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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Aug 1945, p. 1

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......LY T' Vol. 9, NOý 3 1, ORO-NO, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGIJST 23, ýA1945 Subscription $1.25 pier Year OooTimes Office Will Close For OeWeekI FromA ug2,ut 24th liTo Spebr411, 1945 Orono eWomlen s Institutel 'ie rgular onithly meeting ol -ub Orno ome'sInstitulte was neld on the tid F iduin August h î the cou"neil chntler wi th Mrsý. E, De-,ali )re si 1g. Afte-r the buisliness me.ieting the -pro- raias luncarge of the Canadian -Agrculureand LIndustries commit- tee, Mcs. J. P. Boweonvenor, and tbey maclïjrraniged for thïe presideni "f 'tbe West DuÉmDsrict, Mrs. S.E. WVercy, of Slina, to -visit the Or-ono Brndiand be the guiest iVr.Werry spoke fir'S t 0on the ~oeigode, expLiuing adenlar- gi n-g ou ine !)y lhue, and then uabout the Instituite itseif, being oufly as echindividuial meiyAber maukes it. For t-he main part &f'lier talk the speuker teool as bier subieet iiihr" ucou- 'Junctiin -it"For Home aud Coun- try", (the Ins-titute motto). aind spoke onthir iany ramiifications. Mrs.O. W Roli tbukedMrs. Wrya-ud expe sdtheapri- ýtion cf the mmesto ber for- the, nteresting cild inspiriiag ta-lk whîcbn hni,been so mJUCI jeujd Mrs. Everett Brcwn 1sîl'analovelyi sceaccoýmpalnied 1)y VMrs::. R.. H. IBrowiýn and later âIrs,.\W. Ly n Ci -played a vcry fine selection on tic piïan o. A contestwa held, witb ail pres- -eult taking part. It ws"A Cardten iQuizz" ,and foui r ti 1'Àc i Pants ti ed' fo r first placý,e. Wben it -a fouud( t-nt Mrs, Werry was Oue of thosec, the o thers wreunanimous luiist tu iet rIe ccetthe- priz,aul_1Or- mentLal suu Tihe Rolli Caîl, th2e naine of a Cana- dIn Indstr>y, bougta good ce- apeure, tji nlnhwas servedanti ~nee thn cflosed wth Ve singiing c- f yNaional ArtleM. 'Will ibid Flower Show Tic Oýronio Ilorticultural. Society Vînteud holcd-,ing a floee show on Tburrnday, Septeniber &t, t 8.00 P-. ,urihune ntof Park st.-Churli. Aaly or l memfbers - f tic Society anamy exhNbt any variey cffloaes lîuze, tv acl le gi-yen -for ie floig L. Best collection cf fiowers cf ah 2.Bert collection cf Guils 3. Borst buasket of Gailr il. Beýst 6 spîkes of Gladie-lus. -.Be stcleio cfAer' 6Best Table Bouquet. i THE DOMINION ELETIONS ACT ELECTORýAL DISTRICT 0F Summary of Retura of Election Expenses t There is- below set out, as required by Section 63 (5) of the Dominion *Elections Acit, 1938, a sun-unary, soggnecl by ;tbe official agent, of the tretura of election expeuses made to me iby him on bâhaîf of W. F. Rick- *ard, one of the candidates at the re- ceut election of a men-ber to serve Lin the Housrýe of G'ommons of Canada helid in the abiove mentioned eletoral r diÈtrict, -hc said return is on fie at my office and mnay, on' payment'of a fee of t-wenity cents, be there in- - spected aind extracts taken therefrom at an.y reas5onaible time during the six mnths ex after the 9tb day of Auguýtst, 19415, being the day upon which the raid returu was furnished to nire, Dated at Bo-wmanvil'le trhs 9th daày of August, 194!5. L. C. iMASON, Returning Oflicer Summparyý of RZeiturn or Election Expenses of W. F. Riekard Receipts Allit,, whiom re-ceived Receipts, ceutri butions, etc. 'i710.44 contibutonsetc. ail Total ......... 7 10(. 4-4 Pymens At. No. OS persona pnid Cundidtate's per- rouaW-h expeni- ses....$ 905 postag-e - 5.0 cf prom- Ge s rupple a nd(1 udvertis- i .g..........158 Total ............$1600.94 Duted ut Bownianville this 9tli day cf Augurt, 1945. EMERSON W. FISHER Official Ageent Mfr. ard Mrs. Roy L. Pewers speut a few dyswith ils parents, Mn. and Mrs. ýC. L. Porwerr., Grant Powers At the same tune and place the accompanied tbem hbome after speud- Vrouc fomthe itoygdesnghree weeks holida3ns with his ,ve41 bejde d a pizeslawrded for graudparents. S ame,1-1i ch cotestant muist hiave ________ aix or more var!ietiis of ve.getýaLes, By the end of 1944, there were 35,- 3 quart boke f potatoes if they are 856 womea luniCan-ada's armed forn- iulned nd 1 ichad ecof cabbage Ces. ~- ~orcaulifoîwer;haif dozen cayrrots, ____ _______ bets nions, p3ppe-rs or lny suclb Tulip Bl1sand these mut,,y 'be pur-1 egtaeswill be sufficienlt foýr each chsed y thle nmbr of He e- nry lease- have entries lu by city 1Or uplybeill imiited w,ýe n-. Opmon te evenling of thec show. cannot supply auiy except our mi- W( have fortunaitceyIy been abIe tO bers and oly a limlited ume to necue a imitd nuberof Darin cai emer W . .T .U . Hold Meeàting At HmtnPr On ue-dyAugusV 21r t, fou-r cr- Tic coccesp-cnding secretacy was , onds -c memberus cf Orcue W'oman' sbsruced Vo rend letters lt e Vie 0 f- CtiirVian TmerueUn-ion mco tored ficiai Board, Vo those frema a distance Vo Ilmptn pari and held ther meet-nu ho had sent donations and te tie irig, joining aiti tic Bam\ptou mcmn- sici'. bers. Tic ernidet, Ms. WalshI, tien lad Tic meeting opened itd siuging la a questionnaire on W.-C.T.U, activ- "Praire God fr lom ai- lnl Bles-îg.sities lu wartiin lnndr, tic questions Flw"Tic National Authem wns .leing aaswered by tic memilers. Ani tVaken 'Dy IMrs. Doive, n-h-do md al ce- itrsigpoga cloe bc 1ia i 3dPadr n inrn opeued wvith a sing-song. A aceil a ihelp-ful sketch -îvici lrougit eut rcndcred empernuce reuding acas th thougiit cfpart cf the psalim. 'fi yI),iîy Yuhnhc a ans folowed wlth prayer by Mrs. gven joh ennoyeLyasnva whici wns Deie. muicl shec'on ,)Y Deuuy LiandC 1lr.R. Best gave an lirfepout cf !Brry Lync. - Men fowsd tac i- tt 6tanuniversary acdlemiration, aud -tend n letton from iticeO lcal erd(icsdvt i§gGdrv h o;f Park St, Chu7icci, ccungrad1tulntingeoedatsaig o uv i tic W. C.Z'U. on at tni, gsxt îg yeans cf constant smervi uthe comn- A pienie lunch and social time -was munity.eujoed by evccyone. MR. CHURCHILL AT BISTOL Picture taken when Mc. ,ChucIl enit to Bristol to, receivete Preedom of the City. Afterwa,-rds as ýChancellor oftlhe Unilversity lie coui- ferred the bonorary degreea0of Doctor Of Lawýs 0ou 5fr. 'A . V. Alexander, First Lord of the A'iat and 01nMr. Erniest Bevini, Mjjiister, of Labor. Cheerinîg crowds linedc the streets.throggh -which the pPrime, Minister passed. P(icture shows: After the ceremony at Bristol Unýiversity left to right: iMr. Ernest Bevin, Mr. Churchill and Mr. A. VT. Alexainder in their robes., Local News Receut visitors at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Howard Walsh were : Miss- Maud iGardiner, Wclcome, and ber brother cof Rocliestter, N.Y., Mr. aud Mcs. Ceeil Walýsib, Chicago, Mc. and Mrs, Clein Webb,- Brantford, and Rev, Wiilnis I-ancock, Vaiiccuver, Denuy and Barry Lynici gave musical numbers at Tyjon)e ,-,iiday Sihool on Augusrt 12ti, liV beiug- their teruperauce Suuday, Deutny also gave bis temperanece speeh thatI won h'lm) th silver medal lui the contýest a rOrono, Mcr. anrd Mrs. WV. fH Clarliee of Deseýrouto, leýft foriLouo o Wed- uesday after sedn a few days with 'Mc. ndMrs. John Firlie, an-d calling ou Iother frieudl -' lutown.ý Mc, iClarlie at onie 'ime speut, a yencr at tic Methodist churci bere, wor-lý lu-g under the Bey. Mc. A-ns Sources of water are bard te leo- caVe fromn the isurface of tic carti as they mosfly corne from under- ground streamis. We are prepared te lecate, appraise tic deptb and cost ,fa irst celas well by eur expert ~water wîtciug service. -Cnutation free. C. T. Miler. Mr. and Mrs. Jacki Walsh and Mr. and iMcs, Bill Lynch spent a yery pleasaut week-end driving Vrougb tic Muskoka Lake district and as fac as 'Parcy Sound. Tbey fislied and swam lu se-rcl rive-es and lakes, and pacticulariry enjoyed -au eVeuing rcXw- ing lu Lake iVuskoka at Bain. A family gatherng was liieldl at the~ home of Mr. alid Muýs. Everett Browyn la-s t Suuday in hooou fNviao LRyBrown, wio eturnýed recenitly frýom O()erseas. Lieuit. Brorwn'Vs iriti- dayý -was olon Beudy anid'a sîimi-lr ecebatentooli plaece at Mrs. J. T. hrw' iome at ".Kurv Memb.'ùers- audadeet of Park Street Churcli are indtobted te Dr. MeLCulflogi for tic gift from tiue te time cf baskets of stately gladieli wierewitli te decocate the chureh. The Docîtor taies pnide lu the expert arrangement of thise fiowers, and last Suuday's benutiful offering and Vthc f tic previeius Sunday ýwere from b-is garden. ft is becauseVhils gracdious genecesity dates bnýci ever sýeveral senseurn, and the faet tint it is se higily nppr-ecited ti hat au acku-oîwledgment wns'deemcd f.tting. Flowecs from the (ciurch, are tuken te 111 and "shut-qdu" peopleîne utic village. NEW BUDGET MAY REIEVE TAXPAYER Thcbuge is expected te, be pre- it is experted tbat there imay a ne- son-te e parlament extmnti amd duction un -ttaxes, thbouigiliprobnbly 'by ne .t -er>y muLci. Somne relief cani be ep !t y tme payer-s cf per-sonalin iicomle tax particularly tïosein t i wer income bracliets. 1 i cirnt certa-in yeýt ache- ther nMr Useywill prnceed Vo eliprve -ie lcw m'îemegccu by eduiction cof 1cntcs or cising c f exýempjtions. AUCTION SALE Tic, undersigned bas, receîved instructions from MR. CHAS. DIX te sell by public aucýtion ut NEWTONVILLE, on tathe ruocu cf SrATURDAY,- SEIPTEI-MBrER 1, 1945 us entire Ihouseioldfurniture, 1 Eloct!rile -Steývei cemenm noir; 6 piece Modemi Kitchien Suite: witb Uphoîlstered Cainew;Wu- Ilut Diunr rnSuite witi cabinet, nndi Buffet, ua< e;1 Sui CouVi, ne; iAnnex -Steve, la cream sud lgreen, nenrily ne1w; - humrer HT-eaavy EIectr ,ie Plate; L i Cnb iiat Raio; 1 Mate Eleicýtrc Raio,. hotu inf-,excellenut condition; i Chesý- terrfl.eld aýnd Chair; 1 qWaInut Bcd- reom PSu.-ite; i Card Tabl[)e; L alu Dinuar Tal1e; 2Wrrbr- is of Drarwerr; 1 Eleectrie Vacuum Cleaner, new-vi 1 sitnu; 3Dres- sers; 1i 3-bur'ner Coul 01-1 Steve witli oven; 1 Ice Box; 1 Lawn B-ower; 1 Steeq Lawn ýSWing witli Springs and Mattrers; 1 Electrlc Feuice; 2 Sýteel Bedr; 2 sets of H-ousehold Scules; Kitchen Uteusils, etc. Auctioueer'ýs Remarks, - This is tic -finast lot cf furituce that bus licou offered for sale in tuîs district lu rome ttuec, 1TERMS C-ASH Sale te commence ut ioc1 c Harold Caswell Clerk JACK REID 1 Auetioneer Mtay Drop Dayli;ght Saving POSssibihity cf liftjing s"ometimnetVils fali nd nnybe L cober, ic fedfer- aII orde-riiunder achvIic'l i Canada ýobser- versulgh sa-ving timne accors aiu- ndai ais a wnrtim-epwr-aigm - ie isunder dscsio5y n speci,ýal uom-mttcbut neo ecsiu as beenl adGoverument spokesmen rýaid Should tic order in council be lifVed, dayîigiht timie wýould cevert Vo tice contreilof municipal autiorities, There autiorities could Îimpose 1V or retain standard tuwe as Viey saw fit Vo imeet local condlitionis. Cornpulsory cdnyligbýlt raving ,wns ficst iutroduced lu Vie spring cf 1941. Salvage Collection Saturday, August 25 Tihere wiflÏbe a collection cf sul- vuge lun-Orene on Satur-dny, Aiugust! 2-5th, for papers,, and magazines tiedl lui bhundîres, old cgicen, and old muttresseýs (net stca-,-wvtickets). Anyý- ue whe bas aiiy of these iemsoný hnid Lare asedte sec Vint Vhey are pluced utithle curli se itinthVe truLi driver imay sec, rame. Thece wli ulso, be a sala-age cllc ionlu Ken- dLl on Vhe ramleCday. Wateb fr d gs giing aldetails about"V1 i e Northmbrand And Dra Hilealth Unit NearlyFrre ridîûe ofC.J Sevn lin West United Ch1urcli,, August L;t, Miss Lorn B.Iarisa d yl G. Stev'ens RN... , were united in maiage.The bride is ithe daugh- ter orf Mr. and Mrs. Athr arnis. Theu grom j tLhcson of J. Stevens andl the lalt Ms. Stevensý. 11ev. 1 Vernonoficatd iv n i arrilage by her brother-, W. J. Barris, the bride wo-re a gînoflush upink satin inserted -with lace, long veil of blush net caglt to a hloe of seePd pearis. Shie ca ecoral roses, bouvardia and bahy's brat.Mrs. H. Dowlîng, sitr of the bride,ace as ma1,tron oýf hlonior lugoltaffceta. Miss--Norma Myers, rdii, wore lfime green .sheer. Each cariiedJ a bouquet of deep red roses, bovad t nd baby's boreeath. .R.odniey Stevenîs, 1jC.C.S., blrothe'r of the groomi, was best man. Ushers were Gordon Pan'tling, R.C. A.F., and James Stevens. Guests were received at the Club Top B-at, Mrs, Harris wearing mauve crepe, corsage of deep red roses and hou- vardia. The groom ssister,,Mrsý. G. Pantlinig, receve in pink crepe withi corsage of dark red roses, bouvardia ,.and baby'ls breath. 'For travelling later, the bride :donned- a costume- of pale bIne polka dot crepe, navy top- coat and accessoniies. The bridle is a sýister of MIs BTI. Dean, Donation To Orono Band From Former Oronoîte The fiown letter wais received b)y Mr. Orme Gý cansiby from MWr. E, C. Thorttoi, a formier Oronioite, who kýindl]y made 'a (donaition to the Oronio baula a j1-,etfort to he1p eratse the debt from jiithe pur-chase of the instrumeints., as f(ý1lowS: !Deair Ormre I have been re'Ading lu your local1 paper ofefrt being mnade to pay. ofTeOrwooband delit, and 1i- amen- cl.iga cheque to be applied to the Ido not k-now tihe* nauameof the treasurer ,but feel sr you nilfot mind;seeing that it gets ilt the p-,i- per bands. I havercoetis of your early connection 'wtlhe old band, whenl you mauipulnted the sticks on theC sunare drum, with Addison Gamsby pounding the big drumi-. Oronothe scene of Mybohd days, has always been and ever xiii be the best place lu the ol, inl-, estimation. With ki ndest re-gards, and hopin to secyou at th Fir vau, I re- Yours verýy trýuly, E. C. THOIRNTFON Organization of the Nouthumber- iand and Durbam Countie lciibli Untis poedngudrtIhe elt Commiiittee of the Cu Coun cil Wa uc. PR. carveth,Chimnad W. E. 1-r, Ass istanti LCouniltie-' (lark, Secretary. Lt je announedl tint peation of the unit Willbegin, te somle etnon Speme!st, i- twhouliouy part ofrthe staff-Wil be ready at tiat Uie. Dr. C. W., , i)-P. -., Medicl Ofer in carge of the -JU4, is te lie bure September la It or sot ly tIhe-feVfter.- Pr. aCrrepe vious Vo iha war, ws ngarged i pi. Vate pracHe lu Winnipeg and cris a teacher ou dhe Paculty of Mloh- chue, Univerity of Maitba aB bas liak ,a course lu public lüiath a ýt the UnIve~rsity of Toronto, and fo,) the- part five yea s a ben on a tire serviQ witi the Canadian avy from i h h e is being )released Vto take this Position. li1e and lbis assistant. to be np- p)ointed soon, ill have spsiult for 'Cie iealtb w'ork as -a MIhole ilu the of water anrd uiilk suapplies:, nia tion, etc., and, lucooentinwit-h private physioians, the furtherauce-ý, of preventive menisures and tepo motion of the healti off thle peýopl'e as a w-hole, F"our public hiealthl- nursýes have i ready been aippointed, to a, staffthcat w111 eventually include thirteen, six to be placed i DuianiGomunty ud seven ia othnb ln o Liyr eacb nurse po have a istrict of froni three to flive th'1ousaund people, deen- ing on roads and denÀrty of popula- tion,. Eacli of ,tbe nurses w011 live la lier district, au-d iwork fcom ,au offiýce lun a center within b er district. is Loise Steele, supervisor of public healtb nursing, bas airived wlbin,- the counties and is makliu,!ï gpcëpara- fionis. Other nurse-s wýho willartv soo-n are iss Gsvyuetli Walýiler,for Oriliria, Miss Gladys Aylswortbi, H iltoni, and miss Ma!-irgueriteLag1u Lakzeside. t ils pctdthatï is Lena Tayl!or,. et preent mpl'oyedbýY the towxn of Bomanvillc as public iiealth nrse, -e-un becoi-ie a pat)f th EestffcteUnuitsArting Septe - ber lst. The woC of tde nursting staff'Ai iniclud(e schooJ uursing,adnusg supervisýi, in1' &o-opý1era'ion wiil prîvate pys -,ofmaentp- and- contancts,deosato ofur rIng procedur-es i t'he homie luase uppoiuited, frthe vwocoutis.AIl uppiumetsfor teseard ohe pocsitijons Ou the staff muistimeet cr tain equiemensiluorder tohi v tic pprvaiofri nai eat mnent of Beailth,. Fitting Service Marks End 0fHotiie Joiing ilub tiuaiou-wMde expres- sion cf Viaragiving, Se coagega- tien cf PrkStreeit Churcli assembled las-t Suudaýly 1îmo--r in lu ra,t-ide te, AlImighIty Ged foc ,t1ic cessation cf1 liostil uitierrslig from Wocld Wur,, IL :A fine commnit-iiiy spirit was lun evideace. Thils factws borne out by a poesotbiimrid o the_ churci, audieici iuded me-nbers pf tich aada Legicu, tSc Reserve Army, Vie Girl Gunies and nume@rous mca cf tic armed .clforces teceutly cetucu>ied fomoversens. Frieuds from nthe couggîotc of St. Snvieur's Churci rwere pres-cut also nrudi e bond cf fellwsbip anid uuity of spirit proved a wouderfu insýpiration te Bi. J. J. Mellor wlic oe-cupied tlic pulpid, and ti mes choir wilich ledl in Ve seriec song. NeTt ouly.ý did Vtie abiec metiened gccut-ps cme o churcIý, but Vicy de- pos iVed tLair hba-ner-s ut Vie ciancel, uud se iV wvas, that asIcnyOddfclI- lowbî, "aueimticeS.O.K th Legin ui bie Sc"outs adGuider A wcc(-e eue-bled 'cy a visi:ble gesuc1V exprss emthig tbey hcid in ce i-, moutiîraeiucwledged love for Gîod fo tiar cuutry auýndforite, A dledien tory prayer foc ,rticheg was ofe by M.Bllrwopoint- cd eut tihat Vie ChIristian F'Plag(wtc rep)oses pernen'Uitly lui-,te curite-. gether wth Ve Union Jack', 2,as- symIbolie Cf ,sOïIetiuIg getrVa nuy cf Ve otersne naterU oW mWucneeOthens may be rme-re. Mcr. Richýard L us solo, ~Tak E To God? imws excep-tionalappro- priate -nnd was reudecd luý fine voie, Mrs. R. Brown C'r'guulist cf [Vie ehurh, d chrgecf ie mIusie. A baskt cfbeaVifu gldioli grcued Vie CommunionTable Virougi tM -W il1" Clur-s, afýnd D. BcCulci 311ap M. MilcsbI)ef 'bu, ie queit srm n -ny !le mmdup lu the nlerword s cf Vie cloig bmn icsetbiugs rhatIîi)le, A Le tienr o Vae-e t wI i irati kn-nwn sH-miise - Wi-th aune-cf fr-eadclm r itn And(',IÀglit cof knwe~~in 0e1r eyzs.

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