe lcadoing aviation countri'es and ground crewr 5 th,, J ohnl ric ink ticetworild. lent pilots and 6tli, Alex. Hendry, Canada is owncr of maay of te younjg pe)(ople ha 7th, . H.Jase Nertnstc. iiparantranmaterials ncaededfori mindedaeýss IrM, Everett J. Brown, Orenlo. iplane production, a*nd if not owýn-i major e irm er is very closýe taoti'er Sources of tvio dcds lai ricw of"ic nfvaeb seecling sppl. ue taCaaada's geographi-i Tic ccdon welc theicabove winners are îta ýbu cl position, airpraift-iadle in Canada 'h ýs niti coagraItui 'ted On their finie showing.-l can e delivered by air ta anjy part d'uction ai flyTir Tejudge vins qui te eatliusiastiic 1af Vhe rortd, vv!ich v-ias donc duLring able Canadha Ita about the quality miftlic crops -in th:s this ver, in crked conitrast ta the nge and d(eý neihtorhodOad pmac ice of disrnantlling a coi-avnatian country. Country adcrating- it for~ shipient. tiese imiportant ac An Interesting Venture By Former Orono Resident C;ounties Health Unit App'oint HeaIth Officer ONO

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