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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1945, p. 7

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OTTAWA REPRTSI 'That Calnadian Indivîipals Have More Thara Trebleti Their SavingiS ince 1938 sonme itrst acts about the finanicial stainof CanýMiansq were 19ld ib tlIe Husecof Coin1- mons reccinîlyvby Finaný!ce Minister Jlslepy. Idvîul ave Imore (11,an trebled theCir LaviIgs in bank le- counits, gvrmu euiisand othier liqui4 ac ri snce198 1', wasetin t tat at May 31, 19415, individual Clanladialis lbd ini currncyhankdepoils, refund- able taxes sud dominion goýverI- mentII secunrities more thlan 950 ü""000060-- epresenItïing an inlccsce of more than4650,00,00 Cont- pared ilib 1938 -- and tIbis does, flt iniclude savings in tMe font of ife ýinautranice, pensions, h1omIes or corporale -,securities. Th1 intnsie c tpagu !u)Or- row front indIividuIals lbas borne good fruits. Thmnmber cof mdi- viua isbscibers grew rvv 4, 549 ;i0 the final tvidltory ban lu3,- 178ý,275 ,in itheeihb an as May. I't is the h1ope of tibose itr ested,( in the cu oofboth the country sud individuials that Ibis getnumbeýr of sibseibers wýill bc maintainerd or ecee in the Canada is on thie aIet fui oppor- tiities te enlarge ils trade miar- kets-. Wilh Caniadien podcî n- tionedti 1 fonign manet during, thie war, thenec was ne neeý,d of ad- vertising but new thle inte is a, blid to Imal cut a ralybroad snd vigoroulsporatOf peacetime tradte promotion. For Ibis puirpuse ail trade rom- r.issioners stationed i0 Latin Amieican countries aire eling clledt le tlawa for a conference bi Neverrber, Trade sud Comimerce Minuiter MaicKilnlon bias a n- nýounced. Tbecy anid senior trade officershin Can-ada eaul conte ta cose gips ,vith al the manjy in- S dividiual probîcins that must be takel n mb accorunt if the prognain is 10 be practîcal, wll-blan]ced and we1-susainied, Latin Antenican ccounîies are markets of Evec-incrcasing impot- ance. Even under the ext-et, diffielt Conditions tbat prevaileti <during the ,var years, Canadian cx- pots tb Latin AtenCa in]creascd by"70%asd imports iucreased by alrost 400 per -cent. There cis vwarmt nCanadla aud il las good pulicy te, fosten hisfeelinIg. Theý fante of Onlario as aý good place teý live bias spread fan aficld. M aj or jameis S. P. Armsitronig, Onitario agetL-,genieral in [lie Unit- ed Ringdomi, reports th'at aýbot "",000 pensqons - 90,000 if fantilies à re cou01nted - bave ;indicated ýh-al tbety would Ilike t( settle in Ou1ta- rie wbirieniigraliîon ispsibe Buit great care mIt be taken in Seîctijng immligranlSts even wb7!en il ia decàded holw mny ýmore people Onlanieoaa suunt.Pensons inter- fested in lsttlinlg in OnItario mus-L answenr quetions abouit thleir work, tbe avilability7 of fondls for traivel ail(!se onj. Ustbepensons eau thuls lie weded cut meiaey Ma1jor Armistrong said il wýaaý madt(e clear that (lie movemenut of selitrs iwould beceectVe, wIbtbe proba'bility that pniorîiC 0twold lbe catdgiving precedence lu Bni- tishi men and women wbo senved lu theforces, f', crafîsmn wboMse skilîs were re'quired for On1tario isrcsor industries suld tho01se wibplans for etablisbIinIg ucin-vï dutisin thle p'rovinlce. Greater Than War Casualties -Total Second Gr', eal Wer casuai- ties for the Unitedi StaItes, ÎIncI- ln iewounded, missing aid prsnrwere 1,01.0,524 but ie hme front accident 101 iurîngI' t,,,,, , thp-i- reaýhetLI 3,35,00,accod irng t"-)Ihe NtonlSafety Col- War Medals Îîs finî,t big ordler for, xar mecdals --6,225,000 of tbem. Tbl'le Or-derr -'I1lake twe years to filI. THIS WAY- jInstantine T abhiet brings FAST RELIEF! NExT TrIME you suffer from a simple headache, try the Instantine 1-lallet- wvay to prompt relief. You may be surprised at the speed with which i1 It generallytakes oniy one Instantine tablet to start bringing welcome relief fromi headache pain. You see, these fast-acting, prescription-type tàblets go to work almost immediately easing pain, lesseningdiýscomfort. Instantine's scientifie combination of t hree proVen inedicinal ingredients works in these ways to bring relief: 1. Speedily euse the pain. 2. Proiong, relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depression." Givfâ mild, stimulating "Ilft." Try Instantine --chances are you will never again resort to slower-acting preparations for relief of simple pain. Remem-ber instantine, too, vvhenever you sufer fromn pains of nieu,(algi(za and neuritis. Your druggist has. nstantinie. U2 Tabets 25ý'-Gho i2e~ a dose Fasf. EffC ive Relief from Simple Polo NEW CONCRETE MIXERS- 4 cu. ft. and 6 cu. fi. power- 2 I'/2 cu. ft. Land or beit Concrete Block Machinery Rock Crushers Enquinies Invited Weflaufer-Welker Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St. Toronto, 5. Phoo,-e Midway 9817 FEMALE PAI Lydia E. Pinkýhami'sVegeta)le Comnpoiind flot Only IhelPa relieve peniodic Pain but ALSO accuîmpanying nervous, tired, highstrung feeling -wvhen du-e 10 fune- tional monthly disturbances. It's une of theilmuaI effective miedicines for this pur- pose. Pinkhamn's Comiponii lhlps tnaIure! Follow label directions. Try it! VEICETABLE BABY CHICHIS FILL YOUR PENS WITHI GOOD laying or ready lu lay pullets 'now. We can give immediale de- livery on many pure breedsan hybrid crosses. Also, day old clicks liatched to orde(r forrFait delivery. Free catal1ogue. Top Noteli Chickeries, Guelpb, Ont. A FEW STARTE,'D CRICE.S ON- band, also somne laying pulletsý. Day-olds Immediate shipmient. Order now chicks for dei er-Y during balance of year. BDray Halcbery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ontario. PULLETS PURE BREEDS AND Hybrid crosses. 12 weeks up lu laying. FaIS Hatcbed chicks booked lu order. Taking orders for 1946 chiclis. Send yôur order lu now and lie sure of the breed sud delivery date, youl desire. Free catalogue and pricelist. Tweddle Chick Haýtcheries Limil- ed, Fergus, Ontarlo,. 25 FREE CHECKS OUR B lABY CHTCKS ARE ,THE1l progpe,~ of Founidation and Re- gb, rsxlBirds. AI]l Br eeders blood-teýted. Pries from le Ito 25c, Ail guarnteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard IF-r:chieries, Br!- taunia Heigbts, Ont, FOR BIGGER CRICKENS, BET- ter eggs, best profits slart witb Top Notcli chicks. A well kuowu name is always a safeguard of qualily and l'op Noteli is well known lu poultrymen. Top Noteli are bredto proven formulas for livabîlity and productivitY. Steirt today with Top Noteli ehickus anid ha assured of a Top Not h binbe European markets. Write at once for the free Top Notcb catalogue. Il will comlpletely explain the 'op Noteli breeds and prices. TOP Noîcli Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. BUSINESS AND 1'ROPERTY IF YOU ARE THINKING 0F SEL-. llng your Business or Property, large or small aud want good re- nuits, consult Ibis office. 80 years experience in selling all kinds of property, for furtber informatio write. George Lawton. 709 Quel- Jette Ave.. Windsor. Ont. BVSINIESS OPPORTUTNITIES WIN PERSIAN LAMB COAT or Hud4sori Seal Coat or Muskrat Coal and Muff valued at $500,00 or-$400.OO in casbi Tickets S5C. or 5 for $1.00 ELIZABETH FR1'CHAPITER, I'.O.D.E., Sudbury. Ont. Seud yonr postal 'note or mouey osder to Ms. L. SImPson. 9)8 iRgsmonnt nlvd., Sudbuiry. Ont. $7,00 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE,,YOURS" ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $5600 monlhly 'Bond drew. Other prizes. Delails on receipt. Shares $100 ach or 6 for $5.00. Send for obares tu St. Catharines Optimist Club. Boxu 445-H.. St. Catharines, Onlfai o. $1 OOO0HOME BUlLT- ANYWHERE IN CANýADA lu winner's specifications, or $10.000 ln cash wlll beawre lueky winner. Also hanceon $100 montly drsw. iuner 1,, stîll elugible for, bouse dawlu December. Ail procceeds for- càid- rens welfare. Uickets 5U. ecad- 12 for $10. Mail remnit tain- c l Sud- bury Kiwanîs Club. o. 51 OVEING ANÇD CLEANING B-AVE yOD NYHT NEEDS dyeing or cieaning? Write fluns for Informnation. Wel are glad lu answer yuur qetos Depant- mentI. ParkIer's y ok Llmniled, 791 Yonge Sireet.'To- ronritc PIA,ýNOS. A 1L-IMIE NMBROF oui sinal new pao iis beý available. %Write forciulr Orders eected iiu turnu asne cvd.Factory Meon sd Rsl Li1mited, 6ý42 Ring St, Weýsl, Toý- ronlo,ý Allies to Scuttie Germany's IU-Boata The London Daily Express id re.centIy'lt at ost 0f Germnanys U-boat fleet will be takýen well out mbt the Atlatic and scu[t1tle. Britain, the -United States and Russia are slcigsixU-at each for experiment and( resear-ch thie paper said. The remainde r ol the 180 isubma,,rines now in Br'itis waters w1ill lie stripped'of 1instrui- mîents andl mechanical device.s and scrapped, it sald. 1U-boats captur ed L Gertaniy and Norwaty will also be destroy- ed. Peacetime Colora, When the Quecii Mary sailed froin New, York the,othier 'day ber. three 70-foot funnels wore tbe White Star lines black and red colors for the firsitlime since the spring ofi 1)40. Thie voyage is theQuc Mary's 12Gthi since bel- The S. Reis o ~,iwrand Telephone. *'of Good Dijing and Danc- ing Nigltly. Serarnt Cas-itom Tel. ILI. 413.1 FOR SALE ATTENTION, FARMER1iS. yFORP Sale: Tractor l'ires, maide of ruib- ber, suitable for blting on steel wbeels,, $1000 eachi. Wbien order- ing sýtat0 diameter and widti of wbeel. National Riber Co. Lýd, i Wiltshire AeToot.Ont. BAILED MAYX FOR SALE. TIMO.. thy B3room GOrass, Reýd Top Mix- ture and Uplaned. For particeulairs write J.,imn nua ai loba. REGISTBRED COLIE ,,PUPS SA- ble andi white ten iw eekýs old re-a- sonable. R. H-orton, Scarboro, Bluffs, Ont. GRIMM EVAPIORATI>OR 6' x 18'; 1,700 buekets, spouts, covers, storage and gatbeing tanks, s;et- lling cao $600. Hl. Barnes, Sund- ridge, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORýS NEWv, USEII bouglit,. so-ld, rebilt: belts put- Ieys, brushes. Allen Electriec om- pany Ltd'. 2126rlyufferin St. Tor- onto. AýLADDIN 'ýHOMES ODRNOW for 1ý4-1946. Pay like retSend 25c., '32' -page book. 2'C28 Howardc, Windsor, Ont. ONE REGISTERED "SHTEARULING" Suffolk Ramn.1). MTgat Harrison, Otro 1 TWO FURROW fSCPLO(W, like new. I. R. C., O.Brdly Russell. Ont. REGJSTERED RAEIT RO1UNDS. Apply for Sales LiSt. Coney 1Bell- zer. Middleton, NoyaSci. jBLACK FLEMISI GIAýNTSYFIVE moniths oid. Fine breeding sok $4.00. Adamson,31DnsnR. Weston, Ont. FOR SALE ROUEN ýDUCRS PIZE stock ducks 43.0,daks 4.0 Arche Bagg. RI,HeperOu tario. STEERING WHEEL R1,SPINrNERS, special beavy dult 'y for traictons, $1.25 postpaid. Ivan Ma'rtbn, St. Jacob's, Ontario. Iwo YEAR OLD BULLT, PUREjT'- lied Aysiire sund Hîtein Cros, reasonable. Apply bu, Mrs. U. lessor. Hawkesto,,. Ont. Phone 53, Oro. DE L CO LIGELITl'N" SYSTEM, complete with baýtteries. good condition. L. Lýippeilt, R.R. 1. Highland Cr(eek. R. 1). HNTRS 1ISPERSAL Sale of 40f young Scotcb Shunt- bonus, Tbursday, November 8, 1945,. at YFeu Grounds, Exeter. IlIard Sire: Robinwood Rawand iv MuiilibUlîs Ransom. Write for cat- ailogue b 1H. J. Huier ý179 Qucen tetWaterloo, Ontarloý. FOR11 SALE: SAWYER 1MASSET Steel Separator, 24-44 with .io- ver atlacbmeuts, neaanly uaw con- dition. 101 Super Massey Hennis Tractor on rublian, used three sassons. MT.C Cting Box. 12 Inch,,rnearly uawý. Fiend Orchard Spiayen, F.X. 2.-. 14,11gal. tank, power take-off die,140 lb. pressure. oun ubn new thus sprno. Earl Tausle, St, George, Ontario. FARM)S FOR1 SALE, 13 -ACRES NEAR BOWMýANV7iL, god bearing orcliard, po(ultry' bouses for 2,000 bîrds, bains , silo. pira $7500. Teints:imiore laud available completa ahom funnace, hydru, 10 mlsfrom Oshawa, possession arne.M. L. Clemens, R.R. ,B mnile Ontario. 1P0 ACRES, EAOA TOWN- s3hip, 8 acres gcood badwo bush, balance ceragoud day loam, nu atone; bank baini, pig p en. d jivinýg sbed(7, bniue fraeedweIllng drilled weIll;lm- miles; sehool, 2mlsPryR. Peavay, Evernon. Ont. goddaîry on rmîxad fimgood buiilings_. wtrin salwind- saHilS, qsilos, Ihighiway %inmile: aile Paticlrs; Wsley avis,- oetnLeeds Co., Otru PR ESSI WHO KNOWS? We confes sed thiat w didni't know why, trees tuimrn rd in thle fal. But thie arbori-cultureud Chiat- ham News is biheand sayýs it's becauis-ethc're em-barra-ssed, knowing tha;t their limbs mwill sooni be bare. Thanmks, p'Iýalad now tel Us hya Ébare goosebe])(rry bush doesni't lhave goepmls r THE POOR RICH Few thiings are miore- detriment- ai t0 a personD?'s chaýracte-r thlan fer him 1to have nothinig to dlo andü plenlty of monley to do ilîth. Kitchener Record. YOU SAID SOMETHING It's goinig t10 bc a tughý, job, re- marks a cjtmprr, omkea grand new world ith o mnyof the saine old popiein it. -'St, Thomnas TmsJunl REMEMBER? What thrill do0es thbeyugte of today have 10equl tht of the nineteenth-contury boy with bis finIt pair of copper-toed boots?- Christian Science Monitor. FARUMS FOR SALE ~CRES EXCELENTSOIL. 15 acre .leavytimerfair -om eui house, basemeýnt.S-tables. lien biouse. Fruit tres. Cose 10 ýs(hools, towu. Drrilled w ýells. HV- dru, gs aal'Lagd lone, arypoýssession. Terms. $35f00. Norman Iervo, eb ury, GO TO 96 AÀCRES FOR SLEWFTH bul gs, god water, close tcu achool adchurcýhesý, 5 mile, froin S!mcoeP, withor wIrthot stock and implements, immedi- atepossin Mr, A. H. Conlin, R.R.ý No. 4, Sýlm1coe, Ont. HEPWkNTELD LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT LINOG, EATR and floor men wanýted for news- paper priuntiug office, permanlenit position', ighest wge.Wilsn Publisbing C.,713 Adelaide 'W., aipply neaýrest Employment sud Select!ve Service Office. Order No. 1L FRUIT JUICES; 711E PRINCI- pal ingredients iin Dixýons Rem- edy forReuai Pains, NZeu- ritis.MursDrgSoe 5 Elgini,Otw.Potad$.0 ofen arie the cueof îlbat ib-human, al1 ge. o neim mu ne! Why rnot ind out if Ibis Isyu1 tobe iler-esting Pa r- ticlas -FrelWrite Mulveney's ieedeSipecalists. Toronto 3 BAUMRRA POlT PALM DE- ütoy ofensive odor I usta ntly. 451, hottle Ottnswsagent. GTREADY FOR 'WINTR. PliId up yoUr resistance wît Merrilîs System Tonie ales CanadieCEn favorite for forty yea rs. Fromt your drjiuggist or po)stpaid $100, trom Merrili Pro-. ducts, 918 S!IverbirclI Ave. Toron- to, Ontario. lu try Iixn' Reed. unru's Dru Stre,135Elgn, ttawa, PIIOTOGUAPHIFIC PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select yoalr favcurite niegatives and tend bu us. IeIreturu 12 prinIs mouuled (ou1attracltive, embossed greeling cardai, witi ecnvelopes for mualing for 09, aieh most original greeiug ard youeauget-the knd your fný, icuawilkep- ad for 25ec.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box12P PotalTerminl A, Tcrontýo "Vour qaityi'ciunn sdde- velupin.g Iexeln,"wie us- tomer et Ptnoogont. -aud FYour service is prompýt andgurn I,ýý cee. î am par'teculiirly, fasýcmated Iwitli the coloured enflangemeuts and Chrîstmais cards. Your prices for suhqualîty woirk are ral econi- onaud 1I appreciate youjrpop reliaile service." Any SzeR or6un5Exours OEVELOPED I D )NT 27,c 3 MIOUNTDERNTTS 25e Moun Is you eau aeenagntnsclour- ed1 hy baund f.r a stuaii additlonali charge, 14'wutedEla-ent 4"x6.o lvory tint moýunîs, in tae "x9, Burni.sied GoronSlve, Crasls Wainut or lack Eoyfinish 59c: if elargmeuteoioned79e. PrinI your name and t(ddIess plaies' ly on saIl orders. Britain To Tow Dock to Singapoqre A new 1,000)-foo,(t dry dock 10 reýplace the grtzat Kinig George V graving dock is lu ble towed front EngLand ui inapreas sýoon as possible, the New DelIhi radio re- Th, King Georgeý V dck, ,unk by tibe EBitIsh de'fenlders c oiga pore ini 1942, wa crfloaîed( by the Japanles suld ithen snkagain by AlIlied air rids. Thieniyv dock: at peetavail- able il) Sinlgapore iis a sual 5,000- ton floattinlg dock, the rad(io adderd. Motoring Mi i oons- t puIt us ll udenie e, attenta thle Chicalgo Daîy Nws". But aniy balf-wit vwibb thle puef a gallon1 of gas and a[ quart of gin is frce 10 ma-ýke bc îretsas bazardous as the ascenit luMontSurabachii. We can ble togh ith the totali- teant r, but we're peaches-and cream lwith m4o iug mrons. Il makes une wýond(cr il.) is thle bon- î,er-we on(her enu unciknfwdocks, g ee aud tIur keys (Mu is t ie dressýed.) "H-igliest ipuces paidI.' QUALITY MEAý,T PACKERS 203 First Ave., Toronto TIME TESTED Q1UALITY SEVC nd SATISFêACTION4 You, ir f ilmsun popeilydevloped and 1rinti , 6OR il EXPOSU-Tr, Rk.S 5e REPRI1NTS 8 fori2' You may not gelt ail ilie filmfs you wanl tIl is 'Iut lou au gel aII the quality sdi evieyoiefr by sendinrg your fi]?lms t IMPETUAL PtIOSEýRVICE 1 A I11lt ES c I1 N G L E A R N RIIRiSN1THE Roersn mtbiod. luformation on request eartgclasýses, PRobertsýoný's {idrsigA sd - meus. 11 buCb,'t1 M,utu 2. Oi'IOIITNITI FS , IS 1 E( &wages,,thousends i uies1-ful M arve prauaes . Amend icareatl)esfi sys- em. relllu9trQe.aaou ie 18r90; 1s.44King Si. Hemriloni Kil74 ideaut STrîoittl. FEERS ON AL lu plant and arvet y mon reianpciltesStILurn HETHERSTUNHALJGII &%VANCOMPANT 196ait licitsenos. E10csbllhe 15511' 14 d preWe, Troto.- dSooiet cf inf ormlo e 17 ANT 1%- O0 LARGE NW1LLTO 'jRing Sre esTrntOt FEATHERS 1 i Et ' , -hE o BEDS'. 0 pid. Forupîti-c fýcuads wri w jin Stki j o t A o Itrst- i aIs ail ga nd -bis, Hcg 7 Aelade ., orotE o o HATCHINO PGGSEWANTED1FO 1946 ýciatching e. Flcký eu-la end suWhiosted fiee 0f chrgeô dealwrýite Boxe3Te71adrîidje W.. hTorono. ýkic.Ot IAI SSANE 4U4 TO$3045 0 N 1' N c-, N N. N. N N N N N. N. N N N -s N N N N N N N N. N N N N. s N N. N N N N N N N. N N. N N N N N N. N N N N N N. N. c-, N N N N N N 11 NIlCOLO P sup thenoe causes inouth retînthroat tiekle and ight l coughing,,, usa this timne-tec iCî i-z-s ecn thIlI goes ti ok qt~ty. nonaysnt OwCe At bedme ru% god OlciVi&k VapolpOon troacelit andi Vng passages with Soothing ntdi al ,aprs. I TMIaE -id ilkdp on wOig Morhur, mes undIiIOyeu sleep-to eaue lar soreîesatihness -and biniggraýnd co--oj. Ty ià to- Honte spdes ayasmany as 60 eggs at a èimecarfully en- closing them iii a bag of silk.

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