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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Aug 1945, p. 7

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CANADA'S NEW Fieldi Marshal Sur 'Harold R. L. G. Alexander, "most pugnacious eÀffîcer in the British Army," is t-he new governor general of Cari- adappoinited by King George VI. lie sucesthe King'u uncle, 'the 7-year-olid Earl oDf Athione, whbe, f te-ri expired in June. Appoinment o Sir iHarold Alex- ;1nder; Brti's' youslFi Mar- shlal and ("ne ef tle miosl brillianit oldiers ef tis war, i, good nw bý Canadians and in particular to lisa Fist Corps and otr unis 01, the CLanadian, for-ces ovb fought Under blis commiland. Sîr\i1 Haod h tar-ted blis iili- ta-(areer as a Licetnaniiin tie Irisb Guards, is a veteranIt of World War 1 in bibe w:aswone eeallimecs and received a num ber of deoainamong tbecm the Distinguishied Service Order- andtb Frencli LeCgioni of Hlonor. 'l Iis wvar bie literally was the Âast mian to leave, fibe bea'cbecs of DoLnkirk at fle cvacuationi affer, kie collapse of France ini 1940, Beoegeîtig on, a boat, lie made Lour of th beaches Q noiare sure A noc syclier v as ieftben. Lagî To, Leave Denkirk, Eariy mn192 in delayingp actions hrgbtheý jungleýs of Buriina, be cxtriEated tritish and fidianl brosfoni wbat was consiered Against great numiierical odds air suerortyb kept bac, Japnes 1ntilthemonsoo0n %~-asnensuring timie to biiid up fortificationu-s f bat prevented the invasion of Tulia. Ije uas Supreme Comimander in Eytanud Liyaweni Field Mar- tlhal (theni Gen.) Si- Bem-ardl L, Montgmeryled hîls Eightbh Army ilo viory ait El Alameiýii. Ss- f quenily hc., becamec Deputy Com- NDwig!lt D. Eiehower in the war li Tunisia, and iniafly Suipreme Comimanlder of tbit Mediterrancan thecater of war.- 2 A Great Dîplomratist Thel' Field Marsblal is fltoniy xcedigly populas tbrougbout riain a a military leader and staeitof hgetordes-. Heý is also) recLognized as one of thec ab- 1-est adinistrators ïand greate-st diplomatists wbich tbe wair blas prdcdon the Bisbside. As Commander in Cifof tbe Medteranen Teate o War.Sir I-Irol hat1 ea w,,il tbïe prob- culs oif c-riangtbe niilîary cffort of the Allies and witb the arissng in Itay in Greece, and in YVglava as weil a1s inNot J itricaan the Middle Easýt, wbicbi roidda seisof seer ests of bis adniulistrativecacie. He plassedl ail tbese tests, witbi elvinig ýcoon and n~id so, wbile at ràam, lime mantaiing biis remaiýrk- ablle 1ppulau-ily wihboth tbie Bni- îishl anid tbe Amrcntroops as iman and soldier. ýSir Hlasld Alexaý;irdes is mlar- ried, anid bis %ife iind thr-ýee chu- dnenl-two sons, one dagte-r cxpei'edl te qccompany himt Canada. WES PREMIE- s Fer Albin Hlansson, above, con- tinues as. premier of Swjeden, a S..,.p osition lue bas held six years, in tOie quiet replacement of the war- tisne coalition goverfment by a Social- Democra tic cabýinet. WIJNS VICTORIA CROSS CpI. Frederîck Geotge TopaMn, 27-year-old Toronto member. of the lst. Canadian Parachute Battalion, who has been awarded tbe Victoria Cross for gallanîs-y while serving as a -medical onderly during the Battle of the Rhine. Top.hamn, w bo becomes Canada's 111t, Victoria Cross winnen of tbis war, saw siper bullets kili two otbier med(ical orderlies, but Ibis didJ t stop im from treating and carry ing ail unknown num- ber of woudedtoafety. Th'li actioni occurred near Wes-. sel Jïlasî Maýrcb , beîîibi te Bat- dle of fi-Rhnewas at its heigbt. Officiai Citation. Tbe -ctation accompanying the awvard to Topbam read: 1 "O-'n Marcb 24,' 1945, Cpi. Top- bam, a medical orderly para- cbted w( vitb bis battalion on 10 a strong ly defended area east of tbe Rbine. At about 11.00O a.m., iist treating casuaitiesý sustained in tbe drop, a cry for help Icaine fnom a woninded manii in the open. Two medical order- lies from a f ield ambulance wenit out te thîs man in succession but botb were killed as tbey knelt beside thie casually. "Withonî besitation and on bis own initiative Cpi. lFopbami weîît forward tbnougb intense fire to replace thie orderlies who had been kîlled befoxre bis eyes, As be worked on tbe wounded mani, be was hmnseif shot tbrough ýtbe nose. In spite of severe bleeding Courts meet negular ly to try offenders against Military Goverrument negulations. Tbey bave jurisdiction over ail pensons in the Aliied 1occupied territory except memibers of the Allied Fo.rces.ý Gesmnan civilians get copies* of a weekly newspaper publisbed under supervision'of Military Govennment authorities. Besides news, il carrnes proclamations, new and other regulations. These photos, taicen recently in Bayreuth, Genmany, depict wa ys in which Germans are being led along tbe road back to the demlocnatic way of life uinden Allied miiary controls. They are typical of the progress, toward gcvernnmental, educational and economric stability being made by3 the AlidMiltary Governmient units ich moved intc Geyrman communiiîes immediately behind the combat troops. UponGean like tbese in hue pictures-the cide and ad,,ulta-resî's the fate of the new Reich. They must atone for the crimes of Naz-ism and makle tbeir own future in aîccordJance with the decrees of thbe Big Thiree as anni-ouniced from Postdam, In court sýcene at top, left, two defendants standing at extremne riïght sold "protection" te, fd in bi5 as.Hvigcmpee bnnediate fh'st id (1he carried the wvounded iis soiteadilyland sioW!Y 1jack irougb ontiuonsfire to the Sblcti r of th1 wods 'During tle ex-t tw%\o 1hour1S Cpi. Topiiai îi ircfu> ed ail , f fers o niedical itb')pfor bis owN oundi(. fle worked mo1-)t idcvtedlIy througlioutt Iis period> to bring in wounidcd, 01oývin1g complete disi-egard for the heavy and ac- curate enenmy fire. kt was only when al 'asalie ad been ciearcd thiat be consented te bis own wotund being treated. ,His immirediateevcato wa ordered], bot - he intercedled so earnestly on bis oý,n 1behaîif that be was eirctnaly a llwd toi- turn to duty, 'On bis way back to bhis comi- pany he camne across acare whicb bad .received a direct bit, Enemy n'ortar jure WU~s tili d-op- ping ai-ound, the carrier itseif was buirning fiercely, anid its;own mttar awmrnnition, was explodinig, an expericnced officer on1-1 te spot had warioed alli ot to ap- proacb th( carrier. "C-Pi. Tophanm, 'njowever. uii- mediately went out alonie in sp)iteý of tbe bl,.sting- ammunition ande enemy fire, and rescued the tbree occt,.pants of tbe c(arrier. He bro ugbtt ihcee mes'backlars tbe Dpçin ground, and(laltbouigb one died almost inidit lt- erwards, be arrangcd(1 for tihe evacnationo f tbe ot1ieritwo , fiho * undoubtedly owe itheir lives t. bim. "This non-commisionied officer sbowed sistained gaiiantry' of the, bigbest order, for six hurs, Most- of the tîne in great pain, He perfornîrd a series of a(uctso out- standing bravery and bis magni- f icent and seifleas cuag in- spired al Ibose who inesdit.". Nazi Mines Stili Danger In Clyde A German subm1ar-ine siipped into the Firtb of Clyde tbre2e weeks before \'E-Day and pianted 15 large, nsagnetic mines, three of wbicb bave flot been locate2d dû- pile a searcbt since April 2,,, wbien the first olf tbem explodled andi( sanka20-o fisbinýg trawler. Ima'gineL the punishment these tires tooýk in this grueling, torturCing test of tire safet-y and endlur- ance as Wilbur Shaw, the famous race driver, under supervision of the American Automobile, Associa tioin, averaged 100.34 miles per hour for S500 mie on the Indianaoi Speedway-equal to 50,000 miles oýf ordinary driving. Not a single \ skicl or blowout occurred in the enire 500 miles-at speeds up te 135 mles an houir-definite proof t-hat Firestone Synthetic rubber tires wil stand up to any demand you cari make of them!1 Remkember ~ :if." faeýt he-n you buy new tires& ithîs IbeAdmjiraîtýy said anl area ofemoret han 1,000 square m»iles fbad benraggdb Royal -Navy mnseepersl. Both theQue Mary and jQnjccui Elizabeth, 'Ioaded witb Anicanï tnoops retulrniiing to Ibe United States, bave mlade 'at Ieast two de- pantures dow itbeClyde sinice Ibe po'lenýtial danger bsei e.Tbey a re equilipp ed witb everCy Lknown ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT LEAD S GERMIANS ALONG 'THE ROAD BACK' German ctzesacceptable to tbe Militany Governnmenî are given nm bands as police oflficers, Uniforms will corne later,. Tbey carry, rifles tce prýeeve ondcrer nd guard valuable property. There are on estinated 3,000,000 elementary school children inn the Amenican zone of Gray Schools are opene.d under guidance of teacbers approved by Mýilitany Gvrmn education officeï, Germant civilians by printîng "Ofïf Limits le. Aili-ed Troops ' signs and sellîn-g ihens to property owners lori otig They pleaded gullty ancf w,,er7ebei finled. Iii phocto of auxiliiy policemnen, the leader, left, !served on BaEyreutib's po-Clce force for 40 years, retured dluring th-e Nazi administration and was rclldfrom ýtureï-ent by the Mvilitary Gvrsmn.New starved civiilins like thosýe in phoito mat leit, below,%, wait lhours infrn of th-e îM. G. buldung for coies, of the Ba-yriscler Tag,. weekly ncewspaper, Cbildren in photo at rgt below, are kidratees he first; age proup to be started baclk to co.Aîpproximnately haîf a m-illion cb-iidren will attend the first four grade3 ocf elemnai-ay scbool by fU.Mîlitary aucthoýrities are rehuilding schoiols, manýiy cof whicb 3wei re wi-ckcd by raie N N N N N N N N N N * N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N s N N N. 'N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N. N N N N N 'N N -'s 'N N N N N -s N 'f N

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