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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1945, p. 7

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-That eeg nuf lirdians Visiteý Capitel To Obte[in Ricgh,ts 0fCitizenship Caaa'nîdiien populat"Iion 1.1 agan usthe apt in f a etr S. mination t0 gýain tlle rigilts of ýfui) eizensipj. This montih w 65 memnirrs of tira 'North Amier- ican1 Brthler-loodi ef lniaa,:tr- ditionally robed, met liesand Resourices M"inlisterý Gbln, they Lad ant even strconger te pre Inientts La ý'a fouight againl for tire cauise of dunmoerecy, irey bv workad tla thre war p)lants and on thi ayrmes, andi wh-,-t conceerne thlen pertïilarly. they hiave pid '.,. income teix - tid gives theni gr tod taLmse thre fâmilier ci-y cf taxation without- rapres enta-, Mlon. T'ut t1leïr cas-e dloas raceive the considaraticol of tlira faderai gov- ýermmnt,. indins reccive family loane,1and lest yaar tire gov- errnnent' boostetil the amount set asideý for tiem iry $1,000,000, and maiteied15 hospitals andi 265 day 'Sehools. There ara 125,000 Indians in Ca- madal, about two-thirds of wvhom ai-e on raserves, Thea others have Ipeuft tire reserves towork on farme antei iln industry. Epileptie enflerai-s in Canada veill soon be able te wlad seaful ani almuest noermail livas la a spa- ciel home whicirl is ndrcon- s3truction la St. Hiara .1111,0 towna ln Qneiac, esa memi-orial to thue, Canadien sofldiers whio feul et Dieippe. Dieppe Rouise, tle firset of its kii on tira continlent, w"'01; be opaýnat1ithis auitumin and will ati- it 100ý patients ro tire central bulildinig. Evenltiuelly a saisof hîelriousas will ba bujilt wliere patieýnts will ire abee to live in comfo-rt, compairetively free ?rom SAccorlag to onae of the direct- ors," Ut has lonig beuen telS tiret spa- ciel attenjtioný was dule epileptice seiro tcoo otteni ware sent to Insane asylumeli or othaer ho0jmes where thay had lîtle or nio opportuaiity ta MeAt usaýfuivos Dieppe Rouies le, deint provide Irle patients witli madfical cama, edulcationi and treîlagin sitarletredePs. One oL tire world's 1"l dIing, i~'Jtîatyspeiaias"foi-iis M. ~#t9ec~es Geba, j coielg to oftt- wa from France 'orue hie wXoml o!f designsing tlire Calaain ecaital. Six yeamsý ago M.' raber imade a study of part of tire City and, tire national War Mlemloriel on Co-nfedleraion Squaire sas built. Now lifis tecsk is age.Tirte wçholeý capital ity on irotir sides s.> of tde Ottewet River will be davel- opeti as aad' mamorial o! tira wYar iueSt ea-ded,ý Ineludede( in thie plan is tirecrea- tion nf civie; Centres, qcheol bru'Ild- lxugs, residential districts, play-, grounad, sports centras and pare,. No Hope of Homes For 5,000 Orphans- A spokesiman for- thec Uniited Nationsý Relief and Reheabilitation Admini1stra t'OnË disclosedI the ex- istenice of aecarly 5,000 dieplaceti orphane whor hiave nlo place to go becauise thiey haereacheti the age of 16. Thiey arc ini addition te niearly 3,000 tender 16 ini Frenchi, British ýwad Amyeicen zonecs of Occupation for whiom homes are being fou-id îa France, Swteln, Britain and clscýwhiere. These countries will receive enly ch3ildren of e,pable ae" - unider 16. "We have not beon able to give the(m any kind of hope, the s;pokesmen eaid. <-v play Santa Claus To Europe's Needy Millions c f men, seomen and childfren in the over-mun countries ar-oday witheut the most oe mneotaryN, articles of clothing, s'hees ayid blankets. The enemy took everything they hed. oxcept what they wcere ctulally weeriig,, and, todaty, tire rags that romlain are in- sufcetto cover- theml. A alha gneont te the more fortunete confinei(s cfterorld, perticnltarly the UntdStaSes e nd Caaafr ServiceebInedcotr ing 1te)ho senjt imdat I o these; S lueici, sufferinIgpep. ~ Lpt your epr at lothling7, - irwhich yenil have 11necnee, ha yonr Chr msgif t fnte hv wIr- vjtom people of Eurlope and Chine (;i%,(,them te heNaioallithc C-ollecýtion forlieatdcntes Cdo! c 31IE ffort Lt s sgni~cntfa1c!, and one thaýt spaevlmsfor ithe 1ritish peop, tat!eiuovrnn Spenit a hghrpc nltage of thle nautional înI"'lc ie w payînlg folr 'the 'var than dlid ithrthe United( Stats o Rusie Ltwas a colos- sal eI1ýovî, iai, one that reflects crsîý ) dit onîh i riotism iand devo- tion of the B ritish people. -Brantford Expositor býrinyS FASTRELIEF! NEXT TIME you suffer from a simple headache, try the Instantine 1-labi et- way to prompt relief. You inay be surprised at-the'speed with which 1 Instantinetablelcan bringyoufastrelief. It generally takes only one Instantine' tabl et to start bringhig welcome relief from heiadache pain. You see, these fast-acting, prescription-type tablets go tLo work a-,miost immediately easing pa.iin,lesseniingdiscomifort. Instantine's scientific combination of three proven inedicinal ingredients works in these ways to bring relief: 1. Speedily ease the pain. 2. Prolong relief froM pain. 3. Reduce "depression." Give mild, tmltn If. Try Instantine -chances are you will neyer again resort to slower-acting preparations for relief of simple pain. Remember Instantine, too, whenever yout sufer from pains of neuralgia and nýeuritis. Your druggist bas Instantine. 12 Tablets 25p-cihoui 2Z, adose Fre, EfcieRelief Itemn Simeple Pain Rleved1 Fast ïIR is Easy Wy Put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol UP ench nostril anti fec? it go to work bringing quick, sOothing relief from miserableVIK sinus pain. by Correcting Slýuggish This Way is Swif t, Economkaul Few conditions cen wreck your health faster then disordered kidaeys and inllamed blatider. Your back aches rierablIy. You have restiess aights, You suiffer leg cramps and. rheumatic paln. When, these thinge beppen your kidacys need help ia fltering ont acide and, poisonous wastte tiret are uaderminmng your bealtis. Give theni this help-quickly---with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 0fR Capsules. GOLD MEDAL Capsules contain %ccurately measured amountt of thre original and genuine Haarlemi 011 (Dutch Drops). You self)beertefully surprised at tire way the eiv clogged kfdneys aad irrftated bladder. Go te your druggist now andi gel a 40e box. Be sure Fou esk for GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. 2 2 Secal emdiS Macca Pile Remedy No. 1islefor Protrudiag B]eeding Piles. and is sld iii Tube, witb pipe or iterai apliatio. Pite 75e. Meces Pile Reed N. j-fr Extemnal Itching Piles. Sold1 n er sd is for external use only. Prica 50Q. Jrdr bi nmb r rom your Druggist. A Different Way 0f Lookîng At It, An Englishman and an Amer- seain were prescntcd 10 the poen- îatý cf an-castero country. Asthe Orienital looked over the Englisir- nian's pasapont, hoe sain, "I sec tLhat yon. arc, a British subject." "I ai-ilir,' eaid the Briton, swcelling with pride. "And yyen,"' said thre monarch, tnuning te the American, "are e subjeot of thec United States." The"Amiericani gazcd aS there l- o r in emezemecnt. "Subject, hock!" he exclaimod, "I 'own part cf thre United States." Great Britain's Workless Nest Egg Britain's "workloss nestiegg- tire unempîcyrnent fund-now ý-to- tale more thlan $i,27 0,tlîi.ll0. just, over $8,000,0010 was peid out in unemploymont bonefits botwoen Marcir and Julnc, as cornparod with close te $5000,000 i0 thre corrcsponding period in 1944. Contributions te the fond total- cd more than $70000,000 for 'the' three months ending Jue, 1943.- Newe York Times. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS - 'UIERRITORIES STILLý open. Scîl $5 ga.soline saver andi super charger: 100%l profit. 5 Minutes toitaI. Write "Gas- oline Saver", Box 52, 73 Adelaýide( West, Toýronto, SONG POEMVS WRITERS. RECOG- -nizad uaew r4e, yts og are published by leeding USY., publishers, ,eoest-to-coast, vw-il Write nMusic to youx- posms. Free copies, now Publishing ln Canada:, Write Songmaster Studios, Sussex_, NB. WE'LL RAVE A STEADY WEER- ]y suppIy of excellent broilers available. Order 110w, elso' your feli and winter chicks. Did you get Our Fali Service ]Bulletin? Bray Ratchery, 13,0 John N., Hem- fiton, Ont. B1JS1'çES'ý OPPORTUNITIES '41 BUICK SEDYAN WILL DE SL FOR $1.001 TO holder of luckyv ticket et Picker- ing Rotary Piri, October 17. Send $1,00 1for five tceste Box 200, A BEUTIFL MOERN5-1100M tion, or choice of $00 in Vie- tory Bonds, situated aet'lie corn- er of Lawrence Ave. end Scairlett Rd., in Weston. This beýautiful homne or the bonds will go to sonie lucky shareholder. It ta net necessany for the winner to be present et the drew. TIickets $1 eech or 6 for $5. Mail your order for 1 or More tickets to Treas. Weston Lions Club, Toronto 15. Get yours now. $1 FOR ROTARY HOÙSE SHARE TICKET GIVES YOU OP- portunity of owning this beau- tiful homne or $4500 cash when lucky ticket is drawn, Proceeds for' Crîppled Children and Coni- xnunity Service. Send' today for one or More sheres to Rotary Club, Box 428, Essex, Ontario. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME 1"MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $50,00 monthly Bond drnw. Othar prizas, Deteils on racaipt. Shqres $1,00 eech or 6 for, $500. Send for sheres to St. Catharines Optîilst Club, Box 445-H. St. Catharines, On tario. 1942 PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDAN WILL BE SOLD TG IHOLD- er of winning ticket, to be drawn ln Hespeler. Thenksgiving Day. Tickets 25c, 5 for $1.00. Proceede Rinsmen Service Charities., Send for tickets to Kinsmen Club, Box 428 -C.Z., Hespeler, Ont. $10,000 HOME ]BUILT ANYWHERE IN CANADA to winner's specifications, or $10,000 in cash will be awerded lucky ýwinner. Aiso chance on $100 monthly. draw, Winner la stlll eligible for bouse draw. Al proceeds for chlldren's welfere. Tickets $1 each-12 for $10. Mail remittence to Sudbury Kiwanis Club, Boy, 53. DVEING ANDI CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleanlng? Write to, us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parkar's Dye Works Lîrnilted, 791 Yonge Street, To- roto. FARM MHACRTINERV FOIR SALE NEW BRIGGS & STRA'PTON AIR- ecooled gesoline engines. Moatup- tu-date engios made. Luw cost. Denlers orders învited.- Scope Sales Co., Box 852, Ottewa, Ont. "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either et your local dealer or direc 't froni Swedish Separator Co. Llmltjed, 720 Notre- Dame îýWest onre 1 , Qe FoRl AL QUANTITV 0F' LAUGE WILLOW trees,.[Ranger Limh Company, 85 RingStret West, Toronto, Ont. PIANOS, O)UR SMALL NEW PIANOS will h-e eivnilable shortly. Beauti- ful'in cd-,!s ioand tone. Crcular, mailed rom)ptly. Fectory MesUon, and PRisch 1Lriid,642 Rin Street West, Toronto0. D ECORATION DAY Rivalling the dis play of decorations that Hermann Goering, used to spread across his ample front, is the collection of medals, crosses'and ribbons worn by Russia's Marshal Zhukov at a recent review of Allied troops in Berlin. Blankets and clothing for chul- dren, woînen and, men are urgently neled un davastated war ereas... WHAT- CAN' YOU SPARE THAT THEY CAN WEAR? uENERALSOEONHGWY Hamilîton vijcinit, n ice hoýme sur- roundings; $9500 coipletei, ,6,UoO cash required; owneLr retiring. Ask Worthington, 21 Main E., Rarailton. FIFE PEIDIGREED ABERDEEN Angus Cattle. Three Heifers, Two ~uls ~d~1esE ckhardt,rice- ST ALLION -ONE 1PURE1,B1, ED French Canadien Premium rnA, five year old, one two yeari old, French Cenedian Stalilion., one yearling Sorrel steulion of saine breed. Priced reesonabl1e.Bo , 73 Adeleîde W., Toronto. GREA T flNES HARLEQUIN AND IBLACK ",GREAT Dene puppies, ' registeredl, best týanadtaàn and Ameriesýin blood- Unes. Mrs, M. Rlopkins;, cor. No. 7 Highway end 5th Concession, llnionville, Ont. STRAÀIGET FOX ROUTNDS; ALSO crossed with blood hloun)d. One' snonth to twoyear-ýs old. (Good running stock. Hakeur en- nels, 1Hawkesbuiry, nt MUSCO VY 1DUCK1,S, WR 1TE, drakes$38.00, ducks $200 F.O.B. Panin Farni, 1'.0. Bx1,1, Adr shot, Ont. WEANLINGS F110M RGSEE Yorkshires, ovcr 6 weeks old 8(1 for $50. Also Registered breeding stock. Cretes free. Peg. Briggs, Cleer Lake, Ont. BRGZTSREAL ESTATE W",IND- soýr Ontario offer 150 acres Black Loani near Forest, Onteýrlo, Tiled, Fenced, Price $49 peraceBrk Ilouse, Barns, Concrete -ýSilo. $335000 lDown Payment. 20,000 BREEDING EWES. 50),000 Feeder Lambs. Itamboiillet- Merino Corridale Cross, Southern- Sask. Wool Growers' Association, Meple Crcek, Saskatchewen. G. S., Herringer, Secretary. SURPLUS ARMY STORES Army Petrol Cans, capacity 2 Imp. gallons; with carrying handle and heavy brass cap. Just the thing for carrying extra gesoline, water, anti- freeze or any liquid. Price 79e eech. Used Land Mine Boxes. 81/2 x 83/4x 28' long. Price $1.29 eech. Used Ammunition Boxes, 13 x 11 x 18" high, double hinged cover, 18 ga. steel. Two, heeyy carrylng handles. Prâice $175 each. AII-purpose nietal containers, 17" hlgh x 105, x C%5, with slip-on cover and cenvas, carrying strap, Price .790 each. 6' Folding,, Mess'Tables, prie $5,95 each. 6' Foldîing Benches, $2,20 eech. O.O.D.-Ti'renYsportation charges ex- tra. Write The Alison Mechinery Corm- rpany Limnited, 208 Simcoe St., To- ronto 2B, Ontario. UP TO DATE DRUG SIORE equipped with Soda Fountein Service and Souvenir Shop. Good business ail year round, Reply to Poitras Pharniacy, 210 Main St., Lachute, Que., 45 miles froni Montreal. ELECTRIC M0-TO'R:S, NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; beits, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electrie Cosm- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferîn St.,. To- ronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND AND REPAlRED. EX- pert workmanship. Moderate prices. Lloyd M. Bettg-er, Monk- ton, Ontario. PARMS FOR SL 75 ACRES 'FOR SAE GOOD buildin1gs, 2 mniles to Bri,8 acres et 12 acrels clover, 25 acýres poge. lny water; wvell fncd hdr valeable. Possssin Oc,1: $270ý0 down. Apply Ban1- Barroni, Barrie-, Ont. NOR'11H BA y DISTIC(T - 160 aicres, free and clear deed. Good road te property. Good hunting and fishing. Tâtal price $5Î00. If you want a quiet property in a, good place te relax, give inie a oeil. Several more roperties in sanie district. Geo. Wighit. 1U0 Canada Bldg., Winds]or-, COnt, ISSUE 39-ID45 THE PEACEMAKER Blaosed is thé peacemakar seho la twice as tougirtiidstrong as tire perty te ira paeified.* -Brandon Sun. PA'REýS FOR SA4YLEf 21 ACRES FRUIT FARM-N, 16ACE of fruit trcees, new modemn 5-ruem dwclling with space above for I3 additionel roons; large a nclosed veranda, double garage, 2 welle, Rydro, modemn conveniences, $12,- 600 ternis to suit. A bargain for the ehrewd ,buyer. S. Vujkov, R.R. 1, Sehool Rd., Niegare-on- the Lake. Ont. j100 ACRES, GOO C 0D BUILDIN,'ýý Kemutvile, Ot..1 rolle, ldî station, achools,agiuurlc- lage. Mrs. E. Cotnai, 890FW e Ave.. Ottawa, Ont. 15-flE FARM P FR SALE- Gravel loarn, brick bouse, gýood outhuildinga, new silo, ahundance of water, Raîfmilefrom high- way, Apply Box 1228, Smiths Falls, Ont, VALUABLE FRUIT FARM, 313 acres ot exceptlonally well cul- tivated orebards, lncluding peers, peeches, charries, pluma, prunes,, grapea and apples; attractive 10l- rooni brick home, eetiîy bath, bot and cold ruing water, beautif ut surroundïiing,,s; tan bouse, bhem, pec-king sd, 2gr agsc1ken; Ilin spilndlff *rpir; aî mlefrni sebcool on 140 'ACRES, ABOT 10 CE bush, good bouse, haro ed ïshede,_ Apply Henry Weil, 1"RP. 1, Tavi- stock. FARM FOR SALE, NE-AR A GOOID town, on the cament highway, lots of water. good buildings,~ $2,500, Apply, 50 J. H. Goodrich, Warkworth, Ont. 104 ACRES FARM, RICE LOAM soli. New steel harn in 1937, near- ly new 8 roomed frame bouse. Rydro, ruonning waer Ibabth bouse and barn, 8 acres bush, driving shed and ban coop, good fatîces, 25 acres bey and pasture, the reaS ploughed, drilled wall $8,000,, et Icet $4000 in cash. 10 miles froni Guelph, 8 miles froni Rockwood, 5 miles froni Acton, 1 mile toe chool. Mrs., T. Halcovitch, RHR. 4, Rockwood, Ont. 200-ACRE FARM, LOT 18, CON. 13. Enniakillen T'ownship, one mile off No., 21 Higbway. Eight-rooni brick bouse, full basenient. Barn ,40 ft. hy 60 ft., finishad off wltb cessent tîtangers and steel etanch- ions. 12-,-0 concrete silo. Good mnachuie sýhed a nd granary. Good clay lojain, wefl tîled, 25 acres herdwood bsh Apl Wlter Clark, Wy-oining,Otro HOUSEREEPER, UNDER FORT raliable, trustwortby, for farm home. Ail conveniences, two mnaie adulte. Reply Box 284, Barrie, Ont, LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT LINO OPERATORS and floor mien wantad for news- paper printing office, permanent position, bighest wages. Wilson Publisbing Co., 78 Adelaide W.. apply neareat Employment and Selectiva Service Office. Order No.- 1.> MEDICAL NATURES RELP-DIXON'S HEM- edy for Rheuniaticý Pains, Naur- ltis. Thouseoda pr;ising it. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid -$1.010. STIIMACIl AND'HRrAD 'WOR)MSý oft«n are the cause of îil-heaith ln bunane, al agas. No one Im- mune!-.Why net fiod out If tbis le your trouble? lnteréstýing par- ticulare-Freel Wvrite laulveneysq Rêmedias. 'Specleliete. Toronto 1 [SAU(MEEKA FOOT ï3 ALM DE-. etroys offensive odlor lnstantly 45e bottle, Ottawa agnt êDnnian 'Drug Store. Ottawa GOOD RE SOLU ,,TION - EVERjýY sufferer o(A unai Piso Nauritis sbouid try Dixons Rom-ý'ý edy. MuinnosDrg toe,88 L E A R N ASDEIN TE R'oberteon mto nomto eniy,-137 Avenjtue od oe AIl Beaiutif lly Furnished With Running Water. Rates : *$L50Luo NIIACAR'A FALLS We recommen.d- GOLD MINES, LTD. <No Personal Liab!lity) Bîd, 40, -Ask 45 Circular on request Alliance Securities Telephone ELgin 4104-4105 Four Colborne Street, Toronto 1, Ont. MUSICAL îNSTRUTMENTIS FRED A. 3ODDINGTON BUTys, selle, cexehanges munsicail Instrýu- mente. 111 Church Torointo 2, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCileOQU G.-eal Opportunity, Learn Hairdresslng Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thou.s e successful Mervel1 graduates. Amierlca's greetesi ys teni. Illustre-ited caýtalogue f rece. Write OF -.sl1 2dARVEI, l >RIrDRESSINC 258 BLOOR ,W_., TORO(NTO ranirches: 4, inig St. Hamilton & 74 Rdn>Sre taa WINDSOR PHOTO FINISHER i1S give you better picturesý. Try our gloas-tex ýfinish and see theu dif- ference; s!,ýix andeighit exposý,ureý rolîs develope(d and printed 30c; reprints O.c each. Wind1sor Phioto îiser, o-x 49j, Winid- CANAA'SLARGEST STUDIO STAR SNA"ýPSUOT SERVICE Dnt riSklsi' OuZr. pic2tMreS. Snaps cnt be tken over a.gaîn. senid your flm iirolîs toCand' largegt and fiestudiîo. Get !bettes pictures at lower coat. PROM*."PT MAIL SERIVICE Any Size Roll-G or î Exposures, DEV,,ELOPED AND PRINTE,ýD 25oc "I get beet results froirStar, Snap- shot Service",writes za customier tri Nova Scotia, who adds that she bhas triad many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER NwStyle Album ith P1rit sizes ý16-20ý-1 7 if29 M;c extra) lis senit wlth film roi., ENLARGEMENTS- COLORED AÎND FRAMIED Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful ease] mounts, il for 2e raeon ivory tintedmats, 7 x-911 inGold(, Silver, Circassien Walnut or Blacle Ebooy finish frames, 159cenecb. If -enlargement colored, 79e eech. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We cen restore any oldphtgei or soapshot. . . end nmake_ any number of prints or en!Lergeientrs desired. The 'process requireste work of skllled artiste, but th-e cost le reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us what youi went dons and we will tell you the cost before doing the workz. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Torontc, PrIni Nae and Address 1Plaioly on, Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Four filmns properly devaloped anId printed. 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 5 REPRINTS 8 for 25c 1rINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Fou niey not get ail the films you want this year. but you cao get eil the quality and service you desire 4y sendlng your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & C OMPANY Pai'ent Solîcitors. Establishecl 1890'. 14 King West, Toronto. Booliel of Information on ce- que>set WANTED WANTED FOR CASH-CANADIAN automobile lic ence plates; Auto.. mobiliana. Swigert M u s e u ini, Huntingdon, Penn. HAY l3AIER- WANTED IN GOOD3 condition. App1y to W, H1. Mertin, Grand Valleyý, iOnt. WANTED TO PU(RCHSEPUL ets ail-eas and brectds. iTigh prices paid.Apy o N.51 78 Adeja!d, W Troto T. M Searsý, Jri,80OaStet Dec au,hA'Lebma eniad bloodtested frs i ag abliy rainipa-id. For fuîtll detils Wrte-ox 89, 7 lie N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N y N 'i. N N N N N N

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