rO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDA' I M G~1(,oodlyealî Plant a owanilea Local News aiso at' othler indu1stries in the dis Mr. Smiibi, of New\tonvilie, i Mr. and is. Jack eihmn ng oabhi f the Ninth Vic- Torontio, vîsîted Mit. ad Mrs iltc jOain campigar. Mr. Smith has Tambl111,yn1 overi theweknd Othe ed beforeL the xvrkers3 at the Sndyguests, and Mr ou and your f amily are cordially invited to attend Fihui Show and Dance NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, NOIVEMBER 2nd Commencing at 8.30 p.m. Sponsored by W. HARRIS and McCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL COMPANY - Fine Distributor dmnission Free. Special interest to-Tractor Owners icd T. WsyCaiwker, Bwavle n s-. Dr, Margaret ,Land iMr. 1iiiMrrw of 'Toronto. of Commencirtg onr audyeeig 3ri Novemboi 3rd, ithrcee returnied men er from the aried forces wiil hiold a sdance in Oronc Town Hall every Saturclay eveniing to modemrun c There motta is : Remembew the Ninth Victory Loain--Buy a Bond. Prof. and -Mrs. F. A. Knox, Xinig- stan, ýMis. Mary Coulter, Ailiston, Mx-. and Mr s. R. Ormicton, Enniskil- len, Mi. a'nd lMrs. Jas. T. Bîrown and family, Newcastle, IMi. Le ýRoy Brown cf Uxbridge, wpee Sunday dinnai guests of Mi. andi Mis. J., D. Bro'wn. The iService Club, of ýO>rno LO.O. lis holding a concert in thie towý- ndhll at Orono on Ncvemiber 'Llit The lfollowing artists will liepresent: Bob and his Pu nch ai Judy sho-,w, a rtieat for ýold tri youpg; Doiothy Fieldin'g, iCanlada's leadinig ccordian-ý îF5 , snappy rhythm m nelodis; Norma &mith, versatile Internaùtionaldancer, Scottish, ITrish andiap duncing; Geo. Laidlaw, the man of imirth and mnagic, mgin:of mystery; Bob. Logan andi Pal, ventriioquist, with hicý chat- t er and patter; - Tom 'Hamiliton, Scot- rtiali character consedian, songs, pat- terl mjaster *of eremionies, and Rai.- old hic}h, Piianist adacocmpamist. An appeai has licen,iued to thie Oronio Brartch of the Red Cross So- ciet',Y for certain articlesý to be mi ade for the people of Europe iwho iare, badly in need of certain lthingsý. Our- local Biranich has recýeiveýd its quota for isewing and knitting and would appreiciaite it very miuch if the ladies of the districit woulýd turn out to fin- ish ithis, quota.- Redl Cross fHead- quarters, say that the- sewig rocm-s can be abandloned n'ext darch, but for this winter ýthe need is, ur- gn.Material can býe secured at Mlrs,. HespeLr feaýn's. We know the wiar is over but there are nlany thousands, of people in the worid w'ho are destitute. Help the Reconlstrtution period, by buying a, victory bond. CARD 0F TIIANKS Gwem Phasey wvisheis to 'thank Dr. A. F. MeXensie and the nurses at Boswmanffille, hospital, also ler many friends who were so thoughtful to, herr during her recent ill-ness. s-. H. H. Hannam is President and Managing Director of the Canadian Federation of Agri- culture. In a message addressed to farmers, Mr. Hannam says: "The fariner who is wise will look ahead-and plan carefully. '.'And in these years when prices and returns are more satisfactory than they have been, when labor is scarce, when farin machinery is restricted, when building materials are flot readily available, a good course to follow, would be that of putting a substantial share of the year' s earnings into sound securities such as Victory Bonds. These reserves will 'not only provide a measure of insurance- against dif- ficulties in less favorable years, but at such time when supplies are favorable and costs will probably be lower, their purchasing power will- be greater and returfi from them correspond- ingly increased. ."We -believe this is good planning from.the farmer's standpoint. At the same time, it is the very best of planning from the standpoint of the Nation." FARMERS CAR BOY VICTOR! BONDS on convenieni déerred payments THROUQH.ANT BANK ...just sign a short formn letter which Victory Loan Salesmen carry (batiks have copies) ordering the batik to buy Victory Bonds for you. Pay 5 % whenordering and the balance at any time during the next 12 months. Theý interest the bonds earn pays the interest on the batik aa. WAR FINANCE Classified1 Thankoffeiug Service of Kenda1ýl United Chur-chi w\il ,be hed on Sunj- day, October i:28ýth, at1.0 a.m1. and 7.'0 p.mli. Rev. Planiit, of' Enniiskillen) circuit, wili1 have charge of botbl Clarke C!hurchThnkffrigser- vices rwill be hield oni October - ,at 2.30 p.m., with Rev. W. Ptesnin charge of the sýervice,; 7.30 p'mUM. Stephen Sayweii1, of Osihawavi, wiil the guest speaker. Speciai nmsicbyI WANTED Wifl pay cash for car in good con.- dlition. - F. E. Lycett, Oronü. phoee 18 r 1, a-38-P. FO1R SALE Tw"ienty-1iive Barred Rock Pullets. Pred Yeo, Phone 84 r 3, Orono. a-39-p. WANTED Live *Poultry ýand Feathers, Good prices paid. We have nio aet.M. Flett, Bethýaqy R. R. No. 1; Teieiphonje 7 r: 13, Beithan2y. 50-P. FOR SALE Autoiuatic Cow Dininýýg Boivis at $4.25 F.0.13., availa!bie Octouber lBth; Case 141-inch Hamminer Miii; usedi farm trucks. Phonec Cari T'od, i-- plemrent Denier, Clarke 15-20. c-39-p. STRAYED Onto the prem-ises at Lot 35, Cn cession 9, Ciar-ke Townsip , onere heifer. Mlay be seen on Lot.1M, Con- cession 7, Darlington. Owiner iay hasve came ihy provin'g poperty and payiigex,ýpeinses. Aibert HMils, Phone 2496, Bo4wmnatville. c-40-c. NOTICE Anyone wishin-g to; send old wool- lenis to be , made into blankets, please leave, them at the librury before October 26th. The biankets are $2.25 each, plu, freight of about 12, cents, A-ny fuither details Inay be had from Mrs. Ed. Dean or Mrs. J. E, 0,'Býoyle. C-39-c STARK VILLE 'Theaniisy service at Sh-loh on Sunday night vvas wveli atteded.' 'Mi. andi Mis. [eit Tim- spenit tihe rwéeik-end with fiiensis at Haiilbur-ton. Mrs. Loine Paýedlenaind Ms George Smlith spent Mondlay la Toi- onuto. Miss Normia Hallowveil spent thse week-end rwith'Ms J. J. -Meilor, of UMi. and Murs. Harold Littie ansi Gary, 0Oshawa, spent several' days at Mi. Thos. Falls. MîissHeien Decheit ansi Miss Betty Scott ispent -the week-end ut their homes in Toronto, "Mis. GratinCurtis ansifaiiy, of Penelon Falls, [Mis. Wus Martin, cof Orono, Výisited sith M. Ome Fails. Sundap visitais: [Mi. and Mis. -Will Cowan ' Oshawa, Miqsd Ms ui Stapletori, Ne'tonviiie, witU i and UMis. W. A. 1aIio'well. IMr. and -Mis. Georg-e K baNewi- tonvile, at Mr. Carl Tod(ïd's, Mi. and Mis. Ilerb. Gilmer sand G'wen, Bow- inville, rwith i. .andMrs. Clareue Giliser. Mu. andi Mrs. Ed. Rmithven, Zion, 'Mr. Jimn iS'waiîbiiek, Kend'al, at Mi. Alluredi Ddbson's. Mis. Lawre-re Jasseson, Ooild Springs, aihnd sc Mus. Jacob Hallowell. <Too Is-te for last -week) Mi. Art ýMcKay attended Roseseath Pair. Mi. Bill Fox and Mr. Roy Hughes ba(reWtrned fuom oveirseas. Mliss Beulah Hallowell, Toronto, spent ýthe week-end at home. Missieà Aileen Farrow and Helen Dechieit were lu Port H-Iope on Sat- urday. Mis, L. Hoskin and Miss 'Therteil, Kenil, spent Sunday at Mis.. Loine Paeden's. Mis. Hu gh Stafletas andi son, andi Mis. W. -A. fl)allowel'l sperst Monday inPteboo ;Mis. Liew. Hallowell and Jim speat several days with Mirs. ilarold Lit- tie, Osfiawa. [Doi't foit Shiloh 1 Amniiversary on Sundahy eveninig at 7.30. Tise Newto'nviile choir will furnis'h 'the mnusiîc. Mr'. andI Mis. Thomas Falls, Mr. andi Mis. Ormie Frailssd family, -had dinner ~wth [Mi7. and 'Mis, Wi. Tay- loi, Roseneath, ýansi atended -the Fair ln -bile atre A p1easant eveniing was spent at the 'home of ]Mr. andi Mus. Arthur Dunni on Oûtober 1Otis, whe aa party iwas held for their son Calvin who hac jus't retu-ied fions overseas. The evening iwas spenit rpaying cards and al iqported s gooci tisse. Tise W. A. [Meeing was held at the home cf Mrs. Carl Tocici on Wedsses- day, October lti.It was decided ta hold s ailaowe'en psuty 'lu the sciooL. MiS. Ormre 'Falls injývte"d the ladies ta her ho T or thse Novensermet in1g. Ait the cl:osec- of the nseetiag Mrs. Todd served a dJainty lnh KIRBY i.asMi oans wce e i guests of Mr. s.nd Mis S. Berry cf Mr. ani itt, Ken- Mn. apins Professional Directory A. F. M cKENZIE, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; 6.30 ta8.0pm PHONE 47rl ORONO) LawIrce C. Miason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWM?À-NvIlïLE, ONT.- Phone : Office 688 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: - Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONýT. VETEIIINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office -Main St. orme< Phone 6,3 r 7, Orono. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, -Casualty, Automobile and Liabî1ity ORONO - ONTARIO DANE FOIJND Distric Representative for tho Manufacturers' Life Insurance Consuit me for your future Income Plans Monumients The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY phone 5M1 -- P.(,%,o":,0% Port HOPe-, onitario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Golidleafing AUCTIO10NEERS TED JACKSOe-N Auctionteer and Valuiator CQnducts Auction sale, fal la and at roasonahie rates Comimunicato with hi-m at Mut Perry, On.tari., or ftehi, Clerk, A. -E. Moert>n, ut Orono, for date. JACK REID% Licehsed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terma and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGUIT SERVICE Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DATE CAR STAN PAYNE'S TAXI Phono 97 r 16, Orono.i 1Mis. F. J. rmacnie SÙnday, Octobei 28th, ýSunday Sehol iilmet a 2.0 pm.Church sel-vice at .3.00 P.m. lbv. P. A. Bunt wlpreach. Owing tao the armiversa-ry servîcee held in the United Chuýrcli, Orono, eon Sunday hast, there -%as no service i1n thie cburch herp, and quiLte- a nuambey of peoùp!e fromn here ate.dýed týhe seýr- BUY A Nith Vio.tory Loan 11nd andi lie-p oui ie'turning nmen fîom thé wra toete thberinscives into ,peace.. time poiin.and help ymsefat a lat1er date. Home 553 rue ma~