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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1945, p. 7

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Sir Alexandcz, Fleming, above, .and two of his Britisha associates have been awarded 1945 prizes i physiology and medicine by the Nobel Commtittee for icovery of penicillin. Thco 6-1-year-old Scot- tisl scientist insiste he discovered miagic drug by accident. Orange Powder A 1Company lbas been fomrnled to mnanufacture orange powder frani Florida osuesaysMretn A claily output ef 6,000 pounde ot 4ehdraedjoii-es je expected freni thse new plant wbich will býe il PrOdUCtion next spring. The ad tlition 0f water te tlie Powdei mltles tLhe prýo(eut subfs Tan t!a Ly ind(istfinlguishsable fom feshOr age juice in apaac and vita. in iiContent, it is Claimned. .W.D28 o'fR..C.A.F. Reviewecl by Queer In brilianit autumu smusie 501 sebesoïfltic erensDivisiori of fthe RCA..ils we larch. inig te thc rhiythm iof a R..A. buass bau, swung hrogh the a'ce te be rei nwdu wecre bythe Que21cUl. it w l-atfirs Lietle wenî' of auyl Canjadieni ta-" cnil 1nand aad dmi il thodeinsp ec- tien Hem Ma--!-jestyf '., LaCcernipai d ibyý 1't jIlceFSsEl izabJ)eth, .sFtop pecd, sail. -d an sud "cttedith molirethn0 gir-ls, spokze ef theirhoe-ig and wîslied thein u In. Oniario Establis-hes New Forest 5School1 Raniger Sholucar Domeet Ïsth ty of Tootivill serve a muiiit- iple p'urpose. FimeSt, it vwill provide a3cour"se Of suie or thel eha bilitation of monfron] ilte are forcs wo deimetoe enter feres- try as a career. Beyon01d that, theichjjool v Ill previde patclf ild xerec foridegadaestu1denlu tîiixe1C Uuîvrsiî's fcolt ef forestry and will give "refresýher' coulrses lu forca dmnstain eprsn mebers of th_ ,[le Departmenlit'b Have You aHeard? An (111ddessfing womein) -" don't iknow w yh'y God maltes wo- MnSu se beautifuland yet s50 mlaltes sbatiu oyeu love lus, aud maltes ns dumh b50 wenlove Hu'LSbfand: "Ycu must think automobiles growi on trees." WINe: "wly! Everybody knows they Corne fromt fIws old te niarried yoo,"said rs. BOWuleigh, ang'ri- and dlidnl't niotic-e it," rePplied iie.!, husbaud. A rmandate, wrote a achool- girl reccently, la an appoint- mient a girl maikes with a fel- iow. If a beeSast on a nette, Now hoere's whatnt puehs nie- W'ould that bee sting t.he nettie, Or che nettîesuslg thuces? Cern] le the onnly crop lanâlt that cati be grown jfroin aad oth souheu tip of Suth America. b r ingrs FAST REâ1ý LIEFor COI» getting you dowvn? Follow the Instantine 1tbe-a to fast relief froiru the Imise-rable, dragged-out Lah"feling often associated with colds. it geuemally takes only one Instan- tins tablet to start bringing welcome relief from cold suffering. You see, these fast-acting, prescription-type instantine tablets go to work almost in ediately easing pain; Iessening dis.- comfort. Instantine's scientific, com- bination of three proven medicinal ingredients works in these ways to brin.- you effective relief: 1. Ease pajin and discomfort. 2. Prolng relief from discomfort. 3. Offset "depressed feeling." Give mnild, stýimulating "llift."1 Try, Instatinc-e - chances are you will neyer againi go bnc-k fte slower-acting preparations f'or relief, of ctld discom- fort. Re-ly on Instani, too, for relief wheneCver you suifer from headache or Muscular ache cor paén. Al drugstores have Inistanin.1 Fust, Effecive Re*ieffr'm im'ple Peisa BekceIs oferaused by la,-y kJe acids and Poisons remain in te sYstein. Theri bachache, Iteadacite, rheusaice pain, dis. turbed resel or that 'tired eut' eelinmg anay soon EoIIlow. To help Icep your kidney, workin.g prOPerlY...use Dodd's Kidncy Pilla. Tinie-îested, poPUlaRV safe. non-haiit-fonur.. ing. Demaind Dodd's Kidney pilla5 i lie blue bo9x with the red band, Sold evervwïhere. 13g Forquik elif fomitclïlng caused by ezm athetes oot sabis;pimPies and otheritchin cD. os u1se puMrecooling, snedicated liquid t. D RESCRIPTION Greaseles aai Ptainless, Soothes, cïloutrs and quickîiy calmns Intense itchingý Dont sui;fer. Ask your druggist to)day for D. D. O. pereSRIPTION. 2 Special Reniedîes by the makeirs of Merca intnt eTC"ea Pile Itemedy No.1 i hfor Prordn Bleediug Piles, snd la slà i. Tue, wtls ip '0r interni ppieti .Price _75,.M aPl Remedy No. 2 is for Extru.l Itc icg ie. 'ol lu Jar, and i'fo terneZliaise 1-gonly3. ice 0e 3rder by nume ~myu rgxc aSENSIBLE way torleeMONT[HLy LydiaE. po flot Only helps relive montLjy painbt also accornipanying nervlous, tired, bigla. aftung feehng-1s-when d(ue to functionial Periodiic disturbances, It's onle 0k the mlost effective 1miedcines fOr this ýpu1rpose. Pkla'sComnpotind kelps 7natu1re! F0lloW label drcin.Trýy ,iti TIoo Cosy An aparIitmienit is a place wlaero you Start to turnl of f the radio and you find yowCve bJa isteuaing 'to the eihors -Dunwjcla Chronicle, Ioi Canada ufemîg fromsr, ltch in gpainful piles tu try a simple home irean ed'y with tha pro"Imise or a rellabl e firrn to ref nhe cosi of the trea menl if you Iacre Dot satisfled %vllh thýe re SI 1ts. Sirnpiy é;o0to n ï ydiruggist a n ( gel a bottie of Humn-Rold anid use as directed. Hem-!I-bd !I an intern- ai treatm en t, easy and Pleasant ta use and pleasinig resuits are quick- ly noticed [tchlng and sorexiesa are relleved, pain subsides and as the trentmnentlaiscoutlnued the sure. peinful pilie turnors heal oxver leav- Ing the rectal membraný,3es ean aud healthy Gel a bottle et Hj-em. Roid todsy and see for your.eell what An easy, pleasant wey, this le to ridj vourself or vour pile misery N<>T9: lz Te SilpUOt O~f hle ollee ta rellaàble flrm. dolng Ibuslnessm InClinala -for Over 20 yeltre. If s'oi are trs.uIled w1th sore. ttehleig. poimntai Piles. Heni-R'ofid l t belj, s'ou ql<'kly or thte nui l prehnse prIes. '1111 lue gluisils' refusudesi crs are paid by the State. 000 tons. PULLETIS ipRE BREBOS AN hbhrid coss14 wes p to laying. Fa11 ha0 hechiksl boke to orde"r. octaou n price listlTedlCikMtch- WE'E AYOLD CH-ICKýS FOR prompt dshiprnent -WieSsse,ýx, Ne-w Hampshire, Barred Rock, red.A few satd ryHt chr,130 JohnN. ariltnOnt. TWENTY-ONE YEARS uEXPEiRm- icunce in poultry breedng ar yours for the asking! Juast write- for the T1weddle cataloguetody It will tell Yeu bow, you cen hai- creese Your productivity by stock- lng with healthy, usky Tweddl, Governent ,App)roved cics Brieily the Ti'weddle system lai this - bloodtested breederýs of proved llvehility aud poutvt are selected. The chlcks atbe under the finest conditions.Al chicks are cerefully insp)ected landi eny weakl<ngs, arecuedbfr shiprnent. Result youullaressuired of a live, hardy shiprneini-ofPfie chieks. Cash in on Europes laIýrge, mnarket to-day . ., the Twe-,ddle WaY. Write for freecalou and Prnces at once. Also free range pullets for immediate, de- livery, Tweddie ChickHEtchriies Lirnited, Fergus, Ont. tumn t PpNth o oc chick are illin poulry boses eo.The nrneTop Nothibs ,~sbcuoTo)p Noth , cli r proftabl chcks.PheTopnot-,ch ytenof 1br.,edln lnlue he mo-~ upto atemeto T o pro seletio audbeullng that re- surin inghestandrd Govemn- mentuApromed cmacke.We ryu.enTusn-buyTo Nocb ing ftrtlutheEnopan egg deaywit for ,orofre ca doliveary. Ton No Mtch Cier1-iea Guph. On-gtri. Ot 1 1 WILL PAY YOU TO FILL YOUR pens with b'ood layinev or reqdy to lay pullete now. We can glve immediate delivery on. many pure breeds and hyhrid crosses. Also day nId chicks hatched to order for 'Faîl delivery. Top Notch Chikkeries, Guelph, Ontario. flUSTNESS gqAND PROPEIRTY IF YOU ARE THINKINGOP0 SL ling your.13usiness or Property. large or san ansd want gond re- suIte, cousuit this office. 30 yearsz experlence in qelling al kinde of property. for fxrther Informatin write. Geor -e Lawtou, 709 Ouiel- lette Ave., Windsor, Ont. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTICIPATE rN $50,00 monthly Bond draw. Other prizesý Details on receipt. Shares $100( eech or 6; for $5.00. Send for sharesF to St Catharine, Optimial: Club, Býox 445-H.. St.Ctare. On tario. $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWHERE WN CAN1ADA to mwinner's specificlcatna or $10.000 iu cash, wlll be awardced lur'ky winner. Also chainc e ou' $100 mionthly draw. Winner 1« still eligible for bouse draý,w lu Decemnber. Ailproceeds for cIld- s en's welfrire. Tilckets $ 12 for 5810. .ailrenîttance to -Sud- hurv Ki71wenis Club. Box. â3 DYsGANVD LEA1VTNG-ý h-AVE TOIT ANYTNG NEE-ýLDS dyin r cleaýning? Write to us; for informaition. We are aled to enswr yor qestlins. Depart- met f. Parker's Pye ok Lýimîltedî, 791 Touige Stret, To- roto. FOR SALE1r PAOALIMITEIm) ,;NBEIt OF' Oir mal 'neýw pianos willlsoon, be available. Write for cIrcular. Orders axecuted In turn as re- celVedÈ. Fatoy Msn and Rlscho Llie,642 1<lng St. Wealt, To. rn to, X011 GET EVERY ATOM of ithe flavor and àgoodnless in 3Maxwell fHouse Coffée becaugse it is "Radiant Roamzed". Every coffee,. Ibeau is roasted thiorouly the headquaters of thie waraans the U-boat, is tobeoeaan- subnarine schlI AI] BeauifuIly Furnished Wftb Runnîng Water. NI2AG-ARA FALLS OPPOSITE __C.N.R. STATION__ l'ORLSALE GASOLIE EGINS. NEW Most mdm nin uili. 1,,ow cost. Wite ,fordecrptvefold- ers and pie.SoeSlsC., Box 852, Ottawe,, Onit. FOX L'UE, AAN EDWT free isrcin 20 for 2 ounice bottle. Cshwith order. Johlin l"son R, . 4, Lensdý(ownei, Ont. PARTI COLOR COCKER PUPPIES, registered. Bernard hlling, 2 Nelson St., owanieOt tonswauedhlghest pricea', good hoe.Dixo's:, 12 St. Auitoin1e, Motreal. FOR SALE, REITEE OR- set ewes sud rmunrelatefi. V. Bartlett, R. -No. 2, Canfield, Ont. .ATTENTION, RER. FOR Sale: Tracter 'Jires, mlade of'rub- ber, suitable fo)r boltîng on steel wbeels, $10,00 each- Wben order- iug state diameter sud wldtb lof wheel. Natinl Rubber Co. Lcd., r Wiltshire Ave-.. Toron-to, Ont. BLE» MAà1D T R A LE ', TIMý,O. thy Broom GrassoRed>cp ,Mix- ture and UPlauid. For patrt'icularg Write J. F'irman, eus, Man!- toba. REG1STERED COLiE PUPSSA- ble sud white ten weeks nlI mes- sonable. R. Horto,lScýarboro B3luffs, Ont. bougLht, sold, rultbelLet pul- leys, bue Allen Electric Comn- prsny Ltd. 22 ufrnS.Tr FOR, SALE ROUEN DOKS RZ Archie agpi eplr n trin ACOM-\PLETE STfil' 50 ASORT- ed files; frorn 6-4;inld flat, baSfroundM, rud qae etc; oug fsd srnoo)th; eta1a cîein rieof $ dlveedRe- 1212"lrdBidn~ otel Que. FOR SL, GNBL SOE dwelîingatece, ydobth - roorn, areue-l oth ou store vorandah, 2 dul-okmodemr- poultry bou)ses, cpciy700 lay-- ors;:2;2 B.A gs pump, good gar- don land, 0nu 38 ýscenic Higbiwey, 3 miles eatof CGlour Frry, bi g tourlat drive lu sumrnor, over $2,- 000.00 hot Income 1944; $15.000. cash for property, involce prices for gooda. AppDly R. J. Allison, Adolpbustown. Ont. STORE WINDOW PRICE TICKETS Ready for yourindviue ,rices. Write for sampies. Kely PInt- ing, 124 Wellington Stre'et Wfest, Toronto. DAN KELLER EQUIPMENT LIMITED' Bey' City gas abovel, 5[8 yard wlth backboe, drgline, fair]leadesuad clam bucket. Bey City 314 swing 318 yard shovel with backhoe only. Gond condi- tion. Fordn 314 swing 318 Yard crawler typ)e gas shovel. Fordson Universel nmodel A SJ4 swing 3J8 Yard crawler type gas shovel, witb akeleton trailer for serne. Itobuilt. Loceted lu Tom- onto. hteady for immediete de- livery. Industriel Browuhoist qý uipped witbl 55 foot crnebom, ne yard clam huchetTuA-1 condition. Lo ceted neer Trno General shovel. Nw11.Excellent P & TH modl 1 50, % ard shovel sud dragline,. Interuýinal T26. oquipped 'with Gar Wood' bulldozeýr. Internaitional1 TD14 desltrector with BcraEl nnaledozer. B'rieouîrdr Caterpýillaýr 17. New 13.Eupe woCaterpilleir diese mde D trectors ,with LPatCot v draullc augledozers New 1942. Gond condition. Caterpiller 11 trctoTwlb "L Toumuneua ldxr.Nw 91 Caterpillarmde 0 aolnýpw ered ïbulldiozer. Firest-cles condi- Caterpîllaroelt aola 15rctroly' aD angdor, eult 332 Blooe, Sts.eet West, Toreumto 5, otrlo (j N FltOM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF lnstanty relief f on% catarrhal misey Starts to cornie wh,'ej- ou put a few drops of Vick.sVa-tro-nol in eacla nos- tral.a-tro -nol ie so effective .. . resuts are so god.. beLmuse t (1) redces W Swollen membranes, (2) soothes iri.. tation, (3) helpeD clear awvay. Congestion. . . aid thus makes brea th ing essi er. M an-ycata rrh sufferers say it's the best relief Jjuel fewdo . theyve fou-id. You, too0, will okfa uh lik e h w a y ît w o rk C ! T y t ! w h'ero t O b C 8 In the Netherlands, education leg obligatory frorn ages 6 to 13ý. In- struction is free iii b th p ubic sud denumnatinual achools eud teachi- 95-ACRE 1,Ar, TWýP. 01POTA barni with cernent foundation, freh wteriniboth; $400. rs. GeorIge Orr, Creernore, Ont. 180ACRS,)0P0MAP"ýLE USHr wihor ihutmcinrcheep Box 47, Smth aiOt good :ae'roltyad Cequip- metinluded $250ca'shl. pply W. Gllalier MogansonOnt. hossfor ,00birds, barn]s, silo, availabe c m lt au f u r, n a c e , h y d ro , 10 mj ile s fr o mn L. Cenrns.R.R. ,B mavle On tario AIDRES5Y UE R A 1IRR SS IN H Roberton'sHairdress" ing Ac ad- erny 18 Aveue oad, Porontio. Canadii, Potstnt Nce farm1i borne close t Ktcenr.N waecidreu we'lcoeg, x 0 habl sxoeu s hosekeperfor farn hme icuiy fTorontlo, c i d w e l co m e . B o 6 , 8 A d E l - LINO OP ERA TORS1 53AND FLOOR MEN WVANTED sudl flor) me wated forne- Publishing Cc-., 73 AdejapdedW. apply neareat Em1jýpînyrjent su Selective S ervijce O fie. Or e No, 1. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE - stroys ofesie do istntly. 45c. bttlo tt w a et. Oa man Drug Store, Ottawai. NEW flAIR GROW-ýTh-, OR TUR- monoy l)sck. 2Phat ll te g7rn tee bohiud"Lxul,eemzn fo r m ufl a for e lim i u aý t ing da ru f PROVN RMEDY- EERY sPUF- foer Of Rbeurnetic PainJs 0or Neu- ritis should try Dixýon'a Remejj(dy. Muos Drug Store, p3iEgin, Ottawa. GET READY FOR WINTJER. Build up yoor re-sstance wlth Merrilîs System Ternicj, Telets. Caniadien favorite fo r forty years. Fron yOur druggiqt or Postpaid 81.00. frem Merrill Pro- ductS, 98 Silverbirch Ave, Toron- to. Ontario, STOM2,ACH AN» RRADW)M offen ar~e the cause of ilhat lu hurana, ail egea. No eunm you1r trouble.utrsiu ariu lare ;- FrceelWie Miee' Brinedies,SpcaitTrno. DO YOU DREAD TIE COMINO Of bedtirne becaus yu cok u W itb A sthm ? AZO Ta l t ta e before rotiringreieteben chiai condI(ition asud yousep pescefully, freefr(om ogh sud w hei ug10 otad Money hckgurute fIntrc tions fioe.John Capbll 11Keewatfi,Tmt 2 or Of fihumatc PinsorNeuni- lis shl.1d try Dx'sRedy TIETESTED OUALiTy SERVICE and SATISFACTION You ilm pr ydeelpei su or O 8 XOII'ERLS25e 9ERN'p8f or 25, Fou mayuni geLail ise flms Fo watthia eeh ut Tea capget É,]ï the qult sdsrvioe ytF eu esre, Chn ; ne of thefocos coal j ounries inthe1 ord it resrvs eti 01td ct 23,69v0- iiI CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR .OWN SNAPSHOTS Your renives makje the moat dis. tinctve Chriatmas Carda ynu cari get-cars that your frend Mill treasre -partculalfiands on actvesevie.Select yurfavoiuritec n aanvssd senld to u. . WVE..,ll returin 12atatv ennsdgreet- iug carda with pictures pr'intesi on -sund envelopes ,or raln-l for 69. rde, eairly. ( Photos on Cenrsfor 2.5c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE uox 129, Posýtal Termiafl A, 'orointu A c12stomer et Berw;ick N.'S.ivwr ites uis: -1 reeived the euiuuhit mas carde ;Whjich you printed froax my own negatives and I went you r l.,47OWbw lese arnwitla your r.ulwo)rksund prompt serviec. Iwlia reguler custom- or nef SIteSnsio"erefrom now ou." AnlySieRl6or8Epsr. Size 4" i36"in 1Beauiiitil asel Alounts You carn have enlargemients colou1r- ed by baud for a sm-all additions] charge. Prassed Eninegemenîs 4" xm6un on ivry Utitmounts, lufrarnes 7W x9", B3urnisbed G ('old or FOyver, Circassien1 Walnut or Bleck iSbc>ny fiish 59e;: Print your "nme an.d addess pi- ly on ail ordes. if eageetcolourecI 79c, FRED A. B DOIN TU PU IYS, sella exohanges musicalinsru BE A HAIRDRESSE'R AUaEirdrAes ssiug ( Piesan'lÏ ,t dgifie profesion, go wsgle, tcuSnd sucetul Marve graduates.tAers gret ae ss- tenIltSctorataogeSt WrikteofI fr :t,, n je 358 BLOR 'jýW, TORONTO Branches: 44 KinMSt. Mamilto phqae,ec.Sund brtbdat. Lau- MontraNo,9 Que 77890; 14 KiP g esL, Toronto Booel f nfrmtion on mce-, -IGETPRerICES PAIDqth For aI kind of dmssedFoullry Writ, phno r wîre aep 2304 BoroR P.W.TRNO PHOTW£E NE O. 3 ISSUE .-e

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