klOOmiee&ptàotft WATSON'S GARAGE Phone 42 r il ORONO, Ont, 'RED& WHITE STORES GROCERY FEATURES Tasty -Old Cheese, lb 32e, Loaf Cheese, spreads or suÎaces, lb 40c Aylmer Vegetable Soup, 2 tins 17e Gold Medal Blaek Tea, 1-2 ILb 39e Currants, reeleaned, lb 15C Xmas Cake,( e' LIanada Bread, 2 1-2 lb $1.0 zue- Pste, 2 tins ,... 17e Bulbs., each......15c >asses, 2 botties 29ec à]r, tins 9c box 1 9c, eansq 4 lb 25e ýTABLES FOR SATURDAY >'s, 4 for ........23e 33e auliflower,. each.....20e 19e ITY MEATS amb for the week-end 1- 11 l Local Neows InsuÛlate Your H'iome SAVE FUEL AND ENJOY ADDED OOMFORT COMPLETE INSULATING SERVICE SEE McLAREN ORONO COAL AND LUMBER MMMMM MM- this time no trace of it las loand. Hallotwe'en passed awyfairly quiet this year, w'ýihvr littia damage being îeportedi. 1Tha iýUal baracade was erected onrMin treet but this disappeared early inthe morning. A f ew signs rwere toi,ï down and these have also been re- placed. 'The citizens «f Oroilo we1re able to breathe frceer la' the moriinng. whein they found ot they h ad not been molested lath nglt.rh sc'hool children ware etrandini their respective roomsdurng heaf- The Orono boys, asebalteaam journleyed to Nwateo Wednes- day evaning la stetoply ien game with the Newcat!la oy.At the -iC ;,djofthie gine tiha' s ,,cor-e as 27 toý 21 iiu favour of ewatl.This is thie first timeL the Orono boys have playe' balceta and they made a va-ry cditalble s'howdnig. Ir the ls ha If Newcastle out-scor0"ed the orono0 boy' Vs bY 16 Éto 111, Vhile 1-n-1the las.t hif bothiteams scored an av\en eleven points. The players wera, Newcý,as- t1e: Britton, EnTbly, ýGibsoni, Hoar, Walton, Bill Jose, Vanner, Brunt and G. Gibson. 4lor- Orono: R. Carlaton, C. Cornish, Jr. West, D. West, Bob Cooper, L. Boyd and C. Flinýtüif. LOL. BRETHREN PRESENTED LEATHER BILLFOLDS On 'Monda'y evenirlg, cOctober 29h, a vrery -pleasant e-veninig was spent n Orono Oag Hall, whien three of the- ir members a£ theArmied 'For- csware antertained tb a suppar. The three umeibers w\era Col. J. C. iGamey, Tom L 1ew>is and Milton Mlo- After the supper peiiod, the three mneibers ivere called to the front of the hall whera Mi% Nail Porter rmade c5 a f aw aem-iarks. 'For, atr .E .....39e ýMo-rton imade the paetto te theL _______________ three, being a leather bilfrd. Be-. tween 40 and U0 atdo-vn btha ze up- pair. The ramiaindar of tha evcnitzg 3 was given over to cards and a socîial 'evenfing was spant. M.and rs.A. E.C, ltrTor- onto,weegetofii.ndIrs The young s ýon of MrîandMas JTimi MjrfeU off tevradhre- cenitly and broke a Ïbonle in, his armi. Mlajor. Kennleth Hall, wife and1 daugihter Elizabethi, of Tonnt, pent Sundlay last xiil-,liMr. and Mrs.joseph The WC.T.U. ar-ehodn a Gold Medal Contest on-.*FrIiday1 evening, November 8th. Fuirther ,particuýlars- latar. 3,Mr. and M ýs. Wm. i.Howden and 'lit- tJe daughiter M'Uarlyene, Cavan, visit- ed receatly' v th Mr. anid Mrs, Jas. Eagleson, Centýre Street. The Oddfl-ellows' Serývic-e CIlub are holding a dance in the iorooTown Hall on Wednersday eveninig, Decemni ber 112th. Full nomtinltr Mrs. L. Reid, isgadal bid ing up lher sokilher i-fft shop, situated in the formeiIr bauy arlor moins, and, is rayt obsns wlth the buying ýpubji, Mr. Ce. H. Frosite, acmaidb Mr. and ,Mrs. Wlfr-ed Fro(ste- , et Wednesday in- Toronto,reung with (Mrs. Froste who lasbeen send ing a few days -with friends îin the City. Let it fot be said in the stress of the conflict we ýcried unto the Lord. But in the day of deliverance we for- go't the Lord our God. GCbme to the churcl iof your choice, and give thanks. This week be sure adshiop atý Tyrr'ell's Drug Store, he are fan- turing Canadas Greate-st Du Sale --The Rexali Oua Cent Sl.Nal 400 special items., The store is openi evary evening during the sa'ie unitil 9.00 p.m. 1 Mr. and Mis. Wallace Sissý,on inud family, of Sault Ste. Mar1ie, are spendîng the winteî in Ooo Wal- lace is,clerking in Armstroniý,g',s grýo- cery store. 'Mr. and Mrs. Sisson ds posed of, their hotel usnes rior to coming to Orono. Our iiaiiing list will onbeco)r- for ol ok, we have not een ia1ý,1) 1 tofind t ime to r make tecretos Tiiis is the reason why oales haqve not 1been advanced-. 'We hlope to haive the Correct labels on ah iparrs nacýt weak. O-ne day last week thieves stole Mr. Harry ýMer:cer's Ford V-8 which was pDarked on Main street near bis hom-,e. Ross M,1ercer, wh-o saw iie, thiev-cs drive away with the car, g--ave beh", l another auto Ibut was ;un- abie ito imatch speed withý the Ford. This is the seodtimne ttis cr hs been stoien, the previons thne1 it 1,as found -abandoned in Toro, whul PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Reverend 5. Littlewood Minlster [Il SuNDA-Y, NO-V. llth Ramiembrance Day We Ramnember - and 'live thanks. 2.30 p.m.-Church Seh,111 7.30 p.m.--Worship. '"Tebir bdies rebuie i "Rei bdies rebulldil peace, but thair naine ivet.h for evermore",. i Orono Tinsh Ail kinds of Plumbing and Heating R. E. PRO' ~main St. or, OROZNO WEEKLy TIMES THURSIIAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1945 inte Tiow n to n o nFrdy jharyiviaio oated I DIGNIT arnu H CdpREVEREWWn n CE« TulNDUS-,TRýY 0F THE FUR F ARMINGj Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio - We Ranch Themi WILLOW CREEK FUR FARMl C. R. KNOX ORONO, PHONE 42 r 2 RO" 0Y A'L THEATRE BOWMANV1LLE Phone 589 We Presenit Another Week of Mits A SMASHiNG DOUBLE BllilLFORi Thursday and Friday NOVEMBER 8, 9 "Ilangovyer Square" Murder Maniac at L-arge in Old London, with LAIRD CREGAR LINDA DARNELL GEORGE SANDERS and "Week-end Pass" with MARTHA O'DRISCOLL and NOAHI BEIERY Sr. Saturday NOVEMBER 10 "Seven Days Ashore" Second Feature Fargo Kid" SPECIAL ADDED Cartoon Every Stra NOVEMBiER 12-141 SONJA HENIE As you've n-eyer seen her be- fore! Star of t'he ice!' Star of the dance ! ani a woinan aglow with romance! in "It's A Pleasuire" ln Technicolor for the first timte w7ith MICHAEL O'SHEA MARIE McDONALD and BILL JOHINSON Fox -News - Cartoon Screen Sn'aps Fe F. MORRIS C0. DURHAM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bowmanville Orono 480 - 734 27-1 TOj"WN HALL NITE COMMvENýCJNG SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd DAN CING Through the season to the music of ydar Favorite Bainds Admission: Ladies 25c., Gei Ilmen 35c. Remember the Nith,---Buy a Bond! ARMSTRO NG'S Girls' J umpers Sizes 8 to 14, Of Cordulroy, blue-, rose an'd redl. Prýiedç at - ----- ....... ... 5 JUMPERS Sizes 14 to 20, of Alpine Cloth, assorted colors. Clearing at-- ---------.$5.50 Flannel Dresses Feather Weight Flannel Dresses, sizes 14 to 40. Special --...-...-.........-..$5.50 FLETTE Plain White Flette, 27 iii- ches wide. Special----- 19C. 36 inchnes wvide----------- 25e 36) inches wide, stripped-.. 25c, KAM' 32e. 2 tokents Large Size 27e. INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE - i 3~ 3 os 25;Ce EWING'S VANILLA 16 oz. 21.c 1 to CHIIL'S DRESSES size"s :2 to 6 yezars of Fea,ýther clr------------ $1.95 Boys' Ski Jackets With Lined PaIrka, in bMue, brown,ý and green, sizes 10 týo 16, years ---------- -$10.5fi GIRLS' COATS Pla.in and Fur-Trimmed, sizes, 8 to 14 years. Priced,.. $12,50 Cbildren's Overails 0f. Light Blue Drill, pre- s-hrunk, sizes 2 to 6 years. KCLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb bag 6(9c 2 tins 25c.ý VITA-B CEREAL Large 2-5c GOLD MEDAL, FLOOR WAX 1lb tin QU'AKER PUFFED WIIEAT large 1(9e. SIPAGETTI 2 lb WAX TURNI] each li Grapefri 120's 4 for In our modern fiunral chapel the services may be conducted wîth ail the dlignity andi reverence that would obtain in a church or private home. lu addition, the Chapel pro- vides extra conveniences and f acilities not possible anywhere else.