EE Vol. 9. No. 32. ORONO, ONT., T'HURSDAY. SEPT. 6th, 1945 Subscription $ 1.ý25 per Year LO0O.F, Dance, Town Hall, Orono, Wednesday, September 12 Co unties Health- Unit BURNS-IIAMM SI A quiet mwcddi ngn'ask soiemnized in N eeds More Nurses . 1,.frch -1-w OC«menesWork Saturday - Nur- ssHaving Difficulty Finding Cars '-Halth Board Meets (Initended fTor last week) Scarcityv of nurses and doctors bas maeit necessary for thbe United Conienealth uniit to swing into acinon Septeinber 1 wvitb a much l.With W\arden C. R. Carveth pre- sIding, severa imeetings of the nen' Conie oard of .Hlealtb bave been 'held1,to get thie organîzation under- Wewili enideavour to cover as mucýh as possible of the territory buIt if it_ is fouand that somne sciiools .and homnes dio not receive tie attention 'wihthey expectedl, U it ile dLue t oùhefact that -we are banîicapped ,o lie presenit by a smnall staff. ~- lomeeras conditions beconie 'pet- ter and imore nurses arc available, vný ' 'wîli bave oi staff uip to fui11 -reghandi4 the ork of the 1,lt unýit lbe ste-pped Ilp)to mitmum roverge,"said Miss Louise Steele, suevsrof thfe nurses-_ prsn flic recent meeting of the coun- tics bhea"lhboard'as attcnded hy Dr.% R. G. Struthers, Ontario Depait- ment of Hielth; Miss Edna Moore. Iflhretor, Dvsinof Pblile ealthi Yuunf OLtario Departuient of Heaith andiss B. Johastoni, Super- vo f nrin Onta-rlo Depaît- metof Heaitb, DuringL, the cour-se -ofte meeting applicationsý> from hire , pyicasand sanIitary in- upj-ecto)rs for posts 0on the taff, werel =%osiered. Ail appointmente have, to be approvesi by the Ontarlo De- ~spatmntof Heî-altl. fDr. C. W. MacI- ~Cbales seiormedcalofficer of lieaIth for the hielth iuit, will stat is duties n eptember 1st. The a-- sitas M.0.H. and the tbrcýe sanIiry in'o3euors have yet to he appointed anît is ,ýeptd that for the frst f en' montbis of operation, there %Yi!] lcasafof sixm nurses. The como- §pete stff of nuirses 1wlI rnmber fthîr- 'teen, JTVis -no easy task gerting the Aciathunit into operation, bin vien of the wide aiaecmprisingNortb-? g. KIRBY 'Mr. Yeomans was taken iii one day Ia1st week with a hea-ýrt seizure. *Mr. John I-arris and daughters, of Agincourt, spent a pleasanit day last wveek xith Mr. and MIrs. F. J. Brim- acibe. Holiday visitors at F. J. Brima- comibe's were, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cald- wel1, Port Hope;Ms.E,11!a Thomp- son ýand Arthur, ýMiss Annie Thomp- son, of Ottawa, andl Miss Mabel Thompson, R.N., of Los Angeles, Calhfornia. WILSbON--.ST RICKLAND A quiet wedding wuns held in' the United iChureh pars-onage, Newcastle, on August 20tli, whea Mrs. Gladys Strickland, of .Newcasitle, vas uniteýd in miarriage to W. S. G. (George) Wilson of Keada'l, with Rev, W. W. P atterson offlliating.- The bride waig street lengtb dress of rob4in eg<,-:bi-e, with match- ing hea,,ddresýs. The briidesqnaid, Mrs. E.Matn of Nefwvcastle, wearing fushia dress rwitLh blue, acýessories. Mr. Ed>w-ýard Martin, brobher of the bride, aictud as best man, They will reside in Nawcastle. COUPON CALENDAR Hee re the dates thiat the new coupons ill bi] ecomne valid : Butter, couipon 1-91 vaid( Sept. 6tb; couponÜ1 122 valid Sept. '20thi; coupon 123 valid Sýept. 27tbn. Oije britter coupon is skippedI for the imth. Sugarii, coupon 6 valid Seýpt. 20; couipon (il valid Sept. 2Oth. Preserves, coupons P 16 and P,17 adSe-pitember 20iL. ceives a bonius to comipeisate for in- creasýed cos of living a ýnd the diocetor or laýwyer miay chiarge practîcalIy any fee he pieuses. Now it ýis proposed that officiais be qappointed with authority to enter unîeiind nd uîhm cuntesand ýeveiy honse and building and order M-IissStecer andl ber staff o2 nurses;, th owner or -occupant to take la -along n 'ithtebod of liealh, haveI more people Vo share bis living quai- henbusy for some tîmec, gettillg th-eý ters. 'This is preposterous and it is -uniti a,,as a largeaon of pie- I time o cal a hai't.- paiaë,tory iork nist -be dIonc beforeI tbe iI un ýit omences its dte.Oel The pies-eut housîng situation bas -f - been c-aused by rent control, Witb If th ýe pioilemis bestting- thc nurses ail its riles and regulations, people 1s1tat of scrn tratnsýportation, arc afraid Vto rent îooms or flats be- nnddueVo he caaityof nrsth cause ûhey can't get -undesirabie tea- trnsoratonfactor is onle n'hich nI taidinig ad"nighlt ,,s receiving considerabie attenition ie rcrmat liom Lueaeoraaran Comthebord.__ !Should Rents Be Increased ? Tue folloniniteml appcarcd in a, recent issue of theTronol Evening Tciýegralm re re't's heinillg tOooion' niiclahor bas increaised!,nsfoons Si~4tis about tune tht some- thngnas dlonc for the on'n-ers o Tetdproiperty n'hose rents wcre fro)zený at depression leveis.z, with ex- pessgreýtly increa-sed aiid wge of eip more 'than double n 'battby setobe. 'Wyshould pr(operty on'ners wibo 'neeso unifortunaýte as Vto put their î-nyinito reni estate h)e rcgýimentedp( nnddisritinaed gaiutby re 1t corionbeu practically evcýry pro- ducr f goodiss is;ciiing pu4esl adotdto htis costs or receives a s bidy ? Retaîl cilns refxed i accrdnc nitb n'olsa plices. Alothe vg, r aay ae re- Rent centrol, hrough its officiais, is eonstantly stirring np trouble be- twveen landiordis and tenantsý. Que sncb ýcase has just come Vo imy no- tice. A landlord in Toronto 'who is on depressioný rents had appiied for- an incr-ease on, legitim-ate g-rounds. Six weeksbfoethie ,landlord reccivcd nýotice of the disinissai of bis appli- ctio te tenants hlad heen informn- cd of theI decision hy rmint conitr'ol of- Ùcials. Aniothepr caÀse le 'wherýe a land- lord -wîtbout provocýation n'as as-sauit- cd by aenntbecause be bý ad madel applicatin or ,Pn inc-elase in rents. LndIorýds renitinig busso tenl- ants -ait hildren sbouild be a1lon'ed Voc chiarge moebecaiuse there is con- sideraiy mo en'ea ndtear. 1I men- tion julst hbouses because apar'tmcnt hoý)uses are o place forciden They confldn't g-et thfeir si-cep anrid therý e r n fciitesfor familieýs. Auxio)us Landlord. Canada's Ninth Victory Loan Starts On October 22ndý G[Otawa, August 314ooal n increeo $1,0,00 veth L.T-, sl1e y, in tr f ja s, a- ndvul bective -ý 1for he ighth noîced toda tat thIe ribu.m o-i ctory1 Lon. Rcue finalv ytr \7- jevefor tbhe JNiintb V% tu TLon i llmen mtUil edcioni hih opens o ctb()dhsiaalaswr ot, si d , i sps hurseitlt I$1,&0f0,0 , 0 of wih le fori heNith vico Loan tr o $80,0,00is temnmmohjec metCnd'shro g nees for tive lorsaes to idvdas This is j twelve oh period. Edn Beatrice Gene Hammn, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hanim, Orono, becameo the bride of Mr. Melvlle John Burnq, (eldest son of IMr. and Mrsý. C. H. Burins, of Bow- manville. The cereniiony was per- formed by Rev S. Little.wood, pastor of tbe church, The Ibride looked ýcharminig in a two-piece wooýldrs of powder bine with navy accesoiýes and a corsage of Siweethieart rosesý. The urd' t- tendant n'as lberu iserinla, is. Calvin Hainii, wlio wore a powder blue, figured topee dress xitb blue accessortuies and co(rsage of pink roses. The- gr-oom was attended by the bride's brother, Mr. Dona,,ld Hasm,. After the ceremony the happy cou- ple lïot for a boneyinoon la the Kawartha Lakes region. Tbey myill make their future home in Peterbor- ough. K"ENDAL Mr. Carman Patton is visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. Y. Soper and Mrs. S. Patton. Mrs. Newbiggin, of Deýtroit, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Nor- man Thertell. Mrs. GaÉhutt and family and Mrs. L. Reid vis! ted Mr. Jas. Swarbrîck over the week-end. Miss Hazel MceTaggRrt and Mr. Archer are visiting with Mr. andi Mrs. B. Alexandler. Miss Inez Gordon has bepen sed ing a wephk-'r two with bler gad mother, Mrs. Curtiss. Miss June Gordn ba return-I-ed, homeafter spendcing bier hioliday ,vith Mr. anid Mrs.Stcife Mis. E. CbuIroux ýand Mr.I Gerge Mercer sp)ent a f ew dcaysý wiVh their parenes, Mr. and Mrs. Wmi, Mercer. Mrs. A. Gi. Dritnvited witb ber daugbter, Mr. and _Mrsz. J. GIover and, baby daugbter, ýAjax, for the week-end., Congratulations to -Mr. and,1 Mrs. J. Giover, Ajax, on the ýbirthi of a baby daughter, Joan Marilyn, in Osh- awa Hospltal. Visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. H. Boyd recently were lMr. and Mrs. Ruddy, of MilIbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Lough ýand Mrs. Mile, of Toronto. Pte. Wilfred Rougbley spent the week-end at home with bis wif e and cýhildrcn. Other visitors were irs. Wililougfhby and IMr. Robert Hicks with his daugiter Evelyn. Mis. M. Luxon, Mr.s. W. Cooper,- Miss Marion White, Miss Shirley Therteil, Mr. J. Thompson andi Mr. Alec.ULittie spent the week-end at the former's sumnmer cottage. Mr. Fred Thiomaïs,-Mr. and Ms Caricy, Ba1.$bara and Bruce, Mr. Rob)t.1 Thomas anrd bis çson Fredd df fltbree young i-ýfriends, al of Toronito, visited wihM.and Ms.B. Aeadrfor the w%-eek-end. W A.Meeting- The WA e at the hom-)ie of Mrs. Wàn. Pattlerson on Wedniesda,ýy, Aug. 29tb, with the president, Mrs.~oy Mercer, la the chanir. 'lhle meetingý opened with, tihe Lord's Frayer. Tlhe ro>îl cail n'as the nmigof a 1ook1,la tiie Old Testamient from Obcdiah VLo Maaciaferwhlicb 1the ,presidentl read "Gems FromThe Bible", Plans were disc-ussed for th)e hazr0wIjh is to be heldthis FajLithe diate for wicisyci, teto be set, adi a e cidied tohavelasupper ,at this, bazar.TheprýIeidet spoeonthe sujbectof The -NeeIe n'with aý be takn aay romit and quoted, "If e Iblfedup i wiIl dîa il mien unto m ie." WeineedVoh tuhe)Y the gatnaetso ta ewi e ar U'du, iniuding Cod. Mrs. toe gave an cnt ofie te nbih 'a financeîialrsutof wihna 87 and qiteafe ovlie onrue for the nviybohfoi' te forth fa ig Y n ilar. Sqsvp, vivoin SchoolReopening Orono Continu,ý-ation 11Ad Public SeChool opmeed its doorsý on Tu esday morning last rwith an Incraseinat- tendance. Titis ye r there arle ninety-five pupils in' the pulic seboiol with fthc saien teach rg-personel as that of lastyer Miss Foster wýi(Lh the sýeniiori-om, Mis< Tennant flicin- termediate, and Mis Goode thie jun- ior room. Thie Conitinuai:tioný Schiool this year bas an enr1olment of Sixty pupils, an increase overth Lle past few years.- There is oily one teachLer of last year's staffr, Mi. McGini the principal. Two former eahesMiss Basnet end M1Viss Grayý ,Ibo esigned two yeaîs ago to take u tp wr ork have.returned this year tIo the school vshicb 'will glive tlie scihool a good teacingsaf August, 1945, saw Gainada pass the 5,00,00-tn ark la wartimc ship- buligwith more than 1,100 naval and mnerchant vesseis lauinched. This, is 10 times the produiction of Worlid War 1. Canada's trans-Atlantîc air ser- vilce to carry armed for-ces mail and officiai passengers bhetwecn Canadail- and the United Kingd,(omi was begu1n in ý1943. At first onlly one- aircraft was la service, buit by the enid of 1944 five -were operating on a tri- weekly service. lW. E. Davey In-jured , -In Auto Accident A very startlilngaccidenýt and one culinaiLtin-g lainiijuries t o one of Orono's best knowin anid moýst liked ciizensý, occurred on Tuiesdýay even- inig, Se ptember 4tb, around 6 whben WmV. Davey, taxi driver of Maini street, Oronio, accidenïtaily drove bisý car inito the s'tream at the foot of Hogg's IHoilow, causing- conisidlerahe damage Vo hîs (car and more împort- antiy seriousý injuries to himseif. 1 Mr. Davey asprýoceeding down the hili fromn the noîth ven th acidenit occurred. Wblin lhe nearcd th dethe cýar turnied off the r-oad, j-ust missed a telephonie pole, str-uck a part of tbe abutmuent of thbe bigtuînied anid went down the stecp bank on the n'est side 'f' the bridge, a distanice of appîuiimateiy ten or tweive feet Iotohei wateî be- iow, then overturned on its side. A trce stump tLhat n'as in the creek bed crasbed tbrougib the window beside Mi. Davey, which no doubt n'as re- sponstbie-for the cuts and bruises reeeivcd -on the face and about tbe bead. 'Help n'as soon in arrivin-g and Mr. Davey n'as extricatcd fr-om bis pîccaîlous positioni and rusbed to the Oshawa General TIJospi'talfor mcdi-i cal treatiment. -rays were taken of1 oddfellow's Dance. Sept. 12 The Oddfello(wsv are sýponso-)ring an- othier dane ,ini the Town HfallOrno on Wednesýday, Septesuber 12-th, tl Alex. lVerrian's eater-tain-erseof Go,-- bourg' in atterdAne. These daDIe3s have býeenexepioaly elIate- ed, anid ever-Iyone reports hvn good time. The moniies recelved are- for, war ClIarities and cmuiy wel'ar-e, thereifore the greater theat tendance themore the Service Cu can) assist in worth while na'o. Aý heautiful gift wi!il be given awey- to the lucky liumber selected. Eey bodly welcomne. Corne -,n d have c, god evc-iin,-'s entertainmerit. Aq - misssion 50t. Per person., bis head and it, is ,eie.dthat hr are io îinterniai injuries. Thie car wbich xvas cnieal s-niashed was drwwvn from the stre2a.ra, in tlihe early veig F ric(lay's repo)rt istht MrDaIve is sUffering from a badcnuso, bu sresting Comlfortably. J' I il J If 'J J I. A:'] coi~~Cf eSUPC7r' y % Ail over Canadai, in cities, towns-, villagesa hundreds of thousands of men and women watcl. mani to bring dependents' ailowance cheques as look for pay-day. They are people of aîl ages people bread- winners are away on active service, They iniclude returnied men flot yet back in civil life. And SOOfl there wili1 be hundreds of thousands more bIack from the war. They will1 receive cheques to help them buy civilian clothes, to go to college, to get technical or vocational. training, to start in business forthmees or to set up asý farmers or fishermenv. The, banks have to be prepared to cash ail officiai cheques fo;:r these and a dozen other purposes-and to do so anyvvhere in Canada wiý,thoiit charge. In fact~, the baniks supply Canada withb. the nationwide mnachinery to facilitate a grateful country's pl.ans for restoring service men and womien to civiliani life, This is acreenou tSK. It w,-Iiî entai1l a ,Tast amounc of bookkeeping. Buct you can be- sure that your baiks w-111 takea it in their stri*de wIthout impairîing regular banikinig service Ti Ad rtS e m enti S Sponsored b y you I o s OND