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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Aug 1945, p. 4

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ORON WEELY TMES I~URDAYAUGUST 9th,195 The Orono Weekly Ti-mes Established Januarcy, 1937. Pubiîshed every Thursday7 morniing atLL the TJimes Office Advertisîing Rates on reqluest1 .Subscription, $1,25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Or01o o Otalo Forward Tilhe proliem uppermost la the minds of a'I i mc and womeicn ii t1he armed forces and war inýdustries and thieir famnilles t-dèay is -a peacetimne job. Probably haif a miillioni of theseie and rwolmn î-a the armed -forces and wartime industries will be iooking for jobs in Ontario. They are too bousy to do any planinig. When rpce cones they waat t0 cone ooe to a living, healthy,gowng prosfperouse ommuii-tnity that car) provide eniploynt rand scrt 1eor heseives and their famfilles. To develop andgrw to be healthy and prosperous, your cor.ninmunity needs the vision and fthe energy of these young people. Furthernore your comm nity vwes it to th.em. The aneed ï. ohvious. Tshe responsibility for co-operative. cominunîty action for jobs and profits is equaIy- apparent. R-ere is where the dîfferent rehabilita- Sion couinittees are calIed upon to sec that 'any positions avaîlable -ire handed aroua'd to our returned mien and iwomen wio have borne the brunt 0of war. "It's An 111 Wind- Lai ' tsiiin-er Mý,r. Russel Bragg, west of Kurv Inn, grew a fair ized field of rape on his fanm. The crop veat to seed, and~ Mr. Bragg did not get the field plole duing the Fail. This Spring he -wa's pncevenited hy wet weather from acconipiishing anything furth-, en, a ï.d behoid an extra ftine crop of rape grexv Up which was har- vested recently., Mr. J. T. Browai threshed the rape and we are VoicI tht etwcen five and six :hl'rddolr worth of seed is the re- islagratifyiag Vo know that Mn. -Bragg w HIl realize somethiulg wothwiefrom riwhat might have lookied like worthless crop. Ap- parently the seed ie reg-arded as being valuabie because it bas been îimported from iabroad la the past. :So it is that nesv industries are b.rught into being, At least, the fouadfation is laid for greater and better thinga as a resci fourL being left upon our own resources. lt' ïan11 j1 wiajdi that blo-výS uotbody goOdý. 'Man'y -ubstitutes have coneito 'bebing during the stress of ariredays. Synthetic rubber is an exaiii)le,. We niay have corne- tigto say upon the latter at corne future tume. Be it as it May, here ls nothin.g sypnthetic about the rape seed on Mr. Br",g's farm. The monieta-ry ratuiras (ïiii be .genuine too Here is just anotJbler evi- 43ence that Canadian' farmnens eau deliver the goe Even the Danish fammers are cmnnigto Cook to thein -laur- cies, beca,-use the British buyer le eani o specif, "Cadiian bao"when sbopping f or good mneat. S(omye of our anclult woývrk £for the very "g(oodof the odrand ila studyln.g better imeth- ode are ýerabliag their f'ellows Vo a Pckieve a brlg-hten future. it, dcs zeem to us that a fair share-t «f markets wojuld not corne aies Voou ferimer fniends whetlhcr those markets make for sed, meatý, da-iry produce or grain . Our produce la the rdays o corne iliprbp gvout before a "'trade wind"i"wich wilbe ever body good, and ~wibwii give Canada an aven better d]aim to the Étii beabse o0f the wonid.»ý Royal August 'Once more ive have conto the imature daye of1 Sunmer, une alýready hanvest is la fuilh in.Should ffhe weathenrenn setethe hanvest -will be completed in a few short weveksý , nf or- tunlateiy, there w11i be corne difflicuit cutting for Thî_Ve îbnde-r o1nmany iarleà, foýr the gralin has tiattened dw in gr-eat -pavcheas. No doub t usokthreshing" wiii be used lu o (rden to expediate the work of dra-wing luthegrain. 2£ugus~Tis a g-reat trortdi, rarIcluîg as i doeca the cona e4 tue year. We geVthat oPpotunîty for rctrospect and for the for. wvard, look ail at the sme turle. "Andy Cianke" la r hic usuai inter- estiu- mannen touched uponnueos themes lest Sundiay, and 5mng these svere sorne of t1he chrcenei. peculiar to Auguet. WVhO wouldî have thloughtù that more mnain eprigssawih wt- es durinig August than et" any oteÈi-me of the year ? Yet, accord- ýing to, "Aridl", this ie the case. We believe -we have the explanation too. A jewelier in a near- 'by îtoxn a ys that iect ricai aons wil1 frequeatIry causeminrng ý1to snap. This gentleman hadl seven rwatches whci li pr1ay o he e hbove frealçeish accident, and al at the came t1iine. lie was oâ Course obliged Vo effet repaireý, thereby 'osng a lti ftebpdio r. ft-. Elowever,sever- ;,atches or so lu tihe tov ad uud ,couflntr-y maDy]lave met the camne fate and the- owners wud seareiy itikof piacing the blamre uopth fi--ces of nlature-. Theýc.y would maeajourrey Vo the jew-el'i1rand perhPLs tfhinge wold balance up ~by Thie timer the bitter and sweet w'ere experienced by the mnwho lixes tl'ice or a iivell[hood. I t cuh'e 1that rRoyal Augue*t asa barvest tme for the j>qeecr too, couid it We are old that more îwold îeadens havune ceeal the iight 01 'dy lu. August than during any other r-,nnth. Accordling to statis- iche Auguct borai have the -reater ilneasur'e Of gealus. Ia re- mndiirig ail ard eundry of the îimportanc «fAgswbave boQiter- «f ur ow7n enthUs!asin, lýand c orne to thiÏnk -of1, t, wc have a birtbdýay Ca uses 0f Farm Fires B(eà of the comprarative isolîation of most farine, an out- itre4;k of lire le.-a terrifylng exýperlence V-o famfik and liýreprv- ~to aa constan1tt Vhu-Lht la the fnmr' incI. AtLth e name time thr eCOnrsola t'Oionla thle dIictui of the Pire M a rshal;, of Noa S(:oti,ýý tvho b as made epeciai tudies Of fan fires and thir orgi. iesaye: MAilý, fines stant bcueof omthn that wve do or do semthing w KENDAL Mr. Marcue Soper le harving a busy time'hoeing bis potatees. Miss Jerry Donnclly le spçnding a, fcw 'weekc with iMrs. George Clark, Mr., Walter Cnrtics visited with Mn,. and Mrc. Wm. Curtis for a fcw days. Mr. and Mrs. Lonne Paeden and Allen spent Sunday witb Mrs. Jennie We anc pleaeed te wcicome Mis Selina lihenteli back in ber hbeein Kendai. Miss S. Mason and Mn. J. Doiugall spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. iStoken. Miss Myntie Felle is cpcnding lier vacation with ber- parents, M'r. andI Mrs. Fred Felle. Mises Georgima Danington spent the week-end with ber mother, Mrs. A. QG. Darliugton., Mr. and 'Mrs. Delmer Heekin,. of London, are speùding a wcek with Mr. and Mrs. ïMarcus Soper. Miss 'Mary Mc-liean and Mr. and Mrs. (Murray are staying et the for- mer'ssummen home for e fexr cIcys. jMn. and Mrs. Savoy, Mns. Moxon and Mise Jean Fletcher wene visitons over the week-end with Mn. and Mrs. T. 11,ilditch. Mn, Norman Thenteil and Mn, Oco. Clark have returned Vo Toronto af- er spending the holiday week-end et their curnmer home. Mns. J. lioskia vent fishing the other day and caugbt eue of the love- lieet catches, cie bas ever hacI In yeans, the size ofthe ficli bein.g any- whene from seven te toen juches. Mrs. -LeRoy Tnline and Mn. and Mns, Perey Uunau, of Toronto, daugbtenc of the laVe Mn. and iMne. Jas. Bradley of iLeekard, spent the day vath Mrs. Mercus Soper. INCREASE IN WHOLESALE PRICE SOFT DRINKS AIDS BOTTLERS Recognizing that sofit dnink bot- tiýers wcre belng pushed laVe the ned by the cnt lai industriel cugan, Wan- tus niclee and Trade Board bas ai- iowed a 10 cent increase per caes in the wbolecele pice of soft 'drinks ef- fective Auguet 1. This increase will not be pessqed on- Vo the public. Retailers ýare noV affected as much as mirgit be îimagined sînce a 16entl exice tax in 1942 was passed on te hs puli t 1 cent a bottie or an la-) cýrease of 24 cýents a case fwhichi gave! the reteilers an 8 cent niargin. The; 10 fent1 squeeze reduces itsýelf thene- fore, Vo 2, cents when the relative, prol- fit ed'ventiages of retailer amI -wliiol]e- ,saler are considered oven the course of Ubec van years. THTE INDUSTRY 0F THE FUR FARMINGi Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Ba a'trio - We Ranlch Thern WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R.KNOX ORONO, PHONE 42 r 2 BIRTHS BAL -At1Bowmianville Hospital, onMon1da1Y, Jul1y -3th, 145to Mr. anrd Ms Stanley Bal,' a son (Hlarol'd Stani(ey). CARD 0F THANKS Alice and Laý,wrenîqe llooey >'ish to thank their frien4 f their Yidness and cards, 1\w4rý 'Is âed frdflts, etc., during Al'ce's i4 i r.Me.- Kenvzie, B rd, RUe ai11s the speciai nurlses aq(d nurses of O0shatw* General Hospital. IN MEIMORIAIM WALTER - In Ilvving imernorýy of a de-ar husiband and father, William J. Walter, who passed away Aug, 7, 1944. Loving aaid kind in alfis ways, Upright and just to the end of bis rncerëý and 'iue ina.4e s hart and Beaufiful . ,.icries IÀleft behind. --Lovil*n eý eï ýiered byMWif e and diug tks 'gand Hazel. His dearî, brigl t eyes and cheerful fa e Are'so pleasant to recali; -He had:a loving word for each, And died beioved by al. --Loviagiy rememibered by grand- childeren. LABOR PARTY WINS IN BRITISH E LECTION After steering the country tbrough the dark days of bhe, ver, Primei- Min- ister Winston OIhurhil's govenaimen. wcnt cown Vo an ove rwhe1 ning ýde- feat uat the bandseof the Labor Party. Clenient Attlee,, the Labor Leader, wcnt te the country on a pilatfonm -iof nationaldzation of-basic industries, while h Gonservatives piatform was for a ",f-rcc enterprice"' adrninis- tration. By enrly after-noon the Labor Party bad won 361 seats, 40 mnore than the numben needed Vo contrrol tbe ibfuse of Comnimoas independlentiy of ail othen parties. Coneenvative candidates eiected nwncbered 174., The def eat of OburchiI eundth Conscrvativer, vas crushing. Chur- chili hinseif vas neturncd te Paruej- meut, as was Fürciga SccretaryAn thony Ede-,. But Vbsy wcývre al!ï;ost the, oniy ieading boldovers arn the ConservaVives vwho have helcI of- fice Vh1rougih ths ten years s-ince the lest gnrlelection lan193. Chnhllhimacsif woa hie seat ilu Coarmons frein bbc. Woo-df'ord division with casýe, pliug Up a niajJoni7ty of more than 17,000) voltes oven bis la- depeudent oppouenyt, Farnmj-r Aex- enider Hancock, TJhe "big Threc" of the Labon Party "were reéturned by beary -nia- jonities. Clenient R. AKele, deput-ýy prime mniaiten la the wqrtimne coai- tion gofenament;JEnnet B crin ,eL- bon miniser ila th)e coalition cbnt and Ilicitent Mriehome seecre- tary in the caiin Unoffilcial returas siowd gv enument candidates piing ltti more than 1,78,000 rotes agaiýnst 2,868,000 for the opposition.ý ous. The rages ihoulcI net lie alowcd to lie abo ut. If hey aýre not dispo-sed of by bumnig, flhey ,houid be -washcdi. Golibas to be uced, bu-,t greet cane sbeuld lis aken, Ile- caus-,e gasoline undenrtancndtos lehgly epoie Alfili- ing operatione should lie donc la dayligbt, and ï-V le--better to ekeep gasoline in a strong locked building nemot.e fnom othen buildings. Plenity of ventlation et liber level end-abo)ve le necessany, A gasoine container shouad neyer be over-lihled. Gasýoline expande and foýrces Its way outîilde Vhse container. For fine preveution on the fanm it le3 recommended Voý have a no«f ladder alsraysePt baud. Keep e few waten huchets ful aýnd neady for uise; aise )iV l5 goo)dVo have a tfcw bannels of wiatcn ready for instant usie. Kecer t ist one standard 2'/n gallon coda eïcirfie extiuguiiesnon the preminses. lun winter, kcep the wàten bue-kets and fineextiguisensla awarm place. The E.nd of Japan Drawing Near 1-a the pget Vne daye the Xilitany Leaders e-nd the people cof Japan received Vwo s-evene joits thet shouid knock thcm eout of Vhs -war la ai fewmot, or proh5abiy lui a few short weeks. By ail!c counts the atom-ic benibused lainMonday's raid left sncb elyn dlestruction that it woulci seem that any reasýo1ab1e 'ceunjtry beiag attackeà -with sucb a terrible weapon wou,,Ild give lauuodiiaai and scave hon p-eople çýfrom u Ltter oliteration, frea týhe iface of the cR ýh. The next blow came0,on Wedinesdlay whýen Russie deciared1 wan ýon iap,,n, wbieh inov bn-inge the United Nations imlgkht se su- perien Vo that of the Japaniese that tbey have no chance wliatever or wlnning the van,wih they never iead evenpr befone the Russians delndwan on nthem. W1ihRussie lm the iwar on Vhs side ofth Unitîýed Naýtion.s, î1 wiil oepn up many mory!e airfie1Éds from w1hicbtýhe Allies -can taak Japen prepen, in no imie the industriel mighlt- «f Japn vii ho wped Out, iav enemrle arfrei tery Lead4ýers that their daen nmbered. N o one country cený stan.d Up agziune th-e mlght o)f Great Bitala,. the UyAted iStates, Rs nii aend China for Eog t vllbe, juet plain suicide Vo conitinue sui a lo'siu*g figbtl, that iii the fýuture 'wiil V.ake thie lives of 1hundrede of theusande o(d Japïec 1e.,Oastomic boi[b dro<ýpped on hs city f Tolele nhuid, jar the Wan Lords into fhein niglt ceuses and shoâ--w hem th1atIV wouid Lio betteýr te, surrender uýncondibiionely thenVîýo be Znnuihulated rom hs fce f thse due Vo their at.îup.dity Cof eontlnuiag Vo figlitn ua lcing w an Classified ANNOUNCE-MENT T-he 0'orooWomlencistittevil] hold their re -ýar eting the basemnent of the ý,n ail oi Frîday, ALIg-ust l7th, at.30 'm 'e trust there will be ai ocod att ndance to hear our Distiact ýbidd t, m. S E. ery, k on a viCulture and Canadian induostry.[rgrmeand lunich. FA Cail, ".A Caniadiani In-- WANTE 1 Flat Top Trun c i . ,4 condition.- Apply oron ri ies, FOR SALE One Reafnsw Renld Meachine. Apply te Wm. R. R. No. 2, Oroneo. Washng Dawson, 28. WANTED Capable girl. for generai house- work. Mire. M.ý H. Staples, Ononio. NOTICE Mn. Robent C"PlV,1e ,viii oeyse hie FeecI Miii on Au t2Fha pen again for buie5<ýnA~ut2th. WANý-rTED Live Poultny and Feathens. Gxooi Dnices paid. We have ni) agente. M.,Flett, Bethany R R. No. 1; Tele- phone 7 r 13, Bethany. 3 5-p. STRAYED Outo the premnisésof L.>.!nsberry, one ý2-year-oid ie.~t¶nrmay have came-by pro ýýiggpnoperby and paying expenses.Vc-l-p FOR SL SanailMo y e ing iii with Biovr, nani w, Vr cdabout 25 loacI. Jam Nîx ,.RNo. 2, Orono; Phon A 15-Jewci Rynie Goid 'Watc,on Wedacesday,, evenming, July 25th, be- tVweenlMn-. A. J.L aiby' home andI Orono. F-inder please notlfy -Mn. A. J1. Tami-blyn, PIons. 65 r 4.. Onono). For Sale by Tender On behtaîf cf ithe( estate ofWila Joh-n Mel.Kýe¶vey, deceased, tenders w'111 be recelved by the undiersigned Up Vo noon on he 2th daýy of August, 194.5, for ail pins trees within he fences on Vsn'ort;h 70i acreýs )of L&t 13f, Conicssikmn 8, oowet f CiJanke, but uo nhdlgtrees Vo whrich eny fen.ce le faeter'ned; al trees Vo 'be ne- mioved before M4ay 1s, 1947; fences Vo be» left as fo,,nud; -any gaV,ýes ne- quined, kVo1be euppIsd ,1by PUnchy-asen and gaVes Vo be k ept chut btwe Apnil amdJi .Tennis 4cas; highzcs DD(r the new super-lebheli ir-ect Iiller, h; ovbeing prodiucedluO- M. anie r. SicI. RuIthe-rfoýrd an famfiiy are vlitig ith thle letter's paren-te, Mn. anç D Mre, J. J. Mellor. Mn. - uthenford, vo'bsbeen con hs teaChing staff et Nakinao, bac ace- cepte.d a piionas,;eace e t Forest IlulVllagToronto, V cmmnc ie new duilaSeptember. Ei. E. IPA T TERMON Insuranee Agency CASUALTY AND LIABILITY PhonSe4-1,Cak NEWCASTLE P. O. R EPRtE SENIfN G mon fAii. Largest.. Stronzgt and Most Reliable InsLurance Firma in Canada Fparm iProperty a Specialty Imr pr.pared te qïuote 70Yu rates ,freom 40.abdrd accordlins teasicaon f Building Pho4ne, wite-, or botter etili, CaiLI. 1will b. pleased te qut. 70U rates or, yeur proffty 'w-h. Iîi urprise yen. Professional Directory A. F. -McKENZIE, -MID. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office ,Ilours: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m. ; 6.3'0 to 8.00p.i PHONE 47rl ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phone: Office 688 Home 553 W.F. WARD BARRISTER' SOLICITOR NOTARY Phonfe . - Office 825 Resîdence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT,. DR. W. W. SHERWIN * YETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Oroe' Phone 63 r 7, Oreno. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automnobile and Liabillty ORONO - ONTARIO DANEFOIJND District Rfepresentative fer the Manuf acturers' Life Insurance Consuit mne for your future Income Plans The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY [loins I I p.o x 6-n Port Hope, Ontaieý Monumenits, Gravemarkers, A UUINF FRS TED JACKSON Aucitionee-r and Valuiator Conduets Auction Sales of ail19alzm and aV rate-.. Communicate with hirn et Pffl Ferry, Ontanlo, or set hi. nClerk, A. E. Morton, et Orono, for date. JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Coinsuit nme for ternis and dates Phione 1620 - Clarke TAXI D-AY AND NIGHT SERVICE Reasonable Rates UP-TO.iDATE CAR, STAN PAYNE'S TAXI Phone 97 r ~ rn Prices for Peaches, PIums, Pears Same a~ 1944 plume and eurs have licen set 1qý WartaiePniesand Trade BOard e ýt sxccpt the hegrovcn's prie fo No,1Onaogoapehsbs been1 recdfv et he asket. A new graeo ntc Col'unibla pech le sc-11iil th-is yýa-r auidamxim pnlce assn see t r t

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