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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1945, p. 4

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'y ~ e 4 ORtON-ýO WEEKLY TIMES ThIUSDAY, NOVEMIBER 8, 14 ONTARIO }llu f SCUDME GPýiE MA RKETING (Conineii f rom ,page on-e0 to 1payj, annuam"lly to the(oalbr for each eg -delivereditoaprcsr antiproessd byhlmlicasefees at the rte -,of two centspelrhogv. Tes licease foos shi be dedlucteti by the processor. frorn tire suiiiiiof rmon ey', Oewing bIy hlmi to thbe producer or bumy- ,er, anti shaîl ibeforwaý,rdeti to the locail boarti ait tire end of ccir threemnt perioti. Thre regulations caîl for the ap- pointmient of aNeottagCoomiit- tee of six persons, thiree apoitet by tire Hog Producers Maktn Boai anti three appoînteti front eeogthiemeelves by -the icenseti processors. The powers given to tire Negotiatîn-gaCmnittee aýre listeti ini ;Lb e scheme as foillows: (a) To niegotiate anti fix ag-reemients respectÏ1in m-iiimum iprices., tif- ferentiais, preiumas andilits- counts tint siralho paiti for the grades anti weigh1-ts of live or drpssýed iogs by p)rocessors anti other persoa.s1 (b) To enquire inito atietablish tire best 1'naras ofpeetngi r b atibrusig of hogs betwee tire lime they !("ave tlire prtucI- o-rs' promises until ihey reai h procesqsors, kiiling loors ati to fix responisibility for al-blruisýing; (c' To erquire into tire present de- ductions for codornation lasur:- ance nti o neotiatesuha- jutmntun ; aybe de emi (di To negotatle sic!l termttr rscttie omarjketinlg of h"ogs' (e) ~ -uel Tomk n recommendations to that Boar-d as namy e-demmeti In the eveintthat- theNgoatn oamteis unale to arr1iv'e et an agrpeieet onf any nitter, provisionl is ma;de for a Board of Arbitration, tO which tire procerls andth Ie Pro- cessoùrs each nairne one memnibers ani these two will niarne the thirti. In case of failurie to agree on a tir-d miemiber, the Farmi Products Conýtrol Boarti is given aLith.ority to naIme lmli. iAny,ý agreeneaýts w,\,hich are approveti by ither the Negotiati*ng Conmitteo or- theBor of Arbitration have to boP mubm-itted to the Farm, Producte Control Board for, approval before coing intbo force. The final provision of the proposeti rogulations gives tire (Hog Producers' Marketing Board powei- to appoint the marketing agency or agencies throuigh which tie irogs produced in Ontari, or in any part of tIre prov- ince dlosig-nateti, shah irbe marketeti. Whýilen that is donc, tien the regula- tion requires that every hog market- e-d witini Ontbario, or any part of Onitarlo covereti by the appointnrent of tire marketing agency or agencies musýt be solti through tire medium of or et tire direction of the agency or agencies. Tlire above, in sunrmarized The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper is Truthfsd-Construtive-UfliaedFeefroni Sensational- is - Editoriais Are Tisnely and Instructive, andi Its Daily Featusres, Together vâih the Week-ly Magazine Secion, Maioe the Mnïiitor a Ideal Newspaper for the Home. ------------------------------------- - The Christian Science Puiblishirg Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Mâssachusert Price $12.00 Yearly, or $,100 a Month. Saturday Issute, including Magazine Section, $ý2.60 a Year. lr.troduetorv Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Addresa ---- ----- ------------------- SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST lCOY 1forni, LA Th-e whole Domninion is responding in a mar',velOus way, tthe cai of the NINTH VIC'TORY,' LOAN. Clarke Townsh ip c-annot afford to laz behind. We hlave oniy MIH Saturday n1ight tck mneet our objeective of $200,000. Up ýtO thý-e Pre-ent wýe ha1ve sub- scribed $126,250, and the sum of $73,75ü must be raised te, enable us to meet the challeffge. If youi have invested in this ban ndye couki do more, canvassers to ealu. If youl have nPot Yet bou"ght yOur bond, give the cani do. a ëin) n h phone and bell 1him What youi ivassers haveworkedl very hard and it would phojningi f ail in this last Loan after doing such a ,other lbans. N.E. & S.W. Corn Dane Found, 1-7 S. E. Cor.,2Arnold Wade., Clarke 504 Pive adigest o f theco-ntpn ent f th arig scemeohih the hog ,ai, to lie l t i di( oring 11he 1week o Nroeb1, 0 f or t e u er 6ofhv asiked to attend. C;APITOL PO0 'R T HOP rE Thursday and 1?riday Shows at 6.40 and 9.00 "Our Vines Have Tender Crapes" A grand story of f amily if e in the country, with EýDWARD M .ROBINSON MARGARET O1BRIEN JACKIE JENKINS Monday and Tuesday Shows at 6.30 and 9.10 "For 'Whom the Bell Tols" with GARY COOPER and INGRID BERGMAN IN TECHNICOLOR TOWNSHIP: Leskari, Ontario, Noebr5, 1945. Onle of tire satisgtsaogtire courntry roatis these (Liaye le stire erec- tonl -of Sniowfenstostoal - effi cient nt i iatednt df es agaietou -intryenmtrsnw ilave tre pasýt six yearis left us al in] suci a stajteof ltrrytlirt me cen sit by comlplacenitlY ant i mtch our Couincil spendtil money for tins makeshifýt-protection ? Surely thUere are ýmany anrongst us wirhouùlti like to give utterance aganast this inieffi- dent device. 1 suggest we ail dIo 50 la no unc'ertain mariner. 1 ican tink of no botter timle for this trani uponnnton day for the 1946C Concil. Also a bItter to Tihe Tintes. Asiie from a few, homî-es tirat arel oquippeti mitirelectricity tuis Town- siiri is about mirere it was fifty pears ago. Ia tire past ton years irow miriil iras our Council provideti for the coin- for ani mprovemrent la living anti travelling Do our taxes get anyl lese becauise cf this ecolonmical? at- titutie of tire Couacil '?1 'Wiat about our system cof rural' scrools nlit nhcir a claes of eigit or ten ceoei to be tire usueil condition '? Wit aout our reatis ani tire equip- mont, for keoplng thernin tireir usually loggiag roati condition ? What efforts ir as ire Couniicil mlatie to hepoutlyinig districts obtainl elec - itricity ? Wirat iras' been donc about planrting trocs along tire fence linos to proteet lus againes t tirfting snIow Y? Tis question couilti go on ad naus- eum. To ail tiose questionis ant i nrany mnore not nioted tirere are aaswers. 1 don't thibnk Our presenit Council iras enouglr foresighlt nor power- cf de- cision to corne to grips titir1tiree many-buitsolubleprbe .Itinr our Counrcil l racioarintoler- ant of innlovations ani lackding i courage antifoesgto spendti tir Toley to make not onl1Y ou r oma iv ing more coafortable antipod al but, more se, for the yongler ppe.I Tire latter will not harp uponl tire cdebt incurroti for their benefit but thcey will antisirould severeiy criticize uis 1for tire thinge l'eft untione. Tinusetrtei ot -as 1a ettor from"- a resitient bi-ut 1 sec tret 1I!have mlatie se raniycharges ageinet ttic., Counicil it rwill have to 'De signeti by Youre, very trully, Tire marriagef Lockwe,ýod, daugiriE P. H. Lockweýý,co&,i Kea,,ne, son of M Kea-ne, of 0Oro1o, Aaio'rUniteti Saturday afterni Rev. Georg-e Telfi ~lobl-~rngcereW Rev. Il. C. Woljfrai of tire britiegroonr Tire wetitixmi C. J. W. Taylor. ý of Courtce, sang ar garlet 3lervy A. H. la St. awa, ont r lotiy y, Lache C lsitfie- ) priespad.Wehave 2no agenlts. M. lett, Bethanty R. Rl, No. 1 ; Teiephone 7'r 13,Beta. 50-. FýOR SALE Barred Roc-k ulets, five lmnths old, aiso roa tin 'hick ns nd cook- 1m ig turniips. APpdV o j i¶ethl -1ls, R.R. No. 1, Oo PhoI-, 5r,3. to Mr. aind Mrs. W'.RyBal Orono), ua son Siir) CAR» 0FP THANKS Harold and Katleen IilooeV is to thank ail their friends-î' for theil kindniess during Hrl' lns.We very much appreciated thle cards, etters, flowers, fruit, etc., Sent biy friends, also the I.0-O.F., and 1,.O.,L. lodges, with seilmeto'to Mrs. Gamey and Glenn who elped us so very much. We are dteepl)Y gýratefuL. L. D.* Bell and fam-iily wish- to thank thecir fr.ipnds, n'eigibors and relatives fýor a-oral tributes, expressions of sýympathy and acts .of kindniess, andi ,specially thankingl Dr. G. W. Mc- Neil and Miss Mabel Thopson, R.N.; also Rev. L. Smith arid Rev. Thos. Wallace for their consoiing words during their recent ýsad Le- r eavement. Mrs, J. J. Cornish a'nd family wish to extend their heartfelt thnks andi appreciation for the miany acts of kindness, messages Of syrnpath-y anld beautiful floral ofleings rýeueived during the recent iliness n de'aith of their dear hu-Lsban ni d lfather. They esp.ecially thiank the blooti don- ors from Or-ono a-nd viciniity, who so cheerfully, and willingly ýgave of their time lood,wrs cannot ex- press their siacere gratitude. Letters to the Editor RANCII LAND FOR rS L t One hundretlilani fifty ces o 24,Concession 9, larkýe 'nhp NeveP-failinig stream; cquanitityof <wood. Appiy Albert A. Hilîs, Ennlis- 'ien; Phone Bowmanrviile 2496. c-42-p. REPA-4IRS b3in, ac;intqesfurnitrere9- anesed antiuphonterei Wrk ur- 'ote.P4rices reasonaâble. C. F. DUNCAN Phone 79 r 16, Orono ,NOTICE! The pub)lic are cordilly invited to attend the flrst mneeting- of the Or01ono Con tinuation SZhool LLiteri Zae to be lhelti at t'ie echool on Thursday, Nov-,emjber Sth1-, comm'ecncing , at 7.20' The programmii e ývilli 1eCI given by Group One untier tihe lni~hpOf Jnyc Ciornis'h anti will cost of a ply, "TUIE APPLE 0F $15 EYE" choruses, skit, m -usicatl numr, etc, Silver collectin, Corne anti support ,your schlooi's .orgaînizaiion, CLARKE UNION MKr. Leslie Thomrpson bras beerr in tins section flnishing up the thresh- Mrs. Iheber Souiehhati the nmisfor-9 tunie to sprain her anIe one day re- eenly. Syrpathy is extenideti to Mrs. Fred Blacklburnýi in the deablh of heorrother,7 Mrs. Jenin.Igs. M.Johnî Lorriman anti sister Mrs. Breekin visited with Mr, andiMs Heber Souci on Su.nday. Our IHome ianti Schooi Club 'wili meet on Tuesday next, çwith M.Roy ier s convener. Ted Chant, of the Hampron Creamecry, 'will give moigpictures. ending in points over tire bands. 1er long sirt formi a o.short train. ïUer emboiertinet Veil was caulit by a laece coronet. Sire wore a peai- nýcLlace, the biero' i ,anti carr-ieti a bouquet of -whitLegadns andi bou-vardia. Thre bride vas attndd y Mr s. J. H. Lockwood, irýer siseri-lw andi- Mrs, J. 11. Kean-e, of Toronto. M rs. Lockw-ooti more a forlnt gown of Nule -Tee-l sheer drapei over, green taffeta. Iler dutch cap ani fnger-tip gloves were of Amîer-ý ic anr Beauty velvet. .1er b)ouqutet was. AmIerican Beauty roses-. rs. Keanie had a forlegh gown of orchiti taffeta ,with a necklinoý of orclirit se- quins. lier calotte and fing-er-tip glovos wore of piumi-coiored velvet, anti her bouquet was of Talismnan anti yel'ow roses. The two flower girls we r e 1it tie MViss ýLiaida Cornish, tiaughter of Mr. anti Mrs. R. Cornisir, anti littie Miss Shirley Ljockwooti, daughter of Mr, anti lMrs., G. Lockw\7ýooti, of Orono. The former was go'wneip(n yellow taf- feta, anti the latter in pi, v;lt h mnatciaig Dutch caps, andti tey car- rioti baskets of rose petls. Tire br'idegroem lmd for his best mian, ii brother, J. Il. Koanie of Toronto, Tire usirers xere G. Locký- wooti and S. BH. Koanie, of Orono, At, lIne reception helti at the church ýlie newly narnriet couple received wIthth mothere anti the bride's two attend.ants. For thre wetiding tirip to N,ýor heran Ontario, tlie bride -wore a navy suit andi bat anti had rnatciing accessor- îes. Mir. andi Mrs. Keaý,ne mili live in MEDICAL A F.MCKEINZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Ofice EHours 2.00 to, 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.mý PHONE 47r1 RN LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.Ak Barrister and SoliÎtor Phoneo: VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON office Main St. Orono Pýhone 63 r 7, Orono. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE A Chicken crate ýr1he xý1, iretweýen Brown-'s Z4rie(<dM John stewart's, K -O4,e2 7 th, Finder phrone 2 '2 r a1- TENDERS WANTED Appflications for rnaIo the Oronlo Rfink for th inter 1954 wil libe receiveti b te ceayof Durham -iCentrialk ArLtrlScey J. C. Gaeutloeie Oth. FOR SALE Seven roomed houl-se dole ri ed, hot water heat1inga. h om pleasantly locatdM"Iire Oron. Apply o M S. R y AUÎ-CTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts - Auction Sales or alsues' and at reasonable rates. Comniunicate with hhum at p«Et Perry, Ontario, or sueo iïts clerk. A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK RIEID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furiture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 16-90 TAXI DA«Y AND NIGHT SERVICIE Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DATE CAR Goverament License STAN PAYNE'S TAXI Phone 97 r 16, Orono SALE PREGISTERS Wednî!esday, Nov. l4ti.--7acres " -,- (oeor lýees) of -Beeci anti Maple, tireproprtyof 'Mr. Stan. Jones, Lot 32, Con. 4, Hope Te)wasiip, 1I ile nortir of Harness' Blacksmitir Siro p. Sale te o mimnce at 1.30 p.rn. To)b e' sold in 1/ acre lots. Purchiasers have three years to remove mooti. Trucks anticars ea drive tirte bush. Terms Cas'h. Positively no roser-ve, Jack Reidi, Auc-tIoCneer. Friday, NovembyJýer 16th, 1945, e property of Mr. Jamnes Nixon, Lot ýýà Concession 6, Clurke, 31/2 mile2saoh west of Oreno, rishorsýes, catti-,, s'wiae 1 implenri-ents, and a number c f pieces of friue Terme Cash.'à Positiveiy no resere, Jak Rii 0u112oe r, Fire, Casualty, Automobute and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO DAINE FOIJND District Repres-ntative fcr th@- ,Manuf acturers' Lîfe Insurance Consuit me for your future Incomie Plans Monuments The RIJTTER GRAINITE Phne50 - PO. Boy 622 port 1ope, Ontarhe Monuments,Gav are< Office 688 Home 553 - Clark-t-

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