ORONO WEEKLY TIJ LESKARD ýinterested la thiese servies- to hear J I E KAR wee peasnt epotsof th-is nature. A aivi rs. R.,ý ,ý2r, l ifelesçs homr, spent in God's h'e ,, ùýfor te week-end. ýMrs. M. Cole left on Monday to Corne out this Sund(ay and dIo yourý r')àdtewinter in tecity. prttob htn your own village Mis, P ad MssN.Mainos ce.Siay lhello, to your neighbors, ~ontyoolvsitd r. ndMrs' . ak;e an interest in the sermion and ~uvi1 hiingthewek-ed.brother, GIVE withi the hymns. We are ail srry to hear of thle i-11- Hydro Meeting axse of Mr. Wmi. MeDonaldti 's 1 Thie miners of the Hydro, commit- biopeti he xiii Le oui and around tee met ai Mr. J. J. Mellor's-homne on a gaîn beTore long. . Mna eventing,' just another inci- iVis. . . Amston,ofMori-dent of' Mr. and Mrs. Mellor's kind- ugwas a visitor here thiis weeký. ness and continued interest in the Leone spent some timue with blercomniy It was deided ihat mother, Mrs. L. Dav.ey, and iso with ,nwsvh.a atowsie or lier sister in to'wn, M-\rs. E. Dent. aos tar ay ýs the capig o unt A few of thxe people of the village lacncerrned. The village and tihe have mnet the Snydier fatimily whw h) ave distict around Leslzard hasý been receniiy liought the George T'hompsoin divided into three sections, Earl Du.- place. Reports are ail very fa-vorý- val xvii contact those interesied --j able on the ne'wcoimers. There is ai1- the village; H1arry Davey the wesi so hope for one or two of our- la rge and souih; B<ib Chater the norih an'd .rop of bachelors. Yo11 wiii hveailleast; Mrs, E. Syer anti Mrs. L. wlvnter to prepare your campilaiga BoE(ume( wili keep the records, of the boys. 'They woat e down till May famoilies caileti upon -and,' their dona- lat, Bob slys. tions'. and w*e hope this -wil1i take Church service bvi e at thr ht i hi re The coenmiitee oiokin fthe ailroo n uda ias as is objective ihree hundred the 1 sth. 'o4rtf thosce reeat lasi diollars. 'They f eit sure ihat ià was sýervice have rmirkdo the cheery beiter to have a, comleieiy separ- The World's News Seen Through TIIE CHRISTIN SCIENCE MONITOR An Internationai Daily Newspaper 18 Truthful-ConstructiveUnba,;dFre from Sensational- iii» - Edit oriels Are Timely and Instructive, and, Its Daily Features, 'Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make thse Monitor an Icteal Newspapèr for thse Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $1,0Yeariy, or $ 1.00 a Montis. Sa*urdav Issue, inciuding Magazinke Section, $ 260 a Year., In-troductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. SAMPLE OPY ON REQUEST aef tifor this, anti al of ih us1et ilests rwý-jlhMr. 'surp fluosv r,, , and e hix th ere is ar then ihe extralmoney i- ibue mfuithler rpaste tuie churcbi. Thr- ,omýmiItieewasof tie uimiousý opinion i the generai fuai sbould be usedl for ihe upkeep 'of theu seriTce and not for Éihe spcIaI-work ofre- vatiug the buildfing. We h-ope a great' interest-i xiililbe taken in tibis project ai oaiy cons.-tructive criticîsmn given. Mes. S. Patton le vislting lber soný i n ' O s h a w a . 1 i i i g i T o ( i L 'Mrs. D. bow l isinglTona for a f ew dayýs. Mr. anti Mrs. Milton Robinison ae visiting in Torouto. Miss Clara Seens is vsiting with ibler sister, iMrs. Reg. Eliioti. Mr. Roabert Hilditeh Iis visitiag xith bis parente, Mr. anti Mrs. T. 1111- ditch. Mx. Georige Mexcer is visîing at the home of his parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Mercer. Mrs. Wlbert Henry anti tiaughiter were guets ith Mr. anti Mrs. Ceeul Glass over Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. anid Mrs. Roy. bittie on the birtb af a bab)y boy la Bowm',auville Hospial. Miss ' Allie Cooper visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper anti Mrs. A. G. Darliagton this past week. Mr. Joe IMartineil returneti from bis hunting trip, brinigin'back a'deecx and repoxteti bati wcathex for huai- iag. W'e age isorry to report that Mr. Blake Alexander le on the sick list anti hope he wili soon be restoredti t heaith again, Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mrs. Donald Oke on the birth af a baby boy at the home aof ler parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Hoy. Mr. anti Mxc,. M. Lenit, af Toxouto, ant iMrs. Vaaderburg, mnothier af tht latter, andti Mrs. E. Peilkey were TixÏee as een an ep)idemïie af ai Wm. Rbn nalrpataipn anti4 sufîleiaig painifulreuts A\t 3Miss G(rac!ie ecrU ita paty on Sturia , NoveuIber bh the guess lcltei ss J unie, Inez ati Rth Goriu, Ruth and Margaret Jaceksoni, Joyýce Burley, Joyce ýLow anti Marloni Whîte. ThIix,- teen candies were oni thebitia cake andtihrerere manîy ioveîy gif teý. W. A. Supper and Bazaar The W. A. suxpex andbazaar 'whicb iwas hel(.itilathe Oranige Hall an] November Sth, was a grieat succeese. The proceede amiountedti o sometbing over $170. A goodi cxowd turniet ouit. After everyoaie hati pariaken of sup- per, the bazaar was apenet isiplay- iag a finie variety of swigai nov- Clties. Three [keautiful quilis were auciioneti off iby M1r. Miltin Robinsori as aiso was the bkn anti a few ar- ticles lefi aver froux the 'boothe. Great credit is due ta the ladies whio work- eti sa bard ta mkethis evea-t sucb asuccess tihe procceets tram iwhich are toaî aiiiaretieeorating L, e churcli. Farm Forum News The Faxm Raio Forum whichwa heiti ai the homte af Mrs. Chas. anti Arthur Thom]psoni discusseti the ques- tion "'Whai changes ini the xway aux- ternIi shfouiti ake ilu ihe nexitewcyearsV' 'Sitidfer-ma lie sI-nalier or -larger? ý Manly opinios for ai 1ega!nistwere g 1iven. Wî,th moreyina- Schinery useti on the fane. a larger t axux coult ibe opereteti. Afiex thej discussion was ondeti a very appetiz-. ing lunch was provideti by aux lias-ý tees for the -everiug an(d a pleasanit ievenin'g was broug'hita a close. The . next meeting xiii Le heiti on Mondani evenîng,,, Novemnber l9th, ai the hoYnt m to Mxr. ant -iMs. jF. stoker when Vve cvii ear xvhat the Forumis say about t armig. I ______________________________ I _____________________________ I __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 ber Tli wi dy A, bowi prie( 7r Bý Oid, iig Oro tDur le J.c ed, piek 34, Ne' woc kili' pai ani mi1 ime 5-f' 60C ta- De ,dei ,a Piý coi ti ini sel sil WANTED ivie Poultry and Feathers. Go -od ces paid. We have nogens.M. tt, Bethany R. R. No. 1;Tephn l", Be'thaiiY. 0 p FOR SALE arreti Rock Pliets, five m1onthIs al1So roaisting chieikeasanicok iurnips. Aýpiy ta Ken-nethih His, No. 1, Oonof; Phone 5 r 3. TENDERS WANTED ýpicationjs for r-entai of thie no Rnk for the winter of 1945-40 Ibe received by the Secr'etary ofi ham jjjCentrai A_,ýgricul,ïtural Sclnety, LG. Gasney, until NoemerZth. seven roometi house, double brický- 1h oût waterj- eat n ad batýhroomi-,. ýasailty Iocated, Mdain Street, n11. Appiy Vo Mrs, W. S. ROY. RANCH LAND FOR SALEC, )ne hundred anti fif'ty îacres. Lot 1ConcessionI 9, Clar-ke Townsh'ip. )d. Aýp'pjy AIbýeri A. 11111e, Rnis- en; Phone Bowmanvilie246 REPARS nes, docks; antique furnitue re-1 red anti uphtoltercd. Work guar- ieed. PriceLs reasonabie. C F. DUNCA,ýN Phone 79 r 16, Orsoo C-42-c. For, SALE New Equipient: 14-ich Hanimer il1, Auoiatie Driain-g Bowls, 2½,- i runner bggnSieighs rwith foot bunks, Steeleels i tlh - x 16 rime-i withi skeins or mi- me-iasure, Feuxy Griniers, Que- HTeajter, coal or wotlarge size, ýe. Phone- Cari Todd, mti)emleut eale, Clarke 15-20. 4 p NOTICE TO W. . MEMBERS The raliy on Amnsrtv Lea- 2rsip wil l e heii la Kendai on lurstiay, Novemiber 29th, froni 10 nto 4.00 p.m., -%s1'- Ms Zeta lyes wiil aik n "rogamm anning". Ail meuihers of standing,, Danmnttees axe xirged ta attend. ausporbtaton may Le arranget -roughi Mrs. Eti. Dean. Anyone hav- g roo0 ,1i n their car For-extra rpas- mgers please adivise as soon as ps- Announcig the Opening of a General Repair Shop for A farm equipment including tractors, also overhauling Bottomi part of Flax MiII Building MAIN ST., ORONO S. PYVRA Pr4opriet9r ',heitNovemlber n-Jejm~g 0onFli- thie lth, i tej, _incii Cha.m- at 2.0sharp. 'Une War Wr nittee is3 in charge of the pro.- ime. Visirs areaiasw- le lext mleeting ,ofi the 4ro11 ticultural Society 'wil be edi Saviour'l.s Parish oT-hurs- A good attendance is requested. FOR SULE ifle, 22 Browniý1ng PuLpejjht .5; aisoJhloJ ~InI~Rdo trde for late ni1batr c>. J. E. O'Boy'ie, 0il .a-42L FOR SAL1 tien, Phone 44~ r 2, Oro;r -4 2-P. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIEUWIN VETERfNARPY SURGEON ane St. 7 Oron JC. GAMEY, INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability DANE FOIJND Dietriet Representative for the Manuf acturers' Life Insurance Consuit me for your future Income Plans Monuments The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phionie 5M - P.. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontuarlo Monumrents, Gravemarkers, Engraving,Qodefn TED JACKSONf,%ý Auctioneer andVa at » Coniductq Auctioný Sales of ail Fizui and at reasoniable rates. Communicate with hi= at por* Perry, Ontariog or siee his Clerk A'. E. Morton, at On, for date. J ACK RElIDJ Licensed Aucioneer and Valuator Specilalize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Reasonahie Rates UIP-TO-DATE CAR GorernmentLcee STAN PAYNE'S TAXI Phone 97 r 16, Orono the l6th day of October, 1945, tihe ilst of al persons entitiedte V ote la' îLe said i-ruuicipaIity for- meibers aof parliamieat, cor as the case miay lie, ai Munmiipal Elections, andtitha t such liet remaine there for iiaspe<c- tion. Andi1 hexe{by cal apon' al voteIra ta take immtiiedite proceedings Vo have any. evrra or omissions cr rLctei nccordiag Vo iaw, the last day for appeals being the 30ûth ôay .of Noveuxber, 1945. J. J. MELLOR, Cierk Orono, Novemiber I5th. 1945. Suferers o bieedxîxg aiid i PIESpUdeesliiuid know Buniker-s Herbai Plils treat thEý cause ait he source. Mouiey back id the tiret bottie dioes not satisfy. Tyr- xel's Drug Store, Orono; Melow'e Drug Store, Nexveastle. ý F. LEGAL Lawrence C. blason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMIANVILLE, ONT. Phone Fownhipof Clarke VOTERS' LIST, 1946 MIUNIC¶PALITY 0F CLARE COUNTY 0F DURSAMI Notice j,, Jis h e I y givea thai 1 a-ýve conpiied - xvith Section 7 ao! the Votr-s' le-t Act, andth iai 1 have eeited up In my oietOronpo on S TUTJR ý office ONTARIO ,OR-ONO