TU ES Vol. 9.No 9 ORO-NO, ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 25th, 1945 Sbepin$ 1.25 per Year Canada's Ninth Victory Loan 'Now On---mBUY A BOND Tira Girl Guide ilMo.veusleut is a Citi- uen~hi triinngprogrammiiie whicl offrsVie girls freinsavon y ýears od age :te tata 't.eens, an oppertunity for n'olsoerecreation and frieudi ships, out-dor activities, after-school hobybies and siterests thia will bae c iaPsting valu. eVo very im-erber. !Its aimi is to develop îniitiatî've self- reiiance, aind laitenit aptitude for Ieaerhi. V t,resses oeine o- operation and ai those quaities ne- quired o play an active part in ti se:(rvice ïcf >thecommui-iirnity. IV èina i'deal mneans of estabilishingoraie y-outh arVtivfties for girls. Thle rioveim&ýit is iterdenlonina tionat and witirouV potitical or clas ditnto.IV supplements the teacir -ingscf homne, suhoilami, chunch an -o-operates -vi th educational aujd et,'her boiffs working oard the si gya'l. Tirera-are tbree main ag g'roups in tire organization, kn)o'wu ai the Brewuie Pack, Tire Guide Corin -pany, and the Ranger 'Ceff'iany. Girls eneldin any of thesie are ndierbr .of the Girl Guides' Association. Five yeans us go the firs't Girl Guid' Cmaywasoraid in Orno un- der Vire caple leade'rship of Miès M. cD 'as Captain ami nW Wm.îi Armstrong as Lieu'tenar)t, group of w'men kown as "The Le- caal scito ha'ving previous1y bpeen ciose eboassist, anld a]ira o take oe f Vthe responisîbilities of the Girl, Guides Associatio in Oren Lpon Miss MDwei departulr Mus. Arm,11strong 1becameCaýptain witn Junle Goodie ua1(1,Caro Sale and Jyca orni-iConpany Lade e Tire untirng efforts and e ntiruqsiast iaadershipgiven by tireselealderis in sucsinare beyond praýise. Trii Autimun eyeraI girls froin seven to ten years of agýe wereaxicus t ide .Sim Catey 'were tocyoung t' lie admrcitted as 'Giethey becaus irtare cailed Br'iewit Aun Stple lacharge aud knosvn as Browvn Orsi, Jean Tre as Tawny S Ouil and ShPiey Flintoi as Pacik leader., Ever ince inéepion tireGid ihave ireid tàier eeisl] temnpor- ary equarters. Nýo'w Viey have acqirecc for thir use alonie theirehll o! e usled by the Msn.Tire inîmiediait( need. is for furuiitune and equiplinent. Whi ir girls alre abile o reine socn' fuulds in varions svaya, tbey are de- pendenit for support on inteneteý £itLizenas and anupalis now beiing mnade by tire Local Amssoition toi donatins. Thre s'urest way Vo fin out ether tirelocalGirl(Cuis are oriyOf spotisteLasetiren i aIolu iennr quariers. Wi-l visitons arn loe dt an'ytine a speial opportuuity is te lie offered on Satuirday, Deeecî.nlier lst, wh'er thre new bail wi!li e officiallIy opeued. ntire saine -evendn,.g a napper wvill be sarvad in tirie ranige Hall owhc re-very cone is învited., thre adissi0n bneing 5(i, anld tile proceeds o go to the Guides. Wtchtie Oroho Ti-rnes for fui-ther aiin,inucernient-s' rgarding the officia! .opening December lst. BEFLL -- At Kandal, ou Suudaby, c i2st. C \4fi, Cyntim Maiudo Weairnitbeioved wvif e cf La'- rance David Bail, iiluirn tvean.i Tire funeral service n'as ield utl lieu tata ,resideuce, Kendil, on1 Wad- niesday, OctObül 24th, at '2.00 p.m. internent dt Oronio Ceietery. Mn., J. D. Bo'vnnon ifirst at tire ?wingmatch .for tire haest tunnout", audsecndprize lu tire armatar p1owiug contest. Installation of Officers 0f Orono 1.0.0.FE No. 436 Officers cf Orono Lodge No. 43s6 cf tire Ineeda Order of Oddfeiiows, were instaIled in regu ilar forin by Dis- tlrict LDepuLty Gad MatrBro. Hloward Cwl and iis staýff of Fier- enceNihiga Lodlge No. 66 or owmian v ilia. The cerernouîy nas coniduLcted w ith iity and decoruin and encir- officer rceivadtirhe obliga- tioni of iis office with considerble force and maig lea'Viug no doubts as o tire raspounslbility encir officer bias assumed for tire welfaue of iis lodge for tire current err. At Vire close of lodge cerernenies, Bro. Gien. Hancock ,,n'as reseuited %itir a beautif ul combination maga- zine table by Bue. Riddeli anti Bro, Wilsýoion ou Vie avent of iis recent Man1riage. Altirougir taken- by sur- prise, Bue. ilnoci r rse Vo tire occa- sion, tLirankiug tire Brothrers for tins býeautiful! remenibrance, and iropad Vo cotneiis cidga workluntire future aswell as iin Vire past. Bro. Hlowvard Chliretiningi-1 Noble Graýnd, was presenited witirîa Past Grand collar in recgniionof iris services Vo tire l'odge by Bro. Wilsoni, P.D.Dý.G.}M. -In raiyn , Bo. Challis tiranked tire Butresfor theei cerisired, piece cf colaýr anid jewel. Ielioped td be as regulair in attlendancean show tire -arMe initeuet o tlire lodge nion as in tire pt. A rert vte cfiraikis n'as ten- de-red Bue. Cowle, '.)DDG.M., for iis 'ipenidco-peaton and work lu Odflosirip and tire dignifled man- n1er ;inwiriclir ie nas conducting Vire busiiSnes cfiriofie.Bro. Cowle ne- odefor tireir unn'aveing -support. fie coplirne ted -]i Veno ireirSuc- calurntncf tire -magný1iiceu1t work tliey weue doiing flu their comm11unity iii V'ire relief of tire istressed and.tire noble asitac o wontiry organiza- tions He oped they would oing Br-o.Anesn P.D.D.G.îM., mention- cd Vlire'g at ire lower endi cf tire village whýicb eas "Orono, a good 1place Vuie,-auir e believed 1V ire- caus tierawas mau Oddfellowir Lodge wormn o maýire il: so. He aise, con- graitui'ited t ire lodge on its success tire pas-t few years, botir in grorvth of iire rs and operaticuns. Bro. Man- uiel, N.,of Conintiia Lodge, Osirawa, strated ii pleasuire ou tis first vist te Queue Lodga eýamd eujoyed tireires- piaiyvery mucir. Tire D.D.G.jM.5s noil cal fuld Vire foliowxing attenidauce : Lodge Offlcers presenit, 3,1; Past Grands, i24; Vete rani Muienes of '25 years, il; Vteran Members for 50 years, 1 (Bro. Locir- liant cf Boremauville); total attendl- auce, ý60, witb 27 of that nuniber be- ing visitors, Tire following officers were instail- ed' fortire carrent year . .G ................ .. .............. BRro. Cirailis N .........- ...... ro. E. Brown V.G ...................... .......Bue. Ciraers R.S, ........................ Bro. Riddeli F.S ....... ... ** . --* Bro. Taylor Treasýurer'«..-... ......... Bro. Waitson WVar . -......... ............ H. Co-bIledicir Con .. ...B................._rro. 'J. Ciapusan OC ...... .......... Bro. T-. Murray U . . ....._1 ....... Br. N. Bairstow îS.N.C ....-.......... Bro. Il. Davcy ITS. ........... Bue). C. M.tart-in RZ.,.V.C_............ Broc. Wmi. Wannan L. S.V. G ..... ........Bim. Juc1r Syers RS.S. ................. Bu. K. Tubrman IlS1.S............ BDro. Fred Graliarn Cira1p......... . .B..... ro. S. Keane Lodîge closa,,ed imi regular fori wti n ufe unch blgsre by Bro. R. Claters 4ami iis social comrittee. Orono W. I. Meeting Otu-ber greatly 'er..oyed. A poern about tire Oth, l iMst 'Great War n'asirend :by Mus. te Vice-j Cressîey, and Mrs. Eagfleson also read in tireona about Kendai after tie sarne on His- wýar. Tirey -%vere very descriptive and part of veHI doue. Mu. J. An account cf tire Cavan Baes e was iven by Mus. ilowuini canarin'as ti, "Tire very inteueng, as mias aise a pa1per Wie GeVon M Family sorgiver N Ins. F. Quite aW. Bonwen. dVlss Marer Mrtin, cf fi ,,e S~ o. 9ý, gave a plincer Story,j and e- rouht ire days cýf lonig ao lose iuc ta. agalu. e' n - cor nr.l ,s, Oirono Girl Guides Need Furniture and Equipment Crusade For,,Christ And lis Kingdom Thewe O1 Eastern Sectional W.M.S. Mrs. G. Earniest 'Forbes, editor of the Missionmary Montbly and P ast President of the Dom-inýiiion Bo3ard, de- livered a all'ngig ad'dress; on he theme of thie rally which was held lu St. Paul's Churoih, BowmLanville, -on Thursday, Octo'ber 8th. Based on the text, "The lig-ýht shin- eth in darkuiess and the cdacirnessl could not overcome i,"Mrs. Forbes presented 'Lh-e world as a very daýrk picture ;in which the higligh,-t is tie chuirch. This lghtis that ;ofthe mor"ilig sna gatew-,ay tVo a greater chuirch, a !better'wold'.Tho 'inhmer of szecul]ar mgzie whio have print- ed i-eligious articleýs in thie pas't year is; pr-oùf thait thie church is3 awakeninig. There is agrin reiztn there isz no lternative tVo 'Christian faith except destructionl. The Christian c'hurch must acccept thîs responsîbil- îty. IV lias noV ee equal Vo its tas'k in thepast but it could be if it obtain- ed the cpoewer from i ts head ýJesus Christ. The six objectives of the Crusadle were explained ini detail : (1) Pers-o'nal dedication;a (2) Win Vo church and Christ the hailf million peoiple nomlinally beloaginag to the United Churcli but net on records; (3)Rhibiaioioreun' sl- vicemien war rids 4 'it youth, Vo recruit i'- mn-1 bher of candidaýt _ ii-,lst7iyand the Chur-Cb; (5 ilpreihabi-ite our counitry é>'peope'(6{) To assist ;In buildi e ordcxrh Wo musýt'b e jus c 1ý;ý.onceivnedc for our "IbuIdies" as th d-iers \were. IV is necessary Vo ra~tdorganize prayer groutps an4 aidpt the coven- ant. Mrs. W. :P. R-'ogers: presided aIt both [morning and afteru'iOn esios.Fol- Iowing prayer by Ms Normani Rick- ard, Nexcastle, Mrs. W. P. IFiecer welcoined tCeheldies Vo St7. 1Paul's. TheQ report oftire Sholforieaers as giveni by Mlrs. iCtarence Alljin, Ne- casiewhie thiat of ftelic ci wasý given býly AMrs. W. P. Rogers. Itu ber miessage MXrs. S. Little'wood, Orono-11, broughittire idlea of the ineed for* onenesa, among Christians -who w111I stanid Voewitniess the Chrstian if e. Miss D. Nicholîs rend:ered the solo, -iflow Lovely Are Thy Dwelliigs." Tire morninîg seso closed with prayer by Mrs. R. C. Pearce, Cour- ice. A ýdeliclous dinner vwas se'rved by St als Eeig Auxiliary at wvhich tune 2greetings were brought by the pastor, 'Dr. W. P. :Fletcher and words of appreciation ýwere gîven by Mrs. Kem. Werry. The aqfternoonsession was opeucd fiy a xorsbip service conducted liy ,Miss iFlorence Werry ýand 'Mus. H. Jeffrey. MViss Lueldla Romke, for many years a missionary lu Japan ami Iately -cf Tnriiîdad, n's te guest speaker of the aftefrnoon session. Eagerly awaitlnglhr returu Vo, Japni she said Vire hand Vo open the door m-ustbe thre Chiristian church iu Japan and the voice, the ioffliaI voice of thaut body. A delegation cof six freiný our Protes- tant churches is plai)nning Vo leave immiediately Vto visit thre Cirurch oof Japan Vo discover rwhat they want us te do. A cnrnmittee crf four or five missionairies 'wha bhave served lu Japan are o 1go te make frie pilans witir thie Japanese hucho ie return of the issionaries. Miss Porire staited thLat tire fear tire "toric force !bas built has giveii -us.,a,.few yearis lun hili e coaa bild tup Ibet- Verfondtinsfo)r tire pncof the wod.Thesýe fonda(Ltions munst ha bujîil t on mutuafl helpfuLlness ande broterirod.No organization is bat- Vr equipped Voý do tins work than the (hwcir 1OF Christ. 1If we had put as- much ebeffort iinto building these foun- daios s ilu the raking of the atomnic bomlb, war would have been averted. ire Pchirrust setitsýelf te genierate a spiritual forceAlu ail laiuds Vo control the atomiec force. AI- tiroughithe missieniaries are eager te returu, to Japan iV will lie a heaut- breakiuig exp)-reiec,or asi, well as buildings maniy famniliar faces will be mis§ing. Tu Trinid.ad, auin. taud fifty mniles 10ong and fouty miles -'ide, xith a1 npplationl of 500,000 people,. more Ian ou'e-tihrd arIe East In1dians. Tbiere are ynet ray gvrm sýcir-ools but the inlitiative Vo buil ding uIp eduication is- left Vo ind(iivials 'or ar scýllliroos,3chr cliesU -f , ahigir_ Large Congregations Attend Anni îiversary Orono Athilic News he grl f Orono and district havedec!îde 'o coimpete wîth, the boyýs ani at a mein eld 1 rs W. Armis'rong's, -Misses' Gwen Ta-,- nant, RuthGodAun'a StsiPles, Florence Griay ard' MAice Basnett dîe- ideto have two\c groups meet on WedInesday evenings at the fo'llo-wlig .ties: 10 to 14 years, 7 Vo 8 ocok 141 to 18 years', 8 to 9 &clock, 'Vo play voleyball and basicetibali. Girls m'ust be ýprompt. Ruming slies, soft snoed, iimst be worm. No hard soled or hard hlee'lod shotes w11'! be al oýwed. This. is Vo arvoidl accidIents. Arn et for otheýr siponts and entetainment is unmier considenrtion, such as group gamnes, f olk dïancing, ping pon>g, skat- ing (this mn-ay cover hockey andlfig- nure sktn) Look out, boys, the girls mnay get ahieoi of you, an'd by the 'aY triey turived out tihey menani businries . The boys are training now and get- tîng into thieir stridle. Ml/r. McGinniis liasý ýertainIy shown thenis omre ocf the fin er points of bask'etball. ~Here's tue uews: A dance wili be( held fin the town hall on 'Friday, Nov- ember 23rd, aud it is said by the co- mittee in chiarge 0f this event thIat this will bue une of the dances you tal'k about, so niake a date for tha't night, ais it ill be an albo'ut event, Every boy aýnd gýirl will bue asked Vo sou a ticket as, lt is their i>w7n Club. GeV behiS tseveryhody and give tie boy of to-day Vo be the mian ofý Dudley. The Cdeicatory 177yer for the offering was gîver by Mrs. Ross Stovens, Ulimpton Auxiliary for the rally Vo lie hcld in Hamptoni in the faîl of 1946. E.riuedabeutl oal d cl dritin Vo tae vo'thpm dsetiin gretip, o tal si nig gaepzest ce services, n the gove eotion> floeres, fruite veally e ami e fruit, helpedt'a ly hane giin tuc. IMr. l Neil orytera sonal'ly gathered and rted dis,,ýply ay by din o arivngt emort. Pe ras'thef guh reatest fr leAbconl'd hae reeiv'es 'fo licouing hae Mr. Sitve -vitfr copiiin tratS"the li e 'reds sineior tate woidlierfulera wollerk, 'ad unkowiciagl co raLe tliem for the saine. A hnuge Ionf gold>en crusted bread crow-ned displa-a loaf amked by M1rAil Asýtriidlge of Dean's Bak'ery. Thaic-oll'erig proceeds. for day amiounted Î. around $3' O.0ý. informiation gendfroin wt Riddell, Treasulrer of the Cw~h * SALE REGISTERS 5'liay, Novemýirber 2nd, t'he pro ty of Mr. Gordon Triini, Lot 7, C' 5, Clarke Towvnship, 3 aiIs il ment Newouvileand hlai mile eas't, Purebred Shorthorii, attle, *Qr: Cattle, Shee'p, Poultry, Feed and j pl-enenitý. 'Sale to commen(nce at 1ý p.. sarp. Terins Cash, --Jack RE Auctiïoneer; A. E, MIorton, Cleirk .S<iturdlay, Nov. '-'rd, 250 appl'e t (m-ore 'orless), the iprope ry 'of Donald Gi bsonm, Lot ), Ch i ToRvniship, fI> mileeast of the-fr l iuse and hif mile nortli. Sale1 shbarp. Jack 1R1eid, Auctineer-. W ed nesdy,-ù Nov, 7, the properety Mnz. Wm. MHl',Lot 2,Cor. Hope Tosiat Rosebr-rry Hill Hiway No. 2, HresCattie,1 ple(ments andiFùirniiture. Sale franiiture Vo commiiience at 1.3p FaimSoe Positively No Rese-i Jao-k Reid, Auctioneer; Haro71ld ( wVell, Clar. -, ________________________________________ ~zzi / i 1ly Y The presýent FaIl season lias been cha'ractenized by s'orne very change- abe eaher. eVn asdýe a day for a special event h-as meant eniter- taiursg the fear of inclemnent weath - er, particularly rain, an>d te conse- quect dsponietentailed 'by s'uich conditions. Lo'cally bpeakin'1g,1 h'owever, we 'have much tO be thank- ful for upon this score. Choice wahr n ours when we emlbarled upon tjhe Durham GCentr'al ~Fair a fev we'eks ago, and when lasV S-undîay a skalrbut 1ne "the-less entuistie 'group of people carried along with ,a C'hurcl iianniv'ersary. Mjother Nature again bless'ed ýthe 'ef- fort rwit'h a bright sunny day. Park Streelt Church mînisters te' a 'broad communmity, and aco ein V Rev. W. C. Smith, of Port Penny, -vis«ýitin clergymain f'or the auniversary, anmy- thing given Vo the chuirchi, vwhetlixer tV býe service or monetaîry gifts-any of tliese 'thi-ig.s represen-t an inves'tment! of the hîg.hesVÏ order. M'r. 'Smith's morningsrmn,"'Tlhe Churcli in Our Town?', es)nbodied mrany svorthy quali- lies. Porceful preaohiug anidrol humaour -are ably co ibied u he miaister's delivery, an'd the conýgrega_- tional reatction', both morrning and eveuiu'g, appenred o tlie one 'of Ciep appreciatioin. Mrs. R. H-. Browvn, organist aud choir leadler, had hageof 'the mu-asic. At the(- morning service a choral ani- themn, a fine vocal solo by Mr . S'taples and' a _1el'-n1dered quar- tette bY esaýrs. Mitchel, SutIton, m nusical offeriug. Theý even-in-g àan- them ii included a soo by Mrs. Chas. W6ô_éd anid '.1 detbyM r. R. Suttu iýnd Mýrs. W. S, Cob dc.M.R -E trail has beeni a long dark way. At timles it seemed wve rihtfot see the day; But naw at laist the rising SunI5 s ours And wvith .it cornes newchallenge ta aur pawers. Was w-ar naught but a gamie to win by score And, h-aving won, to cheer, and strive no m-ore? If dhat be al for which our imen have died Firen we haveled 0 Canada, most favoured of ithe lands, Review whereon our right ta victory stands; Our vow ta free and succaur those oppressed- Provide for thase who foughit and are distressed, Wfho risked withot reserve A they could give ta break our foes that we ight freely live. f we naw stop ta haggle at the cost rhien we'ill have lost. f we play square with those who faught aur üi And work with them tao shape aur waorld aright; Pastpane aur buyng tings we Uitlneed- Pre nflation growing through aur greed; ao-operate in peace ae weIl as war By loaning ta aur cause a Ittde mare .* if we keep faithl untîil the job is done rhen we'lI have won. 'c RONO