ORONO îý WE Y TIMES TýiIISD-AY AUGIJST 9th, 95 Nikecfwic ver 905 of the 4openi pit n miniing mnet'hods. Thie xvorkVs supplyïis Jproduc ed iil Cana1 -1dat.iefo£ e-of icke1 is call ed penin The WVÇorld's News Seen Through THE-ý CHRIsTeiN SCIENCE MONITOR An Intenatonai DalyNwsae is Tuthu1~onsrU~e Ubîaed-reef rom 'SensatioinaÏ- ian - diorila reTimeiy and Instructive, aIts k D TaiiV Features, Togetier with fthe %ee-ldy Magazine Section, Maie theMontoran Ideal N4ewspaper fo'r die Homne The Chritian SéýcineubihgSoet One, Norway Street, Bostoni-, M.sssachxpestt Price $12.OO Yearly, or$1O a Month. Saturday I ssue, inicluding Maý'gazine- Section, $2.60 a Yeaz. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. -------------s------------ ----------- SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST VYOUR HE LP IS NEEDED NOW-V..IF WE ARE TO SAVE OUR LATE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Thousands of Tons are Ready fo)r Haryest W11ll You Lend a Hay ' Foo japreouas-let's nt wate 2t through *MNEe psil lac o beplNow,' in addition to ucer ,iran-hour %uSTb put ini. e need is needs, we inust -aso belp feecd the v.uoins depeýra1 Volunteer of starving people in libeated Europ ýt.This your serlcea TODAY! la a tremendoua, task, butit, can be ý'one. WOMEN - jEvery IF-ire alC our share. This la the last ava.il 'e hand can harvestng em 'ýgency wie are liable to ee be n . dFi in the this yeýr-socou n n id mail TO- thsyaraoealiplitd iand do)a i ai- job! Help will ný ee!d fromn Auguat 24,0. e B S AND GIRLS- througb ta October 20tp. 'T onsand., are-.needed. , 1ý Ay Higb Sebool Fi» li ncouveon below nd mail TODÂYI uetwligto work on a farm bas FREE RN OTTONemsinand la For four wees'arve transportation1 will requeated bytheMi- be paid one way. T'4r f I season (Auigust jter of Educatýion, fo 201h ta October Zth tran iortatîc ion l» e rp f or e ot f sep- paid ,bathhwayo. ,h efberp G ON'-4RIO FPARM iSERVICE FORCE. Pua-lianiLeat Builings, Toronto. 1amn lxtereted i b elping with the late harvveat. Pîleaae send mne furtber information. .G..... ... _. .........T... f WLBE A'VAILABLE FOM.................. T.... (Date?) (Date) NEAREST RAILWAY STATION .î.......... NE)ý,AREST BUS STOP ........ ..... .... ..,.... -. ...... ..,. Ac-commodation la ini cam1ps supervisýed by te YW... rY.CÂ-btyou autbring abeets and blaýnkets. DOMMNON 'PROVINCIAL COMNITTEE ON PARM LABOUR 7AG;ICULT-Unz - LBU DCT ()ver in Europ te w ar is over for thousaads ef p-el, but thse after- matjh of a is more ho)rr'ihel majny cases, than w),ar itself, fori' hugrand i famine are stalkil the hiln. But what a differet ic'ture hr in Canada! Our few sacrifices are worth ,scarce a pa ss ýilng tlhouglit. There is food -leat'Y for everyb)ody, and at pnce -ta make the ý1food availabl)e tO aIl. One vital need of tihe hunlgry po-. ples cforEurope is -for orsand bacon. That need wvil e-xist fo)r nio0nt(h Fto come. It is up 1to the farmers of C-anada to suppl'y that1 need to the greatest pojssibleex tent. Our hog productinmust Dnt slip. We m1ust raise more ho1gs ovrhere" for "ovor there". By raising more hogs theCa-- dian11 Farmen helps himself too- becauise there's money ili hog-s f they're fed right. Feeding rlght means giving themi a balanced f eed -Your mn grain andSH - GAIN 41% HOG CONCENTRA1,TE. Thse cot of raising a hog to mr kiet wegh ith thisbaacded is1 about $ 13.50, the cost o>ffeig ou graisn alone le about$980 You save tWs diffenence of$63 Per 1hog. STARK VILLE Ohurch ser-vice *W11e edinSi lob on Sunday evýenti.g a 8 pm. a, b] -Mr. a1d1Mrs.ilugb Stapleton, of Oshawa, visited1 at W. A. I{allowell's. VM Mr. Wm. Hlenry, Newcastle, spent the week-end at Miss Norma Hallo- hi wel's. Mr. nrd Mm-s.Lorne ýPaeden visited sp bis mnother, Ms-s. Ida Paeden, Ne'w- tonvlle.as Misses Audrey and Lorraine Far- hi row spent several d'ays in Newcastle i with Mrs. Tobble. th 1Master Grant Lowery, Toronto, is _W spending boiidays witb bis parents., Mrs. Aif. Dobsor. w Mr. and .Mrsý. Stan. Falls and faým- ta ily, Toronto, bad dlinner Witis Mr. anid Mss. Llew Halwol Miss,Helena Hallowell, Toronto, is bolidaying rwitb ber,-parents, Mr. and Ms-s. Richard HallowelL, 1Ca Mr. and IMrs. Llew Hallowell and G family sp&it Sunday with MVr. and j MTs, SÏd. Hallowell, Clarke. r n Mr. and Mrs. Orme rFalls and Wah- ily spent Sun.ýday with Mr. and Mrs. pl Cordon Power's, Clarke -Unio-n. in Miss Clara Heara, Toronto, Mrs. .Guyatt and 4aughter, Bailioboro, Mr. ai and MFwart Robinson and son, ei visited withi Mr. 'and -Mrs. Thos. Falls. LESKARD Cburch sos-vice ithis Sunda,-y, Aug- IV ust l2tb, at 7.30')Qp.m.d Miss Jean Fee is holidaying in AI- listor wîth Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hill. a Mrs. David Bell spent Supday in0 Bowmanville witb Mr. and Ms-s. ArtIV Bell.T Visitors in the villlage ircluded:t Miss Gertie Dewell at Mrs. Sprys; Mr. and lMrs. Horace HoIly at the Rutter's 'Cottage; iss JIlilda Loucks spent tho ýweek-end a thome.9 No doubt thse roaders are familiara with ithe "meanest man1 in town", stories. Leskard istrict bas a can-o didlate in that fid. He or she not only steals the raspbe-rries bhut basa also taken a dozea new b)oxes each A church cleaning "B" is Vo b'e bl at 1.00 pan. on August 17th, ,Ail, webo are interested in the ncestoriing of thr-e churcb as the rightful Con- munity centre arease to belp. Tishe wornen are going Leo dean% the inside of the building and th, e mnareV taechargeofthe outsid.e. '11,le hâopedi that eénougb will turn o-Ut toi imake this afternoon'u work effective.. Leskard Chus-ch business mleetinig held on Fridlay nigiht last -'as very successtul in gtigPrompt ard ef- ficient co-operation froniJ ail tho)se 1present. The t-aue. report 'was very encouraging and it was eiç 1by the meeting Vo make repais-s on the chiurch atnd!grounds beforean 1rang'ýing a itrporme Mr Melor presided and Mr-. Ro es-t Cha- er acted as' secýretary. El, I 1If- Decide now to go after more money from ,your hogs, by feeding a balanced feed. SHIUR-GAIN 1100 CON- CENTRA'TE gets hogs tousnarket faster, and with tiie btter finish that, brinigs bonus ichecks! Shur-GaI'n,41 per cent. Hog Concentrate $3.,40 CWT SOLD j'y W. LOOKWOOD - NE WTON VILLE 'i Pte. Johin Stark eîru, at his niother's, . Mr. Ja-s. Stark. ýMiss Ruth 'Chiambers, Belleville, sited at M.RobertMrtns Mrs. F. Moe CastiËeton, visited ir dlaughter, iir.Jas. StaIrk. Rev. L. B. Smith ndMs.Smt aent the we-n at PQrt Perr"y. Mrs. Harold Co-uch, Newýcastle, is issisgting at the Telephoneii Central Mrs. C. J. Carlaw, Toronto, spent -e week,-endi at bier sister',s, Mu1r S. W. H. Jonies'. Mr. Ethan Jones, wko is emiployed with the MVinicipal S)ralyýig Co., Ot- tawa, is ho-me. MWrs. Mabel Langstaff', Toronto, ýpent the w-eek-end with lher brothier, Mr. Wmu. Burley. Mr, and -Mrs. Chas. -Melia, Toronto, alleýd on their cousins, Mr'. and Mrs. George Stapletoni. There xýiIi bie rno-evening service in the United Churchi heredrigthe nonth of Augýust. iMrs. jack H-aekill anid son Ste- >hien, of Toronto, visîtetd bler sîster- ni-law, Mrs, Hlarry Wadfe. Mrs. Frnk i,ýMcMu'llen and baby, are spendinig tbe vweek at ber moth- er's, Mrs. Hanna's, Campbeillcroft. MeGregor Jones, of the R.C.A.F. at, M'ountain View, is borne on furlougbh s-ith bis moother, Mrs. W. D. Jo-nes. MÇ.r. and i AliS. Jas. Stark, Dona and Gwen, were stipper guests of Vhs. A. Darlin'gton,. Kendal, on Sun- iay. Mr-,. Chias. Cowan, Coanille; Mr. -ad iMrs. Cecil Brown, Toronto, called on the former's sister, Mrs. Lanson Vlillson. iMiss Laurna Pearce and friend, of T'oronto, spent the wveek-end with the formier's parents, Mr. and MNrs. J. T. rce. Mrs. Ceciu Deanie, Br-o'wn's; IVIrs. ýDay, Tedl andCrl and Miss Mar- ga ret Laurin, Toronto; vîsited MIr and Mrs. Clinton Browni. lIMr. A. A.Mart1n,.S., and A lice, of Brighton;Mr Rober-t Martin, Lake Shore, were Sunday guests of Mr, and rs George Stapleton. Messrs,, 'MlvileJones and Franik McëMullean, wvith tbheir Suniday Scbool class, of boys are camtping at Decker Hollow, east of Starkville, this wee!k. Mr. and Mrs. Wnm. Dix, -Marilyn and Doniald, and lMr. and Ms George Kiernan, Jeýan and Charles, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. anjd Mrs. C. J. Dix Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doanes, and 1 1r. and -Mrs. George Doanes, of Tor- orito, 'w"ere Suinday get of MI'. and- Mrs. Chais. ~Morris, Mrs. Harry Doanes reinainied for awe'. The Lare fanrily hiave rented -a co)ttage atl:-kr Beaich, Port Bni- tain, and spent the week-end there. Mrs.e. Barclay, Oshawva, spent tbe week-end there -with tbem. A nurifber from biere attended the Commni-tnity Service at Newcastle on Sudyeveninsg and enjoyed the aîd- desby 11ev. Thos. Wallace and the solo by Mr.Robert Walton Mr. and Mrs. T. Burkeli isited, their soni-in-laiw and dauigbter, Mr. adMrs,. J. C. Moore, Hlamitnwh motored them hoire. On tbeir way biorne they c alled on ,MsLinton, Tor- _Mr. Cocil Burl ey -was badly burne(d w'vixen gasoline le,-kinig frorni a car ex- ploded itbe pit 'while be 'was in thiere. Twmo otber people vwho were in the garage at the tîime beljpedý bimi out of tbe pit. Tihe primiary class of the UnitedI SudySc'hool enjoyed a picnîc at the scisool grounds Friday afteriioon ith their teacher, Miss Mary Burley, Tvho to)ok tbiern V o their borne laVer lu the aftornoon and treated tihem Vo ,a de- lig-lhtful supper. Decoration Day service will'be hield at Lakeview Cernetery bere next Su- day, Auigust 12tb, at 2.U0 p.rn. The speaýkers will be 11ev. W. G. Blake, Presbyterian usinister, and 11ev. L. B. Srn-itb, United Church ninister. fise rnusic wl be led by tie united cbpir of botb churches. tMr. 'Spencer Burleyý,s house, the f'ormner Petick bousýe, at thse west end of tbe village, was compi etely destroyed Thursday \\lhen fire (of uni- known origý2in broke out. The New- KIRBY Ms-. and Mrs. F. J. Brimaicomrlbe visited relatives in Port Hope se- cerfly. The corsmunity syml-pathbizes ,,ith 'Mrs. 'James Ruthlerford -,r the lo.ss of a dear sWsen. M. and Mrsn F. J. Binaconibe visýited thleir neice, Mrýs. Milton Dun- bar, of Perriytowi, -Last Sundafiv. Mr.iard Ms. -Thomnas Tebble ard aiyof H hltn ave spent ùtheis- vacatin i Viieir fathecr, IMr. Jona- then. Teshe, M 1 I. Il M Tyrrell's Drug Store Drugs Stationery Kodaks Phone 68, Orono FOR ACID INDIGESTION TAKE BISMA-REX It quickly relieves the discSmfort of -sour stomaeh, aeid dyspepsia, heartburn and nausea -Bismia-Rex contains selected qualities of Sodîim Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesiumi, BI--- mnuth, Subcarbonate Diastase and Oul of Peppermi-int but NO SUGAR BISMýA-REX, thierefore, provides those bland alka- unie substances which have proven SO useful f or neu- Lralizing abnormal acidity and its dlisturbing effects. It is Safe, Prompt, Effective, Pleasant Tasting Next time, for promnpt relief and prolonged comnfort, BISMA-mREX% 75c $1,el75 4 ounce bot tie for 16 ounce Economy size BISMA-REX IS SOLD ON A. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drag Store NEW SIIIPMENT PAPETRIES Boxed'Wr-itinig Paper and Envelopes, colors oif pink, blue, grey or white, priced. .. ... 25c to 55e Folding Verandah Chairs, canvas back and. seat, for ...... .. ..............$1.69 Mosquito Nettîng, 1 yard wide, green or white, - per yard ....1...0...le Whit Paer Windlow Shades (no roller), wi,,dth M36 fiches;'- length 72 inches, each .........1lle Men's Red and Blue Hanidkeriefes, each .. 12e Men's Blue Drill IPants, cool for summnerwer sizes 32 to 40, pair..... ..........$1L79 Men's Drill Work Shirts, color brown, sizes 14, to 17, each............. ... »... -..... $. 4 9 Old English No Rubbinig Floor Wax, pt. bottie 49c GROCERY FEATURES Shirýiff's Maple or true Vanilla flavoring, bottie 25e. Grape Nut Flakes, 2 large' pkgs........29e Peach Jaim, 24 oz. bottIe, 2 Coupons......33e Lyon's White Label Tea, 1-2 ilb. pkg......33e Blue Ribbon Pudding Powckrs, flavours Vanilla, Custard, Chocolate and iButterscotch, lJarge pkg'. makes 6 pints...........10e Tomato Juice, choice qualfty, 20 oz. ti.ns, 3 for.. 25e Crispie Diii Pickles, 16 oz. jars.. ......... 25c Jvory Soap, guest size, bar ...........5c SPECIAL-,Pure Gold Cocoa, i lb pkg....... 15e Royal York Coffee, grouind fresh for each cus- tomer. SPECIAL-Free tumbler withi each pound, ail for ..ý....... -e......... 37e Borden's Canabec Cheese, pasteuri.zed for your protection, 1-2 lb. pkg for...ý ........... 25c McCormick's Butter Creamn Sodas, salted, 1 lb. for...ý....... ....................14C Store closed ail day Mionday, August l3th. (Fish Tournament) URONO 5c. TO $ý'1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Northcutt and Smith Funeral Direters, and FurniY'ure Deniers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped ttakecare 14 the müdest funleral at the. moât , reasonable charge as weii! as the largest sud most exaCting Tel.e hone: Olfiee 648 - R-sidence 523 and 1720 m 1 rrivate Ai MoterEquiP]Iïënt Bciý;mRrvMAë. Ont. ýphmât-M cellect