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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Aug 1945, p. 5

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ORONO WEE-KLY TIMES TII ERSDAýY, WiMIJSTU2, 1945. Local News TheincçJiig is now the order Of the, eay iiti inîy ÇMirs E. Peel' nf P e terlboroC, i s -~ vsitig Ms. Fred Duncan. Glen Taibln, orotospent a few days at homne last week. Miss Forence Reid, Vancouver, visited ber cousin, T. A. Redd, Clarke. Mr. nd rs.Chas. Knox, Jane ndBob, have returned from King- Me-s. W. J. Couter, Jr., is a visi- terý at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ýChas. Knlox. Miss Gloria Lang, cf Peterboro, is visiting with ber cousin, Miss Jean 'The Orono Band ias been te play uit Port Perry Pair teniher 3rd. engaged ,n Sep- Bow man ville Bu sine ss Scho SngapiScraiaad Office Tr1aining SPECIAL ARNEET for RETUR,7NED PERSONNE L Regitraion aeeptd o or after September 4th Get yotur pliaion early Writ orphon todayfur SehoGl Caiendar, containing detailed outlijes of Courses. 44 Kin, Ontario 15c $2.95 25c 1l9c 25c 33c 17c 25C 25c 43c 42c 14c 14c 24c 23c 29c 25C 79c Mr, and Mrs. W. spending tbis week the guests of Mr. Rosborfflgih. S. Ccbbledickar uit NigaaFalls, annd Meis. R. C. 1 BALANCE or 1944 INCOMÏE TAI DUE 3lam AUGUSTy 1945 Taxpayers ore remînded that any balance of incarne fox on 1944 incornes is due on 3lst August, 1945. To be sure that ithere wiI be no errcrr in account- ing for your payment, complete the remittance forrn provided below aind mail it with your re- mittance te your District Inspector of Incarne Tax. DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL REVENUE-TAXATION DIVISION - a------a--- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa INCOME TAX REMiTTANCE FORM '!,'0 I1nspectOr of Inuome Tax atý... ...... ... ................................... ElrEnclosed please find..........made payable ta -Retelver General of Canadaw' (Chequ-e, Money or Postal Order> soi .... ...... .................. hi paymenî c nof e Taxfor the yerar ...... ........ ........... ........a... ... ....................... ..--............ (surname or lest niamel .................... .......a........ ... ............ ...... (Christian rciv es a .......... ..... . ................................... (No>. and Shoo,,t) Cdy or Town....................... Prvic ........................ PuniNam andAddessaboaceyacilias sh-Dwpor, your Income Tax Return. Eemrk..................................... . ............. (Stte haie presant addrass, i any change sin.ce raturn filed) wRED & WHITE STORES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and 'Mrs. E. J. Goodman, Os- awa,, wish to announce the engage- nient of their only daugliter, Ruth Evelyn, to Glen Clarke Hancock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Il. E. Hancock, of Orono, Ontario. The wedding will take place in Kïng ýSt-eet United Church on S-arday, September 8th, at 4 p.m.l Miss Mro Brown, R.N., cf Osh- awa, was u hooewit1h er parents, Mr. and Mrs J. D. Brown, lasit week- end, Miss Bernice Grooms, cf Oshawa, is spending a few days -with the Misses Allun. Mrs. Jas. Dickson is spendiniga week on a beoat trip with -Misýs Beck cf Hamilton. Mis. Thos. Brown, cf Church St. South, is spendýing a couýple cf weeks ut Muskoka. Pilot Officer V. iC.Nosn and uife were visiting hiis faithier anIId mother over the week-end, Mr. stimd Mrs. W. %C. Crossley had Sunday 'tea witb Mr. and Mrs. Riobt. Hurness, cf Zion. Mr. Roy _Winter bas been off work from the Gonerul Motors ut Oshawa wltb a couple cracked îibs. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Stevens, of Tor- onito, ispent a few da ys rwitb 'Mr. and Mrs. H1. H. DIean laýst week. Mr. J. JT. 1Mllor conducted Thanks- givng erice u Oronýo, Kirby and Leskardi' churcheis lusit Sunday. L.A.C. Kernoth Stanley, cf Ed- -wards, Ontario, spent the week-end with his aunt, Mrs. Wm. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. I{arold Allin andl duughter Ruth, cf Toronrto, were re- cent visiitors with bis sisters here. Mïises MAargaret Flintoif - and Jeanne Forresiter are spendiag this week ut Alcona Beach, Lake Simcee Mr. and Mes. Alýex. Elliot and sien Rosis, cof Saint Jobn, N.B.,'arebe- daying witb Mr. and 3'rs. R. E. Lo- PARK ST. UNITED CHURCII Reverqnd Minpister Mr. Iiurkld, 'Hocey wais taken to the Generua Hosptal, Teýrento, cn' Suturduy, suiffering from a severe ut- tack cf Asthma. Mr. and ;Mrs, Hc'w-ard Wuahen- tertained a few friends Mcnduy evoning on the occasion of -Mr. Walsh's birthduy. Mes. E. Dean and Mrs. H. H. Dean were in Toronto and attended the weddfing cf Mis. H. H., Deun's sister, Miss Leýrnu B. Harni's. Mr. E. J. taon, cf Toro, a former resident cf Orene, spent 'a few days ast weok -.wltb bis bohr in-iuw, MT. J. F. Lorrinian, Mrs. R. C. Elllis simd soen Strachan, cf Seuth Porcupine, are spending a couple 'weeks 'wIth the former's futher, Mr. J. F. Lorriman. We are scrry to heur that Mr. Jini Ri1urds ha been confined to hIS bed 'with the flu since lat Saturda, and hus been under the doctcr's 4cure. Mes, Rulph Hrenry, und Mrs, W/l-; lianrsen, cf Peterborough,un Mr Harvey Henry, of Ottawua, vsieoe day hast w.eek with Mrs, Fied Coiwun. Recent visiters witb Mr. an(ï Mrs. John Morris were: Mr i. ud Mrs. Duckworth, Mr. and Mrés. Jhue cf Tcorctno, and Mrs. Tinniey cf Peter- borough. Mise Lizzie, Epps 15 spending some belidays w1th Mi. and Mrs. Fred Kelly until the retuen cf Mr. and Mrs. Sutton who tbemselves are holi- daying for a time, Mr. and Mes. Arthur Bishop ý'wih duughters Beverley and Juequiline cf Niagara Falls, Ontario, bave -been visiting the pat week vith Mr. and Mes. Milton Tunibly;n.' Mr. aund Mes. Clarence Allin te- turned 'honie on. Thesday hast after spending the week-end -with the lut- ter's, ssste-r, Mrs. Je'nMan, u t Wocý1f Island, near Kingston. ýMajor)Y F. E. and Mrs, Lycett and famnily retuined to their heome from Kingston last week, 'wheie they hav-e spent the pasit couple, cf montihs. Major Lycett is home on a twco iweeks'- Mr.nd Mrs. Fred Blackhburn have retrned from a pieusunt twc weeks' trkp te Northern Ontario, gei-ng a fui as Iroqu.jeis Pulls, and spending severul cduys with her neice, Mrs.' Th iz lisaforý the Diorhamn Oe<elAgric-"11turaljSociety are, nowýç in the ibaIds cf d(Cie se,-returCo.J hist~~ ~~ ehiig e diýfferen t ee(s the fuir catn procu-re leebywitn or- cuin uthe sceay ARSss Jean flDurean n find n erontoý, wlowere isita with thle formýer's paent, FM. arId (Mrr. Clar- enceDunen, eftSuday t('reame Sehol eertar atObtauwa. and Min' CraIhb nas- trco f theRCAF, Main St.. PROPRITOR orOrex Phoep 04 ',Mr. H. 1M. ,Mercerias installed a! it over from undernea th for )you~ if. e nw com reaed ir lift, for cas It is a11 very up-todate-- piece cf Place your car oitn tesie adlo qimn or his ýg-,rage. In choosing orfnrldrcodcd on onlewhoias a 1rvnrptto o conscenflosservice aa regrdfrh diigniýty of lis professio-n, serývice as perfect and iýmpeseasp- sible--isý our privilege and scre tust. Long experience and careful- trainininauke it possible for us- to give you the utitin service and quality at prices that are most modierate. Every convenience connecteéd with an up- to-date funeral establishment in quiet, home-like, restful surroundings is at your disposai at no extra cost. F. F. MO0R RI1S 00.ha t IT'S COOL ATUTE Poe589 W/e preset SecalDobl Bill Program for Thursday and FriAday, AUGUST 23, 24 EXPERIMENT PERILOUS with Hedy LaMarr, Paul Luikas, George Brent, Albert Iilkker and Added Musical Hlit llitch Hike to Happiness Satur'day AUGUST 25 GOIN' TO 'TOWN with LUM AND ABNER and Rockin' ln The Rockies Music and Fun for-Al AND HERE IT TS l A Picture Everyone Has Been Waiting For AUGUST 27-29 ONLYi SpectacLular Thrill Sequýel to "My Fr*,indFica" Greater .Grander In Every Way MARY O'HARA'S Thunderhead SON 0F FIK In Technicolor with RODDY McDGWALL PRESTON FOSTER RITA JOHNSON A 20th ýCentury-Fox Picture BOWMANVILLE 4S0 or 734 SUMIMER SPECIÂLS WOMEN'S BATING SIJITS PLAY SIJITS Regular, $2.50, for ..... .Clearing'a. _............5 . Regulaihr $3.50, -for.-$2.50 ________________ CHILDREN'SBAHN SUMMER HAND BAGS SUITS Regular $2.95, clearing Ail wocl, clearing $1.s .00 for....... ............ . I. C SUMMER DRESSES STRAW RT Clearance of ail Sumamer Dress- Laies', 4 ouly, regualar $.O es-25% DISCOUNTr for.-......5c Clearance of our Sumnmer Shoes, anýy kind, regular $.5 for ...... .......... ......... .............,. . . . . 15 Habitant Pea Soup tin lc Bread iFlour 24 lb bag 85c.' Shireded Wheat 2 pkïgs 23c. Large Corn Flakies 2 pkgs 23c AYLMTER SOUPS any kind lc. Aylmer Tomato Juice 2 tins Wax Wrap 25c* Javax 14c. DUTRIAM CORN STARCII 2 pkgs lc RAISINS ~2lb 25ec Colffee 45e. Paula biottle 39e. Palmolive Soap d bars 25e 2 bars lc.a ECLIPSE- PASTRY ELOIJR 24 lb bag 64)c r N N s N N BOIWMANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL (Registered Trude School) ag st. W est Phonoc 434 Bowiuanville, ý SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 11.00 m.-Wrhp 'Ili simple trust like 'theirs Who heard, beside the Syrian Sea, the gracicous callin*g oî thei"r H irord, let us like theu i thcut aPf wrd rise up and, olwtee Orono Tinshop Ail kinds of Plumbing and Heating R. E. LOGAN Brunswick Sardines, 2 tins for Five Roses Flour, 98 lb bag Canned Peas, 2 for Tomato Julce, 2 tins Raisins, 2 lb for Peanut Butter Cooking Onions, 3 lb Hand Picked Beans, 4 lb Prime Commercial Beef Blade Roasts, lb Sirloin Steak, lb Wing or Porterhouse, Boneles Round Steak, lb Brisket, lb Beef Hearts, lb Beef Tongue, lb Lemons, 300's, 61for Grapefruit, i100%s, 3 for Oranges, 344's, dozen Assorted Toilet Soap, 6 cakes Sugar, 10 lbs, *th coupons J. J. CORNISH1 n n r r 's * s ORONO 27-1

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