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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Aug 1945, p. 6

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IVOICE 0F THE TWO MORE NEEDED * The jeep is saîd tu have a. reper- foire of 50 farm ichiores. Thaýt won't 11('1p)the famers if e îmuch, as k is not claiiimed that thde thing gets a'sbreakfast and mlilks 12 cows. -OttLawva Citizen NOT IMUCH LEFT At the Iat(st taking of the in- ventory the Nip vvas rapidly rua- nicng out ot oil, planes, factories, entusas' -and China. -- IMPROBABLE An a dvertisemecnt offers a %%o- mnan a job playinig se:cond fiddlle in an orch1estra. 'ThIis vwe \ould luke to seel -Kingston Whig-Standardî. STILL PLENTY 0F WOMEN, Women claini this is a nian's world, but everyw her-e we go ît's te-rrihly cititter-ed up with women. - Kitchener Record. MIRACLE "Heart Attack HJits Gorng' So he hlas a hear-t. -Windsor Star. Glis Sweep Streets 0f San Francisco) Wom),-en street sepesarete latest by-pr.odiict of themapoe shortage i1r san rncso EiÀght of the gentier sex stated pushing seýven and one(-half ponnd broýoms on theciystoogar. But theyý doni't do it for free, ias they somDlietim!e s do at home. Thieir pav is P5 Aens an hour. ')o-ubt About Northern Irelanid The King has been toANortherný Jireland andc, appearing before a joint session1 of the Ulsteýr Par- fliment, lia peronaly tanked the peoprle there folr their hielp- in effectig ithe defeat of Ger- ]nny-elate-s the Br1ockville Re corder and Times. Smfch ,tlns are wellbeted Althiough SouthleruIr Leland hcld banck frmfficiaI participation ini thie war at the side of Býritaini and the rstof 1theEm lpire ther lneverwa the slightes't doubt, about wiere tNorthrn Ireland3 stood. Ui. S. Wvar And Hlome Front Production The Uniited States last year put out $61,300,000,000 worth of war gaýods, includinlg 9,359 panes, 20,-. 889 ships and about 6H,000 Army trsays thic New York Timies. O)n top of that, theý nation ha d snoogh production left takeep home-front AmeHrans the bes ed, besttlhoused, best cl-'othed civi- ians ià the known norl For a Qdeadent and diintegratng" de- macracty, wr eemtahave th(, xnakngs of a pretty good coun- try, At the risk aofbig called smulllg we- say it. What V-E Day Meant To England WhVatL did V-E Day lmant ta England? Youn egnta un1derstand i e you iread the letters; writteni after the var had ended, says the Win- nipe-g Er.ce Pres. Here is a typie- a~quotatý,in rom ia lettler- writtLen on june 27, last: -1 have hadl a iovely time dis- mrantling the air raid shelter, stow- inlgte gasks at the back oï a cuboad, aking down ithe bak onit anld enipjty-ing sand brags aqnd fîre buackets No need now ta leave the bath wter sin h u rih leýst it shoufld be nieeded to put- ont Have- Yeu Heord? wýîi t thiscanae," saidth sodie tao Pte aweet nng itlîing onthe ri vcr. "And wa' ht"seakd Wel"he replied, "IF I tcy ta) kîýS vyu!in ihis ; 'it mghtcase. The girl sa slen)t foc a feiýw mimues.Then , ,ý1e cemacked, I A dog is ioved By old and young; He wags bis taiS, And flot bis tangue. D)aughtlier (sighing): "John does not lovýe nie any mare," Moîher. "How do yon know?" Dauglîter: "When he bringa me home at night naw, he always choosgesi,(, shortest way." When Tommy Brown was asked ta naine the Great Lakes of Canada, he'replied: "Michi-- gan, Superiar, Huron, Ecie, Ontario, and Veconica." Easy Way To Trent Sûre, Painlul 1Ples Hors la thochnefor oye-y pr son, i Cangaa ufferng from soi-e. itciog, paiotul piles ta i-y a simple home rrmedy wilb the promise or a, rellable firm ta îrfund the, cosi 0f thetireatmrni If youare is 00 sa tisfbod with the resuits. Simply go to any dmuggst and get a hbotle of Rom-Raid ennd use as directeS, Hem-RoiS la an Intern- aS treatment. easy anS pleesant ta use and pleasing îresulta are quick- ly naticedIitcbing anS soi-cossa ai-e relieved , ain subsides anS as the treaiment la cotinurd the soi-a, painful plie tu mars heal avec leav- ing the rectal membranes deaun and bealthy. Get a bttis of IRem- Rad oday and ses for youArselt wbat neasy, ileasant, way iis ýle ta iid vaursoîf of Your pile Fmisaiy. N9 TEZ ruhe spons.of orthis notie Sa a elable fisrn, tdoiig buiunss in Canada esoroves- 20 yeas-s. lit you as-e 4roiàîlea wjtb sore, Iielîlag, pai nfhal0plies,Ir-Roid lati lelp yen q4iekiy or 'ie mail [pasehase psive w-filhogiaejly rft A ~ ~ i gl re a igrbage and Manure,spedn dsas germa ta Everything it touch- es. Flics mouipiy cpidly. baut Fby-Tozx de-stroys flies ~~t a touch. Get a large »-à bottle oday. SOLDIIRS RuIs OUT' TIRID A Kil er's a SENSIBLE way ta eeveMONTNLY FEMME PAIN Lydia E, Pinkhan'sVrgeiableCornpound nat anS>' helps relieve periadie -pain but ALSOY accompanying nervaus, tired, highstrung feelings - when due ta fuinc- tional monthly disturbancires. It's anc of the most effective mnedicinei focrtti5 pur- pose. Pi nkbam's Campçund helps etre Follow label diï7ections., Try ilU A Citizen's Duty As Home Owner Sinice the- days of the hardy, pi- onecer IUp iuntil ;a few years ago. evnery -manl u ith wa fanîily seemed toa accpt a commulityrepasv bility oýf bui]lding a homeinwhc ta shýelter tcmcommilents the Port Arthur News-Chironiicle Times have ceither changed with the war, or a good deal of baose thinking has developed in the mat- ter of hiome ownership. 'Now the msjority of Canadians in, urban centres look ta the governirient ta find theni adequate housing or, if 000olitat, ta the professional landlords. i may weIf be painted out that %vith 'every added acet of governiment paternalism personal freedom 'Mies aRitl. In granidfathcr's tiime it wasi- most an uinheard-ofthn for a family ta live iin5a reited hanse. Today it is differenit. There was neyer a urne when the people of CanadaIiad more mroney or high- er earnings. Many thousands are- in a financial position, ta -xuild homes for tliemselves, but, -insteand th ey takce the a'ttitude th-at it is thi esposiiliv i tego'e- menult 'ta finid 0the iolmes at an ac- The Worl's Greatest Source of Information We havepucsd at a great cost to us every telephone book in the United( States, also every bus iness dircctory giving namnes and, addrcsscs of every manu- facturing plant making every kind of material. Possibly you would like ta ouy somiething and doi not know where ta get if. We can tell you ropl.Our charge for this service is $2.50. You do not pay until you receive the article, froma the post office or mail carrier. Write: Eastern Research & Engineering Comanjy Att. E. P. Blake Boston, Mass. BABY CHICKS FRIERRANGE PULLETS, TWELVE weeks up ta laying, Alto day-aid chieka hetched ta order for Feul delivery. -Tweddie Chick Hatch- cries bimited, Fergus. Ontario. FREE RANGE PULLETS 12 WUEES up ta 26 weeks. Day aid 1ichiek hatched ta order far Fali deliv- ery. Top Notela Chickeriïes, Guelph, Ontario. IF YOU A3 EPEBRO fal i cbcks, odrnwfrbreed a-nd dlvr aeyuwîth1. Wrie ,fr) hiea r pSîet 1tat m"y " onbaudforitumeditoe deiiery Bry Rtchry,130Johni PALMRS MERCAN(RIT) 1BULL terrer uppls, ltofemele'q ribban. . Palmler, Rue4 ad cropa.WriteC, J. Cx uun 1 PBATTER,1'Y LAYING AG,72 cags ht touhs $0.Aply 3MaRledotSt, LGiorme, it-r. BUSINES OPPOTU NITIES à(LEA NTEAýSY J MEERS NW avaiabl. Wewen dlra bWi 39 id at St., bonon$,000ntara eor 15 cesfo ooirckto M"ouscI.or1>elI1Walirs Cavyoow BNE LS OPOTUNIIE Ivion, apat et pendini, h gatals aue Co emenu- ftiuared ailow coat. $2,0, o m1e b1oue. ox106Royn HAEFOU NTIN ED dyeng r ceaing? rite tiaiu! for Infrmate(ion. eare lad t mnietR.Pekeosde Worka ronto.1i'sto BR EAIR &ALO this al.Sntieaout Grgg Sho-1rbancoicof higEWy-paid sograr, screitaris anS ce potr.ruse.auin wit reggoi" PAE ACIER ORSL 60H.P. 10ITERNTIONL EX- FOR SALN TO E luH&CK HAATCHERY ' il,: $8500. FOR CHICK RTCHER ceptable' rentai, thcough the, ag.- ency, of the lanidlord or'otherwise. What was on-ce the na-tucal duty af the ciiznias been pased on ta the state. WHMAT SCE INCEL Moth-Killer United Kmîîigdom scientists have faund a simple m-eans ai making clathes prmnetb othpcoof. The agenit is DDT the anti- malarial,atitps powder deve- loped in fritabn dnring the war, which hqas already saved thonusands of Allied Iives. Io its new raie of moili-kî'ller il is dissolvcd inoail and applied ta the wý,ool dnring manufacture, thus bccoiîîg a per-, manenit parc of thie wool's structnre. A minute quentity - Ol per cent of the weight of the woo: tceated --îos ufficient ta mnake the Cloth rnoth-proof how\ev-er manY tîmes itis washeud or cleane-d. D.D.T. cati alto be ured Ifor împray oth- proofinig of cohigalreadyi use i.e,., by mîlxinig with the( sol- vents ue o i -n epn. ohn cluanied reogIurl) in this way Mwould be îîearly 100 peCr cent malth- proaf, This new application ioi DUDT. was deveboped 1b, research workers o tihe United Kingdons Wool- Indus tries Research Associ- ation. -Fliers Drop Gifts To Native Rescuers Natives in a New Guinea village saved the lives 'of twa crashed fliers of the R.A.F. They fed thcm and guided them ta twa weeks past japanese positions. Sooni after IfOR SALE TH1iSThIEDOWVN ANGORAS. ONE of Canadas' outsiandlng strains. Write for freeý folder. Bro'wna Angora Ranch, 278 Courtlad St., Kitchenrl,. Otro PEDIGREED ANGORJA RPABBITS. Finest wool prducing stock, Lynwood Angorlas, B ox 140,, Oshawa. O)NCE UýSED 75-LB. JUTE POTVATO sek.8jc each; 7-l.Cotton pot.ato ack.7î each; 50l-lb. on- ion aseeka, 6eeacb. Write lmmed- iael. ondon lBag Comp)any, onoOnit. FOR S1,ALE: -ANK B PARN 4x0 in goodl condition, side and ïmat) ne-haîtf metals, $800. rE. .. Wbialing, 3Moorý'efid, COnt. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aa2you rletabn ,Siender Figure, tUrns your fod lto cieery instead of fat. GUARANTEED HARMALESS, coipsdpleasant brs no exer- ~.onts suply 1 50postpald Dominion Herb Distributors 1425 St.Lw-nc hd. lara TOBACCO FARM tobaco frm.South-east of bon- don,cnidrdtue b-e thle kest Tobacco F'arm in entire district. Picincindeus tr crop of 40ý arstobacco,,3U acre-s popeýorn, 3 acrs oats and iail machinery. 'Ex'lient buiIins, iinludinig six r00m lhaute, hugo anand 5kio.Apy obAis, c/o BERT WEIR & SON bonas iýýFRect, bondon FOR SAr'E-LARm, URON COUN- ty, 10 orkbeaceexcellent -buildingps, go rle el ls ta god ighaysaod markets, Rydo. valabe, 6,00.For par- iculaiirs write p. A.Moore,20 Delraie Ae.,Toronto. wojodpsue grbs, largÉe ban],haro, cernent foor, large hause, atonei %all, tbasernenli, spring wa ý,t ,r, ilink, tlpoe appie res,2 0/* ilca týram twafl tawns, seo),ol bus pasSýes door,ý price $300 ox 140ý, Sunidge, Ont. wet fSoth Rvr 0 ad dalry farm.l, two bou ises , 1haei, silo, stable-s, hy-dr, gaod eUa mile t tr e posýco.ý i-- office. chucbacholfour from To- rono-Kngaon ighay.Box 32 IT'S PRO'VEN-E,ýVERY ,SUFFER- er of Rbumai Pins or Neilr- Soid ony nosDruig store. ST0OMACH J1AND 1 fi>LRA» OlM ofien are tile cause of il-heaitit tiihumirns, ailtge.Nnorans mi Mnune! WhIY 11alfinê onUt if t114 in yo ur trouble? interestlsng psr- tieulars-Ifrcee Write MIIlvenry's RAMVILt\ [100T BALAII 8tïroyF o1reonsive o oir ntty 45', houle, li1swsagPi Dn',i DIgu4 Stlee.Ota for CuuJ ~s food more ibm ever Every day more housewivei& fidc that ready-to-eat cereala-% the airmen tigot baçk a plane fbecw avec the vilage sd dropped 1par- cels conjtïaiing 1bcighitby cood calico tronscrs, shoLrts, mczrbae (greatby prized beI)cause thley caui be made iiloa tairnany things), bar- bers' scisisorskes, jackets, fisli- iîîg ines for stiniging bows, mledicalý supplies. And -a toy dog for Lazarus, thie samalsn of' the village mission ctcit SATI1,SFY vouRSELE - EVEET suýfferer of itheumatie ,Pains onr Neurcitis s hoid (try Dijxons it emi- edýy. SolId Only Munmro's Drug store. 3351 Egîn, Ottawa. Rosi- paid $1,00. RAIIR1LE ssix G L E A R N HAIRDRESSIN14GTE Rohertson metbod. Information anI Ilraquest regardlng classes. Rubsrtsoo's flairdresaing Aead- em.137 Avenue, Road. Toronto. seils, eeagsmsclins.tru- 13E A HAIRDRESSER JOIîN 4CANADA'S LAIGSHO Great O)pportuntty, Leairi Rairdreàssîng Pîaatdignîiid professian, good ,weges, ibou.sands sucessful Mervel grdge.America's groatesi sys- tom,1. lustrated catalogue free. Wcltb or eal! MARUVELI, AIMDRESsII7G SCHOOLS 3U5 BLOOR W,, TO)rONTO Branches: 44 King SI. fHamnil tona & 74 MRideau Street. Ottwa. PATENTS FETH-ERSTONH1AUGH & ,ýCOMPANY Platent Sûlicitors. 1Establlei hed 1890; 14 Klng West, Toronto. Bookieettof informiation on, ce- ou est CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don" rik losing your pictures.- Soaip canit ho teken avec egain. send your film r ails tacand' largeat and finest stui-dio, Gai better pitre t iGwei' coaýt. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any '3i7,eRaIl--G or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AN» PRINTE» 2Mc "I gsi bos i rsuits tram star snap- abat Servic e" wr1îteýs a cu(stomer fi Nov.a Scotia, wba adds thatab sebas trioc imanyplaces. SPECIAL ALBUJM OFFER iNew Stylo Album W\ith Prints Bizes 1-027if 2.1k Mc cexra> hi sent with filmnrail. ENLARGEMENTS- COLORE» AND U'RAMED ïnlargements 4 zx6" hn heautiful eas'elmota 3 for 25c.- Framnec, on ivory tinte Irmaa.s,7 x 9" ih o GIS, SvrCircais'sienilWalout or Blacli Eoyfinisýhtrames, 5e ecb. If anlatrgement clrc,71.4c acis. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We cen restera an"yaid paorp or anapahot a nd make any number of points or eniargements desired. The procecs requires the wvork of akîlleciartists, bul the casti l reaso)nable. Seoci us yonr picturo and OeHius wbat yon wani done anciwe %vil] tei; yan the cosi hefoee dama the voik. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box., 129, Pattaii Terminal A, Torono Print Namoe and Address Plalnly ou TIME TESTED QUALITY SER VICE and SATISFACTION Forfilmns poe devolopoci and 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE R m OLLS 25e REPRINTS 8 for 25e You may ïnat gei &Il the films yen1 want ibis yabut yon cao nget ail thi, quaîily andsericeyon desLire by s"niding ymr films, lo AC H WOOD 1) PROTIISTANIq Teacher wanted for S.S. No, î Balfour and Doýwlinïg, L-arch- wood, Onit. Duties ta co>nlieoc(-t SieptL. 4. sarmy $300per anq- num. Apply stating qaiiain ta Mrs. Jean Jennîngs,Se, Treasg., Larchwood. Ont. WANTED -) - QUALIFIED P-110 testanit teesfor To 'vlInSi» Sehool Avea of Kýe)nnIber, linties3 ta coinmmence Sp.3. Sao.nai specior liminimum salary 1,2 A1ply J. LE. Hugheýs. e-T SONHI iC 1H1O O b 0.BOARD, Drury, Dnso ni Graham. DIis- - iriet of Sduy eucs3Pro.- teslýiani iualified týeachacrs forl Whitfish Wothintooanci High Rails; also one hilingual teachero for rural school nIear Wieih -Repiy statingqaiictosanm, Murray, 360 Leura Ave., Suidbury, Ont. No. (1,IBond. iProt es teý2nt, ïir cls;saiary $ 140 j0. App'1)iy A. Pr i gh twiell1, S ecre tar1,y-Trcaasýure2,, ThlintnF, tr'la. I Tecesfor achool ar-eaNb adqualification's ta G.H.Wood- Prtsatfernle teacherwat td or ojunior roomi, lot cescec- tiîatvith mIusic peerebut no't ncsay elr 120par afltiiun, çduties commence sept.- 4. F.'.Chdoc'P'aasa er for S.S. Na,. 1 uhsa.Dto ta cmmece Spt.4. Apply stat- Uatr Lemncitrtil Rails' ,114 rotestant tahePrincipal o n 2 ome chool a lahge or Gol)den' Lake, Ont. G"ood train amII b)us ser iv i ce Appl y, ist a ti ingsai - Tugr, eci-Tres., S.S. ÎNo, 2, NrhAlgoana, Golen e,Ont. 11 1es uther, rqie oci or, duies ,ta comme111nce Sp.4 Apply ta Chles dlviii, Sc, R11.1,lCo o 1, (,Ont. ui1,(- t 1ahe, i gades', duies ta comn- menc Set.4; salary $1.200 ÂAp- p] l tt ulificationst, rs .. F. T. smitbi,serts-rascr TingOnt. WAN'TED WVANTKED -AýNEPEEN sing'loC dairyniman, olr amare mani with no cilIdren foc carinq for a 'smali, but, hligh c3lasa ýhol -_ stein herd onR.O.PinbPeeS Ccimsrý ty Ditrit. ood living conidi- tionls and weges of $5,0ta $100,00 dpenini.g on the matim. BOX 43, 73 Adelaide W., Tcoronto.ý tlained coon oucipcoterably a femalo muai b good ai trail ail at irce and lbrok3e off O! acku, fo)x and doar. Gîjve 'fuili prlicu- lacs including prie. Box 44, T7 Adelalde W., Toronto. WANT E P '10 URCH.AS-EPJL-. lets, ail brýeed3 tram e wei8ks ui talynGoi prices pai, ppd> , tO BOX ;'8. 73 Adelarlde W.,Vb ron ta, 0l'i 1, nled, if utbr ,Vl u ib pet.FIS paltIcularIs taBfr 45. 73 Adelaide W.,To-nta. ~aI ~sa4aa~s~ a ,~s~t.,5ii YOU 'WihI Enjoy Sîaympng M The ST. REGiS FIOTEL a Every Rougi, vit LBath,Shw er land reMeplione. * Double, $3.50 ap. *Good Frood, Dlning and an- lng &Ightly. Sherbaurne ai Carltoýn Tel. RA. 41U 14T8L lx1-z$

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