ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THIYRSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1945 KENDAL Pue. Neul Stewart s home on si 'É ts F . W 1i rit is i teýtd i: ýtb MlrS. J. 11o00à on Sunay. Sunday visitors with Mr. James Swrrc w\ere, _Mr. and Mr.s' Gar- bcLt and son. '.an Mrs. Elmner Elliott and( daug'bters, of? Elizabethville visited viih Mr. and! Mrs. "Vi. IMercer on Sui-dayý. ý3Mrs. C. Hloshin, of Wiband i1ýrs. Kennethi Soper were Sunday- guests of IMr. and Ms Marcus Sopei- and l Mrs. . .Patton. Pte. Robert Hilditch, etationed in Toronto, and *iss Jean Fletcer, orf -BGwmaI'nviile, 'were visitorsý with Mr. and rs T. îHilditcbi over the week- end. d2Vrs. -A. G. P-arlington speat Satur- ,1ey rwitbher daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. GIever, Ajax, and ail. visited in Toronte on Sunday. Miss Georgina Dariin'gton spent the week-end in Kendal. MIr. and Mrs- iCarnmazi Bell and fni.,Camplbellroft; Mrs. Argueir- ite Themnpson and Mr. 'Clarenco Bell, ol O'ehawa, were visîtoreý over the wekedwith Mr. Lorne Bell and Hilda. Mr1js. Blake Alexander and -Mrs. Fre'd Falls spent the( ek-n visit- ing in Peterborough wvith MjiMyrtie Falthe later' S daugh-ter, and terrelatives. Mr«. Blake Alexanider ï-i2d dîniner Sundi(ay witb r.an Mrs. H. Boyd, 'Mr. and Mlrs. Russe2li Carpenter, or? Gananoque, spent a long week-end iwith Mi', nnd Mrs. Charles Kenny nnid ai tùok la the hockey match at the Mepice Leal? Gardons, Toronto, on Snturday evoing and report a maost erjoyabie timre. L.S.A. Donald Laing LittIe, of? the IC.N.V.R, il enhoe on leace and expectingp hie diseharge soon. )Mrs. Donald Little, the formner's -wife or? a lew miontbs, bas been stayiag bore ,with Mrs. N. itI during tfie past fiew wveekeý, where Don has now juoin- t fi 1> ed becr. Mvr. Aiex,,. Llttlewa also homle for- thlewe n rm rno Mr lxande Tsi pse awry qietly 'onSudyaenont Of hoe t is îtis r n îs M.Soper and Mr. S. Pat ton. Th'le uealseýrvice wi 1,ube eld in Kendal UnteCurcb ael t 2 p.mn. on Wednes- da, Otob)er 3ltÎhe deceased had 1heen living AwirM. ami Mrs. M. Soplerý for qufite a few year's. Radio Forum Meeting The )FamRadio Forum lueld-at the hom)je of? IMr. and lMrs. Roy. Mercer on Mfonday, October-29th, got off te a good start. The subject ")Haw Imn- portant is Agriculture to Canada?" was answered by tho radio broadcast "1Agriculture je Canada"'. A lively, intere sting and belpful discussion teok place following tie broadcast. Lunch was served by the hostess and au pleasant eeigbreught to a lose. .t is h'op'ed te hiold the next Forum at the home ofMr and Mrs. Evan Juantrill 'or., M',ondazy evening, No- veiber 5tb, at 8.30, wben anyone in- terested la the future of agriculture will ho hbeartily welcome. The suh- ject wililho "H'ow Mucb Food Sbould W e ~pro1duc e ?" Anniversary Services T'he Anniiversary Services took plae la Kendal United Cburch on Sundfay last, October 28tb. The 'R J1. A. Plant, of? Enniskilhen, conduct- ed the services. 'The music was yen- dered in the morning by the Kendal choir aind iia theevening by the New- toniville choir. Mv, James Swarbrick sang the solo in the morning "No Ro',Mrs. W'm. Jackson being the organiet., The music on both occa- ions was well renderer? and mucb en.Joyed. The Rer. J. A. Plant preacb- edl a splendid sermon iboth morning and eveingil, his text in the morning being 1"Whlat a mnan sowetb, that shal be jalso reap"l. "Through much tribu- lation"' the preacher told his congre- gagtion "ýwe shall enter into if e eter- niai". Both services were well at- tended. Late Mrs. Cynthia Maude Weatherill The funeral service tooak place of? the late Mrs. Cyntdhia Maude Wea,:- t'iei ît, 'behored wvif eofMrLaenc nd neigbborsga feer frithe serl- vi'ce (wbîch was condJuctýed b)y t he pas- 'or, 'Rev. 'Mr. Smi.assist ed bthe Rer. Thomas Wulace, lwo ad known the d'eceasted for a great imany years, and whoc paid a beauiful tri- bute to býer fine CI'ritian life and to the l'ove which she aiways shed around ber. 'The pahibearers were, Messrs. Harper Carscadden, Roy Mercer, John Patton, Marcus Soper., Arthur Tbompson and Wm. Robinison. There were a great many beautiful floral tributes. Interient took place la Orono Cemetery. Our hearts go out in deepest sympatby to the sor- rowing husband and fanuily. We are sorry to heur or? theJilîneseý or? Mrs. Percy iMorgan andI hope to boar she bhas taken a tura for the boetter. Week-end visitors ut the home o.r? Mr. Percy Morgan wverie, Mr, aad Mrs. Canon Bendaland soli, of Wodi- stock, and Mr. and Mim. S. Brown, or? Port Hope. NEW RELIGIOUS BROADCAST "Vîctorlous Living,", a new reli- gilous broadcast, wil ho heard -over StationOPRIB, 840 on your dm1l, com- mencing Noveunher Sth, Monday through to Friday for seven weeks, ut 1.40 p.m. und continuiag for five minutes. Life ýSituations la wbicb a Chris- tian principle is uppied-true epi- sodes in the lires or? people. To intoreet non-churcli goors- in the fundamental worth and neceeesity or? religeon by relating incidents inI Whieh religion isr'working, To stimulate attendance at local Sunday Schools ami Churches by churcb members and non-meunbers. It will be worth wbihe to turn your dinh ýto 840. FA RMERS! C'hurnrng ý,cream rdctona bec made ý,more 1profit'ýable by L good marketinýg. WVe are pay- ing for first grade chiurniing cream, flfty cents per p0uund fat, subsidy incltuded, FO.B. Toronto. W. vpl ans, a'd remit promptly. CITY CREAMERY 780 Queen Street East TORONTO, 0Ontar(o Eau SpcÉ%ials PERMANENT WAVES Regular, $8.95 Empress Wave for -------- ----------- $700 Regular $7.50 JLuxury 011, for r.... -- ----$-- -- ý5.9 Regular $6.00 Duches Creme, for---- ---- ----------- 45 Regular $5.00 Creme 011, for ---------------------- $3.953 Cold Wave...$850 anid $10.00 Scbool Girl Wave ..- -----2.50 Phone Oshawa 2399J for appointmaent 15 Cents will ho rofunded Clarke's Beauty Shop 97 Oshawa Bird.. OSHAWA - Ontario Cladzified i FOR ISALE Gooed-szed t , nl used ~ ~ ~ ýýI on wner h rono Timnes Office, Oo 0 -4- WANTE Live Poultry aniîd Feathers. Good( prices paid. Wýýe have no aent . 4 Flett,- Bethany R. R. N. 1; Teephone 7 r 12j, Bethany. 50-p. FARM W ýANTED LAn'y size, w,,ith idnsUp to $5ý,000.üo. 'TO pu? ase 1/lrthe Veteranls' Land A Sev replies to Box 17, ýOrono, Ontarîo. a 40 c. RULBS FOR SALE The Orono HoýtIciturail Society, have a few tuil - àlbs p1sef' Anyone wishing bulbs syu1d e secre- tagry. They :n, ho be ght at 4c. n bul'b and thisîistthe i'm te ln RANCH LANDIFORt SALE One hundred qaný fjy as.Lo '44, [Concession9,Cark .1'ownship. Neve-failing k. an/qunntity of wood. Apply Aib-eriLY.Hills, Ennis- killon; Phono ewmni 46 c-42-p. REPAIRS Sewing machines, waýshing mn- chne, ocks; anitiqwe ,-furniture re- pai red and upho1sterid.Wok r anteed. PrieceaS nbe C .F. U A Ph 79r 6,Orono e-42-.. STRAYED Onto the promises at Lot 35, Con- cession 9, Clarke 'Township, one red heifer. May be seen on Lot 16, Coni- cession 7, Darlinigton. Owner may harve same by proving proeorty and paying ox4pensýes. Albent Hils, Phonec 2496, Bownianville. c-40-c. NOTICE I The public are cordially invited to attend -the first meeting -of the Orono continuation Sehol Literary Society to 'ho held at the se2ool on Thurrsda-y Novemiler 8th, inme Vcind-ýl 1,7.30j T-he pro grame 1 ll e 1i nby Group üOne undrer o Jdership of Joyce Criha il Ï11onsist 0of a play,' "THTE Al> LE 0F iBIS BYE", choruses;, skits, imusical uibretc, Silver collec-tioni. Com-e and support yoir Sehool's organizationi. ONTARIO PROVINCE.,OF ONTARIO, THE LIQIJOR ATIOIYCON- TROL BOARP 0F ONTARIO TAKE 'NOTiI.E tl'at the annual mieetï».ing of Lhe L-Iiuor Authority Contro !B'ord of 'Otario for Author- ity District N (1 7 xil'l ho held at the Court Roonm îi. the Court House in the City of tor!-1borou b1, in the 'County ,If Petebor.--gh a ,the day of Noveinl) r, AI. 14,5,at Ètho lhour of toer >'c ýoe la ýe oronoon, at -,,hich tinme. i wi and deter- mine ail appli dîins f iythe renewal Centrol .Act -a d ýegu Utions. AND EUTAIE NOTICE- that any peýson resident ia tho said Authlority VQstriet objoctin'g te any sucéh applieation' shall file his grounds of objectieu, in,%writing wlth the Dep- uty Regý,trnr at leasit three days be- eore thoà date of the suid animal meet- ing. Datied at the Cityft.or Peterborough, In the ICounty of 'jeiboiough, this lSth day or? 0ctober, AiD. 1945. JAMES FORDYCE STRICKLAND '75 Water Stneet Peterborough, Ontario Deputy Registrar SALE REGISTERS lriday, Noveu.nher 2id, the proper- ty of MWr. Gordon Trimn, Lot 7, Con. 5, Carke Towns;hip, 3 miles noýrth or? NewtonvIl'le and balF -mile oast,,bis Purebved SbortluornCatire, Grade Cuttie', Shieep, Pouitry, Feed and Imi- plements. Sale ta comneilu t 12.30 ýp.m. sharp. Ternis Caush. -Jack Reid, Auctioneer; A. -E. Mortoi, Clerk. Saturday, Nocv. 'Drd, 250 apiple trees (mïore or loss), the property or? Mr. Donald Gibson, Lot 34, Con~. 3, Carke Tow-.s'hip-1, /-, mile east ul the fruit bouse anid half mile nortb. Sale 1.30 sharp. Jlatk Peid, Auctioneer. Wednesday, Nov, 7, t1ie proparty or? mrn ýWmI. MH ,Lot 28, Con. 3, Hop~e Townrsblp, at Ros3eherry Bih o n Hlighiway No. 2, Horses, Cattle, Im- plemo-nnts and Furnituro. Sal e of? frunbii ture ta eou-nmee ut 12.30 p.m.1 Parm iSole. Positiveily No Res erre. Jacýk Reid, Auctionýeer; Hlarold Cas- well, Oîork. Weinesday, Nov. l4tb.-7 acr-es (moare ýor loss) or? Beech and Mpe the proporty or? Mr. Stani. Jones, Lot 32, Con. 41, Hope Township, 14,ý miles north or? Haryiesis' Blucksniitb Shop. Sa!le to comnmene ut 1.30 p.m. To hoý sol'd in 1/4 acre lot. .Pureba'qser's bave PrfssoalDretr IMEDICAL A. F. MKNIMD PHYSICand SURGEON Office Hours * 2.00 to 4.0 p.ma.; 6.30 to 8.00 pm PHONE 47,1 OROGNO LEGA L Lawrence C. Mason, B.A,- -Barrister and'Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone -Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- Office 825 Reiec40 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETEINARY SURGEON Office Main St. , Orono Phone 63 r 7, Orenc. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fireý, Casualty, Automobile and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO DANE FOUND District RFepresentativje for thoe Manîufa-ctuirers' lire Insurance Consult me for your -fuiture- Income Plans Monumments The RUTTER GAIE~ COMPANY Phone 501 -- P.0, Bo-x 622, Port Hope, Ogitarjo Monruments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Golleafing AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Cenducts Miction Sales of al,4 m àind at reasonable irate. Commnnmicate with him at Part Perry, ontarlo, or e h'0" Cerk, A. E. Morten, at Oro-tig, for date. JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize iii Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates Phone 1620 Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE - Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DATE -CAR Governent License STAN PAYNE'S TAXI Ploe 97 r 16, Orono Miss Puay Stewar-t, Orilliîa, spent the weeký-enod wýith Mr. and ýMrs, J. H. Morris. AMr. and Mrs. W. iH.-Brown, Tor- oüntO, visited the fermer's parents, Mr. airdMs.R H. Brown. - Dr. and iMrs. Limibert, or? Parry Sounid, visiltd bis sseMs .H Bro-wn, on Wedine-sdl-ayevening last; eturning to Torùoto tamoot th.eir soni who is arivlaDg la Toronto to-ýday froui aversons.' ithree years ta remuore wood. TrÊuekm and cars ean drive te the bush. Tems Cash. Po itiey n eovjack ,Reid, Auctioneeýr, Get In On A Good Thing at o.d Ilor LeeUs LAST CHANCE FOR ANOTHER 12 MONTHS AT j r' LO ESýCSTý Y our Present Victory Bonds Are Now Worth: First Victory Loan 3%, due 1951........ ........... $105150 Second Victory Loan 3-, due 1954.................. $104.50 Third Victory Loan 3%, due 1956.................. $103.125 Fourth Victory Loan 3%, due 1957 ................. $102.125 Fifth. Victoity Loan 3%Y, due 1959 .................. $101.50 Sixth Victory Loan 3%,, due 1960................... $100.75 Seventhi Victory Loan 3%, due 1962.............. $100.125. FOR EXAMPLE : a $1,000.00 First Victory Bond iS 110W Worth $1,055.00. Watch Your Money Grow In Victory Bonds! IT'S EASY NOW TO BUY DOUBLE Make sure you get your share of the 9th Loan I