OTTA.. A._REPORTS Hanve Appliid For Farmi inlaedld lboom, no rush 1ita farm lailds. Tdysbc-ote landmavnientis an rdrI-,sel !timea1t venlssr xavn an -' ada's plans for thirl.i bliaiof vueteirans. 'Airïea dy San,!ie :,o se(rvice inen bay appldfor arm unde tIe ldir icSetîlemenl tandi Velerans' Lai, Ac,',-,bsut admînuiis- tratoris of 1the act ave setîne liime lititt o ppain s becantbe fiy w0pil lNe to sec orderly setîle- mnrt arer napn of ai10 years r-allier 'Ihsa a short-tem cancen- tratiax afiç'demanu. oncqestl app)Ilicianîs are cairefall]y creeneti, ta0dlti tat farjning is a seýrions ..~ buiniess, given adyice onf'1lateet nethods and modem s ýoilcutltiva- tion1, and flbey 1n1!15 have had saie pract-ical farmniag epnec.if a veteran i5 accepte'd by the regian- ai dvsoy onmite wicb inter- views hum, liaseecs the farnelic ants, sts onithebcfinancial as- sitnelic eedsU, nd the prapen- ty às appraised bAan expert land inspctai. Iffoani aceptalein ail resp)ects, tLie adiis'itratiani purchiases thie prapent), and n-selle ta ih vetean uder agreemient of sale Mcaconnlected witIbis tvoîkcxpct tht sainle2,0 vet- czrans will eventually apply for farmes. Sunveys inidicate fthat aýbouit 5% 'àof service pecrsonniel rare ini- terested un fatîtinse farmiaig. A receat s'i've y of Caniada'sý farmi pictuire neveals that thene are 86ï,000,000 acres of land nder totalpassible farin land iruntise cauinty. Acco)rdling tt e Ilie141 cansq there were neanly 7=3000 fonrs in Canada operated by close- ta 1,082,00)0 persans gainfuuly accui- pied in farinsîg. Thiis figure equals 9.4% ao Caadf total popullationi. During the war about 400,000 pe- sans laft farina ta ecnter Ilie armled farces aud wýar 'indnstry, somi-e af wiliom m r-1ay noýt go back. Anaîlie11r facior in ible fairin population onit- look is bbc fact tbat aýbou-t 7,000 famnU re u;nthec aginig class 0of 60 or avenu thus becoming pros- pective sellers af their lands. Tt is, meoe xe td nat mofa ( ua's new slirfreswl seMle on axitig cltmaions ns- lben ibant vingin land. * * * '. Canada's aitirecontiuiono $7470,Q0O00 ta the Unoied Nations Reclief and Re-habilitalion Adiai- istratin has becut used up. Be- sides, UNRRA spent considerable Uited clStates fmnda l pncas goods in Caniada-. Muicb of this el sonley bas gonle taCanlian farmi- ers who hiave supplied UNRRA with il qntiiesof weaseed, inal and uainy praduets. Mare thanî haif the weualýseait ta For- ope since V-E Day ias been Ca- nain, and Iis percentage will be kcepl uvp duing the presenit crop yeair, At Iblis rate there will be onily about 100,000,000 bujshels lefI on hand by n1ext Jly. Cansequet-t ly the Canaain %Weaî Bord bas lifled fIhe 14-bushel-ani-acre lunit oi, wlieat deliveniecs. This sbouild put an additianl 15,000,00 bush- elsirmbthe Un ýiited îNationis' food basket. Ninie of every 10) hogi siiaugliter- 'ed ali bang rushned to, seabjoard Xports ta micl the Uniitedl King- don's ur,_eist request for more ha- Coli. ad wili lry ta add 3,000 pouies to eaclh of its 11,000.-pouald montIlly îh[ipllents un 'Octaber and Canadien F(eeration of Agricuil- ture statistics, shiow that in thle five years, 11)9 tb 19441nluie Canlada cxu tedt the lited Kingom ,600000000pouaids of b)a conn a 1ld park; 197,000,000 paunids of beef (ini 19441 and ta janle 1945ý, incusve> 61,500,000 "-' pounlds of cheeseq; 180,000,000 doz- ,pi- cggs; 189,000,000 pouidi af cvaoraedmiiký. Canadians trav- elling in Egadsay the beit known anf theaeý producîs are dried or pdee ggs, uisiltakeabIliy a p)rodalci of and withl a pictune of ascaletcoacd ltoal Canadian Monted Plcmnon tbe pack- age. This food bas givea sust"enl- ance bO m)illions aof homes, buit as Sbippigg, spaýce casezs, mare and mare bel eggs xviii be sent. Brit- ishi hoswie vill bce glad la gelt go,-d( fsuIadlia eblI egý,gs agailn becusepowere cegs, tloulgb heaîlful ae ot asý tiasly a dishl. -ÇToXcp ppeafront s poi iig, > txcy. uo~id b s,.ce ina cool rooni ~ V~c h nc, eîîiA by a ~ROLL YOIJR OWN WITR CIGARETTE TOBACCO Today, the modemn way m1ost mothers uise to relieve mniseries ofcolds isto rub VD'icks VapoRub on the throat, chest a nd back at bedtïme. Resuits are so good beauise VapoRub ... Penetrate& deep into cold, ir-ritaited bronchial tubes with its special, medicinal vapors. Stimiulates chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. Then For HeursVapoRub's s3pecial action keeps on working. Invites restful sleep. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone! Nome-Proved by miillions of users, 'VapoRub's special pene- tratinig-stimulating action works just fine! So be sure you get the eneanden1yVICKSVAPORUB. bri-ngs FAST PRELIEF! COLD gettinig you down? Follow the finstantine 1-tablet-way to fast relief from the imiserable, dragged-out "a-chy" feeling oftcn associated with colds. It generally takes only one Instan- tine tablet to start binging welcome relief fromn cold sufering. You see, these fast-acting, presciption-type Instantine tablets go to work almost immediately easing pain; lessening dis- comfort., Instantine's scientifie com- bination of thre-e proven medicinal ingredients works in these ways to bring you effective relief: 1. Ease pain and discomfort. 2. Prolong relief from discomfort. 3. Offset "depressed feeling." Try Instantine - chances are you will neyer again go back to slower-acting preparations for -relief of coki ciscom- fort. Rely on Listantine, too, for relief whienever youi sufer f.rom hecdache or mrnsular ache or paîin.Ail drugstores have Instaninie. 12 TubMetS 25ý-abeku1 2ý a doe Fast, EffeîivoelefldfgomSinipre Foin nal oiy heips reclieve monlhly paiin but aise accompaayiag nenvous, tired, high- slrang feelings -whien due ta fulianal peiadie dis;turbaniicas. t's oaaý of thse moal effactivoýc medicinas for tbis purpase Pah 'sCompoulnd heljes nalarel FaiIaw label tdirections. Tly iiivE! A L 04 wù? (elEpE4TABLn ýrOMP- Ninth Victory Loan Truly A War Loan There eaxiats inu anagie waîid eanc cai use tao wa-ft mitayfarces fnom Ilhe scene's of 1bttle la hei normal home suirroanrding oaven, - niigbtf. Ufru ey long after tise enemy cries surede,,e ost af wan goes1a. Thie Canadian people imust mlt hle doit of ringing tiraops home theasantennceof oaur forces of occupation :nGemay.Psai) the mjica wvho n ic %wailiag demalbil- ization goe.s oan. Ceusta depend- ente keep gai(:tng out tintil the soid- ier 'has bis diseharge paper. There are heavy domastic epn dîtuines,imade lheavier liv the nopre- cedentad damandi af this paiaod (4 re-canslructian n th ie couîsltnY. wbich are inciuded in tihe total,- of the Nintb Vicîory Loan objctiýve. But of Ibis we dan be snire, The ma.,Jor portion of the mney whic Canadianis wiil provide for ise pu chause of bonîds unOctober am.] Nav- ember is naeded ta ccx antîse cnet of war. AGENTS ~ATI iaincome ,in soare tie elling Vetran Caendrs.Large pro- fit. Sndtwelyfiv cnts ýfor sale Comany, 659 Doveîrcourt AGENS - 1'E-RRITORIES STILL open. Seli $5 gasoline saver and su per chairger, i: 1 00,% profit. 5 m*inutesi to liinta. Wie"Gas- alime Saver", Býox 52. 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. SOGWRITERS SONG POEMS WRITERS. RECOG- nized music wrlter, whose songe are published by laading U.S.A. publishers, coast-to-coast, ýwill write music to your poams. Fre copias. now publighinig In Canada. Write Soogmastar Studios. Susse,, IIAIIVCH1CtKS PULLETS PURE B IE ED1 1S AND hybrid crosses 12 waeks UP to laying. Also FaiS hatchfd( chirks bookad 10 order. Not too eryto book your order for 1946C.-hicks. Send for aanly booking prica liet and ha sure of chicks wheýn you want thein. Twaddla Chick Hat- cherias Limited, Fargus, Ontario. DURING OCTOBER WE EXPECT to hava soma broilers availatbla. A,ýnd your Novambar-Dacemai chicks should ba ordared inow. Bray Rtchaery-, l1i)John N.ÏI PTL fLETS 2f, ER U 02 .Veeks. pure bedhai yrie Aiea dayaidcike athd o order for FaitliryBokyr ordexnaw for youir 146ieks and sceure the-n on tha, data Y01u want thami. Top Notehchikril Guelph, Ontariao. BUSINESS AND PROPERTY IF YOU ARE THINKING 0F SEL- ling your Business or, Proparty. large or smail and want good re- suite, coneuit thie office. 30 years experiance in selling ail kinds of proparty, for further information write. George Lawton, 709 Quai- lette Ave., Windsor, Olnt. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALADUIN HOMES ORDER NOW for 1945-1946. Pay lika rant. Sand 25c,, 32-page book.ý 2628 Howard, Windsor, Ont. WIN PERSIAN LAMB COAT or Hudson Seal Coat or Muskrat Coat and Muf! valued at $500«00 or $400.00 in cash Tickets 25c. or- 6 for $1.00 Sen you>ir ïpostal note er monley ewder to Mes L. Sh>apsonj. 98 "'IT COULD BE YOURS" -4 BEAIJTIFUL MODERN 5-RoO)m Bungalow. naw under construc- tion, or choica of $10.000 in Vie- tory Bande, situated at the corn-7 er Of Lawrence Ave. and Scarlett Rd., in Weston. This heautiful home or the bonds wili go to, soma lucky sharehoider. it ile nat necessary- for the winnar talhe prescrnt et the édraw. Tickets $1 each or 6 for $5. 'Mail vour ordaer for 1 or more tickets, to Treas, Weston, Lions Club, Toronto 15. Cet yours nonw. $1 FOR ROTARY HOUSE SEARE TICKET GIVES YOLI OP- portunlty of ownlng Iis beau- tîful haone or $4560 cashi when iucky ticket le drawn.,IProcaeds for Crîpplad Children iiand Corn- mnuaitY Service. Send today for ana or more sharas 1In Ratary Cluib, Box 428, Essex, Ontarla, '41 P'LYMOUITE REXELEN conditionineiiluding ,,rubbhas. Sn dollar for five daw ickets ta1oJ, ahaden fliow'enDraw kChair- sn4, Re lfinary )Wôrtersý' J'nion, Forýýt 'oîonaVi1nnerpurchaisas car for -ana dollar. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALýsO PARTI CIP1 ATE IN 850ý,ý ý. (0 nythly Bon)1d draw-. Othaj r pizes. Details on racajip, aes$0 ecdi or f for $1,0 Sni - Clu,DBx 445-11. !,. Ctjrn OtanloQ. DUKE 0F WINDSOR VISITS MOTHER The Dukao of Windsor, paying his finît vnul ta England i-a1aal- mail five years, is sean with his mather' Queen Mary, at MarI- ,îoraugh Hanse in Landan. The Duke's wife, the. former Wallis Wanfield, remiained in Paris BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWHERE IN CANADA ta winner's specificaitionns, or $10,000 in cash will bc awandad iucky winnar. Aiea chanmce on $100 monthly draw. WVinner le stili etigible forhos draw In Dacember. Ail proceeda fon cbîid- ren'e walfare.Tikt $1. eac- 12 for $10,. Mail remittanice ta Sud- bury Kiwanis Club, Box, 53 PVI~ENG ANDI>CLEANING HAVE 7012 ANYTHING I4EEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write ta us for information. We are glad ta answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parkar's Dye Works Llmitad, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. PARM MACHINEFIY FOR SALEM "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and 'rapair parts are always available aither at yaur local dealer or direct fromn Swedish Separator Ca. Limilted, 720 Notre- Dame West, Montreal 3. Que. FOR8 SALE 10 PUPS, 7 WEEKS OL)[D, CROSS froin registered Great Dane and Nawfoundland,' price $15.00. TIhey ara beautia-, ý',Vrite for further ariuaste, Alex Soucie, Snake craePk, Que., (via Mattaa, Ont.) PIANnS, ALIITD UMER0 Our snî e ns1rwilll( s-oan be availabe,. Write foircular. Orders excuidin tuirn as re- ceived. Factory Mason and Rischi Limîted, 642 Kin St. West, To- ronto. FERRETS, NWRITE ýAND BROWN, Maies $4,00 Femie $1,.00.' Oscar J.,Daly, Hager8avilie P. O. Ontario. ELACK REGISTERED COCKER Spaniai Puppy top braading, Grandson of Champion Whiriaway of Irolita, 41 Champions 5 ganer- atlons, Red Brucie. My Own Brui- cie, Torohili Trader la pedigree on bath sidas. Excellent -show andI stud prospect. Sacrifice $35 ',00. Il. M. Duffy, Katrine, Ontarjia. REGISTERED YEARLING BULL tram beavy produc1ing Dam and sired by son of rampton pa gnolae Standard wboas Dam ngave 10090 ibe mllk and 542 fat, test -5.37. Prica $60. Slley Denayas, Odessa, Ont. BAILED RAY FOR SALE. TIMO- thy Broomrass, Jred'Top Mix- ture anid TUpland. Frpairtienlars write J. Virrmcu, nna ai loba. GURIMM Er ýVAÀP)O-RATOR 6-1 ' ,x 18' 1.700l buektsats oas tling cn80.I.Bre.Siund- rîdge. nt ATTENTION, FRMRS OR Sale: Tractor 'Tires, imadaof mbti- ber. sultabie for bolting ,,on steel wheels, $1000 each. We order- Ing slate diamecter and width of wheel. National RbarC.L'd.. 5 Wiltshire Ave., Torotino, Ont. SCOTCH C 1LLIS. SEVERAL, weli al dTr-aa'puppies. registered. \WriteKe, iaKen- nais, RgindCakOnt. CENERAL STOREONï IlGWA Hamilton vieinity. aieahmesr roundings; $9.5(00 opae 601 cas,.h raquired:one raii, Ask- Warthlngton, -21 Hala E.. Hailton. M IlSCO0 v y DUCKS. WHITE, drakas, $a.00, dncks $2.0F.O.P. Panin Fnrm. P.0. Box Mli. Adet shat. Ont., 20,000 'BREEDINO WS 5,0 Feeder Lamb,. ramb, ou, i ile- Marina Cornidala Cros, Snt r Maple(re, astcas.C R. Herringer, ereay ELECTRC MOTRS NEW USE] FARMS FOR SALE KENT COUNTY FARM OFFERED 25miles froin Blenhein, Clay loai, 200 acres, ail tillcO, 65 acres choice tobacco land (new), ana 92' hern on cament wail, cattie and hors,, stable cament fooar thpgh o, 0-foot pig Pan cam- entý floor, 101,000-b4ushel carnacribs, ihoas, watar anci hydro la hnse andoba, biligspine adin godrepair. Jud'ge Ibis productive farYin by itsrpawith or withouýtieuinn,,vwner re- turing, priced ta saeli $160 par acre, phone or write 7U. H. Nich- ais, Bllenheim, Ont. FOR SALE, 84 ACRES, FLUE 17CUJR- ad Tobacco Penn an No. 8 HIgàh- way - Bagla. Appiy Rugana Ko- vacs, R. R. 3, West Lamae, Ont. VALUABLEf, FRUIT FARM. 31 acres-ý af excaptionali 'y weil cul- tivaeýd orchards, includlaig pears. paaches, cherries, plains, p)runes,. grapas and applas; attractive 10- rouin brick home, eleçînjclty. bath, hoat and c'ald runnlng water, beautiful surroundinge; tenant hanse. barn, packing shed, 2 gar- ages, chiekea pan; al lansplendid rapair; haîf-mile frain sehoal on gaod road. Prica $25.000;* muet seli. Owaer living on farin n, E. Ligbtla. Ridgevi Tie P.O., Welland vicinily. PiARM, 200 ACRES. 21/2 MILES tram tawn, an hlghway, con- renient ta sehool. Mrs. Artlhur Rochon Matitawa, Ont. A BEAU 'TTIU, WELLU-IMPROVED 178,are, aa ile saunth or Til- bur, Ot'.,on Mfiddle lRoad. chas. 285 ARSFRSAE11AILES sout"h of !lbrtn Pprioximate- 13, 100 acres gaad wo-rkýahle land, rmainder pasture and c bush, plenty of woad. tiMbEr forl' m- ber and maia syrup bush, faim hanlse, and baro, weli waierad and fenccd, Railway and river rua' thraugh praperty, Hydro power available. 2 miles frain station, generai store, church. and schoal. O)wner retirlng. Pnica $,0.A)pi. Melville McKnigbt, 1801.1 W ATE D FLOOR MEN WAN4TED aýnd floortta ana frnas papcr pitn fie emnn Position. bget ae.Wilson, Pnblishing Ca.,78 Adalla1rda W.. apply nearet lmiymet nd SelectiveSevc Ofc.Odr No. 1. ITSEXCLLET RE \XLRESUL»TS after takin Dion'sRemedy. for h";eumatie lPains an eNanntis. Drug Storerim5Elgin, ST'OMCH AD THEAD OR-MS afte aretha auseof iti-baalMtb bh lumanis, ail gee.N'ýo aainT- un!Why uat find ront if t'hi, is iyaur trou1bleý, itratn pr- ticulars - Fre,! l Write M ýuiveneyv', È fAiIMEE R A FOOT 1BAUd DE. s'trave offensive odar lnstt.iyý 4ebattis Ottpswa agen0t. ileninser IlUg Store fittaw Stre iSEgin. Ottawa. Postpaid L E A P, iiIEESN H Roeten netbod. informatýion on' equesi ragardiasc lsss FRED A. BODIN!'GTON BYS. sellse ichanges muic7ýajlristru- meints, 111 Churcb, Ta-ronto 2. B3E A HAIRI)R!-SSFR JOIN <AAA ,AtN <}<t 1sllpporuucl y.fa1Les re 74 s(idnesin Britain To Replace Merchant Ships Britain is to re 111 ai sippinIg losses suffeted b1,Y to Ui ited Nations; iw-io p11cd iiir Imerchiant shipsý at thle disposa;i of the il ied caýuse dur-ng the wa,,2r. Seven Bni- tishmechn shIips, frinstanICe, hav\e rccely 'vbeen sold 10 Fran[ce, andI a furthler Ijnree are to follow. Beslides this, thie Bri-Ih GoveCrn, ment has granted widesprïeaid f-- cilitieýs'for the buildIing of Fren-ch merchant ships iii BIý ïtish ishiip- yards. Similar concessionis are be- ing granted by the Briitish ovrn ment to other United Naionsi. DID YOU KNOW thiat Maxwell b s ofei ~'Radiani Roasted" to Cap. ture aliheextraoidesg of thIIis priulr fine Coffé lend. Try Maxý-well Bouse! 1 ERS NAL ASTROLOGICAL !READING ý; lic. Contains your icydyWe ta plant and harves by mon phases. etc. Send birth date. ILau- rentian Specialties. StL. La1unt Mlorftreiii, 9. Que. NEED H1-ELP? 1INTELRNAÀTIONALLY, knoûwn-analyst sanda long, infori- miative, personial anlss yur not, 7001E],',.Youing Place, Toli 15,'Oian, 1U. S. A, PHOTOGRAPHIC PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favounite negativas and send ta us. We'l1 ratura 12 prints mnouatad on attractive, ambossed greeting carde, with envelopes for mailing for 69c. The most origrinal greeting carde you can get--tha3 klad your friands will kaep - carda that men on active service ut homne and overseas like ta get. . Ordai- early. -(2 Photographs on C-alendars for 25c'.) STAR'SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminai A, Toronto "*Your quaiity In coiouring and d (e- veioping is excellent," writas a eýus. tLomer at Peterborough, Ont. "and your service is prompt and gPuaran- taed. 1 ain particularly fascinated wlthi the eoloured enlargaments and Chnistinas cards. Your pnicas fn sncb, quaiity woik are really econ- amnical and I appreciata your prompt raliable se-rvie." Any Size RilSor 8 Eposunes. DEV1I1OWr:D iAND PIITED 25e 3 MONTD NLAýRGEMENTl,-','[S 254- YouMoun te ed 1,y lhand lfor ai all ditoa cha rge. Framed Elar -V'ts4"x 6", on. ivory ltintutsin raes7" X 9". Burnîshad (z' ,,Icd orSivrCicsae Walnut cor Black Ebony finiish5)9c: ifanag en coiourad 79c(, Pnint youir naine and adidressplin ly on ail ordars. TIME TESTED QUAITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Yourrfilms ,propernly davaiopa a-ad pinted. 6 R8EXPOSURE RLS25,2 RIEPRINTS 8 for, 25c FINEST ENLARGý,INO SERVICE You maýy nat gat il the filmns you- waathis year, but yacn gel ail tha -,quality îand servýice you cdesire by Penjding youir films ta paieri SucIns stablished, 1890ý; 14 K'ing WVest. Toronto. Bookietof norain nne Barie-Orillia1 1area, goLd build- lageý;cahBo 54 71 Adelaide W. Toront o. REI 1) WOKMN WANTS Bo 5,7\delaide Wast, To- ronita, Ont. treasý.!Ranger Limib Cman 85 King,, Street West. To)ronto, 0Ont. ail esciptons; higtstpricas, paýidc. Fo ariulr rite te Quaa Cit FeaharCa.. 2 3 Bad- in 5it., Toront1o. WANTED T IO PUP&II'ASE sULL- eýts ail ageýs and breads. IHigh, prices paidApi Box No, 51, 73 AaadeWToronto. HATCHINO EGGS WANTED O 1946hatlclng ssasPlocks ,;,li- c'd andbastd fý,ee of chîýrge- uindei vernnetSupervi4locn.ý Guaraamtead peiuplus hpstch- ability premtiiumpald. For fufli' details, write Box 19, 7.1 Adel:ide W..ioronto. hanse, Stratile .ito. -t',Rafaf- eo:cs. Aply ena tet TISSnto t.- k k N s.- N -5 's N I.- N N N -.5 N N N 5.5 N N 1'- N -.5 t. N j', N N N N N N N -t- 'N t- N N., N j- Np 5' t' N N N N N N N N N 5' '5 N