sýo iany use! arge squaire, love- iy as a doily- or pillow top. Onily 30 'make a batrlbdped 8Ux9G inche,. Crochet ior every roomi; 2 squares anid av a dialing lati', 61. x 80 ladies. Pattern 5D0 las diatosfori, uae;stitchles. Send TE'TY ENTS ini coins (stasups cannot ha accepted) for tis pattern ta Wilson Needimeat Dep[, Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. WnVest, Toronto. Prinit 1plaýinly PATTERNNU, Ryoar NAME, and ADDRESS. Howian 11? By Anne Ashley Q.110w cnnmake fried pota toas a nies goldn browa? A. By nrnla a littîn flaure on hem bOefar frylng. Q. lMou cani 1easily rin1se heav swiclsuscbi as blankets? A. U'sing a garden hase wl make Che work macli ea1Sier. flan-e kets rinised la this way (do11fot re- quire wriaginig, as tbney will dry withaa wriales, Neitlier is the nap crnsad, s n0 ironiang is re- quired. Q. Hjow caa I remove san Wram tises cWnils? A. Sqn"eszn eoaa eas afi u Slen111011julces lii n e asCap of war1x water, dlthetn fngars into it, and let them rmciaiia for a f ew min- atÉes. This mil, aiso softea tasi cuticîn. Q. flow cena Imake crantons' A. Cut aanbreaid intocue and toast themil. Bcueuns radis in simali pinýeS it naedr otbp- brokýea laio bits binfore Seating. Q. o1w can f easly commve graafrom aLtensils? ABefore washlng vessels for atensils iii wbleli food lias been fried, wipe out the vessel -wltft a place2 of papacr. This wili ra-mo-veý thecotio f fat whieci iags ta thse yessnl 1111 witb hot watec-, add a tabiesoanof washig soda and thislas If your favttite ,1 LHle gil wanmts "nlew cdothes for mly (da11", rtart on iipattain4604, dail wardl- ro be, ta have it rsady for Christ- mas. It bas everyting,--coaltot jietticOat. Pýaftema i4604 isavaailable for doua measurinig 14, 16, .18, 20, x22 ard 24, luchles. For yardalges, ses pattera. Send TWENTY CENTS (20e> i cojinS (Stamps cannaI be ae- celted) for this pattera to Itoom 421, 73 delaffds St. WeFat, Toro'nto. PriaI fflalnily SIZE ?NAME,A- DRESS, STYLEI NU'MBEIR. ýyHELEN TOÛPPINIG MILLER 111 TERV Iata lyad Hig!iey extricated binase, i'firom the cofuiof Ilis baLagCL. His sumIken, dead-black t~~~~'e u aît c.,ed et Garyýsara jerksid him inside, aad SlnmmnC(Idtise door., "Dont let noce of tisem !lil !rudLl&ryahe warned. "S. ï dowa Yei1 Igat a map. But l'i keepng l. W bt '<ou want witlÀ 'l'fi studying thae structures arouind hne, Thought maybe youl'd let"ý-me look at your 'map. MANY THANKS go to wives and mothers Who serve MaxweJl llouse! Yes, Canadian familles love thie delici9uis, satisfying fiavor of ilhis superb blend of Latin-American ceoffees. -NEhIiC MINLI YUget Pain relief fast when you uae Jesprla because it starts ta go ta worfr aimnost imnmediateIy. To see that thia in sa, jnst drap tn Aspirin tablet in ,water. What yon'Ul ses is what happens âa your stomnac-thn tablet starts disintegrating withia two uecondsl That's wby Aspirin sto.ps nenritic, zneuraIgic pain sa quickly. Get As-piria today. The "Bayer" cross on each tablet lu youIlr guarantec that it's Aspixin.i Pocket box of 1 2s.. Only 1Sc Economy bottie of 24 ..ofly 29e Farmily slle of 100 .. only 79e ISSUE 15-1945 Helps Check Yon eaioften ehock a eoid qu!cI3 if yon fol!laW thsseintutos Juoýýt as soon asý yon feel th e soid com- inig on and exFperience headache, paint3 in the bekor irnbs, sareness Ibrougli the body, ta-ke a Paradai tabIet, a gaod, big drink ef bot lemonade or ginger tee and go to bed. The Paradai affords aimost immed- iate relief freintc Pains sud aches and hle-)yýou teget offta seep. The dose may bc repeated, if neceary, accord- itsg ta the direetions. If tiere issaore- ness of elle thraat, gaa,ý1e with two Paradai tablets diss,-oived im water. Just try Paadlol tie neit time you have a coid and ws believe that you will bc well pleassd. Paradrl does not disap- point. EKuo-w this country pretty well, do "Knaw it?" shrilîed the aid aila, i ulliag ont a drawer firn aq bp- sîded chest anad fuaîbling feverîish- ly- ýi i". 'i knmcw i jy t t 1u fanît aad saad ila it. Walked every foot of it. Son, you can look et my rnap, but there antit p cil under this eouaty, not a drap." He strnighteaed, brauglit ont a packet carnfnhly wrapped la ail- clot anad seenred with a tightîy "But tlint w take days-let's tnlegrnphi, ntws,?" 1I Isa awire ou eç wo-ald stnrt talki , esaid. "You can't jiîide oii-or ev-ea a suspicion that tlieise miighit be ail." "Ga ry Tnllmanai-you d id ses sometbiag on tisatma! o'r sCure, but -I cii ses rigit tliroughi Yau. Yo've gat rd spots ln both checks." "Fever,",he said. "l've been wltb 3'ou for houies. How do you expeet me to keep miy temlperature dowa ?" 9011-e1g,,gstraijght ih om e t tell Dnd." «'I wold't wamtetomise any taIsýe F "D)ad (ouljd litre a geýologst." "A survey easts money, too. Tlhe big ail conipsaý.ies kepteu wn cesbut an icdý_ee'dnoar ivould have toi take his owni risks.' "Oliver works for a big ail com- pnny." "-~esoscas Hedet kaow ývaaythiagab)ouit production. If thne i.ciary l I ýîcs ia thr'oil nader your place, Kiai- bail w o-u.Jnwant your hr ta ei out ta samnebody."1 i be x allahthe crit( and grab it, too. Aad probabîy hit the moaey. I1 old' trust Oliser étr inch Don't sa y a w-ord, Gary, when Oliver Is nronaid." iiaotteu saoestrîag. blowý1y a a ry 1agri h rmpl ecause most' revereatiy, haunatie-d a doz- ho,. did not like Oiver, oîtber., en kaots. A rail of alippery naps -i hope abaycames lantoaight slid ont, uaicurled theuissives, -thea we-catl iDad and Matis- gi ease-spotted and faded. eer," Adelaiide ran an e-epitedhy. "Got 'emall hcai e." Old Hnghey "nd yoc c-11aa ndvie Dad what to droppad on a, stool and spread tise do. Oh1, Gai'-supp)ose wa didget saiied sheets oavni bis knees. millionis of dollars-" sie was "Hare she is. Looki a' hE." 1,e brathleýss and beri' oyes were tike wi-"d wU a long and filtby ig twjo bat, bnmning stars. "l4ow d1an't sny a word," na arnsd(, as they whirieýd thi-ongl e gate aad arouad the drive, issing tha wlindui by the tici- ss of a coat 0f pi '. Gary, 'uid yoa dmnw a sketch of that a-p? Yon caai1d, conidni't you?" "guess 1 cîcîd. I cauld get it .--, lna nrougis way." noîth f i a ant ad o tP e' j Yau go up and do tisat rigit of tint-bis brnath began ta riuick- away, baforedinner. And l'Il fix su alitta. Iup some way ta introduce the snb- "Thanlis, Mr. Fotisaiglîl"11 Hei Je. isandec l e nsp baeki. 'Hem Pbuy La'ter, whaea as had time ta yenrsalf soma tobactc-o.Yoa're tisiak ahoutit M2îv- Lee reinc-i qie ii T. -1 a _ Q -1. dar bered tielook on arvey's face these stucure?"-1,~ "Saayaurself wii" dvisen "Now, Gryna ,lt',s tail theai!" cýar. "Igot tise coidsivegba hae gi-bbed yon. Iw1 s ittiaig haro- For a minlute H1arveùy's lace wadi-sag ý,il Ijoulotago yeii for darlkened, Gatry was a niOesboy, the poiles." Les gothtiema bu its an aid edlitîin. l'Il hava ta write for aneaw ane, 1 gness."1 SA F ES Proteet youir BOOKS ,uead VASTI tromFVIREI end 1THIEVES. We have a elte and type 01 Safe, orý Cablaet. toi, any putpoee. Vimit U, or wrte for DrÏce,. eîr. to cept. Wý J.&J.TA'YLOR LIMITED ToROmTOSÂFE WORK5 145 F"ronw t.E ,rn Colds Quickly budt tiiey bad bad fine plans for Adelaide wbi,ýàcl id aaot include a marriage ta aay young oil man out of a job. Tint was la Harvey's f-ce at tii-st, And then, when Gary sprend ont tise heet0f pper witiî the rough Sketch he bad drawn on the table, Harvey's face c-hanged Dgain. "Whait's al ths?"linasked gruffly. Adelaide drew a deep breath and was tease and ber eyes mnap- ,Ps'd sparlis. "01-on onr land! Gary tbinks maybe be's eound oil!"' Vt was then thlati larvey becawîo a stranger ta onia Lee. - o BeCoainued) Ex,-Servicewomen Want Own Homes The girls i0 khaki and bUne have their hearis set on a homre of their own ratheor than acaer it woauld seeni. Ther-etblsmetcredit cof 85% o h il icagdfa the servýices 1u1)to Ithe enid of Auig- ulst, a sum otllng$7,60 aq been ul ' ed ta Ibuy fu 1l -irniueanild houseold quippui.U Nane mc f theç gils ý;bas yeit used b' icredit ito purch)ase absis. Corilis the ýoly -Cr1pplnt1ha can ,be grovii from Canada ýOtat sothejrii up o f Sauith Amca.ý, Send us your ctknfwdcs gee anld trey.(-Mustibe drssd. HigIbest picspaýid." .QUALITY MATPACKERS 203 First Ave., Toronto N N N -s, N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N s s s N N N N N N N s N N N s' N N