"-'Five, Six, pick vp sticks!" What cornes after that?" CROSSTOWN «Take iteasy, ladies! Bly Roland, Coe Tuis la just a piece of luggage 1 a second-hand store!" THE SPORTING THING BY LANG ARMSTRONG sHc' proboLý,y in hr-uîdin his books!" "NOW WHAT?" picked up îa Esy Way To Treut Sore, Puinfllpiles Here 15 tthe chance ,ýror every per- soùn 1hCanIUaaSufteringrom sore, lthnpaiîfui piles to t ry a simple homeï, remie dy with the promise Of a reilabý3ie irni ta refund the cost o!rtM e treatmiit if you are not satlriedwlththeresuits. Slnliy go to aay, druggist and g;eL a atuie otr iem-Roid and use as 1icted. Hem-Roid ls an intern- ail et" et easy and pleasant ta use Ganld pleasirji resuits are quick- 1ly noïticed. Itching and soreness are3 relieved, pain subsides and as the trneataient ie continued Cm sore. painl'ul pietum(zrora 1mai over ieav- ing tlie rectal membranes dlean and b eaithy. Get !a bottie O! Hem- Raidi today and sýee for Yoursei! whaDt an easy, pleasant way this Io ta rid yourself of your Pile MiserY. Nf>TE:FIrese Ponsor 01 tis anotIce lx s ieliable firm. doipg biasInean ID, Caadu for over 20 rears. Il yon are troubled with Bore. ttelling, painÏàî pliesHem-Roid fluastheip youjuRck1y 'or these mall purclîase price cviiiha gkadly refunded. OUT OUR WAY By. J. R. Willîams NICE PEOPLE,Y~OU NkO WU~" TB --iLWS-' LF-T-iTIN TPT 4I i TO CUTr CPOC OR&EM KIt) ' :ýUC H , TN' BAR N TV40w -TRý'9-T0 BORE,& FOURZ- A BAIk.'ANDHM~ IM.CH HOLE WITH SIX *TIAJ BAR.G Aj.Nt LEGsý FOCT OF 'TH, BAR M lH STUCOE * J1IAT' ITr> 100 LONG - - Y- çaw. c- ,c v c-FAT. or, r FUNNYBUSINESS- By Hershberger "think 1It's a Navy ruan carrying the ba Ill'e On tiieSpot Grover Cflehod W'lilmothl, of L paso, Tx. ecnlotified uilthat the exmiin ff;cel at La nearby arm-y baseaked aznw ma wha bis wifes inamle 'ls'lTe fellow, Said h-e duucsn't ko."Wh1at doý, you i ln? udmanded the ,officer. ",Wbat cldd you cal hr" n the p uy said: "Neye\-r hadà 'to she was always there." Yes, you eau be sure of Firestone tires standing uIp te any Practical speed you will ever travel. Wilbur Shlaw, thle famous race driver, definltely proved that for Yeu in an- actutal speedway test. * Shaw drovýe for 500 miles ait anl ave- rage speed of 100 miles per heuir-ont thýe straightaways he blit 135 miles per heur,ý * No'ft a skid or blowout occurred in this gruelling test-equal to 50,000 miles of ordinary driving. ,You miay neyer want te drive atý 100 miles Per hour but it's Mighty comiforting te Imew your Firestone tires have thie reserve strength and stamina to stand up te any demand you could ever make of them. When Yeu are able te huy tires insist on- having, Firestene DeLuxe Champion tires on your car. SREG'LAR FELLERS- And What A Hand! By GENE BY\-JRNES Ilere's a SENSIBLE way OV*.'HM LTr trelieve MONTNY LydiaE.Pinkham'sVegetableGem-ýpound - not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervaus, tired, highstrung feelings - when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the mast effective medicines for this pur- ï pose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions. Try it! VECETSBLE , / Clear As Mud Thie pilot had tkengreaýt pains îo xan alil aboutl-,ii, machine1v 0 Phe prtyyugvstraIthe air- vurposcý of this and that, what' pîlots did 1to meet atulfling wNaditions, anmi -o or. 1He look lt the igirl and smikl. 'owyo11 *AIbton h ng, rplieti the girl. "\Vhat mIsUc h, Stayup? A DeadiHa oîi X ayte uck-,t!a OP'Taking Him Literally, YQUR ORDEkS WERe -ro NWPASSINU O A L , -- A ,, IBY J. MILLAýRWAT T IITE ETOPL AI] Beautifuily Furnished Witb, Running Water. Rates: $1.50 u NIAGARA FALLS C)P POSIT E C...STATION___ e-, SAo, ,nr.pod i ï z7 HE iy eW* enm , Feommo