4 4 4 4 4 4 'Constitution gives the horse langh to. Iis- famooususnShiroiyuki, Hirhit's ors, wichAdmn. Wil- liam "ýBualFl" alsey wanted ta ride, Ne w York vetera,--sns urchased Constitution fromn Cal Th7rompson, Nebraska rancher, and will pre- senit h hm tao lsey. AuTH-:OR ILL H. G. Weils, aboýve, famous Eng- lish authori and historian, is re- ported seriously ll. He wias 7ü last Sept. 21, IN JAPCAIE Foreign VLinster in n.ew Jap C-ab- inet is Shigeru Yoshida, wh-o lias beeni out of the governnent for inany years due to his pacifist view.s. H-e once served as foreign vice-nlinister and also as ambas- isador to Gyreat Britain, COMMANDS DUTCH OPERATION "MUSK-OX" February -1 4 is the jumnp-off date for Operation "Miisk-Qx," the Canadian Arniy's 3,100-mile winter trek across the top' of Canada. Somne 45 -Armiy Personnel and officiai observers will be in the nioving party, travelling in Canadian designed armoured snowmobiles, and they wil be supplied from the air by planes cf the Royal Canadian Payeing 'Em BacEk lates theChristianSceneMoni- tor. Outside the hll ipeople ewere geingintowvaiÏizig,,cars. Two woenincertain as to the nearest bus stop, were- anxiously looking up anid down ihe street, when he wakdup. The nox-famlIiar ser- ve eblein shone from the lapel aisehe ureshuttdits slowcase nlewnecss. "Won't you let nie take you lad- ies home? My car7 is riglit oveýr here." The two wonien hesitated. "So many strangers-people jwst like. you-uscd to give us lifts when we were in uniform. I'd ÎLîk to pay 'em back." The womeni smiled, nodded ta each other, and followed througn the fog to thie waiting car. Britain An-nounces Television Progress, woimportant United Kingdom deveopmntsin televisi on are ani- nauncedJ. First, teievision sereens canu now be fitted ino every room in the hý.ouse just as radio loud- speakerýs are fitted. Second, tele-_ vision screens are ta be larger and clearer. GIrcete clearness ini the LONG SHOT WINNER When Betty An» Reyman of San, Dgeio', Caif, was barri sbç wsgivesi about onechnel 1oe tu Surviv~e, She welghed o 'iy 2P ouncn. Noq, vont pg Iâter, :hc looktlke kLittle Mw$ Nealth herselt. 5he'. pictured entb er -mother-, Mrs. Rslpb P.. television picture has beeni achiev- ed by the increased knowledge ot the, use of cathode rays gained !)y United Kingdomn scientists duiring the war. The pictures will also show greater detail. In achieving this, the improved design in trans- mission sets has helped materially, A new device has also been in- vented ta secuire greater acciiracy in projection. This is an electlrical gadget whichmdlat(:es h ih beam from the projetion lJamp. These new developmenu1ts are the results o,' monthis of itniere-_ search hy- British television ex. perts, aided by radar inventions, during the war. The black opal îs regarded as a symbol of good fortune bv natives of India. Air Force. The above map shows the route to be followed, satrgat Churchill on Hudson Bay, touching ini at Victoria Island beyond the Arctic Circle, and ending in early spring at Edkmonton, Alberta, Air supply wiiI shown on the rnap at Churchill, Fort No Oil Found In Deepest Hole The deepeýst hiole in the w,,orld lias reached lbottom at, 14,696 feet after nearly ý two years of dr'iling, and a numb)er of1 P. E,. I. landowners who'd hoped for an, ail boom h lavc' Jettisoned thieir dreanis of wealth down the sha<f t, !says MýacL-eanY 'Magazinie. COni the csitrenigth of reports ý'froml an earlierdri11iing ,onlGovernor*sý Island, the "threc-mile hole"' was begun on Th1anks,;givinjg Dayv,1943, on a man-made Island of logs, rocks and conecte in HIilîshoro Baýy, near Charlottetown. Jnterest. ,continent-tvide at first, waned as nmonths grew ta years. One day lie carried on trra bases Smith and Fort Nelson. this Fal City Service Company, Ine., began dîmnt n heir equipmient, %writiig finistaan ex- periment eievd uique i the p- Contributed by DAMES BLACKA"&" HORSE BRWFny 1- e ON HlM @qS a