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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1945, p. 8

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ORONO WE~KLY TIMESTJIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 1947 Gadex-,ibit of Ilorsies, Cafttie, ýSheep, Swine, PoulryFarm Products, Fruit, Vegetables and Doiestie Manufacture Mery-o-oudRefreshmïe nt Boaths, Amateur Sw Public Speaking, Tap Dancing, Mouth Orga-n Contest, Old Timne Fiddlers', QarleCaing. Grand Parade, 1.00 ocokCd and Public S chool puipils will parade fro,,mAroie to Fair Grounds where sehoolswl p~e for prize monqey. Ruiss Creig-htonî and his Variety Entertain- ers in front of the grandstand al afternoon. Horse Racingy and Trials- of Speed DANCE-N"EWCA'STLE COMMUNITY HALL On the first nkàht of the Fair, Friday, Sentember- 21. Russ Creighiton and his Variety Dance Band in attendance.' Admission 50 Cents CONCERT-ORONO TOWN HALL On the last nighit of the Fair, Saturday, Sepýtember 22'd, aIt 8.00 o'clock. Admission, 50 Cents Rus re.igh-tonî's Va7,_riety Entertainers from Tor- onto, featvring a group of professional artists in signdanciîng, ac1robaties, comiedy, miagicians and instrumentalists A NEW SHO1W A GOOD SHOWbý DON'T MiýISS IT Whnby proper feeding, you ship youc hogs to market f romt six to e-igh t ,%wek eks rlier, you save on thcee counts. Firsi, you savo time- audï] n intese dlays of labour shortage, evecy means of decreasing the aunt of lbu reired must bne consideccd. Secondly, you save f ed.L Thirdly, you save money-rAd every dollar saved in f ced costs is one morýe dollari nyourpoet ('reeiog feefiagng means Baîlanced feeding, net haphazard feeding, Correct f'eediing ,on HU-GI Ho.- Grower means that your hogs rýecive sufficient aniimal proteins for maximum growvth, lots of min- easfoýr sturdy bou elpe ntandf sufficiont vitamins to assure healh and vitaliy. With blncdSHRGANfodng, you'll save mowree per. litter, raise morIee hg-s t'bwu gradfes, and cut the time te maret L'y weeks. SHU-GIN16 PER CENT HOG GROWER $2.25 per cwt. ISOLD B W LOCKWOOD ONTlAR!o li'.W.N.Stevens is homo frýom1 ho-pital. c.W. E. Reid deiivered a rce hoisýe to New Yock last oývek.' The Shaw family, Toronto, -noce at ùheir ýcottage foc the w eek-end. Please take notice that the United Chucca service xiii begin at 7.80 p.rn. in future. Somne froni bore attended the fu- neral of the lpte 'Mr. S. Bryconi, Ken- dal, on Satucday. The Tayior famiiy, ýRosene2ath, calIed on Mc. and Mcc. W. N. Ste- vens onSndy A nuroher of Lake Shore nieigIhb)ocs enjoyed a picice at the lake at Co- bour'g on ýSunday. M.c. and Mcc. Clifford Stolples and Kepith, Port Hope, called on McI. and 'cAl ans-;on Mîlîson onSudy M.and Mcc. F. ýComm-eirford, of Rochester; Dr. and Mcc. Lew\is, New Yock City, vvece gues ts of Mis. Hein- mnond Brow~n. Mcr. and Mcc. Edgar Moore, and IV ocley and Miss Constance Nocthey, of Port Hope, ýspent Sundi-,y at Mr. CitnBroxývn's. 31l. Rogers Leuchner andI bride, of Ni-oigaca Falîs, iN.Y., weco week-end guests of his aunt, Mcc. J. T, Pearce, and other relatives. Mc. and Mcc. Willacd 1Lockha.rt and FioocNiaýgara Pe lleN.Y., spent a week w\ith Mcls. J. W. Lnaseqn'd their trelatives here, Mc. and Mcc. C(c'cilirucey and j Camily and a party of fr-iende spent tihe week-end atü Loon Lake. Some îeýmained for the weký. Thoy went la the ,sehool )buS. Mc. To.Bbno asdaway Sundaiy after- a lenigth-y iIinessz. 1Ho falli iy. Syniipthy v i s ext>ended to 'Mc. and Mc.Georgýe Kimblll Mr. and Mcc.litirry Wde ad Mr. and Mis. LloydCyesaeatece hball gamie atIthe c Maipie LaGar- donis, Toronto, on SaturdaIy. Mr. and Mcc. W. Hl. Joncs a znd Fao, 'Mc. and Mcc. S. R. Joncls, Mcr. and Mis. F. Gilmer, Jim anid Pilip, _Mises MaryLale and -Mr.. C. M. Joncs(,-, cc Sundifay guestsof Mcc.G W. Jojncs at hec cottage, Port Britaiiin Shoces. Mc. and Mcc. Edgac Wlittafýkcr, Mc. and Mcc. Gordon Witakcr -and! bobo, Hamilton; Mr. and IMcs. Alfrcd Redklnap end son, Mc.iad Mcc.W. MFChester,Oshaîva; nd 'hlic ietrMiss- AnChester, ccni arvdfýom1 b1ond'oný, Ega;Ml%. and Mc. .shel- 'In Peth.icek and ad ,li(ldau1 lgh ter1 , SNane(y Wood were Sndyguests of MUr and Mrs. ARednap id Mcc STARK VILLE Mr. and Mcs. Warren Caeon o tectaî inod fc ends on Sundlay. M lis K. Minto and friend Os0,haca, aen o ay with nec fati orMr. Miet'Hlen Dechect and LMiss Betty Scott spent the 'week-end et their homoes in Toronto. Mcc. Frank Howse,- Tocoto,o is hoiaigwith hec paretls, Mr\I. and Mcci>. J1-keý Halloweil. _Miss Doýnna Souchi is spendinigaý foaw days with lhec gcandpaerns, Mr. and Mcc. Wannan, Kirby. Mc. and 1Mcc. Harold Tayvlor, Mr. Wmi. Taylor and Miss Mildred ý1Taylor, lBoseneath, visited etMc Orme Fils. Mr.anid flis. Arthur FeusJ. and faily, Bcwmanville, Mc. Stan. Fells, Toconto, visited Mr. and Mic. Thosý,. Mc. and Mcc. Chaclie Hoit afa- iiy, 'Toronto, Mc. and Mc.John St 'one, Orono, spent Sunday et Mc. F., ank Stone'e. Mc. and Mcc. borne Todd, Mc, aend Mcc Carl Tod and Mr. andý M ., Don Stapl1eton visited with ýfciendc in \iibokon Sunday. M.and Mcc, R. Walden and fam- iiy, Hamilton, M iss Williams, Toc- onto, spent the week-end with their iste r ercd Todd LESKAORD. Th ýe Village wel omes Roitlh Toni nent back from ovorseas. Keith hecs been in the thick of th4ngýs for- quito e long tâme and et is hopeholiel ho able to enjoy hiseaese until ho feels thocougllly costed. Thece are mî,any greteful heecte f'or the job b)oys have acco.mplished and we are pcoud hobge to Leekerd. - Leekard Church annivecsary ser- vice will ho held on Sept. 23cd, et '7.30 in the evening, Rex'. Mi:, C. SmtB.A., B.D.,- of the Newton- ville circuit, 'will ho the specî LIiai se ak- er-. Killby choir have kindly consiient- ed to suppiy the mnusi[cal part of the ccc ce Wehope the meny fienýds of tlie villag7e will attend and -supIýport us thi yean At n meting f cepsentaive -o AI X ealtoTheru,, eL. o Bon il ville, sýenLt the iweek-,.d t te hm of, her son, J Cmi onc Thecteil. We are sorry ýtoherMs Wilfrcd Roughiey and D-ovid ondi1Doninie are leovirîg the villagc e to tke u,-p rosi dence in Oshawa. Mrs. Cthcart is at present in Toi' onito Genotal Hlospital awàiting an o-poration and we hope hec heaith wili soon ho improvcd. Mis. 'T. J. Carscadden was visiting in the village lest week and we are pleased that her heoalth is impcoved enougih thot §he cn get out and acound agaîn. Mr. and Mcc. Goroni M-artinel an'd Kenineth and Mc. andMrs. ler- once Thertellattende1u tH- funeral of Mr. Blodgett, set, fote of Mcs. Mactineh i and 'Mlrs. Thectell, whio pessed eway vr udny We -underctond 'Mc is. M.iSoper, 7,h has been sick ýthis lest w eek w lth norve pains in the face, is going to Toronto Genecoýl Hoý pital on- Wednies- day for observation. We hope she will soon fbe cestoced to health and strength. Mcc. N. Libtle returned fcom ,-ia vacation in'[ChicugoL, 1111., acýom-pan- ied 'by her mothier, Mic. 1. bnhec brother, iDc. Boýss bang, her son1, L. 5.A. Don Little and ics lovely bcidl Of a few weeks and Ms udeg -Also visiting thie former for the week-end w er ecsons, Mr. nd \Mrs, Aylward Littie and Alec. Frederick Falls The funieri sericeý( tookplc in Kendel UnitedChucchOnMody Septemiber lOt011iof Mr.Fcdrk Falls. w',ho passeewýcay sucddenly fol- l'owing a seizucie. The Rev. b. B. 5ith officîiated, 'lhle solo, "Theu Old Rugged Cros" *s endeed ,yIM. James Salic, aempne )y McWnm.Jaso at thre orgen. The ec, Boy Merc' Wm. Mrcr.Pccy Buiey1, Wimn. RbnonadChais.Car ;son. Thuee wee a great imaniiy beau- tîiul floraýl tribu1tes. Idnrenit wsin Orooi(Ceiiietecyý. -Mr.Falls wasa lifelon cesîd n flic coinm'uniity,a godhushand and ýiilfathrwho will be sadfly nisced 1by is ocohg io and family, to whom Our !heartc g out ini deepect sympaty Salmuel Byo The funecal ervceLook 1plaýce in Kendl UntedChlucch on tujiy Sotnber (,ý8T1h, of Mi-. Sam iBryso, who passed away ini Oshe'wa Hos)pîtal aiftor an ilniess of a few wek. fh Rev. bL. B. Smith anid the Bey. J. E. Gciffiths, o Bcadie officiated. Mr. Gciffiths spoke of hcmn yearsý of friendship with M i Byo.Mc. James Swarbrick cndedheol "Softly and Tenderly Jesu, s leCaîll- ing ' acýconpanied by ccVr.WmJak son at the organ., The aierr weýre Msa.Harper Casdd, Lorne B1ell, Wm. Robînso, ArtMc Kety, Johin Patton and Ro Merý-c. Theýe were any heauýtiful floral tri- butes. Interm1-ent w'as in O!on[o Cem1fe- tory. Mc-, Bryson wa-s a lifelong rosi- den,1 ýti hecOnr1muniity and xc1iii1)ho eedly 1mis-,edlby menly for) hc'1ý thoungltful andl kindly -acets. Our heartsý go out in sympathiy to the cor- rowing f amily. . - 0i SM XLL -ARMS AMMUNITION' RATIONING 'ENDED AUGUST 31 Small arme aiii!oaxuniition retîoningJ came to ain end on Augueýt 31t, nd tihoiefore essentÀ-iluessol ik cure ht hy e hersupie e forethee l a sranblofocrh tc on hand, Purchase permits may ha obtained froni any local r ation hoard or fcom hcench officeýs of the admin- istration. Prosp)ýectors, people who nîalke thebr living hunting or tcapping îvild gaine, farmjiers who need to pro- teet livestock or crope from animais or hirhds, railway and municipal police and gluards pcotecting pcopocty are alisd as essenitieluses Unti Auget 1 retiOn]imgstie- plied to cenitre, ire cairtridges ecd chot shelLs. Rhm firo cur tcidges wece elredy unîa'tionod. The Cainadian Pacifie Fleet ie proud of its record of 2,750,000 sea miles ii Admiralty service carryin'g troceps andl supplies thro.ugh enemy infested waters. The value lof food supplied b)y Can- ada to the Bciitish MLiijsti-y of Food undor waîtime ontracts riose from $612,00n,000 in 194) 0 to '$'77,0I',00W ini 1944-aniniitcroase of over30% pointed and the. o hopeto have -aire- port soon on a fltting crpinto ma.,ke a ecesoftis effort finan- cielly. Thinuboroflgtth tyeOf fixttures anthe ou'tsielgt neeed uetailbe houht ~jt ù I Trell'sDr ugSt o re Drugs Stationery Kodaks Phone68 Orono SEIBERLING HOT VCPW -O WATER BOTTLES WATER l.)TTLES Regu'lar Price, 99c. Reguilar Price $11. 019 each; Sale Price, e aeh; S'ale Price, each.-.... ..... 59e each.......79c -AN OUTSTANDING SALE 0F QUALITY Hot Water Botties IPREPARE F011 COLDER WEATHER AN7"D S-AVlE MONEY Padac quirkly as the supply at these prices is limited. "CERTIFIED HOT S-EIBERLI-NG CýROT WATER" BOTTLES W.ATEIR JOTTLES Regular $1.35 each; Regular $1,50 each; Sale Price, each -,.89C sale Prime ech 9l_ Now is the time to start VI'A V-AX COLD CAP. SULES - 30's.......$2.50 FREEDOM1ý FROM WTINTER COLDS You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Stedrnan's Quick Drying Enamiel, colors Créeam, Lettuice Gr-eeni, Gloss Whitýe and ricssBle 1-2 pint for,ý....... 2 7c Quýar)t for....79c Stedrnan'ýs White Slhellace, 1-2 ýt 30e. Quat $110 T itan Spark Pugfor, ail makes of cars, eah.. 9e Haindy TRtepaiir Kits, contains repair matierial ani tube of cenenit, comiplete ....... .......... 1 Edisoni Mazdla Lamrps - 15. 25 andk 40 Watt, frosted, ec...15c.10watfose..2c 100wat clear.. 30c. 0 at a .. 55e Hot Water Boties, guaýrnteed in oknasi and nmaterial, each.......... ......9e Pot edrcmleewt pner, no0other. tools needed, card..1........... ......_.. 10e GbPadls for scurngan lishi al kincis of, kitchen utensils, pkg.......... .. .......10e Jergn'sLotin, eave1nostikine'ss, two 'siZes for.......................1e and '25c CoegtesTooth Brushes, ualrnteed Nylon Bristies, rouni-ded to protect gums, eaých ..... 29 c New Pictures of chelarrn and bieauty to, graýe îan-y hom, riedfrorn........ ... '[0 to98e "Sootfoe" the modlem chi.mey cleaner, tin.>2e WÏ-hite Plastic Tumblers, 2 s .zes... . .15C. and 20e. GROCERY FEATUITRES r _Austr-alian Sltana Raisinis,2 2b.... .2e Neilsoni's Jersey Brýand Cco,1-2 lb 19e i lb29ec Thr-ift Soaip Filakes, giant pkg.... ........5c "CheseKol",those gatbg ffresh Po Corn, for ........... ..........9 WoeNutmegs, 6 fo0r.. ........e Puffed Wheaý,t,9 quart pk, n renur....7 Kee's usard 3sizes .......1e, 25e1nd 50e Daly~ OrngePekoe Tea, 1-2 lb. pg....0 Ayýl,-iiei Apple juice, 13 ounce bottbles, 2for .... 25c, ~Uhap" ilîs dirt, cuts grease, a littlee does a ot, -URnNO 5c. TO $1.00' STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE -u il Motor Equipment rvate Ambulance Northcutt and Smith FuiioraI Directoirs and Yurniturc Dealers KINDNESS COURES SERVICE Equipped to take care of the moý>%dest fuxeral at the Most reasonable c argeaswell a.s te largest and Telephne Colec Res7id§ence 523 and 726 Bow~rileout. loq's , ý , , , , . , $17.00

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