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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1945, p. 1

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o Y -OflO-NO, ON..HURSD)AY, NOV. 8th, 1945 Subseriptioin $ 1.25 Der Year 1..OF.Concert, T 1own Halurono, Sýaturday, November lt Ontaro Hog Marketing Scheme Give Producers Broad Control The Schelme, propadb teO- flLf l itarjo eg0 tduert s zsoiatlo or vr206>> rsculO ithe .produced in Dmtai ,ox hihth 1ogpoducers "Sirce the institution of the price of th rvne ilvt uing-fi the oisin,, ineceniber, 1941, ouver 20 0001 Period between N ovemiber 12 an rsctions have been undertaken Dmee'dbr 8, iM adupted, 'wil ive the and upiwards of 800 prosecutions per liog producers a broad in1-easure of inonth are currently beîng p)roceeded onolover the mariketing of their with... pro0duet. The scheine, as it is being "Me belie-ve it would bec a great presented for the vote, provi'des 'lot m-istake either to permiit the desýire Onlyforthe organization of the hog o h auatrrt aeakn produing indstry, but for the i- tg of ahgr man-trAke befre h censing of ail hog bayers and pro- taesiof voume p mrdutionor to cessors, for regulations asto eemthehe pPSvouent-pconsueo r an 'earketin c-ogs h0 ugou -teto cause a sharp in6ationary rise in -whOIe0 Pov1 c r any part of itlearytnsio l -xhich may beudesigned, and f or praces in >theu ry taniinpr cettIng up a negotialting comliitte e (o, . to deail with problemis Ieiween Pro- "To-dte 'war-gen'erated infia- Jucers and proeessors. tonary rise in the cost of living in The first section of the sclieane( Can"aabas been held down better deals with the organization of the than in any country of the xorld, 1 ixogi producers. It provides for the mrrke that statem-ent dogmatically.ý ,_rPtio ofa local boalrd of seven firt as a tribte to the loyal workers cerea o b nwna hjH who have been associatedl in the ad- ~Pmodwes Markeng Board The hmîtain ut even more so. in re- Onaroilo - Poues soito cog-nition of thef- sound good sense of h~ave sugg.2ested ,thre first mne(rs ofthe people of Canada". the Board, rwho shall hold offie until1 March 3L,1946, willbe as flOrs: ono Athletic Nw Ostrct y Alvin Rintoul, rlto place ; Districtb 2, WV. E.Tum, Foxhoro; DIitct, eorge Wilkin- Novembiler, frosty mornings aire son, Alisýton;: Distict à,AWiulfdmkn the lads and lassies think of BihoNorwirh; District 5, Norman' h1 lockey, so they are training bahrd.1 lMLoGat; DlaittM. GeorgeBaktbl teaa are really getting Jolnstn,- OenSourd:Ditct7 into shape and one should sec t[1-iv4 Thoia RbsnDenied. fort that is put into the games wnîist The producers of hogs shaîl be the y-ouths are enjoying the spo-rti divided into seven disticts, as fol-1they are actu'a,-lly beinig limabered up,- Diwstrc i egrySorotfor ore of the best hockey seasons Dundias, RusiýselI, Prescott, Canto, hat Ovro obas ser for sm years. Lanark, RnrwLesand G eni- * * m e -ville dounties. On Novembher 23rd, the "At Hiome" Doilstim 2 Frontenac,.Lernox &Dance which xviiibeof the very bst, Addington, Hýastilgis, Prince Ewa-rdl, as the Club depends on hii to buyý Nor thuraberland,.1.Durham, Vitoria equipmient, s,0 its up 50 everyone tu ansPceerborowgh 'Counties. Sicoey tickets varben the iclýet seiler-s Dl.sÙràC5 3. ~ymy Oncocorne along. Your money dots actual ~ ~ lto au PeeliGontis.go-od and is vlibe for you to sees ir Disric 4.Oxfrd Nef ok, rat,1 the lads, and lassies becoiing better- -Wen-îÀ-worth, RHaIdinmand, iLncoln1înad! citizens through sport. For those Weian Crict . ~ebWtroWl who don't dance, cards and euchre is 1 DWkt A Per. WaUn, el-arranged. Prizes are heing donated ington andi Dufferin (Cornties. by miary and they Vwill be wo,'rth tak- 3}strict 6. Hiuron, Bruce and Grey îng homnellkewise dhe spot dances ýCounîties. valâ uailies are yours for the be- District 7. Essex, Kent, Latabton, igpesn h ciiite'aýpo lMiddlesex and lgin Counties. cm pre ssnT o itte has pro In the plan of organlation, the cue« tesevcesf erg ated producers ocf hogs in each county fun is tht mnsicefo the evetning. -aed will foram a county group. Foer frk eml o h vri each district there wlll be a district This orchestra plays at the Kawartha Hog Producers Conimitteq , 50whicbl Country Club, 'whicb says, Eaough! eýachb counity group aili appoint a re-_________ prescrntative or represweatives an- aually, on or before Marcb 15F. Each There are cony three more days District c'olrnittee ail appoint a left in the e Nhth Vichtoy Loan, court- vnaember arnually to the1lIog11 Produ- ing to-day (Thursday). There 'bas cers MarketLing Board, prior toMah been 1,20 rais'ed to date, leavirng 31st. a balance of $73,750 to be collected te The powers and duities of the Hogreach our objective. Bu3i a Bond, Produc sMarketing Boadar part of the scherme. Tbis Board st ___________ ,be given powver to Contro! l ah narket- Control Boared for the marketing cf i-ngi of hogis produced in Oritarlo and hogs hin Ortarlo. te reguflate rieir raie in accordane 'wtitFe provisns ofth amPo These reguiatîoiis provide that ahl ,ducts Control At and regulations processors and buyens of vhogs must imade under that Act. In addition, be lîcensed Y the Parai Producti dhis Board lias auhoi&y t take such (otrol Board, ard only persons hav- action as it deeins av tabet tm-îgthese licerseýS can carry on busi- ulate. in.crease and inprove thet man- ress as hog processons or buyers. ketingi of h.ogs fir Ontanlo and toAp The licenses will be arnual, extend- point such pensons as are deemed ne- ilng fr'on A-ýpril 1 to March 31 the cessary for dts pur-pose, witb the flown year, and the fee is fixed at proviso thiat ail expenises incuirred for $1. 0 (. these activities shah be pnid out of Forutce purpose of defraying the -dhem-oney risd y thlie fees expenses Of the llog Producers )Mar- 'wich are provided for il the reul- eting Board for its iservices rendert( tion,ýs under tht schiemte. il, the manrketing of Ontario bogi The second section of the sehemead crying 'ont is osher duties consdsts of the regulations to be mace bythe Ontario Farm11- Proýducts (Continued on page four) ;t S. l- Local Animals Bring High Prices At Record Sale M. J. Tiimlblyia, Orono, seenresi $2,-Geniafton Laurel Brcannie te Sý. H. 200 for tteve4xots-l eifer iahaHopeavell Jet, N.Y., for caîf, Cedar Dale Pietje Cora, aS tht,1 7,6 (00,.-Mr. IMCagut also etbih third annuail Ali1-Canadian Holstein et'ia nean Canadiar -record pnice for a Sale helsi October 31 at Oakville. 'bull aý,ine resolsithetreineaontbhs ý,CerWI is a grauIdýdaughten of tht Iý olibllcî, Glernafton BRag APppie $~,O0Montye oneur Pietje B.,Hsonafr$1,0teiysLd. mnd was purchasesi by H. L. GulîbIent, Cimy la Tbirty four anim.als Verchents, Quebet. A two-yemr-old bruh 1.oeo0 on more ansi 16 reachi- heifer coisign!esibyAclIr. Muir ansi(1tne tht 2,000 mairk. Tht third bga Sons, Countice, anaýs pi-1urcises S nt pvice anaus $10,050 paisi by Wî. A. $575 by Oteo Parmis, StrnIgevîllit, A. AyestOrstoavrl, Que. to 11T. L. 0O11 io. GuIilbýert, ve-ýrcheres for Iaypea-inli ng Ail prenions <araar Inconignmîent1)bull. A yeanIrIIg Ir'ifen bryougt , sale rcrafoir cFie anene bre lan .500 for C. J. Cr'whBeetor. Cat- at thIale. A -.lecord avnae îtatricnig-s froni tOve rvn 'f $i,807 aas etahihson7 heasi andi neanrecord pnices for2lIr cesansid yts anre presentfrm l bulis iani ews set. . J. E1. MeCaupnso aaa as h nts A11Iiýstn, ,sold a tis~~erohm reifer, Sta es;otcmrifro-m Mexico. 10 Club (possible teri SouthSim c oe Peel Courty; teanri membJ)ens, Hope; Stanley Beef Caîf Club Twýenty teanis : lst, Middlesex C(oulnty (09;2nd, Ontarlo Couurty (1050); 6thi, Durhiam Counrty (8) teammembrsStuart Donneil, N,"es- tleon Hwand Fondler, Blackstock. Potato Club Twenty teanms: lst, Durhacm"I- (1013) teràn'i amens, Jean Wery, Enniis- killen;-,Bo-ss Ashtona, Ernishýillen; 2,nd, Gremville (06.) Grain Club Ttwtinty teamns : lst, Peel Cou.nty (1068); 2nd, Y-onk (iuty; 3rd, Duir- bam Codunty (10«52), team meifflbers, Fraýncis Jose, Neancuastît, Glenni Aluni-, Newcstl. Stndig rnt known1, Dunhamn, team imembfens, Allie ber- denson, Millbrook,,, Ban Morton, Ca- ,can. Swinle club Twenty teams.: lst, WestI Durham Clulb (991), team memb4ers, Chanles Laugmaisi, Hmt Neil Moffat, 2'~n:rd, ýMiddllesex County (9182): 3rd, BRenfre-%v Courty; 7ïth, East Dur- ham (908), teaIm nicur,Bosýs Mon- tnCanMeoueMtono,Fa. s'enville. Poultry Club (Pour teamýs: list, Lincoîn Couinty; 2ud, North Simet Couaity. 1Foal Club Tavo teanas: lst, Micldlesex 'County 2nd. Middles'ex 'County. Tht Provnice of Ontario will b( representesi in itht Dominiion finaL at Torýonto -ou Novemiber ! l9th an( 20th. with tht Dairy, Beef. Swine Grain and Pota;to Seamn wirners. Aý w,,ell as competiug agaiuist thte teamn fromn tht othler Provincres tht, -roui xviii have a trip 50 Niag'ara Fals 1a11 Ottraa. 'E. A. SuLvmIaers, gncu tunral Rpeeuaiefor Duam, i jutyprousi of thtseowng ae bý bisea menibers. Bebweer now ani November *l9th, tht tea-ms xviii ne ceiv-e etacoaching Ii prepanatio for tht Domiinion, Competitioans. md Cvan onxe's Istittesfor ningsppisFor th- nuinss as Because1 o r'kofsta ,esaes maif an lnwok TwnshpsPort Houpe, Cbug Girls Win Over Boys In Public Speaking Contest 1 Park Sti tet Unlitesi Chunchl, Oron'o, anas tIre settir1g for a preýtuy Xeddiong on Stunday, NovemI-ber 13nd, wanl Greta iMarie Mvercen, orly danghten of !Zr,. ansi îMns. Harry iMercer, ha- came tht 'bride of Harolsi Sidney Luix- ton', sion -of Mn. ansi Mrs. Sisi Ltux:toi, Boanmanville, witI Bey. S. Littlewoo)d Given lu maniage by Irfth, tht bride wnore a gown cof whit bro- cacied marquiseétte anith fre-i veil. She canniesi a bouquet of deep nesi roses aith beby mîuras. Miss Aima Emarey, bridesmaisi, anas ir 'bine suecie jersey aitb mtchng at andi carrngia-bouqueiýt of piuk rosýes ans imumis. William EFdmonison anas gr-,ooisman ansi She ushiers antre Wl lace Buiten ansi Fred Luxton. Duningi tht siigning ýof tht registen I Mns. Phasey sang "0 Promise M&é". home ahere thtguets antre receivtd1 by býer imother, who anvone bakcrepe trimmesi aith sequins. Tht groom's mothen, anho assisýtesi,anore bine enepe aithblback accessonies. Tht br.idfe traveIes i)lua goîsides andi fox trimmnesi coat iith boauac- cessories. Tht cuple eft 'for -aishoryt trip ansiTxiii reside liBii iaiht Orlo Bd viC ii Irols thein" dance ou Pida;y eeangiNvemIîer 9th, in tht Toaýn UHall, Oroi.,JacIk Gai- lona'sOchetra iiittnane IDurhamn Clu b Wins At telhConpetition Tht Inter--C'oun yC!,lb Cme tins antre h-eld aS Guelph oon Fn»idayt,ý Octubtr 2651tl. A'bout 130 temnis aith tano boys to a ýetam ok part. Corn- petitions antre eli-ir Gra,-in, Pot- oaes, swire, Beeýf Cttt, Dainy CS tie, Horsts ansi Poultry. DurbaiConr'ty -anas irtp-nstnttdi iby sýeven SÉeana's, îLe., tn ritane place was aveu by>,-tht West Durham aieChlb andsia fise ttPetaSo Club eaifrom Ernii,ýskillen. Tht w higIr teams ansi tht stand- igof Dtaa onyteams lintacb Club are as -eoanýs : On Tuesday, Novemiber 6th, tht Womian's Missiorary Socety mueeting was lielsi in thteSudayilehol noomI cf Pairk St. Chjurchi, Oronio, with tht Presideýnt, _Mrs. M. H. Stapfles,, pre- AfL,te htopeniingi exercýises ,a rnm- inating comimittet as appointesi, cousýistirgi of M\iss M. Davy, con- vener, _Mrs. Walsh, Mrsz.Loan ad Miss F. M. Coibledick. anho aeto bningl in a siate cýf officers to be voS- ed ou at tht December mieeting-. lt w5decidesi 50 send seme Christ- mnas CIteer 50 tht Fred Victor Mis- sion,, aiailI al those 'anho ais o5 g'ive a1 dontioniol ads it ien jar cf fruit ýor arythingi suitabie Lfor Chnristmàas, brirg i15t tht iDecembier mneeti. In tht wýorsh-ip service tht bible readînna- s given by iMrs. Staples, wblofolloavesi aith a ta1lk on thteC-cU sade" cof thtechurch xvhich is startingi. Shie said tht ast flirte nmoutis of this yer s ahesi tht education-ai ptni&d a nuiiaiber of short prayers wereofe- ed for thet success of thte netk iing. Short reports on tht Pnesby- teiai1 rally aSt Bowmainville were given by Mrs. Logan, Mrs. C. Wood ansi Mrs. Delve. Mrs. Littlewood rt- portesi on tht literature siepantmnent, shie annouiicsi tht books our auxil- iary r-eceivesi tiis ycar antre the Aian Book S-Irtîf. Mns. Littheanood! sais i l Afnica they do rot asivertise liquor. Mrýs. Walsh reasi41an article on1 "Tht Homnie Pront Pansil Inflation". 'Mrs. M. Davy ilitrodullces the ilew study bookl whichi is on Africa. Tht, mieeting losesi with. inin i md p ra yer. An exceutive meeting anas hels i a tht close of tIre regumlan eeinaS wichl plans ave nmde for entertain- bigi tht Balby Bandi nsi tht maothers somne time this ot. ~William Johnl Clemencfe On Octoben 12', 1945, at Oshawa Gereral Hospital, Williamn John Clenlieuce of îhas passýesi away in his Blett pear after a short illuess. Boin Hope Touus-hip lire spent Iis early days nean Kirby anhierelire farii- tsi for a inuniber cf -years. Ir 1909 Ire marnied Geo Mi a ln ansi tbey ives irS an ection untîl bis dea t1i Hte was a faitbful 'attendant al N ea- castie lJnited 1church anhen Ireath perittesi ansi a well known ansi ne- spectesi farmier. iHt lovesi bis hm ansi took great pleasure in beautify- irgi tht sunroundirgis. Surviving te melurul his p a Sssrg are bis -aideanv ansi seven chilsiren, Al\lan at home-i, Charlts of Ottawa,' Mary (ýMrs. W. 'B. Grabam), Pou- time, IMicI.; Jean (Mns. John Holimes), Newcastle; Isabelle ýof Ottawa, Mal (IMrs. Ray Goode), Orono, ansi Athurl at home. Two chilsiren predeceas'ed ii 191IM2. One cf a lange famiily he hasi two brothiers, Dr., S. 'G. Cemnence ansi T.1 H,. Clemlence, awd sixý sisters, 'M\rs. W.1 C. Aluin, Mrs,. Maria J ewell, rs Juli BrggMrs. J. Camlpbell, Ms W. Ashton, Mrs. Hl. Babeo(ck, ansiA Mrsý. S. Turner wnho passesi wail 1912. The t funeral ser-viices antre l 1d fromis nesidnce orOctober 15 aitI Rev. Wm. Pattersýon ofcan as- sistesi1by Bey. B. E. Mortoni. inter- -ment anas in Bwmrvhl eaeteny. Mary florail tibutes ansimsae cf iSynathy, camie froni fiiends and relativ7es who gatheresi to paiythi hast respects. Palibearers antre Fred Bimaconibýe, George Jamiieson, Leslie Anderson, Fîrank, Walter and Norman IOOFService Club JOHN JAMES C0RNISHl t The citizensao ",Oon dcomn itY wene shocked anhen word was ne- ceived of tht passing of a siiccessful business mnan of our village-Jo-hn J. Conson TùesýdayOt brl6;th, at Oshawa fHospital. 'T'he deceased ýuflfered severe injuries luin nauto accident on Highway No.,2-on Mon day, October lst, while at tunes its was beiieved he had a chance of re- cýovery, betooka tunu for, the worsýe fromn which he failed 50 recover. t Tht late Mr. Cornish was born ini Orono lu 189P, beffrg a son of the late Williamn ard Sarah Aur Cornsh. ie reeved is educatior in ron, ard after compifleting bis education he entered into the baking business withi bis father. In 12 he was unit- ed in ma tig o5 Miss Ane Winter and later opened up a grocery store which be bad conducted for tht paist twenty years. He -was a niemliber ýof Pa7k Street United Church, wbile lui fratennal societies was a mieiber of Orono MaBsonic Lodge ýcand the Sors of Ergland. Iu bis youth he took an activein- terest iii sports, especially baseb)ail, ard avas a valued m-emnber of the fam- ous Orono bail team tha,,t years agoi vant into thetfinials, taking tht placeý> as catcher. In later yeurs lie took Upý tLennis, 'badinrton, and alwa'ys eno-i joyed trips to Tororto to set profe2s- sional lhockey ard ïbasebai gaes Ile alwaý.ys took an active binterest ir the village of Orono and the prýomot- iug of aybn that waks a berefit 'te t:he village. Though active in theseý- ci theIe Late Mn. Cornish took a great delight àn Iis home 1fe and bis cilidrea.11 H-ileaýves t50 moura bhis passiig, bis Wifeont son- Caninauand ont daugter Joanne, three sisters, Mrs. À. K. Edm1ison, of Wallkerton, -Mns. Joseph Hiall and Miss Mirnie Corn- ish, Orono, and tant nephe- s, -o, Cornisb of Port Penny, ani id Wmi. Corn1ish1 of Bowianivilit. Thteuenlservice wsheld lu PakStreet United Chiurch o day, ctoher l9th, wit.b Bey.S. ICttt- wood ha,-viu-g chairge of tht service. Frierds fromi distant points together wvith nteighblors andi lifelong frierds of Ororoalong witb eghtyAMas oie lbre2thren fillesi tht churç tu pay thirî resp-,ects te the departed. Tht greatl i-um--ber of floral tnibutes that barked tht casket bore silent testimrory 50 tht high esteetin in wiba departedi bnethren ar-as helCiin ir htconmmunity. At tht graveside tht service vnas talcen over by tht Maonic brethrer -ith Wcr. Master Chantes B. Tyrrel pe-rformning the ceremnony andi tht nemabrs paying their last respectsý te a loyral a.nsifaithful briot her. ThUpne ereswere, Messrs. Han- olsi Britton, Rennie Poster, W E. Annxsnoug bavrd 0Cua, '.W. Rolih, ind GCharles B. Tyrrell. -- -c 0- - ArmisticeuDay Service - qW 1f vocal solos trrou Part way thirougl joined in comit Sommiers actini, Caisat tht pi anas uroghtte of Goad Save thtie? mnem!ony of those ORO] Monster Trout Gives ConcertSaturday Nighit Fight A Grrad Concert wiHl le hei'd in Orono Town H-all tins Satunday even-1 in - , 'Nvnber 10th, under the aus-pi- ces of th]e OddIcftllowý's Service Club. Two weeks, agio las - Wedni-esday Tomn Ili1ainilton andi bis entertainers whih was iuietlyNational Fisbl viii give youmocf tht best conlcevrs Day', a magnificeit eighit Poundtwo ever helsdinluMthttownu al.Tom b1as omL1dýetbnown trouS, two feet in a neputation for goosi cenuhumior- length, fundits wayirto t'he aat usentertainiment. Thta soiae of Jack \1e,,cerýs nill at Garder bas hleenl kept aithiin neacb of ml, 5é. iIii.- for adults, and 25eafor eblîdrn, 12 Balngtk aoS trou ancre ont e y asi d under. Rememben tht easMidacle p tht waten nrtsotha Punch andi Judy showv is for Ihe chý-' 5saewtrs. 1 waas tuel dren ~Cme anly Dors penaS lcs in a wN-tt sck ansi canniesi toif, 7.30 p.i-m., concert tu commiience a wtnigtrough whene it aa a 15 o'elok.lved iv aioffld 'survive. -I didn' t At -anrS t cause 1 "'The man. uinlan"; e, Qu On Sundlay-, November IltIr, thee xviii be a rtc a yl Servyicelu Orn.Tht Girl Guides, BoýyScus V'etenans andi Retunued Men, ard ill othens are asked te tunn iiont P) Vthis mnemorable occasion. Thiosze aho iLi take part ilu tht panade ar e shsi 5 meet at tht Amouries at 10.00 a.m.1 sharp whrthey will marlich to e h ceeeygates, led I'by Onono Baud1 ten girls and tain boys, wirners lan their respective sehools throughoutal the couny met at Oron-o to compete jir the Duirham-Ii Truistees' andi Rate~- payers Association Public Speaking Contest, the two winners te represenft the Countty of Dnr'ham at the speak- ing contest to be held at Bright-on., Thte -inners from this latter conitest xiil eniter üthte provincial Contest which will be held somjietime iir týie sýu-mlner crf 1946'. Thenice avas ia fair nnie present te isten to the e cidren g1-ivc thein di'fferent adIdres'ses, and a oo varie-ty of sL7bljects were used. Mn. RusýseII Osbiorne, President of th(- Duthani Trustees' and Ratepayers-' Association. acted as chainmar for the evpnîn*ýg. After the taelve contestants biad delivened their ddesethe ijudges lef t the auiditorium te add up theîr poýints and declare thre two -wirners of the evening. In a short space aof time they return,1ed and gave thle first pnize 'to Kathleen Br-yans, of Miii- brook and second 50 ivarilyn Bristow, of WodalNorthi Hope. T'ile se two) girls wereý preserted ail hed -w-ile tht other tel- contestants were pnesented iît'h a $1.0 in War Sav- ingsStms Mn. M Colown ,conrat- lated thle t-w wnnrs and al1so tIre- other cnetat or ftht fine imanniier in wich th dey had prepared their snIbj ects. Tht contestants who panticîpatedt lu the contest are as follows :Bet Lou HIagernm, Newcoastle, " S eh,,oo Tece'sSalary"; MnilStevens, Brown's, "Phe produiction of ap-ple julce, aI very old andi new induLstrly",; ý Vn Dairy Caif T irty-iutteams ~scen, 120) :lst, Courty (,"0); 2n1d, St, urbhani(9,39),t Lloyd ehlggPort,

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