ORtoN-o WEL TIMES TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER I.1, 194.5 Service For Al The SERVICE of this organization is not imited to any class in the comniiitiiv. We offer mer- chandise in a wîide range of prices to 'sit evey preference. Whatever the price, thec quality îs high. Every fan:erai that we conduct,rgrls ojf the merchandise selectedl, receives the sameo careful, conscientious attention. Complete, dig-nified funerals condlucted fromn the home, schurch or chapel as low as $70, including the finest in service and equipment. Fm F. MORPRIS00 Orono 27-1 Bowmanville 486 - 734 ONTARIO Hours of Work and Vncati*ons with Puy Act, 1944 The industry and Labour Board which admiïnisters The Hours of Work and Vacations with Pay Act, considers, in view of the termnina- tion of hostilities and the cancellation of war production, the acute manpower shortage which existed during the war years will be minimized, therefore the postponement as to working hours previously provided shall be cancelled and effective November lat, 1945, the workding hours of an employee in any industrial undertaking shallflot exceed forty-eight (48)1 in the week. IL Regjulatîon 4 of Ontario Regulations 8/44 isarcmended by adding ihereto the following subregulation: (la. Notwithstanding the provisions of mu-Lbregulatlon 1, an emiployer mnay adopt one or more overtime work periods in bis industrial undertaking betweent the lat day of November 1945 and the 31st day oif December 1945 without a cons-ent Iu writing of the Board, but the overtime shail not exceed thily hours ln the aggregate. INDUSTET AND LABOUR DOARDe rNO PERMITS NEEDED FOR ~iresfone Hold air 10 times better tha-n natural ru-bber tubes. Heat resistitg- Cooler runnlng. e Cured-in rubber valve stemis. Longer lite. Hom. Charlem Daley, Minister of Labour. 1 2Y BES IAYBE YomI ARE 10W ELISIBLE FOR NEW TIRES added lnfla Y ad- diini cllsifica. adwe wllI gladly lokup yoursiatus. We ave the officia, Îflform'atien anid fornis, If you -need nlew tubes we highly reeoiumend these new oues made by Firestene. Drive int and !et us explai why Ithey are better~ WAT'lSON'SGRAE Phone 42 r Il -ORONO, Ont, El RTH S Local News Tl NUT> PTELut r F UTURIE G. Corish (11ee Ja.iee rsoi aIre hpyto announCe thle bi lhif a ontoon uesay ast.F~ t fJ.~tjjjj~¶ a~e .ursngHome, Dorset, Enigland, sntTuesdaty 1la Toronto. Mink and Fox CARD OF TAK eMs d , o Hamilîton..visited ws st I,11 with herbohrs W. E. Faaid John MUl.TATIONS her many kin r'eds eîhous Armstrong. Buy a Trio - We Ranch Them Krh Ladies Grou1ps and the W. A. for' fi eris, cards, fruit anid kin'd en- Miss Pat'isyJaneofTroto WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM quiries extefnded to lier duriag her has beenvstigih . and Mrs. recent iliness. W. E.Atog. C. R. KNOX Gwendolyn Phasï.,ey uniderweat an 0OONO, PHONE 42 r 2 operation fofr apniii on Satur -__PLAN_______ATTEND_____Il iday afternoon last. _____ I PA OATN Sergt. J. Mason, off Camp !Borden, - speat the week-end at -the home of Mrs. Jas. Dîckson, Miss E. -Basnett, R.N., of Toronito, speat Thanksgiving Day with her sis- ter, Miss A. Basnett. .Mrs. Jas. Dickson spent Thanksgiv- ing in Kingston visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Milîson. Mr. LeRoy Brown left on Monday last for Uxbridge to assist Mr. Camp- bell, agricultural representative for Ontario County. MTrS. Jack Biickley and youag child hiave taken up residence in the Kum- rite Apairtmnents, cwhile Mr. Buckley i s stilIi la the Armed forces. Miss MaIiel 'Thompson, RN., off California, ýMr. Arthur Thompson and their motiher.iMrs. Ella Thoirp- son, off Kendal, visijted Monday at the home of!lMv.r and_' Mrs. T. A. Reid. A polieman ri m BowraaviIlle had a very bUisy tiine on Friday of last weelaoud rono district whea hie ssued âabout forty umon ses to people who fïtiied to buy their radi'o icenlse, "he costs beig around( $5-70 up andbo-ve the price ýof the licen'se. Mr. and Mjýrs. , Brubyad the Mi,.sses Brahy, off Toroùnto, were visi- tors aIt the hom'-ýe off M". and Mrs. C. F. Du -cnalo Misýs Jean Dun- can a11d(ifriend frofm Ottawa. M. and lMrs. F. Taylor, of Cornfwall, have alsMo been visiting ut the Dua- cali reSidence. _rW. _E. Davey hareturnced homne afier spending a few weeks' rwith i ahe, Mrs, Caverley, atE Virginia-toîwn. W. E. enjoyed his tn p gre'atly iîte orhencountry, g.o ingout on fsigtripýs with great1 suces. r. Davey has comletely; -ecovereed froni his injuries receive'd iii acar -accident, Messrs. E. -E. Woodyard and LeRoyý Myles were in Toronto on, Mond.ay last atteÏding a convention ut the Royal York of the Frigidaire Coin- pany. In speaking to an officiaof the companyTed iwas infformied [hait ahl majorequipmnt will be very limi- ited for a numlber off ionths, ai- though a smiall aniountt will be ready ' for delivery immediàtely, THEATRE' BOWMANVJLLE, Phone 589 Thursday and Friday "OBJECTIVE A GREAT PICTURE with Great Stars, Heroism off the Paratroopers i lié theBr- mese Jungle. Saturday OCTOBER 2th "GO WEST YOUNG LADY»ý and "LAW 0F THE WOLF" You wili enjoy this Double Bill Prog-rain Mon.-Tiies.-Wed. OCTOBER 22-24 MONTY WOOLLEY GRACIE FIELDS RODDY McDOWALL, and Me!' Many Laughs, and a few heurt DON'T MISS THIS ONE MViss Mason, RIN., who is on the staff off Northumberland and Durhamn Heaith Unit, arrived la iOrono, on P ARK1 Tuesday last to conm«ece her duties in Clarke !Toiwnsliilp, and aire-ady has startedl to visit the schiools la' the UNIT ED CH Townshp. Mliss Mason, prior to re- ceiving her discharge abouit a nionth .*Rever. ugo, served as a nursî'ng sister over- S.Lflt1e3 seas, hiaving s'erved a year anild a haif ist sa, Englarid, and 3 ýaffW months affter " Mint the landing in Eurofpe , sent the res't off her 'sojîou,-rru lFrance and Bel -___________ gu.With tbis 't-ackground behîinid U AYOC BE her, we feel cetai hat the children CSUDA OCTOBER off Clarke Twshpwl lreceive the Chuch Anulveerr best eare LGues rtwhpeasuer Ibest ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 .i ae it nwe ut Rer. W. ýC. Smith, M.A., aible quarters c,~h found a eiic B. Paed. wilhaopeniied iiaj lu Orono with Miss off Port Perry MVason lu charnge,1.0an-wrhp ____ O 2.0 p..-ChrchScioc Letters to the Editor 7~ ..4osip Dear Mr. Editor: o r odal n lu' this issue you r ecord the pas -______________ mng off one' off the m'ost lriliant char-_ acters tha4 bhue m-oulded the dharniing story of tha Village of f Oono. Iu business, oujr frlerid, thelate Jak Cornislm, lias pointed himself ont as r n0 T I an example that is one syiýnnymouis OooTn with agigressi vpness and lionesty. Certainly 'he bas miade a trernendous success of the idea that there can be "A-'big hlittle store la a sniaîlco- munity". l e To an even great',er extent lieis A Il kinds ideutifi'ed in the field ,off amnateur eport. is aet-,vîties lu years past have proven hlmï a star in basebaîl u . b and hockey and 'most aissurerl'Y he is membhers of the O0rono Amaiteur Ath- leticAsoatowhe pledge isý the ffu rtheranice off g'ood -ean sport ilu and JTack's keen interest and nctivity in the new imovemient, frlgthe Aa -,as proiiably kowý to somne fewàand eti coiuld h)ave been kn-iown to omany. I kriow oiFf no greater aim for this cub than-, tînt thy ray ieontJnue the goodýc work off sport in Orono ,thnt ws o esthusiasticalW' heg-un by that suenal ciýn1tt-eethnt iifludi(ed .our oivn Jackl ý .L G Signed.PROPRIETOR sg C itizep Ma1n st. oono Pj ST. IURCH Md Wood ry -,B.D., oL. ited shol of ng "boue 301 GOR~NiS~fl At Osana tGnerl L4ather of Carmlan *and Joannle. The funenral wýill take place fromr Park ýStreetý United Chuuch, Oroao, on 'FTid'ay, October 19,th. Sei-vice at 2M iupni. Inftermeilt OronioCre teily. Service at the giravesidle -will1 te unde,2 Masorie auspicesý. DURHIAM COUNTY' Plowling Mautch on the f arm of Haif mile west of Welcome' on Tuesday , C Spectators are cordially à and countrý LUNCHES SERVED FRE' WILLIAM HOOTON, Idla, President ARMSTR i New CoatskL, Rats and Dresses ust arrived this week. They Feý are niew, Smart ai good look- ing. SNOW SUITS Brjaby One-Piece Snow Suit>s, ini Blue, also Pinik, Fur- Trimmed. ................ $7.50 ALPINE CLOTIS Rose, Wine, Green, Brown and Black, 54 juches wide _................... $1.50 TWVEED SUITS Boys' AUlWool Tw,,eed Suits, with Shiorts and -Breeches.. priced ............$11.50 WHITE BEANS 4 lb 25ec TOMATO CEREAL, pkg PAULA Ix.4le 39c. INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUTE on No. 2 Ilighway Ict. 23rd ivited from townt ,y E TO IPLOWIMEN JOHN RICKARD Neweastle, Sec. ýO N(E DRESS Gog tather Weight Flî all the new brigib 38 inches wide, yý FLANNE Ail Wooqil Flannel, Z wide, Brighit F Green, priced. TWEED Si BoYs' two Long -pf Tweed Suits, style These are in, sizes 12 to priced........ Boys' and Girls' are now ilu stock. and quaity. M - M - SOS PADS ~pkg I5c COMFORT SOAP 2 bars luc DURHIAM ClORN STARCII 2 pkgs. 19vc ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb bag 69C CHTATE-AU CHIFSZE pkg 20C Cal .RA 3 F. GR 3 Qi 2 2 aýsme m t colors d....95c- 54 luches Red and ........ $M.5 UITS sult Wool 3-b)utton just new 17 years, $17.50 sno uits AJ- ilkinds lifornia LISINS 2 lb. S5c 'RESI- )FFEIE lb.. 5e 31FTOI SALT pkg. oc» ýUICK. UAKER BATrS pkg e PEAS 2 tinas N. N w 4