ORONO, WEEKLY TUR ur-Gin3pc Fattening -;rMash As morg--e and more poufltry are marketed, the imn- poraneif proper fin.-ish 1becomes more ap.parent. A wve!lfini,,ýhed birdl is the onlv One thlat Sellis profit- ahly, epcally oin a wclI-stocked mnarket. It sinîply doeýSn't pay you to market unfinished birds, and the littie extra labor involved in finisin g is more than repaid in the extra profits f rom well-finished birds. Youriî Grade A Poufltry pay a premnium, not only on terbody weight, but <also on the easily obtained finish. Twvo weeks crate feeding on SHUR-GAIN 13 per cent Fattening M1ashi will put fir-m, mellow finiishqicikly and ec9anomically on market'poultry, anA turn culis into cash! SHUR-GAIN 13% FATTENING MASU $2.50 per cevt. Maeand Sold by GO)RDO4iN W. LOCOKWOOD ORONO --Ontario Ez~ Pr-AYS TO 0 You may have lauigbed at the man wbo buit a boait in blis basement and had f0 jack le bis bouse' f0 get if out; but it is jusi as important to plan abead when you wire for Hydho. Avoid the costly mistake of wiring for lighting only. No motter how n.odestly you start to use ~etectic power, you will want to add a motor berel, a ligbt there and an appliance some place else as time goes on. Plan for such additions fromn the start. An el'ectri;c circuit can carry saFely the amnount of Power it is designed for, You ca't run anl elec'ric range Off a iîght socket. You can't even extendl a lighting wire to serve too man y ights, and expect satiýsFaction. Have adequate wiring designed for the load when you wire the irsttîime. A qualified your wiring sati iectrician can plan and do ýctoriIy and over a period mucli money and trouble. way f0 start fa use Hydro roducfion units first .. .ý the se, dairy, etc. Let the extra Fist installations bep to pa -lconvemýn e claer. K E ND A L NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Hl itc l in Toronto viésit- Young People's Union) ing fîiends.ctober lSt Mis. M. buxon aniilaronapn The regular meeingofthe Young- Sýunday \with MAr. asýd 2Mrs. Normian P eople's Uun i -ook placeinte Pa ttLonl. urch basement. 1t "was decie Mni. and Mïrs. W. ,Boad (tceformer that Our Union should muee vr iluth Diok), cýalled n Mr.and JMm. AMondaY evening. Oilcers chosenfo M.' Soper 0on Saturday. this season are a s tilws resýident, '10vu ad bay live Bon vice-p'es iden t, Fae AMr. 'a1(d Mrs. J. Gioe n ayJones'secrtaî, Rayl4ind Gýlimer; dauighter, of Ajax, visied Mrs. A. -G. treasurer, EIe-anor Johuiton; piîanist.- Dariington on, Sunday. Mrs. Ronald Bre;msinr con- Mrs. Wm. Wilson has had ,rp vnrMryB iy itiznsip pn that b-er son Gnr. Victor Wilson ýex- vefler, Kekth Burleýy; christian! cul- pectg to be home for Christmas. ture and recreation, Jim Gilmeur, Doni Vinkie LeisStone; tchristinfello-w- Mnr. Harry Farrow bought the shlp, Ronald Burley. thî11eshinig outfit of Walter ThertellO,,ier2n anid is winding tip thne threshiug icobrn2n this neiglborhoodl. After thie usual pr>eliiimnresof prayer, hymns, and rminute read, MArs. Edward Gouroux (nee elen it =asdeciddbtat we have a Hllo- Mlercer) is spendcing two weeks ut we'en party, chnrging admissionand the borne of ber parents, Mr. and and that haif OF the proceeds be given Vo Mrs. Wmi. Mercer. the relief for the Protestant church- Mr. owrdBoyd and daug-hter es iu Europe. Also- a movemient waus Dorohy, essr. -ober andýv'made to the effect that a collection Dorthy Mesr. Rber a InW. be made at oui next regular me(etiing Winn ýmotored t o Montreal for the for thi ssmerelief fund. t was de- week-end and had a good time.,cided Iy the executive meeting bhat is heing-; Lroused amon01gst the neg-October ','st înstea(i of -Oct. 2Vhas bours as to wby a certain popular peiul ragd ewere well bach-elor la redecorating bis hom-1e. en1tertained by our programmue com- mnittee, anlots of fun \was enjoyed Mr. and ýMrs. Wm't. Geaîy have y aIl.Rue.Smih gave a very en- moved into the house here which lihtening talk; a~ prayýer b)y Eleanor- thcy formerly occupied before moviipg Johinston; scipture readîng byDo- Vo Ajax. Percy Fro' truck was thiy Brown; a redingby ary Bur- employed. -tey; a poem hyl Edna Denauit; a 1 Messrs. Reg. Eiiot and Joe Mar- piano selection by .Margaret Ovens; tinetl left on a hunting trpioSuntVie experience of "King Bruce" hby day Mssrs WilimCeiland Philip Gilmier, and our programm-ire day ïMssrs.'1Vilam Ci n all w uupth everylh-ody en- John Mercer left on a huiiug ,,trip joying gamines directedi by imi Gil- in Vance Allen's tiuck on, Mondjay mé r. We hope that our attendance morung. w1 be inc-reased. noVQý oniy by the Mn George Wllianis sold bis faim younger people, but by everyone. recently to a business man in Port Comie one and ail, and renlly enjoy Hope for toAco growing. Mn. G. A. yoursellf. Mercer, carpenter-, has the contract Mr. and Mrs. George Campbil and for building Vthe greenhouse, 30 feet Jean wrere surprised and MOtISedun by 150 feet. iSaturday ight to liear their son, 31r. George Stepheusonî, M.P., of Sgt. BruceCapel conduting a port Hope, bougbt Tom Woosfarmý Victory Loant programmne oerthe Bt.BC. from b ondon, England. Sgt. and also the Tamblyn 50 acres Vto 'go)Canipbel i ýisnucesrl bnd](onto wiVh lt for gruming tobacco. M r. Bob. Farha o The Haippy Gang Roy Mlercer has the job1 of plow,,ing wbý,O basetrndo Canda Cief 1Vwitb b-is tractor. et fio andel The ladies gatheýred àn the Sunday Buesbohrisaocndtinl Scbool room On Thur-sday, Noebr bondon inl te Natvy Show wheîe thec lst, Vo finish the autograph qujt Nav Shw is nakin1g a film., New%- wbvicb la üot be sold at the W A. ha- tonvilieY e i utly rou of these boys chu have risen uso h inlamusical zar n husdyNovembe'St. circles. The wle Compbeil famdly There has been a lot of w0rk putla have rare talent in mse to thisq quilt, both inla te maLing and i thle qiltîngl, it was well on in the evenling he'fore the quIiting w %as rfln- ishcId. Mn. lexaderHoskinl The funeral service o-F-Mr. AleIxanI- der H!osikin was hetd 'i-, Kenda ITUnit- cd Churcb on wdedyafternoon withi the pastor, ]Rev. Mr-, Smith con- duting Vie sel-vice. Mr. Hoakin wav's 8ý2 years of age. The ac eaeswere M e s r.HmînBoydl, James Swar- bik sain Searle, Blaýke Alexander, Roy S]lep md HarperCasaen There wer-e 1many beauiLtiful floral tri- bue.Intermrent took place ina0,0ro Cemetery-. Faim Forum Newts The neighbours w'ho faiied Vo at,- tend the iFarm Radio, Forum hbeld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Evani Quantrill on Monday evening, Novem- ber 5tb.- mlssed a very interesti-iig t icsinon 'IHow mucSh fýoud shouid w,.epodc. Will a surplus of foodi mean inadequaite return Vo the ýfan- mer ? The question wasnpproachedi from many angles. A pleasant ýeven- ing was stpent and the hostess served a very appetizing lunch. Next Mon- day evening, Novenitber l,2th, the subject will be "a we do without the smaîtfrm" The meeting wili be ýheld*-at the homae of Mrs. C. and Arthur ThompsonüI. Hallowe'en Concert A most enjoyable evening wvus spent -on iHallowe'en night in the Sunday iScbool room, w.hen cildren and grown-ups imek drcssed uIp fo)r the evcning. Mi. Chas. Kenny acted as chairman and Mrs. Kenny wýas pianist for the evening. The prize winners for the ýbest costumes wcrie taken b y Misses Juanita M/ercer as a well fed looking tramnip; Jeanr Cathi- cart as His Saita-nic Mjesty; Mr~ White as a gosandf aseiRs Elliott asý a ladly ab4out towni. A pie cating contest caused mnuch aue ment, when the contestants -were ne- quired Vo cnt stickyý open pies with their baudls behind thieir h!acks. An- other simrilar- conteat cailled for the eating of scoties dipped lu miolasses and IStrung up. Pî1ining the tail oný the H-allowe'en c-at was aniothen con- test whîch wvas tried by quite a few. The partyws under the ausî,pices of the Womten's Institute. The lhydro commîilttee of"dhe chIiuh w-ill neet at 'Mn, Mello'o rne -on the enig e w k osee il the nmembers of ùthi" group at the! mee-ýting and '!readiy to geV l)toacin Thepblc acolteaýcher1s Iheld STARK VILLE .Mr. Wlfrd oods ývisited w-ithi Miss Nor-ma aioel Miss Alice i1alo,ý el!, Tororito, visite'd Mr-s. Llew Half"loweli. Mise elen Dechert and Betty Scott spent th-e week-end in To-o-nto. Mrs. FakBnet Toronto, speýnt a f.ew days wthJM. d Ms Jk llallo'w'ell. IMns. Dora Hiooey a mdiMr. Mt. Mor-ri i ad super-ïth Mr. and Mrs. Ormne Faits1ý. Mr. and Mars. Art'hur Fitls and family, Bowma11,nvîtle, spenit Sunday at Thos. Fails. Mr. and Mrs. Don. Stapleton!, of New ton ville, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs orne Toýdd. Mr. 'md Mýrs. Rusýsel Savery and Betty visited recenitly,ý at Mr. Lawr- ene Sýavery>s, Oshawa. IMr. Air. Dob)son bns hadl bis father and birother from .P-arry Sound visit- ing hlm for several days. Miss Audrey Farrow visied 1b er gran'dparents, ýMr. and Mrs. ebbi,ý Newcastle, over the week-end. ~Mr. and Mrs, Harold Little and Gary, ýOshawa, spent several days wit'h Mr, aind Mrs. 'Ibos. FaJls. Mr. and Mrs. Bill -2WGaheyv and Mr. and iMrs. Coeurtn'ey and famiiy, of Dunsford, sýipent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A.Dosn The Hlliowe'en at n the schooi last Tuesday night wais w-%ell attended. Those in costume wn.n prizes were, iLorne'Padn Mrs, Erwart Robinson, Mi-_. Tva Farrow, Mary- Halalcml, Wilson Caron, ary Lou Dobson and 'hrleTim. iAspe- did program ffowdthe pairade and lunich was thlen served. Altouh heattenldance was lnot 100%/, theeeng was weil spent by those present ira discuissing vuirous problemns and phases of the teachers' work. A very enjoyaible Hloee party was held at the sehool bhouse on Wed- nedyafternoon. The children were in miasquerade costumes w,ýhich were varied ind(eed. A punipkini, Audrey Martîin isgie won first prixe, and11 a pira1te costumýe suecessfu!liy hidl- in,- Datve Fee rcie first for the loys. IMrs. W. ioryell presented the prizes. Thiere wr snsard reci- ta tions bhy the by n girls, folloxv- ed 'by contiezts for -youngý and old. Tea was servd,,the AeS deoorated with pnkin, laterna ;and canidies ilu clever cark1rot hldrs tewok of the obilien vron vas delighLeà hoth ith he prty d vîtb thle proceed whîcb ere laSum)port of th'e Jun1io RedCrss T -îDAY and for thle remainder of the week CANADA'S GREATEST DRIM'(, SATJV THE REXALL Onie Cent Sale Buy any one o)f the miany Iexýal or Puritest Items ani get antother iust likie it far onty NE CENT. SPECIAL * "Acte" Tooth BF'rushes,, natural bristie, une for ......-- ...2c. Two for...............--- - SPECI AL! Riker's Coeoanut OU Shami- pou, onle for. .3e Two 0for..............-3---c- Kliuzo Cncoanut Oit Sham- POO, onle for - --.- 60c. Two for...............------61c SPECIAL! Langlois Lavenvder Bath Crystals, beauitifuiliy pack- ed, 1 f or.............$1,10--- lAi Two )for .....-..--..-..$11 SPECIAL! box of 24.............- -----25c 2 boxes for ------26e Bo)tile of 100 ............419C. 2 for.................50------- SPECIAL!i Twefedmoro Statioqiery, ex- !ellenit for «ift us1 Ibox for.....-------..............---35t. 2 boxes for............ -- -36c, 75f-. Fancey lPnpetryf,cldee edged, 2 for..........----- ýV.7c SPECIAL High Quality Milled Soýaps, Gadeia anid Jasmie, 1for.............15c'. 2 for............. ..16c. BE WISE! SHOP EARLY Our Store will be open every eveing during ithe sale untji 9.00 p.m. Multiple Vitamin Capsules 2 boxes for..........$1----- 11 2, boxes..............-----$1.86 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Charles BR Tyrreil Agent for Jackmian Flowýers PHONE 68, ORO)NO Glass Bowls, ideal for cras etc., each ,...5e. Galvanized Water Pails, two i,)sizes ..... 29,c and 39c- Men's Extra Largee StikonSles for -rubb-er boots, etc., pir' ............ ..5c "Chore Girl" Copper Cleaning Bails In stock to-day, each ....................c iDytint for dyeing or tnigsillk, wool,coo, Linen and most kinds of rayons, 38 co'lors to choose fr,,omi, pkg. ...ý .. . ....., ...1 . Viceroy otWaerBotes, fil moulded on piece .......... .... _.... ...........49e Plastic Soap Boxes, assorted colors ......... 25e Kotex Wonderformi Sanlitary Beits, al elastie 25e Zippers, assorted colors, sizes 4 luches to 9 in- ches, priced.......... ...... ..... 20e. to 30c. Teaspoons, nicle plated, each ... .... ...... 5c Silver plated, each ............. 0e Children's Print Aprons, sizes 8 to 14 yrs, each. ». 25e Ladies' Brown Jersey Gloves for chores,, pir.15e Alumninum Knitting Needies, size 10, pair >.. 25e Stove Pipe Dampers, each ýýý...... .......15e Mazda Lamps, 15, 25, 40 and 60 watt .........,15e 100 watt, frosted. . 20c. 100 watt, cer.30e 150 watt, clear . ,... 30c. 200 watt, Clear . 55C Aerowax No Rubbing Liquid Wax, large quart tin, for ..49e GROCERY FEATU)RES Palmolive Soap. Giant size. 3 -for.......----... ......... ........ 23e A,ýunt Dîinahi Molasses, 2 botties fo3r 1 coupon.......--------.......27c Cuit Mixed Peel, 1-2 lb. pkgý. for.-----.....------ --.................... 16e Sans-O Sandwich Spread, 7 ounce tins, 1 token......... -- __.....20ec Crosse & Blackiweil Orange ïMarmiaînde, 12 oitnce jar, 1 coupon.... 25eC Van Camp's Quick Serve Beans, 12 iunce pgs 2 for. ....... 15C MIcLnrenl's Black Oranige Pekoýe Teca. WEEK-END S PECIAL1 one haîf puund for.....................................---------- Suire-Whip for wipigordinary creani, buttie..............-------25 C Dr. Ballard's lleatlth Dog Food, 2 large tins.--------........... 25e Cheese. n1ew. Colored. lb.........-33ýe. 014, white ......... 35e Casnpbell's Tmato Suup. WE-EDSPECTAL, 3 tin.2---- 5ce Join OurCrita Lav-Amay _Cîub, A smaîl deposit wýill hold any art-icle unt1il D)ec. 2th, in accordancethrie Prices and Trade U RONO 5c., TO $1.OO STORE YOUR POPULAR SH.OPPING-,, CENTRE 'I Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Direqrtorïa and Furniture Deutero KINDiNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped te take care of the juodest funeral nt the moot reasonable charge as welt aà the !argfesitand most exaeting Tel-,phone: Office 66S - Re2idence 523 and 7f16 Telephone Colleet Bowimfsrvflle, Ont. THURSI