E Vol. 9. No. 42. L OVPONO, (ONT.,THUR-SDAY, NOV. lSth, 1945 Su bscription $1.25 per Year Orono Amateu~r Athletic Dance, Town Hall, Orono, Nov, 23rc1 The first liteir r eeting OS the dterm- of Ortoo continuation Sch,-ool -ws eld on liseevng of Tbursdýay ~November Sthl. Ilo, eed ith the inngof "O Can,ad," olo. edby -avfwvwords from the President, Joan Hilarnesa. lhe ecrelary, Jeas- Turner, ýwas then cied urion 10 reai tise ýnamites Of tise 'lastInmeting. RaY Lntise lreasý.urcr, gave a repos- onlie financial con ,ton f tise Li t- eaSiy$ociety. TE cfirst editio oiiO 0,,cis wastheaea by tise editor, W-alace Libo'u. ,J.oyce_ Cos-ishi, leader of Group 1. hatokover wt a fe-w words of w el0oomIe, Themein opened wItl the gr-oup inig"Hu-ow d'o -youdo, everbody", followýed by a comn-ý ity sang song. Tise scene elîanged aloig Reta McdKenna, Beverley T Payne and Joyce Tennant dres.sed in evening gouwns, wile Reta favoure'i us hby singing "Shine on IIa rVes t Jion"Joyce and Beverley joiing bier in th-s lasI chorus. The nexL iter on +-ihe prograrnme 'was a poem- read Iby Beverley Payne in deiclo1 liesoIies who g-ave their lives for usfoiowe Ib the group singing 4"TIse Soldiier's LaIsI Lettes-." Laugh- t-r shook thse hall as an imitatlion olf tise Ozzie and ilaridet programmiii -vas gî'v en by flarhara Roliph, Mn RihadsnHelen Wood andGera -Rainey. A g-roup chorsus, "The West ,a Nest, anmd You" 'was- then sung-. The n1extrnuniber Nwas ia the fora c fa Western scene as we looked in on JBeverley Pnyne ieaning on the chc top rail wielte group sang thte song kC the same anme. HeIleni Wood and Reta MVeKersua then renides-ed a beaulifuL duet, entitledl "Senitîmie-tcal Jýourn-ey,» -The nasical pa Irt of the prgamewas thlen brou-ghlt t10 hoe-y tri~-, ~singing "Just a li'Serge ý SI,,ý,hiceli asfollow- edby the play 4lTe-, Apple of J1îs EYe"Iý. Te cast iras eas follows :£Mrs. muJoycee ý,inîtsb; Dottie Lane, ~~saStaples; Jocey Lane, Henry -Lea- ,s-sei;Brocir Lane, La,'ernle Boydý Robn lolisKay CGamshoy; CortEi Gisnes, Joyce Tenaant; Mliss Hlast É-nga, Bceerley Paynie. Thse \National ,ïAntIsem bsr-ugb;ta ~verY enjoyable erening to a c'ose. A Visit To Metalfic Arts 1i nado a v'sît to the above-asamed place, perhaps lIsroug9i, curosity, in ,pEetioni or perssai lInee-t ini the 'wlaaan-d progress of our villa-ge aend was surpri-sed b- flnd fromi 25 tF -3G pe-Qpl(- et -r k. This speakl- well for o-ne who camne gIerc unIseralded and unknio'wn an-i _s;a-rted lan-wlthout a greal deal of -eptal, and 1 learn hasn't enough of ,ueh at tIhe present lîime 10 place this indusbsy on a decidadly paying basis Thoisga in fise few yearslise bas beon hera 'ho has greatly incseased 1he ,tss--ts of t-ho, business and -will sonn have il huilIt on a solid founidatios-. TIse question arises, wouIdn'lil bea -Profitable investmsent df our mioneye- mseat-o0oo, over Liis plan ,twiIl a vi-eNv boforming a companly withthei eppintnen -f a geses-aI everse anc a flaancial manag"er t10 makei smtigwhich wudbe acredit tc -ors cormmunty anid a -payîng invoýt- raent. Tyouirs sincerely, Orme Gmh Boy Your Ticket Now Don't fail to, buy a tickeâtthis wecek rfojr thie kirst Annual "At Hom" f Or-ono Asoiter soCiat(ion, to) be hld 41in the twnhal Oonio, oniF r- day, ovembIer 2r.There u 1be rarsini the caclchamuber for» Étfie auito rium to one, of Ontario', les' Dance Bandis, George Gtil and his 7-piece ocesr.This 1band( iý jusýt Comp1leted a stsuccessfÏul Aàon, at The Knwartha Golf and OonyClub, Petenhoro. Lunchl will (lie served at m4igiii-ht. The ad]mission charge is Sr~O per couple. Ani d this is Your ivtto.C orne anld -suppport tseme (1tisditrict rwho ri bave pledged themiselves to tihe g-reat' d wvork of develophig the youth fli01this tdistrict in al fields of amateur sport. Dance and Draw The Odflo service Club are hollng a dance nd draw in the townu fhallÎI-Ortno, on Wednlesday, )ee.m-- eber 12thf. Twel,-ve valuable prizes t wil hbe given a w",nlamlely;, five'tur.- Ikeys, five geese, andii( two bushel of b iMclntosh- No. 1 apples; also M i ss Betalovely doli dressýed wýith teni One dllar bis, xvic iii ma,.ke some c!hild happy. Tickets for these eprizes are n(ow available, and we, sicrlVhope the gener.alpuliýc ",;Ill co-operate to mauke thisý event a suc- icess. Two -weeks ag-o the 'Club pub- e ished a finianoial statenmnt show- , ing receipf-s of its stewardship of funds raised from public funictions. -There is a place or places for the funds from this event. W e need ticket buyers and t1 ick;et sellers. WX. J. Riddell i secretfary- of the Club~. May ,ve have your co-oiperation. A lady boar-cla coforabb hise. Pblloe rs-12, Orono. challenger Eliminated T ise atiletic sport in Os-ono is gradually extendin-g te tise eIder resi- drents of* ous--village. LasI wveek - .r D'ane Foundi challenged Ms-. C. T. Mille- 10 pick uIp a teami for, volley bail and tis'aI -iss e'am couldl defeat any,, beans itIsai C. T. could place on tIse floor. Tise challenge wms accept- cd so bots captains hald a beansi ready for Tuesdaiy ovena ilast-ithIstIse g-mne commnening ait 10.00 p.mie. Tisre-e gam-es wes-e piýayod, and tisaI 'ias just enough for tise players, tIsoY came off lIse floor limipingl and gr-oma-- ig fs-om strained muscles. Dane Found's leamn went down 10 defe-al by tisreo games te one, wktis no alibi givon, leaviag 'il ttIsaItIse lbst leamr mvon. 'Ch-lie says VIaI bis tbans can mneasily oves- -ane's t1cm -m an y ev on f tIse week. -C. T. Milie-'s line-up : L, G. M- 1Ginisis F. E. Lycot, Roy W4intes-, -Neil Porer -C* 1.Fs-este a nd A.W.1 Ralph. D-ane Founld's ba--in: A. E.' W-st7. B. Tyrireil, F. O. Cooper, Ed. Telsn Percy Luna an-d D'ana, Found.1 I __ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ __ 1 'Memorial Servces HeId at Orono November llth Avery inpasV~memorial sel- blyni playedl lte Last- ?Ost -vice washi Il Oo o on Sda Y,I Th aa en formei g an Nq ve ibe r l1th, in cminirlo paradled 10 týhe chlirche n Rev. Lit-, of those w-ho gave their lîveaf in thielItl.ewood tokfor bis text, 4"A Great two great wars, hiat ýof 1014-191t81 DeliveraaIce". The choir sang- an an~d 1j989-1£45. A goodly numhaer at-lanthemn, "Love Divine", with Mrs. ted' itelyr te wreath at Littewtood takig the solo part. The the cýemetery gates, prior to the ser- service tibrougihouit 'vas very appro- vice ji Park S',tree-t Unied Ohurch. priate for the occasion, and showedl A parade qwas formedýat the bown in no smnall 'way that the people have haill aI 1MOO aje, or,isthing of the neyer and w-li neyer forget thse sc Oronoc Girl lGuides, Bay Scouts and fices that 'have been miade by oui. vterans of tse past two wars, and Canadial youth in Xg th Ie bat- beaded by Oronýo Bani paradIed to the le for rigeht, so ha i may live in eeeeygales at henorth endi of a country,ý free froi~ fear and tragedy. thtown 'where -ach group liiet uLp 1 I is 10 be boiped thuat these cere- iio lion faiaii g thse g-ates. v. aois-wiîî grow larger -awd larger ýS. Little'ýod led in prayer, and then1 IMrs. E. Hall1, -wb lost her huslan '1s ',se year's go by, and tIsaI Novem - ia thse war placeàed -ýrah aI lIse er lse11h -vili be a day Ihat will ceaet-ery gates. M1r. C-Ts - Ta- 'n~r e forgotten. CUISSORS BRIDGE HELPS TANK ACROPS SA BURMA CHAUNG, This picture is onse cf seven s-o ibow lise "Scissors" type of self- propelîed 'bride-one cf the gs-atest lie and life savers on tSe Bus-ma front operates. In Ibis instance a tank wias confs-onted with one of tise. many unscalable MNulas wbicabound on tAts front, aad il advanc was iseldi up .The crewerdioed for a ":Scssos-s brid, wbîis witb ils as-moured protection for- hIbebidging craew and speed of operation S1as one s0 mucis 10 defeat lSe Janese wyo placed great reliance on using tise natural ground defences afl'orded by cbaugbls an1--ulabhs. Piceture showý,s : Sisrman tank is conironled wilis a -s-teep bank',ed of tisee-ew radios bc for a Lridgeing tank. 1 Letters to the Editor Inis isue of your paper, we1 again draw Ie attention c.f 'ah1 dli- zens te a veyipotn event un the lie of Or"oo illge. on Friday evening, November 23,q tise Meinbers cf Os-ono Amatenr Athl- letic Association, aI bedi Frst An- nual "At Hoe dail be hosýts 10 tise citizens of Ibisý district and the sur- citizens o fiis district and a wide surrouniding tesrilory aI Ihieir "Fis-stE rounidia-g terr-itory. As you are a mémr ber, I trust IbaLt you wiill assist us in prsetigthrougb your cohimans. tise shoit his'tory of Ibis wortisyor- ganlisation. For mlany years in tise past il bas been apparent tbat ai- thug rono Village anid flb district bad in ils Confines a virtual "ry Yf youStbtIes-e ias no organisationt for thse training due tbem. -Tbis Fali, certain citizens met aI Os-on- oi-nouOies itis a view of Yi nan-icing, goveriiing and ooacisig lie ,yois hcd this district, boys and girls, in au ied of Sport tisaI can -ho con- ducted in Orono. Tise Assoc-biation opera,-tes undes- de- fiite regulations set forth and pass- ed in mieeting-s. TIse Juior momnbers wll agree t ad abide by a strict code of eties tisaI pdnmariy demands, diligence in school work, failing ia wiicb can resuit ini temnporas-y or permantent suspension in lise associa- tion. Tise continued entIsusiastîc s-e- spon-se le this projeet isy tIse boys; and girls is miost evident by Ibeis- allen- danice and theis- mannesly obedience 10 instructioni. Their keen co-opera- lion iàs l us and il Must be te ail goaod citizens of Ibis district, a chal- lenige tIsaI -we ust mieet te eus- creit Officers and coaches for, a Club sncb as Ibis 'irse easily selected, Fi- inning sucis a widle programme ef ,,ports psesented a more difficult ps-oh- le.A temnpos-as-y treasutrywa formied by tbe su-bscsiplion of $.1 b'y oves- tbirty ,plublic-spirited citi- zens. At fist i wstisought Ib tis mum isht seens sufficent, butequip- nient, nnifos-mis, s-mS linte. etc., as-e expeniveÏ esp)ite lise facLt tiaI tb mranagers and coachses as-e givngil tiseis- lime aitisout cost t-o tise eluSb, tssewill'ne niy expeý!Se> e- viusfleld cf sport mnd tbley must- Sýe miet by citizens of Ibis district. Tise fisst suggestion segairding a way (,f raising funds 'was aI once ad'optod by tise Association. Il 1 the social evening te be' Iseld in Orono Town Hfal on 'Friday eveniing, Noveibýier 123rd. I-U admission fee is W3.0 per cou- ple, a s tIse admission price for uatn lma The ad- mission price for me s ef lbhe As- soiation'who have alrea - ÇýýtrÏibq7 ted Vo il is M.00 p-es- couple, as is ealso- lise admission pice for aniy junior mivirber of thse clb. (Mr. Editor. tisis "AItHýlomie" ps-e- Ssents to us aIl a 'lwo-fold invitation. To not onfly assis;t in Ibis worthyef for t but te 'ejoy a splendid social ev-.eaing -aI cards FLnd ( dancing andI metng er friends. 'Progressive eu]chr1e for many prizes will be platy- ed in tbIe Couneil Cisanaber. Thse As- soation c5 presertlin'g on tise dance floor a very fïie dance baad rItisIbas' jusqt rien el0 ms t-t sccessfnl ., ason at The, Goln nf cand TO THE RATEPAYERS 0F Sý S. No. 8, CLARKE TOWNSHIP, AN- TIOCH : I xvish lto drax youýr attenition that, $.S. No. 8 ani SjS. 9, Clarke Towvnship, have enterefi inito and f n'da Township Sclhýb1 Area, to be known as West Clarke Towniship) School Area, and at thie close- of j94.5 the old trustee, boards will be anl Led, and these schools wîl1 corne un- der, the adffmiiiration of a Towniship School Board of flve myeitlers who) will be niominated aid eiected in the samne manner, and at thPe saible tliane asb the menibers of thie Towvnship Council. And take' particulail notice 't'bat the nuoination o1 'Clar-ke Towvn- ship will taýke place on Noveibeh 24th, 1945. It is niecessary that these twoC s;ectionis have at least rive cn did-ates nominated and quaiied for election to this school board. Owvg t o unapvoickable eircuimstan- ,ces and health condition 1 wili be un- aible to will flot consider offering m--y- self as a candidate for theTonsp School Board. OTTO CAHM Sec.-Treas. S.S. No. 8 Clarkýe Towtiis'hip. Oorir e Gamnsby To Celebrate 82ud Birthday On Saturday, November l7th, Ormne Gam-nby will celebrate bis 82nd birth- day, aitd will ble entýertainedl by his sistýer, Mrs, Norman Rickard, and his niece, 'Mrsý. Ken). Werry, Newcastle. Ormne in bis l'ong career too)k a ýgreat interest ini sport, andi stili dues for that matter, thoughi not as an ac- tive participant. IHis grteat interest warý conn6nP1 rnosdýtl, h as--ehall and Durham Cou.nty Over Top In Ninth Victory Loan f St. Anidsew's Uniited Ciu-is, Gs- av;a,wasls seig for- a preLtlyi wdigOctcdber 2Otis, wI ion Resr-. i ý GereTelford uniteud in ilaas-agý,e-o Miss Velma Jean arMorgani,daugistes-p( cf Ms-. and M-s.Poey ý-Morgý,anI, 'le ý Wîililii m iDoald Myles,Sonofi Ms-.p! and Ms-s. Cli Myles, of Orono. Tise bride vaisloveiy in aliite flo--ength shees- gw aleir pcinlcesa style witb 'a s\veeîiseart t' nccline mand lace uses-anmd hda d ia finges--tip veil. Sise woe -, pearl (1 n1eck1Lace and cars-led ed )rOses ai d1 k Mr.Clifford Terrili, of Oshaw-a, mats-on of isonos,-,was in a blue floor- iengtbsiseer 1gemwl)withis a round neckline. Hes- flewes-s were mise rosesW and cirysanthemlums. Clifford Tes-- rijl mas bestin-ais. Afler a roception aI the home of Mnr. mnd-Mss.- Tersill Ms-. and Ms-s. Mlyles lefît for a wvedding trip 10 N-es-li Bay and distnicî. For travel- ling tbe biide wvore a cnsyyeilom Iwvo-piÎce wo sult with browa acces- sos-les. On- bi relus-n tise Couple %vili live in Bowmian-v-iie. C Newcastle Wins a Coun-ty Shieldjo Inýcompl-eted totals for -ie q915 Vic- tory Loanýi in Durhlamn Coun1-ty, soe ,$2,819,1111 subsc,iled te Cnnpda's greates;t VicIes-y Loanaand il is liJkely tisaI wvhen al retus-ns as-elaibis hi total will ba inc-eas-ed nsaterîally. Tise Village of- Newcastle avent well oves-tlie top t mwima tbe counly siield with a t-otal of m1300 bl 'Glaskw- Townshbip sales ansouit tb $ý253,000P, or 126,% of thse -jective. All districts in Durham went over thse top and maugmifceni taIais are- Sang up ais e owntsbip of Cavani and tis the ras of Port Hope anid Bowmanvill-e. Thse lown of Port Hope rsaised lise greatest total oves- imag- iiied, -r il]inroughly $.0.0 and tise Nationaol -War Finanice Coins- mittee for the coulaby- is very proud of tIse aecord of tIse citizensadte diligentiperformace of tise salesmien1. Young People's Union Tise Yeung Peol-e's Union of Pairk îStreet United -Gisus-cI met on M1Uonde-y eveniing, Novessibes- 121h, witis lise -Fellowýsip Convenêr, Aima Ensos-y, lai charge. Tise meting opened wvi th tIse ree-dinig of a poem "In Flander's Fields" by the conivener, follo-wed by a hymma. TIse convener lisen led! n prayes-, followved 'by thse seriplure reading, assisted by tise memhiers. The presîdent, Ricisard lTstn thie ronrhcted lise businless noed ho0ckey --,jjd coached- manýýjy Lago-od whicisms leam, and tisnough ti;islaeiseStbass-dng"D made many friends fa-r and wi laendered by tý ,the sporliing monJd. 'HoestiI takes-ailand rcpeating reat deliObt ia fishing -tisough hIistie-ein dodtos- bld him ito it on h is ve-a-is An invitatI and take' life easy. BFe also took a !)oYS and gil- greal intereat lainboys sports anld ma's 10 -worship "'r a gý-d4xfuen.e 10 omn, tjiis1l Seing eC-ornea songa pitibeýiied teOrmiie Ihat he ps-ctisedoayasci b1is s-reigion instead of premcbîng il. e v sisfor -orme lmiany pmos-e happy birthidmys. ____1 . p RED CROSS NEWS At tise Novem -ber- meeîinag of tise Orene Bsnicis of the Canadian Redl Cr',,ios , tIe treasure sr ep d a 'bal- Beciase Ca an'ce onm iand of $170.50-. Mates-Ias been well un have heen boughl for lin lasg fos-res d-es-s ili b eoats and s'orne Isospita1 supplies.. ln 4,.,,, roi ay l Doew-a-s -well tho -convenes.Hma1,25 g lise !bea-dictio)n brougisî to a close. 0f Thie NiaIs Victory Loani was con- eluded oni Saturday, Novem-ber 10[h, wiil irhaCounty again going >ver ils ô iV.~ ooe dvso n the pi eseat C- nf lnpft9fig over its' objective to ttbe- tunle of LI82 per cent, tIse highesýt in, tie couny, \ii ti tIsowa of Port Hlope in secondN o' ac- e with a percentage of 170. It was thought aI one time tIsa, illanke Twsip -udhave a lbard ime 11 make its obýjective, but near lhe end of the drive the residentsa loedown deep and put the township sveri wiy4ý percentage of 127. -Many )ýougý,ht -,rer bonds Ibis year as they have lise whole year bo pay for thse ýame.1 P0olIowiasg is the list of tIse diftfer- ont districts of Durbain County along vils the insounit subscribed: '4A" Hlope Township- Objecetive, 18,0,total to Tuesday, November 13th, '2440 or a pesicentag-e of 113. "A"Port Hope - Oibjective-, i650,sulbscrihed $1,06G4,750, for a pieenlag,,oe of 170. BR" Darlington - Objective, $230,- (00, to'tail 1rised.$,0, for a per- centage of 11,3. "BB" B'owanvîle -ObjectiVe, ;4C;5,00D, aii-oi-iit Lraised $556,850, -for ipercentage of 119. '" Cartwrigbt - Objective, $70,-- ~00, amount raised,$7,90 for a. percentagIa of 110. 1400,aaount raised, for a percentaýge nf 141, "ýE" Clas-ke Township - Objeetive, i0,0,raised 10 date, $-953,050, for a pc-ieantage of 127. :. E"ý New--casIle - Objective, -4>- 000, raised to date, $11318'00, for j, percentage of 282. "F"ManersTýowaaihip - Obcc- N tive, 9, raised to date, $9ý9,7Q, for a percentage of 105. -Combined teInt canvass 10 date, 3,0 applicationis for a total of $2,4fl~0t1; amlhyes,1,825, appli- cainfor a total -of $348,7010. Grandt total, 548.5 applicationis, for tise tetal sumi cf $2,819,00. Tise objective for tise Counity of Durham rý-as pl'aeed aI $2,050,)O000, Seing ovenscribeci by $769,100, for- a total percenlge of 11 8. For a day os- Iro mos-e thesýe telaLaý nmay ho added 'te, as In tise case of Cartwrigbht Tow-nshrip, J. H-. Werry turned iin $17,050 on Tuesday last whielb placed tisat townuship over tlie to-p. Bring Back the Rake 1ae Faîl (Y w s pota-to t -rage lis - t i-i-n non O.,C.S. Literary Society Off To Good Start Paves ý DiWS