NO WEEKLY TIMES. TBURSDAY, NOVEI on Tues( 'wl ith readil thl'y, 1,Â1~. mi~ Thch mus las, cbap- t meetiag roîl gave a or a belle- Mrs. ~of aire ele( Priesident, dpîlt, MiE. Wm. Ahir Wanaanl; er'ford; or toi. Mis. citizensnîp )scec, 'ira. vM'n. Allun. W. A. -Meetingl Uhe W. A. meetingl followýed with -übe presidenlt, Mis. Wm. WVýannun pres'iding. Rev. l4lttlewood cpened the meting wth prayer. Byma l502. ",Whati a friend we have ia Jeans". -waa suag, after which the 233d psalm- was repeated in iinisori. After- tire re(porta ad'busliness m ere dealt withi ilev. Littlgwý,,ood took charge of the election of the alew' officers Presi- dent, Mrs. 0. Chapinan; las vice- presidea4, Mis. . Allin; 2ad vice presd, Mirs.K. Sirackileton; te, 'Ild cor scUk s . S leto pre. asscmrs. We anan; fina -1 cia, Msc. Mrs. R. A ý L; tresure, tee, Mrs. n.iRuhod r. Wm. Cochrane, Ms.J, Bigelow, Mrs. C. larrîs; eioal comimittee, execu- tive in order naied. Th'le meeting wýas c1osed with the mizpah bLenedie- tion. Mfrs. Youmanis spent a few days. 1last week ilaf Toroiito. -Miss MarVon,11101e),R.N., Bow-1 maiinville, speat a few days with MI-S. M'm. Wannan. Tclhe East G&oup had a quiltin 'g jr the hasemnent of the cue Friday CAR-B 0F TIANKS M r. qnd M1rs. Percy illorgna wish to thai*nI their friends and neighbors for the cards and flowers; and espe- cnally thaiking Dr. ýMeKeazie, also Rev. S. Littlewood and Rev. D1ewd- iiey for their visits to thre hospitald. The Vocational GianeClassa of Gradles 9 -and 10 of Orono Con)itinua- tion Scirool ai visit to) the Mle tallic Art Prýodue(ts facitor-y on Mn day, Novemhber 5th, aid were shoxvn hruhtire factr by -thie genlial managr, M. Ed. Neilsoa. 1le so ed thee pupils tre, diýffreait stag-es of thje manuifacture of brassware, alum- iam1, and woodwork, u. as mould- inig tray~s of bjrass and the maikiag1 of manyii othier articles that is benigi done ii his plant. Thea on Wedaes- day Mr. Neilsoni paid a visit 50theti school aad againi gave the pupils a talk on 'thre vork thlat they had seen bei n nenufactured a Licouple of day's previous. Differeat places will be visited iii the towai, and the cildren will write essanys an these demoýnistra- tions that-they have viewedl. "The Crusadle For Christ and HisKingdom"'ý AN UiRGENT CALL FOR CRUSADERS Corne to PARK STREET UNITED CIIURCH('l Sùnday, Novemnber l8th AT ILO0 A..,AND 1HEAR D-R. W. IP. FLETCHIER. of St. PauI's Church, Bowmanville Furrmer Pastor of thé Christian Church, Orono I RED& WIII TE S TOR E S Catelli's Ready-cut Macaroni.,'box Chateau Cheese, 1-2 lb pkg Diced White Beans, 4 lb Crother's Sodas, lb pkj Aylmer Green Pea Soup, 2 tins Wheat Flakes, 5 lb bag Junket, Permet Powder, pkg Oxo Cubes, large sie Dr. Ballard's Dog Food> tin Green Peas, dehydrated, 2 Horn's Pa an Bea Hore'sPe: ad BanSoup, Pl 12c 20C 25C Ise 19C Ilc 15C i:gs 19C kg 10Oc Fresh Carrots, 6 qt basket 29c Juicy Callifornia Oranges, 288's dozen 29e Veal, hQned and rolled, lb 29c Fresh Pork Head Cheese, lb 25c Rump Roast, lb 39C Pure Por'k Sausage, lb. 28c CORNISH'S Mr. and Mia. W. P. Burne(.tt ïunid Mias. F. Taarblyn attended th1ean- verauîy services ut fHamîrpton onl Sun- day last. At tire eveain'jg serVIce, the Kiag's Quntette, of Toroato, hield anr e'vaagelistic song ser-vice mhicir mas greatly enj-oyed by tire large oangre- gation which fiiled trie chuir 1t. ca- pacity. The quintette ossed c six miea singera, m iti treguitai as accompaimeat. s. PARK ST. ~UNITED CHURCH k, S. - tlw o On Saturday aigat lat Tom Ham- iltoai i 'id lis troupe of artilsta frein ________________ Toronto, under the auspice- of the 'Oddfeilowav' Service CIub, -gave a SUNDAY, NOV. l8th vaiety programmle in -,'hle toWal hall Crusade Sunday 'which mas fairly .- pl patienized. aiii~.-I5Vorshiip. There -vee musical an ;e;,27leght R'ev. W. FUtchpr, cf St.if- of hl'and trcIekS, Punch and IJudY So* anýrrçBowInanville. and comedian. Tire sho, teuk 2.0-ÇuN rSchool.T good la 'pýats, seem»ed te lack peop and failed te hold tire interest of te7.23O p.n.-JWorship. spectatoîs. ;Net proeeedsa ameunted Tbe Minister. to $1.00."He iro guides thr stars to 1900.binda' up,3tire broken hearit". 'Gaine Wuardea J. T. D oel fm Millbrook, aad W. Henderson, of Tor- CFO onto, 'were ln Orono on Thursdlay lest________________ with a consigneiit of speckied trout eonsigaed to Dr. A. F. MeKeazieO Hunt Club, 'Owing te iis absence o o Ti h p Ormie Gumsb-y wus placeedla charge of the saine and su-w to 15 that they were placed ila asitreamlan tire dIs,- tîict.- Thiamas one cf tire best con-li i ds f éignmnents ever reeîved, tire fiah A lL n s o ail run'ging from seven to eigirt ia- ches in lengtir. uieanuarber -of oui buaters 1have lub n journeyed uway la quest cf (deer. la thre Mercer Hunt iClub fromi Kendul, llHairy Mercer, Biuce Goode ad IHec- S oi Bowen accompaaied tbem. Drý and ý'McKýeazie, Wm. Watson, Gordon WatonMir. Vrrii aid n(,d Wr. Cornisir are iruntiag north of SmeihCoaish wre a ire Bal n c Hoftt'n SaeiSyCrir Fall.' Madiii theull aadf district itir a nuirbet' froill Neme_,as- 11, tire Smo Orono mnen renng irt ý seeiag a deer, /w¶hle Rosa Dic'eensený, of NImcýastl'e, shot R. E. O a beur. -W. E. Aizmistrong-, Georg-e 'Laig, J. C. Taniblyn and 'Sid Hugires PROPRIETOR aire hunting in thre Miadeai district. Main St. Orono Phonie SOnS A ttend Club dan, nei Amateur Athletic e Toma Hall, Orcao, ý'rdday, Novten. b on sale. Local News T HE INDUSTRY 0F THEn '&flYthrt ~fou mreshopm TUT'IFUTURE days ~~ru' unî hlta.FARMING MiEss Gray and ï Banetspen thle past eký l ktn nToroato -$~ n o Miýss K.Poster sp eewe-n wýith1 frienda ,at BanmaMUiATIaNd Oshaa. uy a Tro - We Ranch Them a dMis FlncK !J'l,Torto, WILLA1W iCRErv visited receatly -with Mj r ad Mis. J. UR AUL~ F A AIl Eag'les.oa. Mrs. Jas. Dicksoapn t lst week- C. R. KNOX end with ber daughter, à1rs. Tur- ORONO, PHONE 42 r 2 [ley, of Belleville. ___________________ Mýr i-id Mrs. D. . Hooper visited Mr. andl Mrs. Lutlieï- Hcoper at Ty- ronle on Suaday iast. iMs .J. Ri'-deî spenit Wednes RY A day ýlast with bher daang1her, Mis. J. O l H. Leslie, Peteiiklorou'gb. Mr. Ed. Grham.of tR.C.N.V.R, THEATRE returaied lmeeljIisd ow ,atagfor li1' cjî>:e, BOWMIANV1LLE Mi. aler~irltoAJa'lx, is Phone 589 hack ag-ain at dteWar sýse.ts Plant _______________ helping to --imd up theoffiîce w'ork.ý Mr. and MiUs. Harold J. Awd naa Thursday and Friday famnilyý, Toroaito, were viitng IsNOVEMýBER 15, 16 parent, Mi. anl dMis. C. F. Awde. T EPC U E0 SUndady last. T EPCU EO îRemectoher the W .C.TU. 'Gld DORIAN GRAY Medal Gontest on Noveaibier 3'th, ut -Somnetingi New, Something S .. aPakstreet ÏUnited Suadal-y Differe11t Scblool Vrocm. You've neyer seen aaything- Toam Spence, rîeýeiy aîrived iet homie from O0verseas s- peïît a couplelket of days Skhis week withb bs sister, Ad dShrsCron Mrs. Gordon Wnte -AddSors ato Claîke TowaishipNoitos will and Sport Reel be held lai the Couaî-ci Chaniber, Orùoao, on Satnrdlay, Nvnbr24th, Saturday Only at the hour cf .00p.u NOVEMHBER 17 Receat visitois at thep C. F. Duaýcan1 resideacee were, MiDon. Dunica BLONDIE IN and daughter Shirely. Don- is ex- SOCIETY pected hom-e freiOverseasý any day SunayVisitors w 1tb M. And Ms. KING 0F THE E. R. 'Rainley were: Mi. aadMi"s,' . STALLIONS R.aLor Evelyn, BrLuce n Donaldi,CATO of 'Solina, and MisLena Taylor, of ATO Bowmlanville. Lonesome Mouse for tire Northiua'iberiand anid Durlran Mon.-Tues..-Wed. llealth Unit ads'ati oned iln Bow- maniville. Hie seîvdl theCanda NOVEMBER 19-20-21 Nnvy prior to bis appioi«n!tment. A 'Great Story and a Great i'Mr. Perc. Luniasi nsî1'ý tal-lhePicitire niew forescent lgtn sserininah hard!ware( sto're, w'ic1akes 15 a bâue THIE SÔNG 0OF color from the outside bu when yen BERNADETTE enter th1e store it la ju>t like d1a.ylight. Saru Tirie dance lieldnderth-e auspi;- JENNIFEIR JONES oes of thre Oronro Bard 1on ,Friday, CHARLES BICKFORD evéning of lmst week xas ýwell attend(- cýd. Jack Gall'o'way's 'rchestra sup- Make this a 'MUST ou your plied the inusie ard the aiet enitertajumeut fate profit was ia the neîggbboîhiood cfl $60.00,. AI 481 ce In our modern funerai chapiel the se may be conducted with ail the ignil reverence that would obtai in a chui private home. In addition, the ChapE vides extra conveiiÎknces and facilitig possible anywhere else. F m F. MOC 0R Ri1S (CO0 DURBA'S-ý LARGEST FUNERAL, DIRECTORS wmanville SO- 734 Ticketà ty and irh or el pro- es not Orono 27-1 TOe"WN HALL NITEI )MMiNENCING SATURDAY, NOVE'MBER 3qrdj DAN CI NGO Through the season to the music of your Favorite Bands Admission: Ladies 25c., Gentlemnen 35c. Remnember the Ninth-fluy a Bond!I M M AR MSTRO NG'S Mara sal ila ed fro adl nUo ye $2., MWINTEýR MATS &nce of Wite ats on ie, clearing at $1.98, $2.98 SKIRTS es' anid Ladlies' Skjirts, tWuo1 lld Alpine, pleat- 1and goredl. Priced aOli $3.00 to - -----$5.60 PULLOVERS WoofllPullovers, in ted d blue. Pricedý---$3.00 Children's Puillovers, iu llow, red, bine, sizes 2 6 yers.Priced ut Z.25 and ---------------$2.50 ___________________________________________________________________________________ I - RAM 32c. 2 tokens OXO Large Size 27e INTELAKr.~ TOILET TISSUE 3 molls 25c. EWING'S VANILLA 16 oz, 21Lc EWING'S PUDDING POWDERS~ with sugar Each 10e 1 to a custouter BLOUSES New Bl issn Taffeta Feu- thrFlaninel, Crepe aud Sheer, ilu white, printed and plain coor. ricezd at $2L7.5 and ------- --- $4.50 BOUSE COATS lin Chelile Priaited Pophl, Crepes Pand leather Flanuel. BRNHCOATS luPrifft. sizea, 14 to2. J'riced ----- ------ ------- 39 ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOU1R 24 lb bag 6j9c- PEAS 2 tins 'r 11btin 25c CHATEAUT CHIEESE 1- b pkg 20c Q-)UAKER PUTFFED WIIEAT large 19e. A' A ONIONS 4 lb. 25e, DIGNITY and N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N z, b b N N 1" N N N N s N s N N N N x N