ORONO v EE ORO-NO, ONTf..THURSDAY, SEPT. 27th, 194,5 -Park Street United Church W.M.S. 60[h Anniversary On Suniday, September 3Oth (S. Te) Fine Weather, Large Crowd Make Orono Fair A Success Thie powers tatbe were kinid to Dijrîham lcentrl-3 Agriculttural Sociecy uon SatuLrdayo last week, the last cday 'f the fair, vLben, the wahrbroke ceratrprecedling wet dy hc brougt aut people from ail over --f neaiy. 4,000 people. The r(ecei.pts from the fair tis year were -up 3850over tht of 1Lit yea1r, and )y ail repolits,teatndce ii from nwon be on ýthe incre-ase. There ws everytin heethat The astcrowd wne.A good "1Mid- wNay, incluing a mryg-on o 4heehldenthat asweilipatron- zegaines of chiance thatdi land ciiebusine(ss al afternoon, and a consderala umiber o ersmn 4ootls that kept that nagging bun11- gar away, The cs Ccco1 Chi, 1ren lîned Iup ln frata teanioris and ihaaded by' Orono band, paadd round thec bLoc o tibe groundcs wbere tbey gave terdrilli and chorus. The )Or)no public school was epresen-,ýt- !Y Ms Foster's rooin, MAis ToinantCs rooni ,rnd Miss Goode's roomi, along w-ýith zbi-) f terpin-cipal, Mr. Frank MdMurilien. Their sining an-iidmairch- irig was of a very fine ch mctrad was greatly appreýciated by il wh ~wtesd th-e 'performa 1nc l e. Mnr. Oaellette, of illbrook, ho asto jdatachiildren, was le in ar- riigso the ,priza iwmny asd -Vided aogthe four conîpa bitn g mon.Thietak of tha socmiety i,4 etedit o tatleachnders for their Dunig te ateroonan ,amaýteur --ontest was hleld, under thie direction af W, ýj. Ridel.l'lTie wnesof the difeet coitests are tas follow s *iulcSeknnon entrlanlce, 145, signgirls i16,yea's and udr Arlene Boyd; grls, 12yaars ad un- Ethl Pwso; bys,16 ear1s and Und(erý George Jonas;pouh rgan.] 16ý yl", and I nder, -Bert Mo (o-o Il ghto favour 7tIhe vaSt adec wthone of is opua sna hc 1n1jrt l a couiple of tie beats, thre e he orses made it closeý wcqesd interest te the eracn fansj ç. The track waýs in go hp min( go0d timie wus made. Folluwling are arasuits: 'Gratt'an Lee, ownedl by -Mr In.gll..B....ton. . ........ 1 DforohyAbJIowe by Mr% Fraikin PrtHope....2 2 2 Tas McGegor, owneýd by 'Mn. ThopsnPceeI)oro........... 3 Bngliton.. .......- . ........ .....4 4 Ln addition i ýtle ecasfe ae herýe wis iracing , iin tbree scin of! t-he -oad>rtm class sngehorseDin Thanes, 11/ iindsoroi.tvar. single Thneiii harnIess, iander 15/2badsý, anld pair of hersles 1 l haIless.Ths Iieats 'l i>r(1once ýýarouiýd the traýck hibwats a 1(1(lddti on to thie fair. -These ron'd borses, attacbied to, a four- ~wbeel buiggy, gave a g)oOd -accouiit cf thmseles, alking fast timne. Ther wasa good e-xhibit in ai] thýe horse classes, no dlombt due to the g-ood prizes that ,were offered by the -ociety. Svnbre were entered Ïl. the saddle clanzs, thraa or four more thani that f l ast year. Thje en- tries , in the agricultural, 7perchieron. ydeand r7oadster clasýses wera vary evenily mlatched, txa at timies thae bityof the Ëuge 'o aw'ard 0the \-,es hee ihey rgtul eogd Thýere was a smnall shiowýing of fow'l tïhis year ascmard whote yea1rs, though inî11thelhog', sheep tand caIttie classes there wa1s acosdr ab)1e cêaeover, last ye i.athe Hoi0stein ciass ïalone there were , 104 estTes. The echiitsi thýe bidgwaLs flo a godasini forýmeryers.This isccouîted -(for, bytHje sa CCt o h1elip on hefarmi, 'a ligbt ýdisplay be- ing tnoticedl in thie gr'ain and seed class,, vegetablje and apple classes. Thierewa a good sowing in the filbow-erLclas, domJnestic science, fancy work, sehiool chîldren department. Thýe Oronio Womien's Institut e had a boothsh ig the different dep'art- ments la thfeir work, alsýo a booth dealing with the contÊol of cancer, and a Saivation Army booth. The Or-ono Fýorestry Station had a booth shwig il different kinds of trees that are grown here in Orbono. The DeLaval Company demonstrated the creami separator. The Metallic Art Pr:oducts, of Orono, hiad a very im- pressive display in the line of hand wrought copper and aluminium-a are, along witbih thir bot dish mats. Somne in this d1istrict were not aware just wbat th Mtalj Arts made and w-ere greatly surprised whýén they viwdthe exhiibits that was on dis- play in this booth. Tbeseý articles woui1l make very delightful gifts at Chrisýtmais tirne, and are always ac- ceý'pîtb1e in the, home -at any time. The g-ro-s receîpts are as follýows Dance at Necwcastle ........ $ 161,75 Gate receipts ...........................974M2 Grandstand.........104.15 Space rentais ........... .......... 60 Conue rt ......................... 269.55 Total rjeceipts ........ 605-67 at N 1cste the rsnhtote fai, dncinig to the ilnusicfuise ed tihe concertîin th eveing.There wa sepdaciganld snin mouth orga plyin, acomýeian -%ho was one, of thie best se oen here for some tim, ad amagcia. Tismagician was eally clever, showing that the hadis uce than the eye. Some o'f thie trikse performed were new to, ani Oronio audience and were great- y ejyd A picture was thrown ;or, the cre shiowvingt'fe work that is bigone 'in hî one' clinics in thie Uniitedi Staitesý and Canada, ad- viigpeorple that if they are suspi- clioas of anyýthing,, in their heaith to consutlt a docctorý at once. Cancer treýaed in time :can be cured. The town hall was packed to the dooVs and the gallery filled, brýinging the ttlattend'ance ýto over five hundred., Lt was a good Fair, lots of amuse- ment for everyone, good showing of lietcgood races, and a wonder- Fui diay. A few m rore ye.ars like this ne anid the sceywlll be in a hart- ter way financiall'1y to build the fair lan-ger tha.nevr Following is the list-of the prize wîniýnersý for the first day of ithýeiFair: Grain and Seed Buishel, fali wheat, named, 1945, Mr.ira Lowe, Garnet B. Rickard, J. T..rorwn; b1ushel, spring whýeat, nam- eýd, Garniet B. Rickard; bushel bariey, ixoweMrs. Ira Lowe, Garnet B. RikrJ. T. Broiwn; bushel late w1hi'te oatsý, any variety, namned, Alex. Hlen'dry; lbushel eýrly wbrite oats, any arety , named, J. T. Brown,_ Johii C'ruiickslhagnk, J. W. Broyd & Sonýs; buthie1 peas, smallý, white, Mrs. Ira Lo\we; bushel white, beans, Mrs. Ira lbÙwe; 25 ears H'ybrid corn, strung, Mr. And Mrs. W. S. Moffat Celebrate 25th Anniversary Oni Tuesday avening, Septeiber -5habut fifty relatives and fr-iandsý nssaeabled attJe home of Mn. and Mm!s. R. S. Mof'att, te celebrale the 25th wedding aniversary of Mi-. and lWn, . S. Moffat and te ib hi nîany lhappy retuns. house was gaily ligbited and dec ort ed(1itb flo-weirh ýte suit the occasion. Th~e gthnig as called teo rder- loy Mn». W. F. Ricekard andMrs.Ro)y ani&icousin of tibe br'ide, rendI( Sacoiplilientar'y address toe he bide an ero f25yasPesttin arthnmade loy tbre snsGrnt Nail adAlack of t-we iigeo chai-irs and a table La-mp on ahlfof the guesta present. Atoglcom-ipleteiysupidte groom esponded te the addîea--s in a very aâble manner, exmpressing their app)raciation for the gifts and the kýiindly thoughts which accompanied thein. The bride added ber thanks and hapad that everyone present \vt)ld comai and visit them and make use oýf the beautiful gifts. A pro- grammpe was arranged and contnib- uted te, by Che younger ganeration, intaspered ith specbeh(s and hu- mornesrbmar ,ks Thie bride'sabe ashautifully deonte itb pinlk nisa nd traln Càite latis, etrdby thie the-ir adn ake.ý A dintiy 11lunc ws ervd nda as the inegbouing district.ý named, Mrs. Ira Lowe; 1I2 stalks of Dent corn, w\%itb earsý for ensilage, Garniet B. Rickýard, Mris, R. G. Moffat; whi.te oats, sibecaf, named, 8 inch, 19415, R. Os-bornie, J. W. ýBoyd & Sons. M aney-lHarnis Sipecial, J. T. Brown. Beets, hlood, tatble, five, Fred Blaclthurai; carrot,. red, table, five, Mrs. N. G.-Heop rMs. Ed. Deani; cabba, tre , wnta , Mrs. D. G. Hiooper; cton3w , Mrs. M. W. ChateronFre Blckbrn;mangeis, sugar, five, ary Bowan; m n; on.insyeloxv Mr. D G. Hooper; prarnip, Ms.). G. Hoopar; puýmp- km fi field, Fr-ed lcbun umk Pie, Fred Bakun Mrs. M. W. ChiattLerton, ; 1quashl , summaer, Fred Blacllburn;Il squash1, winter, !Fred Blackburn; tomnatoes, red, 'Mrs. D. G. Hooper, J. T. Brown; turnilps, Savede, (feed), Mary Bowen; iturnips, table, Mary Bowen; 'watenmelons, R. K. Squair; muskinelons, iR. K. Squaîr; potatoes, 1L/2 bushel, early, named, R. H. Blakeiy, [Mrs, Ira Lcwe; pýota- tees, 1/2 bushel, late, named, IR. H. Blrakely,; potatoes, collection, named, R. Hl. Blakely. Fruit Best collection of fail apples, cor- rectly named, R. Osborne; best col- lection of winter. apples, correctly namied, R. Osiborne; Gravenstein, 6) quart 'basket, R. Osborna;Mctoh 6 quart basket, R. Osiborne; Graven-' stein, 6 apples, R. Osborne; Wealthy, R. Osborne, Mary Bowen; Sýnow, Mary Bowen; Mclntosh, R. K. Squair, Mary Bowen; Scarlet Pippin, R. Os- borne;, Baxter, R. Osîborne; Wolf River, J. H. Jose; Blenbeim Pippin, R. Osborne; Toiman Sxxeet, J. H. Jose, R. K. Squair; R. I. Greening, Mary Bowen, R. Osborne; Braldwin, R. Osborne, R. K. iSquair; LiSalle, Mary Bowen, R. Osborne; Golden Rusýset, ýR. Osborne; Nonthern Spy, R. Osborne, Mary Bowen; Stark, 1., Osborne, Mary Borwen; Ban Davis or Gano, Mary Bowen, J. H. dose; crab aýpples, any variety, J. W. Boyd & Sons; Delicieusý, R. K. Squair, R. Os- berne. Pears -ýBartlett, Carlos Tamit- Jose,,, R. K. Squair; ,ýCklpp's avrie J. H. Jose. Plinms - Badaw Canlos Tamýblyn; Lipia)iý Gage, J. H. Jose; Lombard, Carlos Tlamblyn, R. K,. Squair; Iteincliude, J. H. Jose, R. K. Squair; prune plmsJ.H. dose. G -ae Green, Canin1s Taniblyn; black, Fred Blackburni-, Carlos Tam- blyn. Flowers and Plants Asters, collection, Mrs. W. W. Sherwin; asters, iîte, Fred G. Ing, Mrs. W. W. Siherwin; asters, rose, Mrs. R. VanýHome, Mrs, W. W. Shar- win; asters,' red, Mrs. R. VanýHorne; asters, mauve, Mrs WX. W. Sherwin; asters, purpie, Mrs. W. W. Sherwin; carnations, collection, Miýs. Glenn. Pickell, R. K. Squair; calendula, Mrs. Glenn. Piýckell; marigold, African, R. K. Squair, F'red G. Ing; marigold, French, best display, ýMrs. Frank Stinson, Orono Wýomen's Institute;- s1cabiosas, Miýs. Glenn. Plickcll, R. K. Squairý, petunias, single, plain, Mrs. R. VanHomne, ýR. K. Squair; petunias, single, fancy,) Mrs, Fred G. Ing, Mrs. R. VanHfome; celosia, feathereýd, Mis. Glenn. P ,iekeli; verbenas, collection, Mrs, Glenn. Piekeil; snapdragons, Mrs. Glenn. Pîckell, Fred Blackburn; zinnias, Poin-Poin, J. ýH. Jose, M. H. Staples; zinnia, large-flowerad, Mis. R. VanHorne, IMrs. W. W. Sheýrwin; ,rose, best six blooms, Mr,., J . Tamn- lyn;. rose, hast single blioomii, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Fred, Blackburn; phlox, Drunrion-di, Mrs.' Glenn. Pickell; cosmos,, collection, -M. Hl. Staples; dahlias, collectionl, Ms. R. VanH-orme, Freýd G. Ing; dahlias, cac- tus, ;Mrs. R. VanHorne, Fred G., Ing; dahlias, sbow, iMrs. Glenni. Pickaell,' Mrs. R. VaiHýorne, dahlias, dlecora- tive, Mrs, R. VaifHlove, Fred G. Ing; dining taible bouquet, formai, Mrs. R. VanHomie, R. K. Squair; lunýcheon table bouquet, J. H. J ose, Mrs. Glenn. Piekeli; livinigroom bouquet, J. T. Brown, R. K. Squair; gladioli, single spike, any colon, Fred G. Ing, J. T. Brown; gladioli, white, Mrs. R. Van- Home; gladioli, d1arký, Fred G. Ing, J. T. Brown; gladioli, pink or rose, Mrs. R. VanTHorne, Fredi G. Ing; giadioli, nny other variety,- Fred G. Ing, J. T. Brown; glaidioli, 10 iLstinct vanieties, J. T. Browni, Mrs. R. Van- Horne; bed basiket of glads, antis- tically arranged, J. T'. Broýwn, Mrs. R. VanHomie; galilarranged in low bol r.R. VanHomný,eý, J T. Brown; penttemo,spiked, Mrs. GenPick-j e1; hutnoebouquet, -Mrs. Glenn Pikal;hst arngdhig_-h.basket, J. H.1os;1as 1ar 1n1d-1 bas.- VOE . N o. 35.1