Certo, bottie Cabbage, eaeh Carrots, -2 bunches Cooking Onions, 3 lb BuIk Macaroni, 2 lb Rice, per pound Hland Picked White Beans,. 4 lb for Fine Sait, .5 lb bag Canned Peas, 4 tin 25c 15c 15C 17c 13c 15C 25c 12c 48c ORONO Local News Mr. tand Mj-s rs Chas. W jodilspent heweek-end holiday -wýith reli-(veýs haTononto, Iad Ms.R. Rshr ugh nt l1aiyof igr Falls, were vis,- tosin town this wyeek. Mnr. andm r Is. R. Sutton i td Joyce Dt enideti Dcorati on Daiy services at Blac-kstock lest Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. lluglh Lemoi, of O't- aaspenit las(t week with thie lat- e'ssister, 'Mrs. Wml. Ha'rrisoni. Misiýs Adele Morton, Toronto, spentý t) eh oliday weekend iber par- etMr. andMrA E. MAorton. '11f. Bo,"Cooper, of Snithville, set the Laibor Day Week,-endc visit- ing wiývtbh Ns parents, (Mr. and M,-rs. F. lM.and -Mrs. Allison Coýwaný and f*îîmily, Toronto, spenit over flac ho- deýy week-end with MAr. and MUrs. ThoCs. Cowvan. M-7. and M\]rs. Sta-nley Cipunen- etandthe latters cousin, Gige Guinand Mr's. Guýllenl, of Torýonto, one day reýently. Horses wene exhihited Ferry Fain b)y et least hosm nnmely Messrs. an W V atso. at Port 'two local H. Bowen r.W. 'IL Bxown and3Mr. Hug'h MeMalion of the Nichiols Chemnical Co., Troorto, wer-e recent visitorýs at the home of Mr. and MIvrs. R. H. F.O. Ronald Patterson who is on a thirty day leav;e and who recently re'turned hm from overseas, spent the (week-end in Orono visiting with Mrs. R. C. Elis ianl son returned ttheir homne in South Porcupine on T!rursday of last wnek, affter svend- inýg a-few weeks hoiidays with Mr. J. F. Lorrîman. Mrs. Kenneth Werry svho has been conin-ed to the Bownranilie Hospital for the past feAv weeks was taken te he r home on Sundày last greatly im- proved in healthl. 4350 pounds was the amnount o& salvag,Ëe given by t-he citizens of Oroifo and Kendal during the -collet- ion on Saturday, August 25th. P spiendid- response indeed. Miss Jean Duncan and fr iend were hiome for the holi,"ay, also Mrs. Clar- nte Duncant sisters, Ms Braby. Miss Marion iMcCailuiii and the Miss- es'Braby, all from Toronto. Air. and! Mrs. W. ýS. Cobbledick at- tendled the funeral ýofthe former's sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Chas. Adams in Toronto ýlast week. They were ac- compapnied iby Miss Flora iCQbbledick.1 RED& WHITE STORESJ Spirit or Pure Cider Vinegar,, gallon -.1- botties, eaeh 4Aï5c 10Oc laîI thie PiJt otPe-ryon Laýbor Day. I.ýO.,O.F. Dane ron, Wednesdo,- Septeiher 12!th, in -,le Town, Hall, tOrono. RememherLi the date. Miss ýCarol tpe leaves next week for To)ronto t-o enter upon the nursing prfsso t Toronto Gen- eral Hospita_. Mr. E. Cai-viýn Hamin, B.A., ieft Wednesday even.ing to rsuehi- duties on the High Sooistaff atI Fort Franýices,, Ontario. (MissShirley Porter, Nurýse-mn- Training at Oshawa Generai bos- pitai, is spe.nding a three weeks' va- cation. with ber parents, Mr. anid Mrs. N. F. Porter, (Miss Margarelt Rioy who has beeb teaohing for the paýst couple of years at Kemptviie, has been successful in securing a pýosition -'with the On- tai-jo Governmtent and', is stationed in Toronto. ,Mr. ThosCoan titenided Port .iPerry Fair on Labor 2D'ay and was the judge in the Roadster, Carniage and Bread Delivery (heavy and light) clisses. A large cro(wd was pr:esent wvith 'the (weatiher ideal, Miss Rose and Miss Florence Hiawkes, Miss Cora Cruse and Mis Fiossie Armstrong, of Oshawa, had tea (with Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn and her aunt, Miss E. M. Hiolmes, on Monday,, August 27th, who was visiHing Witt hier. Rev, S, Littlewood and Mrs, L.it- tlewooýd returned last Friday fo ~Iheir vacation. Mr-, L;' ieoo' Labýor Day di-scours 'es 0on undlCIhy were of a high orderl, 'UMîS Stellaâ Besît's soelo at the morniing cehurch1 service was most approp!-iate also, Dr. Walter Bi-ow, Canloro Victoria Universty, o Toronýto, wt Mýrs. Brown« eeget of (Mn. and Mrs. M. J. Tanibly on Sundy. Other vas itors were is Eva McýCrae, Mn Mdac. Brown, MVr. McCnaïe, Mni. Don- ald S'tapies and (Mr, Glenni Tamblyn. A warm invitation i's rxtended, to tihe ladies lof the "Goodwill"' Bible Ciass for a choir praýctice next Fni- day elveninýg. Tihis chýoir wili, it is lioped, leaýd !n the iservice of song- at the special Sabibath School and'>coýn- gr:egational nalIy_ to be held at Park Streelt Churých it Sj-day rm-ornig. T he reigular mneetii>g ofthe Wo- m'ans Missàonary Sùciety was lheld on Tuesday, Speie t.The- presïdent, Mrs, StpesiresidI-d, and! sfter the opernig exercises thec gen- eral business was dcaIJt wi'th, An in- teresting feature of our Auxiliaries ,vork now is the, planning for, our Jubil.,ee, the 6Oth anniversany of our ,ociet, in Orono, tiLhe celebration toi be helid on 'Tuesdaýy, Ot.2adSn iay, Sept,. 0h Te eeiglod 'ith a 'hynn adpry On traAgs 2;5th, Mr. and mv1rS. J. .Tarln netandthe hünour- of Mn. T -6i z. 1-owellP R1oý.ýw- and's thi1nty-fifth edinganIUver1- sary Mn M rsH. owlndWan. j. J, Rowlan-d, MadMs .C ~o me, Os ; M , . W.Baker, ~fonteal; n, anIMrs, A. V. Rowv- ,anti, Dr., s.L C. Fal, Mus. ~. oLmsof Trn'.A'ienjýoyetid appye-,nîinti ehrania rv Lhrou,_gh the Rfxs ainStation. Amateur Sho!w 0on Pair Day, tamber 22nd. Get your entry inr have a good afternioon's enjterta mient. Mrs. J. C. Gamiey, Mrs. Harry1 tcett, Mr's. ýRoy Winter returned ho on Monday fromýn a week1's ,holi spent in Goehm aiutn Vans-tonie's Flour Milli at B ville, was robbed n, îsdy everi iast. No particulans. are to ha as to wheth-er any mioney was tak or not, ROYAL THEATRn-E BOWMANVILLE Phone 589 WIE PLAY THlE BESTr Thursday and Friday SEPT. 6, 7 ONLY HOTEL BERLIN See Gerniany in early 1945, just before her complete dlown- fait. There are pleos andc colin- ter plots and humor too, amnong the ruins of Nýazidom. Saturday SýEPT. 8th "JAMBOREE', A Mlusical Comedy Cauntry Style. YoU'1l Love t. anld ROY ROGERS and TRIGGER in Beli1s of Rosa Rita THAT GREATEîST0OF AL.1L FUNSTERýS George Formby "Bell Bottomfi George" -Added, FoxNes (Cartoon) Sadie Hawkiïn's Day PAK T UNITED CHURCH S. Lîttlewooed SIUNDAY, SEPT. 9th Chrhand SndySehool1 7.20 ~ ~ sh P.t-Mosh "cDioDays", and d.uly Pray, o Uii ' ain- Ly- ome iday an- ing uand Orono Tinrshopi Ali kinds of Plumbing and Heating R. E. LOGAN Man Ste Or0zw, Phone 01 b( l We~~~~~~~~ 1nert drVi.an Ms Bi- pcialize in thle asn of mn.Mr.ý eeQ( are thie puirehasers of tlie -. , Ger eii f]Ït for IIamilton ,af- W. Ger poeryan ha hy ter. the"ir sale of fuiure. Dedicated to Better Servicâ,*e Ini choosing yvour funeral cdirectgr, decide on one who has a, proven regtation for conscientious service and a rq 9ard for the dignity of his profession. 4 To anticipate youir needs -,to make the last service ag perfect and jrpressive as pos- sible-is olur priviiege Ad sacred trust. Long ei ,erience ýandécarefuil training mnake it possible for us t give you the utmost in serVicE ,and quali at prices that are most mode rte. Evecr conve ence connected with an up- to-date ful- ai establishment, in qiet, homle-* kresiýtful surrounidings is at your disposai a t no extra cost, F. F. MORRIS 00,, ORONO 27-1 BOWMANVILLE 480 or 734 AR MSTRONG'S. SUMMER SPECIALS WO-ME'SB AT HI SUITS PLAY SIJITS Regulair $.5 for ,,...... 25 ______________ SUTSRtgular $'2,95, ceru il olciearing for ... . .r................$.5 SUMAMER DR'ESS-ES STRAW -HATS Clearance o-f ai Summer Dres-. Ladies', 4 on1 regular $5.00, es-25% (DISCOUNT f-r............. 5c Clearanlce of our mr ShoeS, any kind, reguiar $2.95, for ... . . . ..... .. . .$ 5 Habitant P"a Soup t in lIc Bread Flour 24 lb b a g 85C. 23c. lý Corn Flakes 23c AYLMER SOUPS nykind lc. Tomato, Juice 19c W'ax Wra bottie 14e iDURHIAMI STARCII Ilc 25c Ewfing's Coffee lb 45c. Paula Soap 4 ba rs- 25c. Comfort Soap 2 bars lc. ECLILPSE PASTR Y n N N N s N N N N N N N N Metal Rings, doz en 25c Rubber Rings, 4 dozen 25c Crown Quart Jars, dozen $ 1.19 Pint Jars, dozen 98e, f Prime Commercial Beef Lamb for this week-end J. J. CORNISH Il