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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Nov 1945, p. 3

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Yen WiII Enijey Stnying At m vit1à Bath, .raingannd Dane- swith caharot, ýhe tîa is dad Cla-ve- fe boy 0 the a real ýg On Concrete Hou3ss To, specti up humiug cou- stxu-ction aand te cave labor a?,new Bntish tructurle i l.Ubeing denion-1 strate tan auexhibiton of conre homsesmearLonden at Essîete Middlscx.Wooden frames ,anti lioge nmuds for the wals, mith the llcesaryopeinIge f o Win- dows, doors, water sud gas ppes, te, a-e arected on dteite bY mnea'ns of crier. The concrete îs then peurcd mb t( lisemldetl(t,ne sulting ii 12-incil thick, wahr projof anud heat-retaiuing walls. Thre 'woodeu Iframclesantidulearc, thenrevei by tbc cranecs. The front of thre house is bl of bricks sud the roof is pre-fabi" aet.It is stmed thtth ereotion can bce carried eut, te a great extent, bytunakilleti labor sud - can l eci'uade habitable withlina muonth. Mr. Churchill's Secret Ambiion WinstonCurhl bscufsc lýI hs onc utiattanidambition - ie wasuts le play a kettledrn. Back ah his eld school at Har- reaný foir a sosigfest, with thre 'boYs, Britaini's wriaPrime Minister saiéi "As a youth, 1 aspired te play the kttlcdrum, buit 1I syq sot nmisiay gifct.Se I gave 71p tht amlbition and(, traiiferref-d my apr ation te anether part of h h cschool orchestra. 1 wanted te be coni- durcton." 'Hle dIti't coniduet ah arw but as he explaied: ',Eveuitually, howecr, after a great deal of perseveraurce, 1 rose te be thie coulductoýr of qutite a cou- sîderab)le baud. It was a vcry large 'bauid sud playcd very Stral1gc aniformnidable instruments., is i ar suad thund(er of ilsmui re- scoundeti thbroughiot the world. WeI played aul socts of tunes anti ente up the concert wilh 'Rule Britai- nia, anti 'God Save The King'%" That panicular concert end9e4 he splt he hat corne te Harow loolinIg for a ni(-w orchestra ini whiich, if hie C01u]d1)t be ýconductor, hie wudseltle for a ktidui "Buit you hiaven ,t get, a ketle- The Other Side 0f D.DJ5. 'Story We have a wannling as tethe pos- silrseieus e ffeets eof w!olcsale lise of DDT, the piewpisns insecticide creatcd te kýili tropical inisect hf e '1slud bcg useti wýidcly now luin 1tanrie, says Ithe London Free Press. Frous Chicago, Dr. Cae c ottanli, chief of tlle di- vision of~' i f e ef the Inteior- Depatrneut of Fish sud wili Lie Service, asns DTis ffective aIgaint rnost types of insecte. à is ighily ýfiectivc agains>t flic2s and mosquiocJ.nBt il will kili a Iet of tfinlge w ýe cdo't waunt killecd. Our tuisbsow thiat f ive pouuids per aicre in sa foret will ither iill birds or drive thcns eut-.Mretisafii oneo-haîf pounti per a is dsmnag iug te fieb, tutl'sad fr-ogs,. DDT î,; effectivýe agahinit pollinatinlg in- sects ecsetiàa l i ruit produiction, It is higly effective againisi becs.' Stirein ni Carlton Tel. RA 4135 qiusck slluire ilý relief in1ouli ATALLDRUGG6lSý L25c brgsFAS.T RELIEF!- IF Yeu suifer frensmusulaches o r painsý, and baýve bcecs relying on slow- acting, someht=imsiifective remedies te brinig you a mieasure of relief, Ieam, al about thic nstant i1-ablet-way te fast relief froni si Ppain. You ec fast- acting Instantine tablete aaaklflcomabination of tbree proves inedicinal lugredients, scienitifically cern- polunded te relieve pain promrptly. Chances are you may blie surprised at the speed with wich 1 nsanMn tbet cun brniyoit welcome relief! Youu count, onLinstautîne's triple,-action te work ln these wuIyS te gi ve you fast reief frets pain): 1. Speedily case pain. 2. Praiong relief fiom pain, 3. Reduce. tdepr-essed feeling." Give mld, stimulating "lift." Instautine- neyer pampers pain. but. werke fast te brîng needeti comforh. Re- member Instatine, tee. whenever yeut sui-fefrens adaicle or the discnmfort OI'il or soret hroat. You cas get Insantiîne ah any druigstore. 12 Tahtets 25ý-ubûut 2é, a dose ict, Effetive Reief frona çlmplo Pae CACTS 2 WAYS TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF Now get real relief frein eouglic, soreneas and congestion of brom- chitis-this doubie-action1 wa-y that actually &. p iY S AT 0 N C e deep into bronefii aI tubes with soothing *niedicinal vapers. Ceheat and.. bac]su- \faces lik lite a r- » 4>ing Poaltice. To get all the benefIts of this eomhlned PENETRATING-STrIMILATIOIG action, just rab throat, chest, Sacn k wth Vicks VapoRub at be4tlmein. lnstantly VapoRub goes te work-2 ways at once a s sllown ahove-to ease bronchitis cougli- lg, leesen congastion, relieve muacular soreness, and speect reatful > cemforting sleep. Often by morning inot of thse misery is gone. Get relief fromn bron- ehitis distress taght 'wth dou- ble-action, lune- teshed Vicies Vapo-V~ICKs Rub ... Try it 1 VAOS -rMon.>' Bick For Quiek rliet f rom ;tchi cased by eczeim, atblete's Sot cabies, pisuples suid othierihehinc, JtRE-,eý c00-3NcipTifo.resa eleaand 1tense ilcing. Doni't an tanr. Aak youn duaISX today fer BP. D. D, PRESCRIpTioN. Rhodes Scholarships Resumed In Canada 1 Resump11)Li on fth hoe Scholani ps xa uo :1.ccd by D). cf five yeans, duc teo the wr,20 award le Canadians befone Ithe cuti of tha 7ea. BABY CHictis PULTSPRE PBREEDS AN» yridcrosss'14weeks up to boolçCedPto order. Frac catalogue chnis imiited, FruOntario. WR"ITE SUSSEXýIc", 11-1 NEW FRAMP- sbie, arrd RckWyandottes, Austolope ross hreed]s-chicks, prmtshipmenlt. Somre started. Bray Htcher, 130Joýhn N. Ha- A MESAG TO OULRITRAIS- ara who want to'i makle bigger profits -yoýur pro(fits dAend upon til,('qusýity you produce. Tbtswby lt's su iiiimtanlt Ito stantthe ight way- -the Twed- dia way. -Tweddle GCoverulment Approvad chcks nar moneyfor you tha ýday theylarriva. ecau',se tbey coma fro ni 1 1ch lo-tfeS t ed breer f ko IvaiitUy sud prodctýivety hshaigade- ce dly 1ow motait rta Tey are hrdiclcs aatb ctka -profitaIble hcieiPaar ow for Bu-ropae's ]large manwket lu eggisd poultry int egnto- dy-teTwedle way:0sudlet rane ulltsfor immdiat1,e de- tur toTopNothTop Notch ciits are fillng poultryý bouses wbrvrprofitsra, engsought a3fter. ThaenmeTop Notcb bas coma to symbolise increased pro- fitstointapiigputyrais- are baIi-caseTop Notcb chieks are profitable cýhicks. l'lieTop Noteh eystam oif breediug ieudsthe Iolti'pto dt ehd fpre- seicroisd haudling thatré- quit liin tnad oeu _,n ciek hoetenm An eal"bimn f TopNoc ehickav11e,'t iyou1off ito'a fl- irg ,tait in teEuIro1Paan e gg sud poultr'y maPare.ton't delay write forcou0 fr11 ca talogue t-a.Alan- vn n ready to lIi ulasfo1imdît delivery. Top No h Cicker'ies, Guelph, Onta'rn 25 FREE CHICKS prony of Fondtin ndliet- gisterad ITirda. AlBedr ýý!cod-tes:tpd. Picsfroni 3o to la1yera. Don't elyordeir 510w. Goddard 'lk acinls n tani eighýlts. Ont. 1,11WTLL PAY ITOU TO FTIL TO)UR pans witb gond lynr lay pulleta ;nclW. W cain give immerndiate, daiy n narny pureý breadesudbyrd rsssiAs day nI hik tbd to ode for FPsu deýlivery. Tp lNotchl $7,000 OPTIMIST HOM "MAY BE YOURS"ý ALSO PARTICIPAT3(!1IN $00 monthly Bond draw. Ote risesq Details Don recetpt. Shares 1 î.o0 eacb or 6 for $5,00. Sec-n d for shanes to St. Cathanilines OptiiîsI Club. Box44ý5-R.. st. Cathlnrine., Ontarnio. 110W WOULD ITjOU LIRE ,ýTO 0OWN a 810,00 Hoe, bhuilt to y-ur OWII sppofiflctions wherever you? wib fyo prefer we w11lgiv yiii0,00luVictory ,BoInds. Op- ptutyto win $00~ otl da.Ail proceada, for underprt- vilý,ed elîdren lsud pîsygrouinda. Drwdate - Decamber 31st. 14.Donl't diy.Rc ipt nailed] prnmptly-. San ýd 81.00) for nina ticet 6for$0,r iglt now bt Riwais C 'ilub f Subuy Box 53Sudbu11ry, nt. Monduly Wlna1eri - Juîy - George Plett, Oient B3ay, Ontario: Âugust - Mrs. M. Rn- harts, 1315 NipiFgon, Fort William; Septemiben - N. Taylor, 22 Elm St., Sudbury-,,. Ont.: Octo- ber - Fred Pries, apreol, Ont. DYETNG AND CENN RIAVE VI O NTIGNEEDS dyeing or l'nig rt tous for informantion. WeVP are glad to answepr yniur qetos ea nient I I Paker's.DyWonks, Limiite,,791 Vongje SreTo- routn. C'hoica pure brad YVorksblre Pige, Advnce Raiat l ndilShowý blodîms, otbsexes, priced to BLCR CRLY lREITR E VERS fne Cmins. iaglstered bIl Osaî enel club. E. Brewvn, qt. CailterineiýS.Ont. Before the car 10 scholarships wVere aw1-aI(jd d annually in kCanaUda-, asud flte 10additioual tisyear are te onpnst in part for the w-ar- UirneC interrption-, Of thie shoashp< e aad ed i l and ti baif are rrveti cdfor seviIechre and iiu Great Britain, witl'a.t least eue year of 0ctivceeri ant i of the Io ordinary scholari~l-, Ontario CHl neccive two. AMERICAN PIT) BUfLL ERE 1upis, rgiserd. 1PaI lmereS' et rai n, purpie ribhon sok splendid comipanions end watclb doge. Lloyd P>eel, Bexleyý, Ontaniol. HURON COUNTY, CRHOPPING1 MILL, good niixed farming ares. Diesel engine, baIl beaýring grinder roi- lers xith levtrgoing con- cernJ, quick ossssin. Wmr. Pearce, Realtor Exeter, Ont. EXTRA SPECIAL - 100 DOUBLE Edge or 80 Single Edge Blades - $2,00 prepaid. Whoiesale business invited. Ace Company 3518 32nd Street. Union City, Ne w Jersey. REG. S UFFOLR AR RAM limbe, breed tw-ic e yealy strain. Eaea ýUp to 21à ibF. Lambe at foot and due. lSoýId to Ex',perimant- ai Farmn. Aiso Reg. Rrefords. MvcEennritt Brosz. IRollanid Centre, Ont. ROSEMERE E -11,1NLS PRESBNTS Germaiýn Sehr upeUnited states and Aeia haýmpion- shipbiod ues.13,0 eward BEAU-ILTIFUL SHOPPING Maapa'rcelcrryiuig eay ou m'Ili oeteestrong shoIipping baeofclorful foee rtn ne material or eolid shade leatb- erette. Stur'dy woodanhadls soi t fiannel-finishedling Size 15 x 16 inches. Flow;ered c etoni- ne in biue, roe ntra.Slid leaptherette in hrw. cars of wa.$2,489ac.iou wiil hae proud to arryonee (ven u your, nicetstretcote.Senld $1.00, balance coýliac,ýt plus osag.Ar- roweImit's Deptý. 4, ox 1,Stu. homs. ixo's,18-21 St. Aninle, Monti. FORI AL,"ESERD DOR- set ewes and raýma, unirelated. V. Bartiett, R. -No. 2, ÇanfieIdI, Ont, A4TTEINTION, ilFAýRM1E R S. VFOR Sale: Tractor Tires, marde of rub- ber, suiitrtble for boitin1g on s te et wheeia, 810l.00 each. Whien order- iug etate imeter and wldtb pf wheel. National Rub'ber Co. LTd., 5WiltsbIire Ave., Toronto, Ont. REGST8REDCOLIEP PUPS SA,- ble and white ten weeka ncid rea- snahie. R. Hforton', Scarboro Bluffs, Ont. ELECTRC -MOTORS NEW, USED boughit, od, rebuilt: beits pl- ley-s, brushes. Allen Electric Cn- ~pany Ltd. 2326 Dtfferin. St. Tor- FoRi AL> RUNUCSPRIZE stock cks 8.t00. drakes 8.00. Arhi B Pl H, Rsee.On- ýSTLEFRING WRTEEL 8SPIýNNERS. speciai he'avy duty fortrcos $1,25 postpaid. IanMartin, St. JacoW>e. Otario. SRLSFILES A CMYLTE ET011 50 AsSýORT-j efd1files: from "14;icldn fliat, baîtfroun , rund, s quare, etc; rOugti and smiooth-; at a clearing pieof $8delvered. Re- cupetoo-ls and Mll Limitedi, 1212 Aldried Building-, Montreal, Que. STORE WINDOW PRICE TICKETS Rea;dy foi, your individuial p r ic-es. W,ýrite fonr smpes elly Print- ing, 124 WeliintonSreetWeSt, Toronto. FA11MS FVOR SAL11, FIT ARSTOBACCO ibAýN»1, or )lheýr croe. Cs and hy-dre Iln bouse, baru ad chicIkan boLuse. LLots of wateýr. Apply Wm. Ekr R. . 1,Re, Ontalo. acegood soul,buligprg water Hydotlin, etc. Ap- wvitbl or 'thut machinay ha gýod bar1 g o rcha1-lrd, po ultr y bouses for 200birds. haros, silo, price $7500t. Trm more land elvaî1,lei cmpet bth11r,,om, u'achyvdroý, 10mie fromn LEAR N 1R,\1RDREý SSIfNG 'HE Rob'ertson mthodi. Inforifation Roerso' Rairdresstng ýAcsd- am,117 Aeu Ra TorouIIto. SMALL f, MODERNJiHOME, ]PRIVATE, rooîm, gond! wýges f or cpbegil fonjd of cilre. honle RU.7494 or lwrite "d4rie, SuIthar- land D., Torounto. LINO OPERATORS AND Weha.t, No D.D.T.? l"'cîentlists teL uas ltata1U poud an ceot"itans enlougli fat fer seven cakes of Sosp, carbon, fer 900peneïis, pJ$~lfrlst malte 2M match hefdCilagneS- un, f onee dmos e"Pution tA malte eemeon -ie.d,,nail -Suit- icetlime te hiteasli a chic- knepenlough sulilhlllr t9 rid oe e dcg of flase, asud water te f111 a 10-gallon bamrrel. M ELIICAL BAUMEUEKA 1FOO(T BblDE- stroys offensive odor inistantly. 45c, bottle, Otaa get.D- man Drug Store, Ottawa. ASTEMA WRECKS ýTHIE NERV OUS system. Prevent it by taIking one AZO Tablet a- day. Tt gives Î#mmýe- diate re-clief and gradually ,cears, up Vthe brnchial o dton Lùü0 posItid. Money hackUavran0eed ifhinstr uctions followec, John CampbellcI, 131 KeaiTrno 12. DON'T WAIT - EVE-RY U7 FR er of RemtcPains of Neýuîitîs should try 1DîxonsReeyMu- ro's Drug tr,35Egn ta G ET PREAD)Y FOR W\ N NT E. uldup yor rsîstance wi;th MeriisSytem Tonic 11Tablet (ýS. Caain favor1ite fior forty y eatre. rom your dugîtor posýjtald$10, fom Meri liPo- du,,ctaý, 98 Silvrrhch Ave. Toro- in ihumain,, aiI ge.N,;ouoelimn un!Why not!find ot ifti is your troubiile interesttn prtcu 1l - Free!, Write Mlee' ery -sufferer of Rheumatic 'Pains; or Neuritis eh!ould trye Dixonis }tmdMunro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. M"1AHINERY ANDI SUPPLIES. DAN KELL.ER EQIPET LTD. FRSALE 1943CatrpilarDI diesel-pcweredý trctr.eujipped with 3/4 yard diggng hcketand angledozer,. This matchine isq in perfect con- dition. Price 85,000. Catepillr disel odel D4ltracto)r vwithLPanChae ylaui amidzr e 92 Price $4.300 Caterlýiar 1oodel JD6 tractor with La ounea agleozr.New Twoc, aterpiI]:ar JD)7tractors. New 19 )38ý. LEquipped with LPat Chote anLe'dozers,. Price 5,0 each. Tliree, caterp)illar 15 tractors only. .A-!condition. Jrice $.30 ach. Caepilr30 equipped ,with la- Piat-hota bulldoZer. Price C.aterpillar '30 equijpt.d wtIb La - Cletrac nmodel 1;D dee-oee tractor. Neýw 19141. EqIppeýld %with hyvdrailc !angledozer, A-i condil- tion. Price $70 Cietra, clodel 3 tracto-tr only, R- bu1lt. quppdwitls starter. gen- erautor, radiator guards wlth rack for slid cha1ins.$800. 1942 Intlernationlal qTDý9,wieag, equipped with Bcrsreanl- gledouzer,, front an'd reair lighits. , rot-pum,,p and raýditor gua;rds. 1Has bethen deivry Pice 5.00 innational TI 14 diesýel 1tactor Car Wood bulldMozer. G'ýond condi- tion. 'Price 3.50 llay City -3 wigasln-pwr ed, mouýtnteid on erwlrs tbckc- boa ony, Good condition, rie $350 0. lFordson Unversl % swing 818 yar1d gssoemouinted o crawlere, includînig trailer for same. Pice $3.,700. Bucyus-Ei lOB, ser>iatlnumber lu 220's 318 yad shovel, 28, crane bo ihdragline Tbucýcet vand backoe.Recetlyrehut. Price P & HRimodl 151). ~yard s;ho)vý and daln.Price $7,800. 8 -11, x 218 tires reýar, 2-11, x 36trsfonit. -AI.l sua. Price FOR0711RENT Fordso Fundo modelA a. swijng tractoýr equippefi vitb aPat Intenatinal D9 agledoze-r, 1941 model, equipiped(I ith uyrs 3:*2Blr St. W. Taronto Phone Ki. )2 OI'PORTNITIES IZ R WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSE1R JOIN 1IANADA'S LAIG-CI GraL Opprtunity.Ler Hairdressing teým. TIl1lustrated ctlge fres. Wieor caîl MARVL ARDESN Brnces 4 ing St. RamiItou, &74t ida ret ttawva. TIME TESTEJ> QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your filmrs properly developed and DTD YOTJ KNOW that M'a7xwiell Ilou-se Caffee is 'Radiantastd oça. 0-f 0îMs partiularly fine cofee kd. TryMxwl Ilo us e! PHOTO CRSMSCARDS 12 FO(,R-C,9 c Select your favo unenetve n senld to lis.Wel retu r 1-2 pi nlts moun )iited on attractive,, emboSsed greoeting carde, with envelýopesý for iiing for 69e.'he nmoa oig!inal greeting cards yuuoulcanget-thie kirtd your friends vIjl ! eap -- carda thal men on lactive service atýIihome and overse-as lile to at Ore enrly. < hoor(-"o alne for 25c ) STAR SINAPSHO1T SERVICE ",your, qua1ity in ceolouriing alid de- veloping is xeletvriLee s aeus- our seri i prompt anid gur- it thecolouried eireel u Christmnas crs ou rcafor sucb wuaity work jýare ral cn Size 4 s 6"in 4"eut 6",Esse Y-oU caminiae nla ii remntps 7coxo- Burnisbed Gold or sîlver, Crasa Walnjjjut or Blaýck buy finish 59c; if elaýrgemenit colourd Ic Priint your rname anifd address pilain- ly on a1 i orders. FRED A. BODDINGTON f>I YS, selle,, exchanges musicail Ins.tru- ments, 111 Chni'ch, '~rno2 FETHEFtSTU'NHJAUGH & -COMPANY Pateýnt Slctr salse 18 901:14 King \V estTor ontu B3ooklet fInora o on e. WIN NER 0Fi PLYMOU'PH iCAR1 draîwu at Port CîoreOctuber %3il Ivy Bicle,'ol'g c, bondoni, Onti i, Ticke,-t N.19402. I'S A MHiT DISCRRGED ETS! 11 STAMP, collactiug yoor obby? et baIci IinIthe grîve! Sen:d todaýy f6i-' our personal pr'ice iist. Ail you do ta list the- numlbers of thoseban sosin your Brijtisýh colonials and e make 11p)yorindviua pric"e liet. Eeysapis pie fatrly7. Apoasas fdsrd No olgto.Ma1il ouly. VWvritfe te EHa,84 Corbett Ave., Toroento DER EADS 2MOUNTED'rl, LD8 Hies tanned into gplove leather, wealso buy DPer Rlides.ý, Shesia skins tannied for f1001- rugs. Bear Rid*,es tianned ndnidaintoru. Foxes and Furs dressed and madle Into saf.2PEl Street, Toro)n- to, Oliver spauler CO,. btd. WANT RUEIN VLAGTOWN or higsiway I reýfer with lithoe land, $700 te $17'00. Give descrilp- t ioný,l, price etc. GoreDrummoufi. C)wen Solind. 's J" N t- N N 1. v t-, t- t- N 't

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