ByGLYSWLIM THIS ARMýý,Y "He just keeled ove.rSir!,ictod hM he could draw any amourit le wished!" e'ýsays be's autographed 80 many basebalis he can't write in a straiglit une!" LI.FE'S LIKE THAf By Fred Neher "'The hlueberiry pie, koks queer, dear ...riaybe I put in too much bluing." FUNN"Y BUSINE-SS "He won'tlie' bothered, now waith salesmen tili next month!" Mý'ÎUTT JND JEFF- B'y Hershb'cerger and bill collectors CROSTOWN By Rln : "'Stopineupng Dear! A-fter 1 f-iin my account, youca give them tlhe actual facts!" OUT OUR WAY By J. R,. WIi~ B BUD F ïS ISHER l ByGEEYRE TrHE SPORTING THING ~'WIy 'use- the walchine~? 1i can sce right through lier!» POP-etriutio __________By J. MILLAR WATT FAT I HATE!S ROUTINE Just Goes ta Show that a Patient Shouldn't 13e, His Own Doc POP-Retribution