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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Oct 1945, p. 9

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Fond mmoriesoflwbe Grand- lia wa1sa girl. emrode lte demurm saone gir-ls onl anyv of youir linens;, yolli like tben31 lots b ett er! Old asbined irl and f Low motifs are carigy dfern" Patterl 7'90 a a trans1fer of, 10 motifs; 1J2 _x 2to) 8 i. Send twenlty ce'nts in con '(sams anotbe alcceptedI) for Ibspttern1 to Wilsonl Nee1be- cra.ft Dep t., R oomi 4121, 73 Adeý laide St. West , Toronlto. Prînit plainly- patteru umber your nae and( By Roberta Lee V..- ~' J. If tehostes ià stili busyý rciig guesta and a guest is; leaving, sb1ouid onle Iit llptte liostets to teli beur gob for ,uaîfad wif e, shuda man it cojrect for- onle to take lumnp suigar withi tb]efnes 4. Wheni tw w ý ýoman fiend have abways rcemereçlc eacb * oiar' Sedd(ing annivraar it a gift and one's husand bAS Pass- ed away, sbo llte ohrcontinuec ~doing so? 5 Souda ilian 1(emlove bi, bat wheogettn-ginto anil vao of wjny public bilidinig, wretbere- is, a womanwhom h knows? 6., Is it proper to, eut fisb it the koife when cating it ANS WERS 1. Under these circumlstances; it lano cncessary, buit ifposbe the guest shloubd watfor a shonrt ie ntil the esre opporitunity prescrits ittelf. 2. NO; lie shld Sig.n Mr anid M rs.. ' R.Smitb ." 2. N1o; tons re alasused for lum auar.5. es. 6ý. N'o; fisbi is ý5o tender t1lat it can) be easîily cnit Whleels mlade of aiatdwo were triedl ont in Lodo subways to lesen oiseand redl1ce egt 4868 NSuou eryt satnakn e " Ws ak-osbo res atr 4dsR fin.; lipi yd. nlig CHAPTER II TFlicfence sbonld bave been tt the rd bog shonid neyer bave een u(iibring in that ciump of taîl gra'FSs eayto dart out, n'itb porcinepeiu ritwhcere the con- crete btret fa culvert stnck Tliere was a1 ickening swerve ùnd(, ca!r totteredA on two wheebs for a breatb beforeit roared down the shýouilder anid ilto the ditcb, to end wt a sickening, jolting crash anid smasbhing of glass. Mýona L Tee sait stuniied for a min- uite, bier stomacb b lurting, ber neck twisted,, tie brokeýn steering wheel stilli iinlber banda. Her bat was off and ber lap xsas fubl of glass, and thee ws bondrunning into ber eyadlier kneecýs burned anid stung Siowy sit got back ber br'~tlinpen dier tanît fingers, booed roudtbou)gb mnerely monv- ing bier býead ruadlelber giddy. Th'le dooro the other side was open and bangliniuig at a crazy angle, and of Gary vTaliman oniy bis boot- cdl feet wcvisible, sticking up i1nide tIllecar, Mona Lec trie t open the door bidlir, but it was sprung and wou111ild nt nnv, o she cliibed over the boy's legs and tried to straigbtcî bis bnOdy, flinng across the runoing boar-d, bis bead on the ground. Hils face was greenishi gray and the, skin bad been scraped off bis forehead, but he waa brcathiug tbinby tbrough bis mouth. She re- mcmbered about spires and that you shonbdn't lift an injntred per- son, an she drag-ged aenme dry graCss under bis bead and taggered ba ck to it down on the cubvert tIliber bead clcared a ittie. fier cars were ingîing an that alie did ont bear'the truick coming tili the brakes squealed rigbt at bier cars, and a man jumnped down be- ide lier. "Gond goali, Mrs. Msn" It wa,, Slin. Mona Lee began to er>' and scold bysterically. "It. ivas that rcd bng - Hatrve>' toid yvon to f ix that fence. Don't you lift that boy - yon might break bis back. You go get anOme- tbîog to carry hlm n." "Your f ace is eut." Siim was daib- bing at a siiiarting place with bhis dublious baod1ikercbief. "Sure iucky youý aiî't kiled - the waiy that caýr'sbse up. Eýasy, now banig on to 'e.Il1 get yon homne and fetcb enin bep to take care of hlm." HAPPY? YO U BET! Here's the way it la when food cornes at last ta famished countries of Europe. The ehibdren in this picture arecbking given soup with rseýat in àt in a creche in France. Particularly is Europe short of nat. Belgins has lost two-thirds of her cattie; Greece al ber cattIr.; these are typical examrples. IN EUROPE NOW H1E LEN TPIGMILLER E Mleat-Stretchiers Meat-strctching 6) Sounds like îsn't. It is just ai arithrnetic. Fori 5 token i lb. (making 4 loto magie. But it matter of simple instance: ground beef=4 Hundreds of thousands of Euro- pean children, espccially in sou- thern Europe, where Cqnadian meat is scheduled to go,, are as thin and scrawny from under- nourishment as this French young- ster. "Hes breatbing yet - -but youi'd better htnrry." She did not faint, tbankgoodness. "Dont't send him to any bospital -yon bring him bore," she or- dered, when Slim 'heiped bher into the bouse. And then, wben peuple were rn- ning around frantically and tele- phoning and exclaiming, she sat on a straigbt chair and wondered what bad bappened to bier btat. ' 1 The bcd was smooth and cool, and the windows of the room iookcd ont on widc pastures and a lîttie ravine where mnesquite trees were beginning to turn a gay, pale green under the apring suni. When bis side bad stopped its dil achîng and bis hçad biad elcýir- ed up and the nurse stoppedI shoot- ing stuff i"~. o bic, armi every time be moaneedJGary Taliman becamne aware that it was spring and that thet e was a taw ny-haired girl wbo came into bis room now and then. Her naine, so e, b ad garnered ont of the mnddle of bis percep- tions, was Adelaide. Other people caine and ivent. Mrs. Mason, Nvitb a p)ateh of plais- ter on bier forebead and a worried look on ber kind face. She feit re- spoasible for b is broken rib's and( colarbonje iandlthe cracIk on the -head bei'd got[wenthe car it the pig,iid she nrged hýlm uii ver and over not to worry; lb'd be takeit tare of and just as soni as bec was strong enougb they'd sec ltatie got down to bis job ini Mexi o. And now and then Mr. Masoît came in. Gary w as--very apologetie wben the big sandy mtan towevred over the bcd. But Harvey Maýson * didni't seeru to resent bais presenice. This rooru be lay in bbngdto Harvey junior, an be bad barnedc. Adelaide Mason bad a huk voîce and slow gray tyca. Lyýing, in the dark, with the spring breeze stirring the curtains, Gary ý,coil stili sec ber eycs. Little dark bIneý rings arouind theirs, and bier ashes had gold on the enda- and made shadows on ber chceks. Thelire was a pcppery ine of freekîca across ber n05e, and ber lips -were lovcly. Site bad nlce dlean brigbt baîr. The older- Mason daugbtcr, Grace, came on Sunday. She. was different. Her hair wsbbaek and bier eyes were eold and iindiffeýrent She worc toc, much lipstlick anid sh had a busband who looked blike a coliar ad. His name _ýwas Olieb was in solid witia ig pectronleuru concero. Oliver asked liriabou)tfootbll attd about Mexico, and( said le thougbt chances er darncd siimi down there and ,an;tiyway cbcap Mexîcan crude was paying the Idici.enis vitliite )ilbusiness. He deiCt lie didn'it like Oliver, Paid1 bis opiion id flà ot change evn iuen e sw Oiver in old fisbiiing cioties. But \Adelaide nasdffr natd Mrs. Maý.,son was sweil. Shebouh np trayvsiersel if andfed ihlm eus11 tard w,,ith a spoon, wblen tbeLy wouidu't let i useis artn o)r lift bis beadi. 'The baudii w asjpiv rple and feit hlke wodlgo n the1 l".cCool counterp3uei. Mrs Maon oid hlm(!ýii about ber littie Pboy, Phil, wo la, died \Vbcn ic nasIx agernon'. He' bav iooed bke you, I tbiiîk ie asav rolder thian HrvyJupýor - sd tree years older thli Aelade. So Aeaiiwal" ny-n. Mrs. ]a o tldhm 2ha iýt !a bad foul'r c!hiil c î ix eas "Tbey wcr\ il litIatoc a!1d,1b0u t]Cail grcw11p at oc - and îîow l'na ieft ith nobodyto mothr."slic site otbercd Cabve% ( To e Co CouTd '/ teaspoon allspice 2 'teaspoons Wcrcestershire Sauce 'cup tomato sauce or put-e Combine m-eats with onion and seasonings, except tomiato sauce. Flatten bui piece of waxed paper ioto rectang,ýular shape' abýout Iý inch in2 tbickness. Place stuffinýg on top of mneat and form into roll. Bring ýmeat up and arouuîd roll of stuffing so that it i5 cornpletely covered. Place ini loaf pan. 'Pour tomato sauce over roll and bake in moderate oven (375 deg. F.) about 1 hour. Yield: 8 servings. Note: Stuffing may be pressed ligbitly into, baking pani and meat spread on top. Bake saruýe as stuff- ed loaf (8 'x 8-inchpa) RIS BROW CLEARlS wken you serveMxwl House. Men love tests Ifying Cla Ior of IIhîs choîce blend of LtnA eia coffees. Ple2ase hhlm d-ily' With Mawe lise. ASRIIC ESALI servings. 1 lb.-ground beef plus 2 cups Kellogg's Corn Flakes6 serv- ings. And here are three recipes to prove it: MEAT PATTIES 2 cenps Kellogg's Corn Flakes '2cup , ater or milk 1 pound ground beef 112 teaspoons sait 1/, teaspoon pepper Crush corn flakes sligbtly. Add other 'ingredients; miix xwell. Shape into patties. Fry or broul, eooking 7-10 minutes on' each side or until well brow ued, or bake lun hot ov- en (450 deg. F.) abouit 25 minutes. Yjeld: 6 patties (abent 2Y4~ inches iii d iameter, 34 inch thick). N\ote: Add chopped onion or otheýr sea.,-soiiing, as desired. MEAT LOAF 4 cups Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup water or milk 2 teaspoons sait %/ teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce ' cup cbiopped parsley 1 tablespeJ)on chopped onion 174 pounds grouind beef 1/4 pound grounid pork o sausa'ge Crnsb oro lakes; add ohrin- gredienits; mix toogl.Pe lightly in loaf pani. Bak1eimod eriately bo t oveni (425 deg. F.) 50-60%ninuteE. Yield: i1- bal (4'4 x 9'2-inchi pan)-8 servings. STUFFED MEAT LOAF Stuffing ~2cup di cd ecelery 4clip cbopped onlion 0 1/3 tnp fat 1 eup cooked nc 2table2spoons miiiinccd parsley /2 tnp stc r watcr ' cups 1Ke:lgg's RiceKrsis Brown ccle]ry and onion in fat; s;tir in rice, asesaoig n stock and ix wel('rush Rice Krispies into ,coarseerms stir loto rice mixtuire. Meat Mixture 1 pound grountd 1beef '/2 pound ground veal or sausýage 2tablespoons finely minced on- 11ý-'/ teaspoons sait '/ tespooneelery sait AU E e ui f UlUy Furnmished Witb Ruinning WOýater. Rates: N-'iAGf-ARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R.STATION___ I cbx o f 12 s. , , , n!>'1 Bc E ono 1bt t 0 c729..o n > 2 9 amysrcf 100 . e . cniy 79Cj ISSUE 42-19-45 Helps Check Coldi Quickly You eati of ten check a cold quickly if zo followý these instructions. Jus as soon as you feel the cold com 77 ing on and experience headache, pamin in the back or limbs, soreness through the body, take a Paradol tablet, a good big drink of bot lemonade or giger tea and go to bed Thev Paradol affords almost irmmed- F lae reli ef froma)the 1p>ains and a)Ch 1es and helps you to0 get off to sbeep. The dose nsay be rIeeaited, if neee-ssarY, accord- -5'ý îng to the directionisIf 1there las ore- ne.,ss ai the throat, gargie with two trftj Patrmd<s the next time you have a eobd alic we believe thnt you ibe well l :se PRal ý1doeýs Dotdsp Tou gct pain relief fast .when you use Aspirin because Ît starti to go to work almost immerý,diately. To see that this is so, juat drap anprn tablet la waýtcr. What you'lb scec a what happeais in your stomnach-txe tablet starta disintegrating wlthin two seconds-l That's whiy Aspirin stoDps nieuritie, nieuraigic pain so quiciy. Oct Aopirâà toclay.T.ic"Ba2yer" cross; on each tablet la your guarantec that it's Mspfrin.

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