ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, ETME.,14 Amatur Contest ORON1O FAIR IheDuram ental griultralSocetyare aginq sponsoring an Amatur ~how t their Faiir in Orono, on SA-%TURZDAY, SEPTEMBER 221nd TMe.5 m. Advanice notice has already been mailed to public ýýhoolAs iii Darlington and Clarke Townships. The prize money for Ihis cýeet has bI)ee made possible by the business men and others oi Orono. li is the desire of the Director in Charge that ail Classes ,, thýis evenit iI be well filled. There is ample talent available if ithey wýill onfly act, ins.,tead of saying "let Jack do it."- The Society (,serves your con1trib)utio)n, so let us have your entry for your re- -pective class. A piano will be provided to the teachers. Maýy we draw your attention to Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 12 ? May we have your cià-operaion ? LIST 0F CONTENTS 1. Public Speaking-Open to public school pupils who did net pass High School Enitrance previeýus te, 1944 ................$2.00 '2. Pulfic Sekn-pnte boys, and girls 16 years and under .................2......... 3. Girls Snig1 years and under .... 2.00O 4. irls Singing.-12 ye2,rs and under ..........2.00 5. Boys Sinigig-16) years and under ............_2.00 6. Girls or Boys "Tap Dancing"-16 years îand under ........................................ 2.00 7. Miothi Organi Contest-16 years and under .50 8. Mouth Organ Contest-Open .-....... .............1.00 9. Stop D........en....... 1.50 J10, Old Tfinie Fiddlers Copntest-Two numbers 3.00 IL. Quadrille Calling,-O)pen .......4.............. ..... 1,.. 12. Special - Schelol Drill and Chorus-Pupils te meet at Armouries at 12.30 and par- ade to grounds with-Cadets and band. Each sýchool to complote their drill and singl a chorus or yell ln front of grand- stand. Timie 1 o'clock. ........10.00, (anid to oach school thereafter, $2.00). $1.00 $ .50 8.00 6.00 ENTRY FORM Name............................... A(ddress... ......... .................. Clasýs No...... .........-.................. Cut ot and mail y-our entry to W. J. Riddell, Orono, by Whe, by proper feedin,You ship your hogs te market from six te eight weekis earlier, you save on thrce counts. First, you save timte- and,( in these dy of labour sho)rtage, every means of decreasing the aumounit of labour requiired muist beconi)sîdered. Secondly, you Save feed.Thrdy you sav-e ny-n everydollar saved in f eed costs îs enemoredollar inyurpocket. Correcthog feding m ans uaaned feedinig, nôt haphazard feeding. Correct feeding on HU-GINHalg Grower means that your hogs receve sffiient nmal proteins formaiu growth, lots of min- easfor turdy bone evelopmýeut, and 'suffiient vitamins te assure býekal andvitalit"y. With b1aanced SHRGI1eeding, you'1l save moe ogs per litter, valsýe îmore ogls Wte bonus grades, and eut the SIMJUR _ý- G A i N 16 PERFCEN T IlHOG GIROWER $>d2%25 per cWt. SOL BY GORDN W. LOCK"ýeÎ 1,WOO 0D' el le f -111- ý 4(ýXT -P a 1f UIN I1AIV NEVWTON VILLE spenit the week-end at hoie. Mr. and Mas. C. Rohh, Montreal, spent the week-end at theirý cottage here, We are sarry te rpot tat Mr, W. N. Sievens is ýagain in, Bowman-ý ville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lawirence Harris and famuily, Orono, with Mr. and M'rs. Jack Kimbal. School re-epeued Tuesday with the new teacher, Mr. Duncan Seyniour, Ida, in charge. Mir. and Mrs. W. Robinson, Kendal, were Suudiay ýguests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Roiinson, Mv . Ronald Burley, R.C.A.F., is- home freým the Pacifie Coast await- ing bis discharge. Mr. Arthur Bell, Dawn and Glenn, of Bowmanville, speut Monday at Mr. George iStapleton's. Mrs. J. T. Pearce visited in Nia- gara Falls, , while iMiss Laurna Peariice, To)ronita, is home. ,M.and MÏrs. EImer Randaîl and Jolhn, Oshawa, spent ýtie holiday with his, mother, Mrs. H.' Randaîl. lVhs. W. E. Reid,_Joan and Elva, sipent a few days with ber parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Weatbherilt, Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. George Kiernan and family, iMr. and ýMrs. Wm. Dix and fiaily, Tarante, visited their parents, Mr. and iMrs.,Chas. Dix. Mv. Chas. Dix' :sale on Satuvday wïth Mr. Jnck iReid, nuctianeer, proved mosit successful with the high- clasis furniture selling at geod pwices. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenîce Savery, El- gin and Xi.m, Os'hawa, wereo down fer the bailI game and had tea wthMr. and Mrs. W. Jones on Monday aven- Mr. Bah Meniton and- Miss Muriel Morton, Ovona; Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Ogden and Ruth, Ow;Miss Donna Stark with ýMr. anid Mrs. Gea. Kimbali. Mvs. Corlbetbt, iLame Park; Mr. and Mrs. Hadden, Oakvilie; Mv. Alf. Thomipson, Chicago, visited at Miss Bertha Thompsen's and Mr. George Thonspson'. Mr. and Mvs. Robent Brown have tetuvned home ta their daugbter's, Mrs. W. N. Stevens, after spending a month n Peterborough, Roseneath and îCobaurg. On Monday evening the aid-timers, wjth ,Mv. Larwrence Savery, Oshawa, as theiv peppery catcher, ýplayed ihe Mouniger beys' tearn a fast game of liard bail, the old timers winning with a score of 4 te 1, Mrs. Sidney Lockhart Passes Mrs. Sidney Loückhart passedc( away çt ber home Wednesday evening, 'Auguist 29tbi, after a proienged jîl- uaýssv itb- intense suffering which she bor'e with great fortitude. Her pas- tor, Reýv, Dr. C. Oke ,conducted tbe fuerl ervice at the berne Satur- day auid soewith imuch feeling of thie greifatamount of trouble ýthat had viie Lhis beome and of the weon- derful christian character of the one jus,-t depanted whicb showed even ýaf- ter deaitb la the saintly- expression on ber face. The myriads of flawers bhanked an and arourid ber casket and the exceptionally long certege that folloiwed ber ta ber last resting place in Lakev.ievCemetery bave silant testimany of the banared place she beld ameng her friends la- life. Deepest. sympatby is extended ta bier bereaved lusband and ta be(r aged father. Miv. Harry Nicholîs and 1ev- iug brother, Mv. Ro.y Nïcholis. (Intended for least week) Mrs. Roy Burley wtb friends at Richmond 1Hill, -Mv. and Mrs. Jas. Payne, Tarante, wltb Mrs. W. Smith. Mr. Wm. Morton witb Miss Lois Chamibers, Elderadeo. Mili'son Bras, have installed a paw- er milking machine. Mr. Coecil Graham, Newùastie, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson. F. MicMullen, R. ilanna, Bud Janes, Bill Coucîh and Keith Burley in New -ork Mra. Max iSitapleton spent a few dayt ber son's, Mv,.îlugh Staple- ton's, Oshawa. MaIs. MîcGee, Toironito, and Murray MeMillan, Banreft, witb Mr, and Mais. IRaymond Bue Via. 'and Mrs. Arthur Redknap and Mas, Wbittiakev wIîth Ma. and Mais. P.F. B'radley, Tarante.' Mas. Marks and Mary Lau havwé e - tund'eDetroi,.Mich., atrvisit- iugMis . agam . W. Ling. ber on'shomeat Nwate fe visiiug em dt~gher, as.AI. even.înig at'7.30. Wepe t.)i e heabl e ta amnune te ateofuranv- sary servýices nexitwek Mr. and Mr.RyTo~snare happy te nouc teariaio 1 thir-d so. nTe village of'eýsrs cn- graulatins te th May su Bo.1 Mrs. David Bell junye aTar"- ente -on ,Sunday ta fh e Othere ta wel- corne lher graitn d sn biynriess,ýGlauss froîm overseass. lle repor-ts h11i as very w.ell huit lookýitired a(1fter "the long trip. The iberry pickers employedl byMr F. Tru'held an i c creamsocial at Mv. and Mrs. N.Brsbwshm on Thursday Ithie 2r.The refresh- ments were a treat to thie pickers given by Mv, Trul aqnd Mr. Sam CGjemens, the truicker frýom the Tor- onta market, an,( was much appre- ciated by those pres-ent. Friday nighit a very siicessful corn roasit was beld in the village with around sity-five villagers attending, and although the niight was very dark, 'the games wýere enjoyed and the contestants m),et ,itb noq acci- dents. A heauty contest in wihthe men of the village vied with eacb othor for the title oýf Mr. LesýkardI of 19:45 wnîs won by Leiland Bal. We hope be wns iable to rmaethemke up befaoTe Sundîay. Tl-isý is the first corn reast fiersm time thiat came eut ifinancially successful. The ern- mittee suggested a fund he started with the balance in a;id of the \%,,ring of Leskard church, STARqK VILLE iMrs. Banghenvisited her rthr Mr. Art McKay. Miss Beulab Hallowellba retura- ed te her homne inTarante Miss Hazel 'Reid, Tarante, visited wl'th Miss Norma Hail.awell. Miss Mary Lau Dlhson spent 'a week's holiday with ber aunt, Mrs. Ed. Ruithven, Zion. ~Mrs. Smnitb, Mvl, and -Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Osbîawa--, visited an Sunday at W. A. IIallowelV's. Mv. and 'Mrs. Lleéw 1Hallowveil andý family visited witb Mr. nnd ~Mrs. Stwn. Fals, Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Yulde and family, OzIsh- waa spent several days withb ler sis- ter, Mrs. 'Ewart Robinson. Mvr. and Mr-s. Or'me Fialls and fami- ily hadSna dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Carias Ta-imbillyni, Orona. Mr.Dio-- Ms Beétha Reid andl Hzel-, of Tarrnte, s-pent thie week- Plnd wilhMrs. Wilfrid Waeds. CýongratlJations taMr. and 'Mrsz. Stanley Bvaiwnley(eeSophia Shut- ka) Peter<býo, on their recent, mar- niaige. 1Mr. and Mrs. 'Alfred Daobsan, Mýrs. C. Yule 'and family, îMrs. Ewrat Rab- inson and son ito at Llew H1alle- well's, An enjoyable tfimre vas spent at the home of Mv. anm Mrs Wilfrid Woods on Suniday, when the Haille- ,well farnily picniic wvaýs held.' Mvr. and Mr. llrold Litle anid Gary,.Osbaa v W. Falils, Kenidal, Mirs. I. Paeden, iMrad Mrs. Lamei Pneden, visited an Sunday at Thas., A. Falls. Uumýihry and Heolen, Tarante; Mr. and Mrs. Larwrence Caisn am- borne, witb Mvr. anld Mvs., Willis Fýar- roiw. W.M.5. Meetýing The W.îMýl,S. met at îthe home of ýMrs. :G. lHenderson anonAug_-ust l6th. Mas. Burley, president, opened the meeting. Arranigemients wevre made for the September mYeeting withi guesit speaker, Miss Luella Rorke, Japanese misisianary on fuinloug.-IlIt was de- cided te have an evening- meeting and invite 'the ladies frorn Kendai, Shileb and, Newcasitle chur-cbes ta iear tbis interesitinùg speaker. Mesdames J. Lancaster, C. Morris and A. Waide were named a eeomimittee ta plan lunch. IMs. Morrisprmiedte have a quit ready-. T'he sacv lLetaywa asýked te order anw study boak Mrs. Willis Joc1oeedte porm as follows nitreradn , Ms. C. Burley: poem. "TheLittie Tiuigsý In Liife", Mr-s. J. Peaýirce. Mrs. Joues, in beir Iusua)ýl l andinterestiýgj maner, t hen gave a brý, 1,ief strou"o- Ohinese iniaaaioavraebr riers whicb evil gaus hn and truhterpreeec n courage acbieved hiramitwýo e-i cemiug nrssan lueado.cter. Ne iply did theylil ak!fiedso ,those wvoh fisosor nte, u they ailwet1 bckta Clairi te lCpý their lsIft muaecanr. ed ing, 'IThePoe f itiThns Mrs. C. Mrr 21Ms.HndTro jTyrrell's Drug StoreI Drugs Stationery Kodaks Phone 68, Orono Students, Attention!l To-day we have in stock The Practical Loose Leaf Note Book, complete with large loose leaf rings, suitable for holding added loose leaf refus, complete, each ....15e Grosvenor Erasers, for pen or pencil,. double size, each.............. ..... ........ 10e Pencil Crayons, box complete........20,c 8 color box of Paints, coniplete with camnel hair brush in metal box, each ............0c HIGil SCHOOL STUTDENTS Box of 12 Ostwald Colors and Brush, each..... 75e Please act quickly as the supply is in stock only as of to-day, Thursday, September 6th. We also stock of comi'lete supply of TEXT BOOKS AND EXERCISE BOOKS suitable for either Public or Hligh School You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Baby Pants, Synthetie, thini, cool and cmot ablJe, extrem-nely elastic in ail directions, siîze miedlim, pair ...............9 LMeni's Dress $ocks,Moac Knit Wool, rein- forced heels and toes, sizes 101,! to 11,par.95c New Shipment Ladies' Print Aprons, niew pt-- terns, each .... ............9 Ladies' Felt Hbuse Slipper-s, assorted colors, pair 49c Books by weIl known authors for- aduits, each 59c Double -Duty Tooth Brushes, cleans the teet'h and massages thie gumis, tw,%istedl grip hanMdle . 50e- Wild Root Wave Pow\ýder, pkgn1. ý. . .......5 Hinds Honey and Almond Cream, sooths, soft- ens and comforts, bottle.........5 New Gilt Neekidaces, assorted styles.....49e Plastic Spring Bracelets..........25c Rock-A-Bye Diaper Wash, no soap eqird saves time, pg...... .....35e G_ý'ROCERY FEATURES Chieese-Korn-i (Pop Cor,,n), good foryou and tCasty too, giant pkg. for ... _.............._19e Newport Fluiffs (Roasted Popped Wheat) 8 quart pkg., containing, gold decorated tumbler, pkg 25e Royal 'York Coffee, ground fresh for- each cus- tomer. Week-end Special, 1-2 lb......... 23e Lyons Orange Pekoe Blend Tea, 1-2 lb ....... 43e Colleen Peas, standard -quality, 2 tins ... .. ...25c' Silver King Sardines, in oil, Un ..,.... .......10e Grape Nut Flakes, 2 large size pkg-s......29c Mletcalfe's Tomrato Juice, fancy qaiy 20 ounce t-ins. Week-end Special, 4 ins for.....35e Bottie Caps, 410 for.............. _. ......10ec Mem-ba Seals for- jams and jellies, nowa to melt, Paula Artificial Sweetener, 4 oz. bottle....35e Jaý-vex Liquid Sunshine Concentrate, removes 2c. rebate oni bottie üURONO 5c. TO $100 S5%TORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE M4otor Equipment 7?rivate Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funerai Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE EqiiiPPed to tak-e care of the mcdest funeral at the moot reasporable- charge as well as the largeSt arnd .moet eacting Telephone; Office 668 . Residence 523 and 726' Telephoen colei Bowynarville, Ont. i 4 ,- ' M-RUINU