OTTAWA_ REPORTS That Flrst Centre for Julnior Frmer Education WilI Openi SoonnlaCaýyuga Tbe iirst rural youtis commmi ty cenutre ïin Ontaria je soon te bîY îet up on tise site of tise formier pir trainling cen-tre e, t Caryoga. Under tise supplementary agic(ul- turai, eduication plan lmatie publie l âJme t is oosdte3 set up lu epacb county a centre for junior farmier educaltion, for botis boyýs anti girls. A tbiroe-iontlis' r e s 1 de U.tila1 ecurse wlll bo the core of tise pro- gu-ani.This will ho leltiduring3 Etsewnter ino nti,3ss-th e s la c k farm season, The 221 acres 0f land andtit orldig f thse air celtre Imake U .eiinenitly sitable for its !new e;orviee. Thse largo hangar will ho3 dîiti mbciassrooms, equiipped ,trith ail facilities nccesary for yrazUicialagricultural education Tise fDrmýer barreecke will be re- inotelledl as quartere for tise stuti- ente andti, isl a complte ititi- ieniainti diiing biail. Aýnotiser build. Ing wvill thoco famm melJiiînery antij will be uised for tise fari me- eba,ýnics course. As for funi-the younig farisers viii croate titeir own, Provision vwil beeymatie fer itheaticals anti sports of various Iinde andti is large skating rin hiwsicli was built for tlie air trainees will be ooni e$ therm. Tise initiative ini reqlueting tise ereatiL'oL ef a von±grunity centre muaI corne1tfrom youtlisfarm o-r- gansaiosBy their pledge of giupport, tise project le assuirod of esuceese utnder tise pr-ovice-wîie air, routLe, over whieb tisousantis of airpla.nes and tisousands 0f tons o!f supplies for Russia andi for de. fonce of Norths Ameica wVre ilown, waýs but anti completeti uigtise dark first few years of th1e war. In, 1942 anYd 1943 it on- abled a successful defence against Japanese intentions3 in tise A1en.- Noris-estAir Commani,wis Isetiqartrsut Ecimonton), lbas fr11 conitrol o£ tise operation anti maitennceof tise ao-rodromnes ant.i; ligist strips along tise routea. Al i st&ia tion; of continuîng valute along tise route, hc have «est corne $600,l0are owned by Cein-adal. * MlilitairY trucise8, declareti sur- ' usfron tise armny, m1ay nlow bc solSd iri-ect te ermere. Tij isse - posbebecauise lasnhec been estalislieil between the CanYadian lieerto f Aricýuture ani WarAsest Corporation in a ce- oeaveProJect in wisicli seven < ;_f is-e provincil dpatmn ofe agricult11ure will petciao.ider tisis lanl a spcai riel set on tise trucke eit which tishe farmers, plurcha'se tÉisein wisont ILanly guar- aute of servicing, or repaire. Four cf subli scales bave alreatiy booni bi leOnarl'o ant iarrazngements are min aale ib bold tbem lu SpsWiIl Wa xPeaceime Colors coor or 1)eri-large flIei 7 of1,000- ton mercant h1peeegthatthle Of0cilsof [the Park Steaîns1hip Compnyoperta 0(ofthe shlipe for - hieCana1:dienGveoqet sî a2.11 bileandtiltheir fuenelýs -would Le 'md g-th1ablack top. paýietinlg of ithe f(Letle xpetetitegel undcr wayimueiatelyv. ksteniceurliiingthe wnwhnthe the Uniteti Kinigdoî n tii te t4,hec batlcfirontswasmaie e iecessary, nectie f xtensiýve assfrein aubiai u aedatbr cnc yactionis. BE FAMIOUS for your croffee. Serve M1axwell flouse. Tlis cloie Mend of raýre coffeces is roasted by thie fam,ïous "Radiant floast" process, se yen getexr flavor, fragrance and vigorous body. VeNOUS 0ULA . AEN :rgsFAST RELIEF!ý Ir 'iOU suifer from muscular aches or pains, anti bave heen relying on slow- acting, samet'unes ineffective remedies te brinig you e measure of relief, learn ail about the Instantine 1-labletway te feet relief, froci simple pain. You sec, fast-acting Instantine babile are, a skillfuil combination of Ihmee proven imeticinal ingredients, scientifically com- pounded te relieve pain pramptly. Chianices areyou may be surpriseS et tise spocui with g-bicS 1InJstantine tablet can burn zye zelcome relieft You cen count on Intntn' triple-action te work in these ways le give you fast relief fnom pain. 1. Speedily ease pain. 2. Prolonq relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depressed feelin." Giemild, stimnulcting "llift.2' Isain novr pamipers pain, but frs esto bring needti comfomýL. Re- membejr Intanin , e isevyou suifer irns Iz2eadche, or tise cliscomfort ai a cold" or sare thr0at. You Ceni gel 12 TuA-_,SIe 25ý-aboct 2ý c dese Swvift Ease for M!ýiureble E Do'ýt Itrie wiîta t hekcebca b-lacehealng Lth leg caprsla ngis3te, puffy eVyca, rheume lic pins nS freuent a ae r e reigne thatt your k Iies reîzy. GeL 1elif-quickly -wiîhGOLDMEDAL Heerieloil3 CAPSULTES. COiLO MED-AL Capisules will give yo'u swift 1relief beceuse they Sielf your kiti- neyeto gl bck otlie job, fillering your Mmae eovieg the trouble-ceuet!ing waleaid aSpoisons. GOLO EDALCapsules ,conlain ac- Cacuraleasumeti amaunts of the gen- uLiTu and original Duccl Drops, kueun thie %orld over for tiseir swift oflectiveneas. Thclt's why vou ceni coud o n GCOLOY MEDAL Capsules for relief. Be sure you ge th Ceun OLD bIEDAL Harle Oil CAPSULES. Cet the 40c box froui your di cggist. Do you suifer from MOMTILY MOURIS TNIOI ifs 45wenk, tiree feeliegs? IfI fuinctione, peýrîodic i sturhaiices 11l iyou el oves tireSc resîless - atICIud itimes - trv iLydia, E Pinkhami's Vege- tablle e me oued lte reliucilsymp- tosl maommp ýoice0f tise mroat e ffeclive-Cfiledic ines for 1bisspurpose. Foliow l, abel directions Buy todayl IMonty's Double Hoodwivnked Nazi;s Looking strîutingly like Marchai Montgomery andti ioroughly re- hearsed lutise British commentI- er's mannerisms, Lieut Ciifton James une sent off te Algiors by high-ranking _British Imperiel Genorai Staff officerre e fwdays before tise historc June 6 anti wasý receireti et a p'ublic ceeremony by Fieldi Marsili Sir Henry Malt- landi Wilson,, anti drovotisrougbý Algenien streots lined with cheer.- ing peopflo. par't swgeh iseae siSd, bth fascist aIgente transmýliitted the eeeste Berlin hy way of spein tisaI Marc-hai Montgomery was ar.vay fromn hie invasion hase. Sub- rcquent eVidence provoti O-Day- took tise Germans by surprise. British intelligence got the idea after Lieutenant James,, walkinig auto tise stage at a soldier's so in bis capacity as ententniot offcat, iras ciseenet hy troope n-ho tisougist ho was Maýrchai Montgomery Sent for by higis autliorities, Lieutenant James underwenb epe- rial training for bis unique role. Sbupdying Marchai, Mouitgamj[erýys \rObe, gesture, walk, d istinictive ,,ebute, anti even bati a false fiog. eir fîtteti to hic salutinig hanS te -eplace' oee h aSlest lu Wonld .War -1. BABY CHICKIS PULLEUlS PURE BREEDS AND hybrId crosses 12 weeks up to layieg. Faîl hatched chicks booked to order. Order your chicks for 1946 now anS secure the' breeds yeu Sesire when you cent them. SenS for pricelist and catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limnited, Fergus,,, Ontario. LIMITED QUANTITY LAVING pullets. and $orne started chicks, Imnmediate delivery, also Sayolde. Order chicks now for deiivery November-December. Bray Match- ery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont. PULLETS LAYING ANI) RE ADY to iay pure hreeds and hyhnids. .Aiso day old c-- hatched to order for Fall 'ry, Not Io âgoon tb order îhicks for 1946. Send foi ýt anS cata- logue. Top A Chiekeries, Guelph, Ontariý. BUSINESS AND PROPERTY IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SEL- ling your Business or Prperty, large or sinali and %vant gond re- sulîs-, consuit Ibis office, 20 years experience in sellieg ail kinds of prouerty, for further information write. George Lawton, 709 Quel- lette Ave., Windsor. Ont. 55tSINFSq OPPORTUNITIES WIN PERSIAN LAMB COAT or ýHudson Seal Coat or Mîîskrat Coat and Muff valued at $500.00 or $400.00 in cash Tickets 25c., or 5 for $1.00 SiIZAnETis FRIY UIAPTER, I.O.D.E., Suîdbursy. Ont. Send y ousr postal note or ssoney order ta Mrs. L. Sismpson. o8 ngmnBlvd., Sudbury. Ont. '41 PLYýMOUTH CAR, EXCELLENT condition including rubbeme. SenS dollar for five Sraw tickets to J. Shedden, Halowe'en Draw Chair- msan, Rlefinery Workers' Union, Port Coîhorne. Winner purchases car for one dollar. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME 46MAY BE YOURS" AL.9O PALVICILATE IN l50.P0 monthly Rond drcw. Other pises. Detalle on recelpt. Sheres $1.10 each or 6 for $5.00. Seed for shares toi St. Cathearines 0Optimisi CuBox 445-H., St. Catharin1es, EUILT ANYWHERE [N CANADA te) winner's specifications,, or $10,000 in cash, will bc awarded lucky winner, Aise chance on $100, monthly draw. Wineer ie etili eligible for house draw In December. Ail proceeds for chuSd- vrn's welfare, Tickets $1. each- 12 for $10. Mail recittance tu Sud- bury Kiwaeis Club. Box. 52 OYEINr. AND CLEANI1-YG RAVE YOU ANYTHING KEEDS dyeingor cleaning? Write te usi for Information. We are glad te anewyer your questions. Depari' ment R. Parker's Bye Wok LimiteS. 791 Yonge Street,. To- moto. FARXM MACHI1YERY F~OR SALIM "VIKINF1G" CREAM SEIPARATORS aind ropair parts are always avaialsie elther at your local dealcr or direct froci Swedlsh Sevpamtor Co. Limlted. 720 Notre- D)anreWest, .'etntren 1 8. Que. FOR SALE sNO)W PL1OWS FOR SALEj, NE orueV or one way sit y dalnor nieehanicallitn de vice,;availabIe irmmeditately wýith - eUt priority. Automnotive rdut Conipacy82 Wellinatoî? ,SI., EriTGGCS ANO STRATTON EN-ý loer ?, H. P.: aIse 5 witb hppr new 4(eer'Btr Bo- IAM"'S KING IS 20 King Ananda of Siai, Arbiter of the Ebb and Flow of the Tide. Brother of the Moon, 1Half Brother of the Suin, Owner of the Twýen-ty Golden Umbrellas, is pý;iuraq a- bove at Lausanne, Sizrlnon bis 20th birthday. Whothýer hei wi7l ule his country is stili te 11e de- cided by the Allieti powc-s. End of U-Boat Pens Brîitish c117i-,cer-s ,iiliblxv p tuehug e sihmarino pen-s etý Hambf]urg Oct. 21. The pennq were Gemnienys Iargesî anid!thir destrtuction will represent the iarg- esf demnolition job of the occupa- lion. Fort, SALE TEGISTERED DOI3ERMA-N P1N5S- cher, internationally known stock, Ducp, growei dogiw. IHarvey M. Gratton, Grand 1Rend, Ont. PUPPIES: COCK(ER SPANIEL, 1S, Gordon Setters, Foxhoulids (stamp reply) Bantams: $2.130 pair. Ivan Moore, AthensF, Ont. WHITE LLEGH-ORNý* COCKEREL1S for sale. $2.50. Pullets some lay- ieg, $2.003. Geo. W. Jamnieson. R. R. No. 2, Atherley, Ont. RASPBERRIES LATHAM EXTRA large stock $5.030 per hundred, go- ing fast, ordei at once. Ais- Yel- low and B3ronze Iris roots tee for $1.50, postpàid. J. D, Murray, Nor- val, Ontario. LARGE WHITE PEKIN DUCKS and drakes, $250 each. Mrs. Ross Shail, R. R. 2, Canleton Place. Ontario. TRAINED FOX ROUNDS, 5 years, 6 years. Fox hound akfd coon hound pups, six monthes, ready te train. Henry Littie, -R, 1, Peterboro, Ont. GASOLINE , ENGINESý. NEWIV Ilriggs and Stratton air-cooled. Most modern engine'huilt. Low coat. Write for descriptive fold- ers and pricee. Scope Sales Ce, Box 852, Ottawa, Ont.. REGISTERED COLLIE PUPS SA- ble and white ten a eeks nid ec- sociable. R. Horton, Scarboro Bluffs, ont. PIANOS, A LIMITE D NLU, O F our smali new pianos will soon be available. Write foýr circular. Orders executed in tumi as re- ceived. Factory Mason and ischi Limited, 642 King St., Wcst, T'-o- ronto. BAILED HAY FOR SL.TIMO1- thy Broomn Grass, 1lIed 'lop Mix- ture and Upland., For piarticlars write J. Fimman.Ilwiusa, Mani- toba. GRIMM EVAPORAlOR G x 18-, 1,700 buckets, spouts, envers. storage and gathering tanks, s-.ý tling cen $600. H. Barnes, SueS- rîdge. Ont. ATTENTION, FAý%RMERS. trOR Sale: Tractor Tlires.imade cft rub- ber, suitable for bolting ont, steel wheels, $10.03ech Wefodr ing state dantredw!dth of wheel. National-l Rubber Go'. 1-d-. 5 Wiltshire Av. orno nt. ELECTRIC MTR EUsiu hought, soij, rbii:blt ri- 1-3ys, brutshes. AlnEeti '-om pany bS L 2i fufenn tTor- FARlms FOIS SALE LOTIS IF, AND)16, CN.8 MINTO Tp. 148 :acies, and unoene rod, alinwacce, 8'acres hrw orest cleared, 2-storey brc house. ,wired for electrie light; bame.ý about 68 ft. square with stabling buildings in ggond condition, 2 miles from Hirriston, Ont. 11 miles from school, hydro lice passes farm. Jas. Il. Shannon, Barrister, etc., Rarisiton. Ont. 10 0 ACRES, 40 ACES CLEAPED, 40 le gond timra,istýone bouse 30 x 32, 8 rnen, fou aseen and furnace,, 2 veandah and it- chen. Brm 3, x 56 elone found,- atien, sm, pohe o nc, Weil fenced, 11/ mileswstif South River, $2500. Willim J, Bowe, South River, Ontario. FARM. 200 ACRES. >21h MîLE'S freci towe, on highway, con- venient to sehool. Mrsý. Arthur Rechon Mattawa, Ont. A BEAUTIFUL. , L1POÏO 178 acres. oe n ile ouho7 'l'i- bury. Ont., on idl oS hs Case, Bleeheim. Ont, 1POULLTRY FARM rO SÀLE cýompiete stock, acipeypoul- try house for 2,000 hene,10ars land nearMote.Pre$100 or exchange for Jin 1tryY Farci. Write to ropieto PalSoch I.R. 1, P. O. Logui1, Qe 100 ARES,70 UDRCLIA tien meiumdayioa, 1 acei o 'Emergency Powers Britishi Labor Govemumeneit in- tends te relaie warbimne mergecy powers possihl for five ye a rs, Home Secretary James Chu-,ter Etie discloseti 'n Commons last week. His statenient came soon all'er the Houserasette tackle ils big, budget af g-ork raeiging froci the eceoiimic probLAlus of posb-war tratie andi reconversion 10 the probleme of peecelime for- Cign polîcy. Mn. Ede remniteti members that tue presenlt Emeýýrgenicy Pow- eraï Act li expire Febý. 24> 1946.Ileie nnauced thllat the Gov- C riamen.It soult iroduce legiela- t'in asL;o as possible te main- tain -the nieceseary residue of pow- er eveçr the transitional periati," HELP WAIVTEFD LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED and floor mec wa nted for oewts- paper printing office, Per"manent fostion, highest wages. Wvilson uhilishing Ce., 7Z1 Adelaldo W I., auply nearest Employmjent an Selective Service Office. Order No. i WANED:MARRIRD M11AN FOR lnoderel Ottawa Valley farci, hy- dre equipped. Separabe suitahie for a mnan wibh one or two chiidren, close te schooi, railroad anS church. Wages $75 per mnnth, ya round engage- ment. Light, fuel, mirlk anS gar- den space uplie.'ive exper- lence and rfrce nfirst t- ter. BoN r757 3 Aead .To- rente, Onit. WOMAý 'N 30, TO 410 TO TlARiE F:ULL charge ,ofrm h'n lome, two htd ecriWlters1,5,' mbo. n ,COUpL FO SAL FRI fai ecr Tronol!ve l: ma,; mýust be thorougiyexeriece orcherdist, wife, hoiuekecr w\age and shere of roit. If writieg six e ail Setails, Byrih, CentralBl,. Toronto,Ot B3ELLE VILLEPU IC CR LS Ladytehes ilha ruid for Ja2ay 1146. Auilia ,ry Ciass tfctedsrbe but fütlot necc:ar. fMlinlimum $1200; extra $100,. i sieOl u lîeri'laaa. A ppl7 te b.A.els gial [Bulding. Belleville. ME5IDICAL IT'S PROVE.N -EVERY SFFE'R :- er of Eheumatié, Pains orNeuri bis shecld try Disons Remedy Munie's Dî'ug Store, 21Elgiei, Ottawva, Postpaid $1,00. STOMACU AND TREDWORMS often are the causeP of ill-health fle bimans, al eUe's. No one îm- munel1 Why net finS oct If tbis- is yocur trouble, itrsiepar- ticulars- Fred Wite Mu1viee' ttroys o0ffensive oSer nîti Elgin,. Ottawe.Psîal$110 GET READY FOR WNV ER. BuilS up your rsac i thb Merrills Systcl Tne aiae Canadien faorte forif, t years. Fmo yurSmggato unetuaid $00.from Merli Proý- duelsý, 98 Sivrbrh v, oon- te, Ontarie. L E A t N HAMRDRESSIfN'1 TEEr, Roberti:on metho-d.Inomtn on request eadn lse Bobemtsee'e arrsen cS emy, 1,7 Avenue liceS Tomenlfo pFRED .BDNTO BUS ments, 11 Churh, Tornto 2. BEAHARRSR Plearsanl S îgitlf!Fîroesong wagem, to"'ne uce'flare graduafcis. ena'grleta- tem. ilsrlde.soiefece Write or cle MA8RHE!. HAIP, %V lESS Prnchér.'4,1 (s N 0s it, &74 Rîdesu 'ltirees titsIl Seedless Pear N',ow, tisere's a seotiiess poar oit isway. John A. Puiest on diacovet7ci ne sucb lest yoar on bis farni le-ar Aiite, Lia., and nawsrou te-sts wîvlI be madie to dtrnn vîletbor it can ho prýopagateti., Donald M.Hastinigs, Atian t, bai% lsetdthe local fruit andý planls to try to propatgate it fr Lom slýomelf euttings. The Louisiana State Uieat Expeimnlt Station is going to run Loire tests wIth it. SRLG ICAL 7-ADIN. îc. Cenltaine yvour iuckly Says. Wbencj te piant tand Iharveet 1bymeLi0,"sý Phasýes, etc. SýenS 3bith date. bau- rPentiani Speciiiles. Stf. bauren cfit Meeltre, 9. Que. PH OTOGRP1AP1111 CHRISTMAAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWNSNPHT yeur negtivs mke h etds tinctive christmlas Crsyou cen, e-crethaýt yurfricnd(s ,-ilj Ireaýsure - uarticulaly ýfieeds on i activýe Service. Seectyer fvouit neatve cd senS te', us.W'l inig cards w litb pjictures piete o --anSit3enivelopes forimailng-: l for 69c. rrerl:2Phosn aldasfer 25e11.) STAR SNAPSHOTSEVC fBox 19 otlTrIa ~Trit A,,cuatfoer a B îcNS, ,rie uis:'1reiethbatiuChi- masW clrdel ich you S pr1inted ;t i om my ee ngat esanS ilgct yeu yuur 1,woedem 1fui wok cedprpl ilit sýervice. I will ho e irelrcutm or of Stanr nphtS-ic foi Aniy SizaRnl- o Epeums -izM4 o6" il Bi utl É tYss o'u tcailaeeiremn.rbr ivr int mntsr, iln ýimae 7 ." ueiedGolS orl'Silv, C css, ly on ai ordels TI ME .TESTED QAL1 1ITY SERVICE and SATISF:"'ACTIîON 'erflspiopeilySevelqied anid 46 OP 8 X -'SRs[1. c ;:E-P'i >i 8for2., F'lN EST ENLýA k 1 NG 8lV Sou ni;ay n ioS get aj1il te f[Ilms!î ou wthIalîy nS eicelo Ss by endngyum filmlel t Ltin Tolte' ICIfEiOEf JtST )NH11A 1, GE1 - 'il ilA N Y Pi entl r Soliciîtors, ELstab1i lled 18 9(;; i4UKinriagWeýs jTomt c ,u Bool lei 6et1ilnfornlioun o1,rc tykîo. Stae fu I arilars. 1 OeîSound(, Ontario. WALTETO BU n t yA RA PRSS A. lyc, Crne ,IOnt.1; 1 e MVANX R SAMSEATOR IT aide S, W. TrenSo tres.Ecge LmbCop y 8 Ring S'l 1 est.üoronilOnt FATIER, FEATHER ERS 0 paiS. iFerCpatclra itie 1 Quece City Feather Ce.. 25-ialS ets al cge ce br -de. Igf ocsISUEpl 4 n2-15C 1 N N 'i. -s 'a 's '1' R su 'r.. R -r, N N N Nu * -s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Se, s N s"' N 'N S-N N N N N N N N N s N., -N 'N N. N N N N N N N N N N t tu-S SAi