Mvrs. Annéitte SÏnmon4s, 23, bloni-d Irish lass -Who b as had several teSts for leading fem-xnine role in. soreen version of "Forever Arn- ber," lives ini London, She has beenl inarried twice, her first bus- band having 1loSt bis life at sea in i940. STWLL TOUGH HOU)w (an J? n; le caTreov gta ~British NMove Berlin 8yAne ,he TryrubnthorongMjy with 'a Children To Farma 1170, Ci3 1 Ccloth w'runlg out of w'arin soap- .Q.Ho cn rliveacing sus A vr-signIificanit Statcement is musclesand a tireil feelng? Q. IHow ean T mcoos?.,,. mde by a New Yor!k Times Cor- A. A hot Mbattowhjch lis 'Y TO set be l y igren, lave- rndnt hail, Îin regard to ibeCCRadded one cup ofeps ri der, red and purpie, soak in a 1LumI th vatato ro ha rop sais ndtwotale.ponflsof water two ounces to the tu. Elaek, tive pestilential ciY, of 5,000 muetard, isdotn effectie; but grays and dark blue should be hilrefrom four tu 14 yearsOf as a psyeician wil! not recona, Soaked in strong sait water. age.,' say0 te St. Catharinles Stan- Imend tdis for every persan and Y. How cani I InLake pgat a rd. ail condiion, le shouÈd be co- mayonnaise drem-ing? Tlii, wý,riter adds: "hy(h oulhed, A. Add to one cup of Moat~n ay- Broish) are te only one of thC Qj. What kind of utenls naiedesigtotalspos Occupying powers that hiave taken shou!d be used for Cooig CaCfi of fmely chopped olives and Stepsto remove children fromï frtits ? pickles. What may become a plaue centre A. Whii cojýi!jg aplesbeset by famnine andý, so far as isq Wthc ookÎing apples, rklnown, the., are the ON>ILY an ohe fuisus ueSils of A post office worker in the ONES cnemptatng ip., alumiinm, enamel, glass, tor southeastr section of Lon'donI il be remembered that thon- eathenware. must bc familiar. with 6.700 steets sanids of lti tots we;re taken o Ut You'II SElitgain YouiI AItan fOU 6ed O 6->... .. because your Iong-time favorite, WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT Chewing Gum, will be back just as soon as it is prac- tical to guarantee you top-quality and finest flavor. 'Yes, you'll see it again. - yo'lenjoy it again ... just as you used to do. Viri 4e, SOon -' ojbetre in London as , ; traitor is John A-mery, above, son ofd th efo re B ritiali Secr tary for 1 1nda ,eoold S. Amery. He is charged with broadcasting anid do- ing other proIpagýada work for Germany and lItaly during the war.- of Lonldonl during thle blitz daysý. T'ears and heartbrecaks Wer i- nIesseýd a v t atiol,,as]the t 1t1., e ones ientr-ained.Itl diffrnt; Berliin. Trej, joyuný3 ndn as the chijidren are, taken bybu and lorry to the e ;rman jcoutr- side -11)d1placed on fajrm, w itla eaypenialties for aniy Germanl who li-teatsotie of his cags "Suffer littk hihre to contle Ilnto Me for of suIch je tLhe Kýiïg-. dom of Hae"The nicio of the Ma]ster stil hiolde goodwil I3rito.11S Qf-UITE A DIISH Mrs. 'Iillian Ogrodonig, above, of ChcagO tries a little mushroom 1a la mode. The mammothi 23-pound mnushroom was discovcred ini 'In- diana. Wen-de!llWillkie, sculptured în white niarbie hy Edimond QuatI-. troce'hi fromi photos,; us nexbi tion at New York Mvetropolitan Mwuum of Art and will b13p- te- sented later to Mrs. W,7illkie wha commssinedthe ,work. NEVER FORGET - Ma-x, weIl flouse is spr coffee.lit's roasted by iie famous"RdatRa" process, Ih cptr e"very aýtom f odns caffee beau, 11ai hruýglîj. ROLL YOIJR GOWN vWIT CIGARETTE TOeACCO DOT FlMTOPL With Running WVater. NIA GARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION___ PIOULTRY WANTED QUALITY MEAT PACKERS 203,Firet Ave., Tnronto- TRAJTORWILLKIE LIKENESS