~yAune Asliley 'Q. rov~am I make a substitute (Cedar closct? ,A,, If ti r i (- mo , acedae closefi ,teflchtl5(e, \wpe thec shelves and- flie wodo of thec cothes closet with cedai, of hencleafing. This prcea hu1t, Ise -epecateclfrom finie ft(mc 'Q. IH)v cam 1Iltest flic healthful part ti iînushrzoonis? A. 13y 7sirring white cooking with a 01ic spéoo. If therc is any 4teiègn substance ini fhec snsh- zuoms, fLe silver will tiar. Q. Wl1iar ca-n i use as; a sub st- tinte for iegr for salad dress- A. T ryv u-1ing tflicvinecgar -from vrccrvd pckls.insztead of ordi.. naayvilega, fo saad ressiÎng; il givcs aq ilosflavor. Lemon jtice is aho oan excellent substifute Éoï vïinegal. Q. 1w can 1 give a nice glose foà straw matting? A. Apply ai thin coaf of colorless varnish and if will add lif e'f0 the atraw mattÎng. 1,o11can'f have too imany srnall rocfdpieces on1 hand fo)r giftin. Mfake these of leffove!r bits of cot- ton; a!i laeas;Y pineapple desiga. A variety o f noveli is youll eoY Cfùincetiu]g: a esachet, kerehief case, pincishion, edginig. Paffcrn 739 contains direictionsý. Stnd Twenty Cýents in coins (stanîips caninot lic accepted) fior ýtiis pattern to W'Ilson Ncedlecraft flept., Room 421, ,,3 Adelaide St., Wecst, Toronto. -Pr; intipainly Patfern Number, youir Namneand Addresq. By Roberts' Lee 1, Affer fhel kife lias been used tocut a bite of food, what sliould be donc wifhi while convcying the food f0, the moufh? 2. Should the m nan or the woman eliglitf irst, when they are leaving a axio frcetcar? 3. Wliaf part ofiflic expense zhould a manl pay for wengiving agolfing Party? À 4. ~Whaf is thie correct sltto o a womjaîI f Use vwhen tele- phocning f0 another woman of her own social position? &. Should ýjthe coffce spoon ever bet left sfaiding in thlic cup? t. Wlnat is conisidcered flic mOst enportant duty of aloss? ANS WERS 1Place the knifc aicross thc edge O flthcplate, buit neyer wîth the haderesting on the tablecloth. Somefimles the knife is held celosely e'),flic plate with flic riglit ld. z. The minshould g, first, thien tulnp andj asî>ist his- comipanion f0 alighit. 3. The hast shoufld pay for thecadiesùflc alls, and tere- frealimen-ts. 4. Al ncces-sary is fa say, "1Mrs. Jones? This is Mary Smtih". 5. Neyer;lcspoon shOld bc iePlaced ii fthc sauIcer as soon a9 thlic coffee is stirred, and neyer re- anovcd. 6. Bricfly, flics;ole dufty of & hostes is f0 enferfain lier guestS, sýcclng fitcadi oDne isliaving a good time. 2 U-Boats Missing Two G Çernian simiarines ,.fill r art unaccüiuated for following fhe~ isureneroi iSU-97 7 off the Ar- geninse coat Aug. 1, an adirai- ty spQke~sUa aid. The t i iissilng U-boats art 41ihcvedcto 1have ecen sui. CHAPTER XVII "Butch.ers, bak ers, candlesfick- malçers,."' said madanme. "Every man),gin a chance, can bt a 'Bay- ard. If tilesne wars prove no thing cisc thcy !lave showa that the heart of flic peasant bcats wif h the sarne stroke as flic hcart of a king. WVeil -but you arc going f0 rnarry Roger Fabre?" -I promised. Wlien he rturnis, il he wanz-s me still. 1 shaîlnarry him.", 'You cond nof do better," said madame smugly. "Nor coufld lie. You' have nia' blcssing, bofli )of you. It's f00, bad flicre was ever at sour- nlote in thuî syfrnplnuuy 'of yours.' "Thaft sour note-' "You enard, if lasf, niglit." The, old lady's- voice was harsli. "Ilu this rooni. You know wliaf 1 mieau." "I will not think of him." ."Yot> cen't fcrgef hlm. -No more can I." 'But I-I nmust forg et him. You, wouid flot have me go on thinking ofhini afer-" "Can you help yourscif?" "Please, madanme, you are merci- " arn a woman, and I amn old.' "But-" "And there if is. fleing a womnan I know what a man, on e man, the nian can de f0 your hearf when you are young; heing old, 1 will not deny if. "Tie fincsf wvomnihave ioved flic greates-t kraves whio ever walked itis eart1." "If is wronig f0 ;love like fliat." Mon Dieu! Wlioshah sbay- wlia if is wrong f0 ove?,, Not 1, be as- sured of thiaf, ny liffle onle." "But who s f0 tell me? Oh, I try nof f0 think of him! If was only for, a iittie whicI1 knew him-" "A moment is long enougli," murmured the Sibyl. "A portion of a momnt. If is ail donc by a spark, 1 thik.Tlic lire js lighfnfd from fliat spark. Sornetimes, niost offen inf acf, the fire nceds f0 lie.nursed and replenished; sometines-and, here I, speak of greaf loves-flic lire, untended and snfed'exccpt by dreams, burus on ah flirougli on's HARNESS & COLLARS Fariners -Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We seli our goods onflY flraugli your local Staco. Leather Goods dealer.- The goods are riglit, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories - Harness, Horse Col- lars,Swf Pads, Horse Blan- kefs, and Leather Travel1iniý Goods. Insisf on Staco Brand Trade Mâarked Goods, and you gef ,sati.sfaction. Made only by- SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR.CATALOGUE- 42 Wel fington St. E., Toronto -SAFESI rroteee î oU01114 Sand CASH erous IPIRE and THIRVES. Weý bakve a mlae t.and typte of sale, or CAbInet, for aay purpolme. Visit o.or wvrite for prlcea, etc. f0 j.&j.AVLORLIMITED TORONTO SAFE WC)RK$, You Wil Enjoy Stayng At The ST. REGJS FIOTEL roRqWTO * £ves'y Roua wlah tl, Sb@tw. ei nad lelephome. * iltte, $SZJi up- Double, $350 ap. & Goe ocidoo. OWmlpg end Dafe- Shtrbourne at Carlton l'elRA. 4135 ISSUE 86-_1945 "You iuîeaîn I shall alu ays-al- ways rernember im ii?" , "You iliI kecp what you have of hini," sail madlaie gcntly. 'Thàt is woman's, burden., To carry with lier things, that -cati oily hurt' lier, humn lier, bring lier misery. B>utshe canuot bc rid oftheni and shie ns so madc that I doulif she woculd rid herself cf flici if site could." "Are me sucli poor thinîgsi tlen, madame ? "I'm airaid wc -are, m.\ clhld.5 "Thenl-thenicicanniiot, becaus- Made snrlovelY 1image o)f fiat one,- ever hope f0 be vworty fivCflic love that Pogers of fers me? 1I can never really be given f0 iii be- Cause flicre is some part of nie fliat li c can neyer wÏin?" "No one cat i e given-coinpietely to another. It is a pif y, but fliere is flic trufli of if, If you cani make himn hap~py, my. dear, if will be enougli."ý "I will fry. Vitlî al my hearf." "Then,,you cannot laul, Meridel," The too-short holidays and tlic great feast of New Year's passed on inta flic steady mierciless cold of flic iron monflis of January and Fcbruary.- Lif e ent on cvenly enouglh af Philibcrt. Altliough Jîoger liad gone, Meridel anld th, chldren did not retura f0 flic city whcn vacation cnded, and Ru- doîpli spent nîost of liii time at the niansion f hat lic had, fronln pre- tense of o6wnci-slipcone f0 bot upon raflier as flic place Vheefie belonged. Meridel stayed bnas madameineccdd-lier nowv1and1flic childrep could have goocli Coolnng fron Miss Carrick and flic other teachers wliorn flicgoveromnt ,,h-ad providcd. Roger was still in En1gland1(, Nev- cr a great crie f0 write 1etteýrS, lie contentcd huiscîf now witl iei odd cabie,, a verbal' message entrusted f0 somte homing associate in flic Air Force, a fcw lunes on a post- card,, a letter or two f0 Meridel. One she received lu February said. "I hope f0 be wif h you soon, In flic long weeks that have passed since we said goodby af Phili- bert, I liave.often îvondcrcd if I did not drearn ahl the lovely fhings that liappena-d tînere-as well as those unlovely. You are, stili mine Meri- dcl? You did say you wiUld marry me wlien I corne homte again-did you not? "lYes, yes; I_ could, not lic sucli a scîf-deceiver. You told me wlien we sqat lu front of flic lire, whilc flic rcst of flic louscliold slept. I remeinber so wcll fli-,ý(ctswefuss of your lips, flic silken soffncssý of your hair. 1 hear 'still flic niusrc of your voîce, s0 like littie elis. lalx flic air fI dreai, somlefinnecs tha yau are at niy side and I hear y our voice whspring tf0'meinu t'le rush of flic wiud. And 1, f0 wliorn life lias, givenis ii mcil of iheaufy, neyer thînk of deafli. have knowu you; wliatcould a nr ask more? I fear I have beconie greedy; I long an fortfliclie fo come wlien I shall fly back t f0 yo, and 1 know flic first glimPsc 01 fliose misty shores- of Canada1ý will ie ta mie, as f0 50 mny thens like secing flie bafflernent s aI heaven. "Sa you will begin ta thin1k of your trousseau uow, You l1 know that I love you alys Roger." (To Be Confinued) Advice-Free Nearly 400 Britishi towns arc fo have Riesetilenent Adviceo Offices wliere practical information aad lielp on resefflement polmas personal difficultes oýf everyý sort and kind will lie given ta ex-ser- vicemnen and wosncn who a;re re- turning te civilian life. Qiuality Gaate ýou'1ibc so inice f0 Comle home fo in thus s'lmple-to -sew v f rock. Pattera 4 ,5 8 lias button front, imeans easy ironînlg, easýy on- j Pattemo 485 conies ini sizes 14, 16, I8, 20; 32, .31, 36, 38, 40, 42. Size16 ake 3~i~ yrds35-inich fabric; ,'2 yard cconrast. Send 'Twenityv cetmts (20cY in cotas ý(stanlips caunmof )ie acceptcd) for fi padtcrii, ta, Room 421. 73 AdIelaide st. Ws, '1 uroato. Size, Naine, Addrcss, Style Numiber. TUA ............. ............ ......... .. . e ............. . ......... LOUJS ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM Cuctim ber Pickles Most everybody loves cucuniber pickles, so anyanc witl a surplus- lu hilsvicLory garden sliould pickle, tlier. The liome, economisf s-of flic Dominion Dcpartmecnt of Agricul- ture rccommend thecse tcsted re- cipes. There are two ingredicaîts whith should lie cliosen witli came for pickling purposes. The fimit issait, The type whicli is treated ta niake If "frce-ruinnfngLý" ilawct weafber, wili cloud flic brine, refinied d airy or coniiînintable sait ,soiuld lie used. The sccond( itemi is flic vinie- gar. Poor, wa vinegar wiI reýsulf in a cloudy, greyisli produef.ý Good quality idier or bleuded vine',gar, is ,fine, or whIitc vînegar for a cry- stal clear iquîd. Dill Pickles CucumbiIerýs three f0 four inchies J ong are besf for dill pickles, aslý,i, priet wîf hl a fork and soa, ovemniglît in cold water. Drain; dry tliîrouglîly, Place picces oi dil inic buloornof cdean jrsor se-alers. P,ncký cucumibers in jars or scalurs. Putt more diii on top. Prepare flchfelo ing ickle mix- ture, which iclSislfricient iquid for-4 or .5 quarts pickles. 2 clips vinegatr 1 cuip sali 2V4 qatts water Bring f0 a bail, Pour oer tic cucumlbers whulc hot and seal. Let stand about six wecks before usiag. Gherkins 4ursgliertins 1 cup sait 2 quarts hoiliug water 8 tablespoons' whole mixed picklisîg spice 11 2 quarts whif c vinegar 2 teaspoons powdered aluiin 2 cups sugar Wash glierkins, cutif neccssary. Cover with hiot brine'niade from sait and wate r; let stand overniglit. Drain. Tic wliole spices laoscly, in cheesceciofl bag. Heat vinegar, add aluni, suigar 'and spicca. Bail fter minutes. Pack glierkins la dlean, liot jars or sealers, cover wifli bof liquid and seal. Yield: 8 1)iJt t Curry Slices 2tablespooniswol mie pickling s-pice .1 quart vinegar 1 cup bîown suigar 2 tea.spoonts curry pwe 2 tasponsdry nstr 2 fablespoons sSait 5teaspoon ppef)r 4 quart, siccd, pcelîed, mnediumii cucumbers 1 quart sficed, peelud, smiall white onions 1 green or sweccfred peppeýr, cliopped Tic whole spices loosly lai cliceseclofli bag. Combine vinecgar, SUgar7, currymstard, sait auid pepper and brinig f0o i witi spi- ces, Add ciuumbersý, iolons and cbopped ppprand lbrng f0 a hou, BPoil 5 nîinufes. Drain and save liquid. Remrove spî)ce bag anid pack vegetabfles iluteo dean, bof jars or s;ealers. B3rfng vinegýar mrIx- ture f0 boilinig point and pour over pickles f0ovefown.Seal. Yield: abouit 8 plots. WFor lst rZ cu, UN ALLI $:3000e ~ It's fun to namne a pony. Buit this tume youi cash in on the funi We malte thus great offer berauise we wa"inf yoti ta try Quaker Corn Flakes ... because wc'rc sure you'fI agree Quaker Corn Flakes are tlicmaint deliciaus of ail rorn ilakes. Send in as many naines for the pony as yau wisli. You may combine words to get unique ideas-such as 'Tuanpon" becauise it combines "Fun aand Pory".Thie Quaker Oats Company of Canaa Linited reserves tht due to vwarinte restrictions. may for thxe pony. Also priai your own siame anid address. 2. Every enitry inuit be accompanitled by a box top tram Quaker Corn la. Yau may subm t ai many vaamea as you lJike, but yoa ailt enclose e sc1ban'ate box top for evee, -ame )Phu eater. Mail your entry ta Tise Quaker Oaa Company of Canada Limited., Peterboroughni, Ontario. 3. Thse enelape conUtionang Yuenîri mui be poîtmairked flot lter thaas nid. aigix:, Oct. 15, 1945. 4. A naîne mnay consisÉ of ane or more waerls, rigly norin coriîation. Tisese must be proper naines, namnes, or adjectives. tc. Originiality. uniquenef, and suita. ý.2 1udge.a shaffl determine procedure is îginand their decision shal bc final Judgs re B. T. Huston, Canadian (irocer-, Wmn. J. Brsýani, Retail Gracer; A. Tremiblay, Le Detaillant. OS. Prize winners çwiJ1 be sotifxed as soon a9 paisible alter tise cta:closea. INo en- tries wil bli returned. '1he Quaker Oats Company aof Canadla Limited wiIl posss ail r1gixts tO entiei. Ilacase of duplicata pf z e in g na ieca. rst subm nted w iU b leawrIdd arse 7. Conteat lhaised to Canada. No eni- ofyes Thse Quaker Oaîs Comipany of CaaaLinsited or their advextn agclgcy are eligîble. ~The Quaker Oats Company cf Canada Limfted, Box 100, Peterborough, nt0 ê Plaie enter tihe following namie<a) lanfihe Quaker Corn PlesPoyamnCnts J . 6rnt>.......................................... .......I m. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . p i * (pri nt) pis)<XOe e nclose onte Quaker Corn Flakes box top for encis naine sUbmitted. Ine.............. --..................................................... *Addrtia.............. ................ ..................~.... J fts. ........ -........................ ........... ............ . N N N N N N N N -5 N N ~ y N "Fîli 'er Up" A niotorist drove into at fillng station and exffltantly told ain at- tendant f0 "fil'ertUp.,, The attendlanit conpliedi. As thec niOtOrist drove awayv, the fumli gain tank, uusdo the strai, dropped cf0i thnav(icient OUGET TUIE PEAK of coffee goodnless in Mx well Bouse. "Radianit process-roasts ever'y coffee beau ail throigh - captures every atom of flavor and goodness. Seed Grain f or Fali Seeding TIMAOTHY SEED Quinte Brand No1i $0.0per 160 lM. BAGS FREE Wve guxrne aifcin C. . Dsho &Son SEEDSMEN Belleville, Ont. WHAT SCIENCE. 15 DINC Remedial Therapy In a snal, slate-grey buildin'g, serviag as an aninex f0 flic R.C.N. H1ospital at HMC..Sftdacoaa, Halifax, one of the most import-, ant jobs in ad(apfinýg flic woundi-ed personrnel of Canadasflirecefiglif- ing' forces f0 civilian 1f e is beiigý coniducted, If is flic occupational tlierapy inard, Closeiy relafed f0 pliysiotlierapy, wlhich -uses heat, water and electri- cify 'plus-massage and exercise, accupafional fhIerapy is bascd on flic principal thaf ."Occuspation Ws Nafure's bcst physician." Definite- ly. prescribed and guided 'cafts aud games are tauglit. This serves flic double purpose ai occupying fle ic md.whulc restoriag flic use of flic injurcd 'part. One casc of remedial and, diver- siona1 tlierapy iad fa do with a patient h liad been badly burned on fiýc -r arsudcliest. N'ýew skiný was _grafted on and great came had fa lic taken fa sec fliat fie atm didnl't conJtract. u I tlie crapy ward lie worIked on a large oonri thaf ccsst tflic tethn aîidlbcnding of lis amuiis, By flic finlie fiýc si had complletely liealed, flic mnuscles -wýere as f lex- îibie as fliey liad, been bfore0. 1He also liad a bafflywovcn wo rug! N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N f.. N N N N 'N t.. N N N N N N N N 1N. N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N corn Flakes offers 1, N', P Rmi 1 E