ORONO WEEIKLY TIMES TH4UnR.DY, NOVEMBR1,14 Mr. and NI is.W . rsl 1pn Sundy wih teir ousis, r. and, Mýrs. jHairyBi adof \MountL Pleasant. Mr. olnI Mrs. 1Ken. Deanadfam11- ily, of Brote,sen a fe'w days re- cently wth lr. and Ms Ed. Dean. Conraultinsto \Mrs. Harry Barrahaîl, Orono0.wh. on Wdnesday, NO PERMITS NEEDED FOR Freston Hold air 10 times better than natural rubber tubes. 0 Hetat resistin- Coler running. 0 Cured-in rubber valve itemcs. 0 Longer lite. BES AIMYE YOU ARE N0W ELIGIBLE FOR NEW TIRES Recen newtire r egua1 P. ti have adde( nia21y. d ditioal classj7fi ca- fions Dref a l e wljgladly Jook uÏp your status. We have the Officia] î nf (f.CmatiOn and f'Orme. If you need new tubes we hig-hly recommrend these new unes made by Firestone. Drive in and let us explain why they are betffer. WATSOelN'S GARAGE Phione 42 r il ORONO, Ont, Local News Leen confined ,toeldt'le ps e beinig quite !ili. Weaesrvy Vo liear Ms ec MvOiiga, ýSixth Line, l to0lie oeae on aud hope for a Speedy reco-very. ................ -TO ALLHOG PRODUCERS 1N *...*.. .~Durham Cuounty ÂMÊ Only Hos Producers wla \ r eîtered for the pur- (fi ~... pose wt tser own County ~~ ~Agrîculturel Represectiiv 'Ï,i'iwi11 6e enttled ta vote on A papaed ogthe sckeme. Ait Hog pro. Schmeducers irt dierefrs urge! ta reoste'et once by SMarketingSben mai or in persan et tiseir County Agnîcultural Rep- ror Ontario, under senttive S office ini ardeu ta bit elîgible ta vote. t4~ Farm Products Wlsen registerlng by mail, pleine forward noe, Contrai Act, bas been submnitted te die eddregs &"d township. Fariti Products Contrai Board 6v tke Ontrio Hag Proclucers Association. ~. Bef re tke Board J wIIconsiclet recom ______________________ menclinq îhe sc4eme, it must be satisfied tliat a fair representatlion of the Hog A PUBLIC MEETING Producers are in favour of its adoption. kwill be keld et In order ta obtain the recorded views of ORONO t4e Proclucers, a vote 6Y ballot is being oe br1 taken on the question.- N......1 At thii meeting the sclseme 4. wiII bc expline! fully and "AREYOUIN AVOU OFTHEquestions enswered, Ballots PROPOSED ONTARIO HOG w4l bce suppled et the meeting ta produccrs .Who P ROD UC E RS MARK ETI N G heve regstered, sa tiat tlsey mey vote tlsen. Registre- SCHEME BEING BRQUGHT INTO ins will be eccepted et the "Meeting and alta for ton FORC. INONTA IO?"deys alter lit. All producers wka are registered wl 'ORC INONTA inýý'ýreceive bellots, cithere t thse Agriculturel Represent. tive's office, et the meeting or by mail. Copies of tfie propoied schemne mev 6e secured et thse Agri. ~ ~WI.U1~~"culturel Representatives office or et thse public meeting. < I u le r AU ballots must 6 returnec ta the Agriculturel Repre . ~ sentativë befare December 8, 1945. *. ny Bllots, ,eceived after thet date wilI flot 6e recorde!. ALL HOG PRODUCERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO REGISTER, TO ATTEND I. F. PUEI.N CIIAIRMAR )ct ol er 3st , ceue!teud her93r VcoyLoan overthe top. rived inOroor, .sa eeig *Ml% W. E. Davey sold te fr-ame biiildinig at the V in the road ait he north endùof ;Main street to, Mr. Perc. Chapman, who will tear itd'own and take it away. .Mris. J. Hathaway (nee. Margaret Barrahal) , of Dand, Manitoba, is spenldinlg a few weeks wth lier br othi- er, ýMr, Loy Barrabaîl, southïward, and ýother relatives. On Novemher Ilth all veteranis are asiked to attend the parade in Or-ono. They will march Vo the cemretery and tben to the chuirel. Wateh for fur- ther particulars n.ext week. Gordon Major, who served wt the Canadian Army at Kiska end later left for overseas around a year and a hall ago, returned home on Wed- nesday evening of inst week. A baptismal service will bie held in ýOrono United Churcl next Sunday, morning, 'NQvember 1lth. Parents wishing to bave childrenr baptized kind'ly cominunicate with the minîster Week-end visitors with fMr. and Mrs. R. A. Forrester were, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Bouck, Iroquois; Mr. anld Mrs. C. D. Bounck and daughter Ethel, of 'Toronto. and MisÉs Jeanne Forresteîr, Ingersol. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kelsey, Mr. and û~r.Donald Kelsey and little son, of Toronto, spent iSunday with Mrs. Kelsey's mother, ýMrs. J. G. Jackson. Mr. -and ýMrs. Kelsy will leave shortly to spend the winter inr Flor- ida, The Durham Club of 'Toronto will meet on Friday, Nov. Znid, at IODE 4ieadquarters, and no less a person- age than our -own liarold Rickahy, Deputy Minister of Mines, 'will be the guest speaker. Ris suibjeet will bc, "The romance of Ontario's niining industry". Social hour in charge of Mrs, Lorne W. Trul, Orme Gamnsby who le a inember of the -bo-name d _ club.plans Vo attend the meceting. The pufpils ýof the Cniuto School haye beeu busy the last veek or so putting the fnising touches oni th e uw stage and backgrouuds Vo be used at the firet Literary Meigon Noveniber Sth. The children have speut considerable timeý in miaking this stage, and would like Vo sýee a large numnber of the parents onit Vo their literary mneetýing. These meer2t- ings are 'well preparedd also ar wvell worth atteîiding. j ROYAL THEATRE. BOWMANV1LLE Phone 589 Thursday and Friday NOVEMIBER 1,2 "Tarzan and the Amazons" THE LATEST AND BiE$T with Johnny Weissmuller, Brenda Joyce, and Johnny Sheffield as Boy Âdded Shorts and Cartoon Saturday NOVEMBER 3rd "Action In Arabia" GEORG~E SANDERS and "'NEATII BROOKLYN BRIDGE'" The East Side K;ids Again Mon.-Tues.-Wed. BEIIY SMITH'S A Tree G-%rows In mBrooklyn wsth Dorothy MeGuire, James Dunn, Joan Blondeil, Peggy Ana Gar- ner, Ted Donaldson and Lloyd Nolan. FOX MOVIETONE NEWS PARK ST. ~UNITED CHURCII S. Littlewood SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 LIl.OO a.nt-4Worship. Baptismal Service. 2.30 p.t-Chirreh Schoel. 7.30 pm-Wrhp "Sufer littie children Vo ouic unto me and forbid themn not for of aueÇh le the Kingdom. of Heaven". Orono Tinshop1 Ail kdsof Plumbing and Heating,' R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR main S. Orue . Phone 8(rlfi T-HE ENDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FTUR ltFARMIvu1NGC Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio - We Ranch Them WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO, PHONE 42 r 2 Fa. F. MORRIS C0. DURHAM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bowmanville 480 - 734 27-1 TOWN HALL NITE COMMlENCING SATURDAY, NOVEMIBER 3rd DAN CING. Through the season to the music of your Favorite Bands Admission: Ladies 25c., Genitlemen 35c. Remiember the Ninth-Buy a Bndc! ARM'STRO NG'S Girls' Jumpers ,Sizes 8 to 14, of Corduroy, bMue, rose and red. Prieed at ------------- $5.95 JITMPERS Sizes 14 to 26, of Alpine Cloth, assorted colors. Clearing at.... --....... $5.50 Flannel Dresses Feath'er Weig-ht Flanniel Dresses, si zes 14 to 10. Special------.........$5.50 F LETTE Plain White Flette, 27 iii- chaes wlde. Special.l----- 9c. 36 inches wile.-............ 25e 36 inches wide, sqtrippedl,.. 25c, COOKING ONIONS 3 lbs 17e WAX TURNIPS Each RAISINS 2 lb 35Nc. VITA-B CEREAL, Large OLD NIPPY CHEESE lb 35c. CILDS DRESSES Sizes 2 to0 6 years of Feathler Weight- Flannieils, assorte ýd color------------..$195 Boys' Ski Jackets With Lined P'arka, iu blue, brown and grevn, sizes 10I te 16 years ---------$ GIRLS' COATS Plain and Fu'tr-Trimmied,sis 8 to 14 years.Prcd.$15 Chldren's Overalîs 0f Light Blue Drill, pre- shrunk, sizes 2 t years. CANADA CORN STARCIT 2 pkgs,, JAVAX PEAS 2 tins 25!c. GRAPE JUICE Bottle NOODLIE SOUP MWIX 2 pkgs. 23c EWING'S PUDDING POWDERS Each .10C. 1to a customer TOKAY GRAPES lb '7e ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb bag 69)c MAPLE LEAF SOAP bar 5c*. CARBAGE lb ~4e N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - , N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N in theTown Hll at Oronlo o da,0h1'.iniaio oated Four things are recognized as funî-damrenitals in -tits organiuzation. They are. .. Service.., Equipmàen-t ..Value ... Fair Dealing. Thoughtful, experienced 'attention is supported hy the most modemn equiipment and facilities. Moderate prices are clearly quoted. They are withini ,every f amily's income and in-clude the use of our beautiful modern chapel -without extra charge. MMEK ý