-il IULE TALKSU. Meat Mters Are XOU trying bo buidget yor meat 'ou1pons 1w allowt for a? spec- lai occasion? Have gacstsý upset youIr mecat cacltos for theý ~veDor'twory say the borne '2 .colnists Of thet Dominion De- partsfmn of Agricuiltu-re, serve uii- rationecd meais such as kidsliey, ox- tcoqs ongue or heart Houe are Fsom3e excellent wUays te use tbem11. Braised Oxtails 2 Ibs. oxtails, cul. lu pieces ei cp flour e"Icupfat 1~cups ýhot, vater <, i teaispoo sait 34teaspoonâ pepper i teapoOlicelery 'Sait 4 woue clove Piece oýf bay leaf 4 niedium carrots, diced 2 smiall cionu, chopped Wipe. meiat tri off fat and rol pieces of oxýtail ln flour. Saute in the hot fat MAiti well browned. Add wvater, tomr-atocs and seasoni- ng.Cook 5 'minutes, stirrin vieli. Pourr mbt a casserole, cover and bake in a slow oven, 325'F, for I ý2 hou-rs. Add veealsand continue bakinig, coeefor M houir longer. Uncover and ýook a aidditional 1/ boury. or mntil ma and vegetables are tender. Six ser- vings. Kidney Creole 1 b)eef kidney -2 tablespoonis flour 34teaspoorn sait, Pepper /4cup fat 1 large oni, minced 1i mediumi carrol, diced 1 mrediumii potlo icd 1 % c-ups tomalioos 2 cu-rps boilingwae IVS teaspoonî Worcbctorsbire or ûItier spicy sauce 6suices toas"t Remove fat tubes and moem- '.é brane froi 'kidniey. Suice anid dredge mîth seasned fur. Bwn1 in bot fat. Ad(d tomiatoos and j waler- and allow 10 Cook slowly for abut i our. Add diced veget ables andl more wý,ator if necessary aîdcontinue coolting tl, veget- 2bles are tender. Serve on toasti Six serviga. aoiled Heart W tc cover ,f easpoons sato1 each! quiart of w"ator uisod i Ca-rrol 1 large sprlg of parsely I bay leaf S bladepepecon Remoý,ve, veins and arteries fr.on Iieart using scissors, and wasbi ontU ,l booughily. Cover woi water and, 5i iImor wffth seasonling for 2 10 '5 hiours, or util mneat is tender. Ser-ve hot wýitbI Raisin Sauice. b~T:Allow onei lambil or smlal pork heart per perron; ont aver - a1go calf's or large pork beart 10 serIve two; one average b)eef becarv to, serve six. Raisin Sauace 2 taýýblespoconist inegar i taspoojn onion juiice or a utfle ~ cP s sesne tock from boled hecart j tablespeonsfou 34cap brown sugar 34 cup raisins Add vinegar anid onlion julice te 134 cups stock and beat Mix f1u~adsugar and blenid in re- niaining 34 crp stock. Add grad- lially 10 hcateýd stock and cook, slirrîing constanIjtly unitil thick,-ened.: Add raisinis and sïimierc! 5 inutiles. Make(:s appro-ximiatcly 13ý4 cups British Report Hitler and Bride Died, Together Evdnesbiowed that on Apr-il S21) HI>iler and Eva Bran ýwre niien lu bolifbproof bunk111er of The Quality Tea T EA DARK LICHT NLNGC HELEN TOPPING MILLER CHAPTER VIT At least, Gary b!Jld bimsef lf in te m1-orning, 'he lbad Ib1is day. Tbe -sun' wvas golden; thie prairie blazed withi blooin. Adelaide sangý softly as she drove, and scldd very vagrant dog and jalopyý driver that Slowed down b ler skiminiiifg speed. Gary saït back anld heid bis bap- pinless close, keeinig ilenlce lest il buirst beforo biis eyes liko thIle rani- bow buble tba~ l was.2NO nMaI- terwatcame-ble lbad Ibis Cday. They biad luchat a utile road- side place before ithey reacbied ibe cityý. GaryI had somre miionieY. ie inlsisted on paying for thec lunch. ,'You bunit tie map, Gary. l'ni goill n1 buy sone ats," Adelaide anounlced, when tbtey hiad lefIt he Cai' 11 o"belr, you bah.veni't sîruick oul yet,"warne'd G'ary. "Oh, but wje wil." She was cool- ]y conifientii. "1li ait in the car ià I finish fiirst." Adlelaide bhurrîed away. She feit exi aled nd ade over new. Adelaide was feling sober wben sle enl back1th- le car and found Ga ry, sigting tre, suyig the mpthjal wvassprecad across bis '~Put tat awa,lsbesaid abrup- tly. "oeo Idntenthuse about oil, Ii minute" "Wbat biappenied? Did you get "Gary, there will e bcinllgs like ibiat-if W e s trîike ýoýi, won't "One ou eil onlmake you ricb. Are althese things ,yours? ho asked asa boy stum led p witb an11 armlful of 1bunies. "HavNe irn ipuit tbeum in the rui- blo I didn't libuy so very muitch. Julst a few tblings needlbe haad a coupleofCdresse. tlbouIgbt waiy eeso tourhly. jusI because sil(- ad bouglittre haIs was ino reaso iwby ary sbudbe e anid sueont for fifty miles. Sie gewa utIle snap- "Yu'e ot îerribly entertaini iig, are you? I culd biave b-rouight a -woodeuIn ldian atlong aftlrail, it's spinig and alilthe little floisers are bloointg." "I know i's sping," said Gary, not lookînig at ber. -And ini Mex- ico i's sommi ler." "I tb]iný lç," ssaid, grimily, "thial you are being výery obstinate to keep taling about Mtexicoi, Gary Tliman. You knolLw wbat a big innoceýnt Dad i,,. If be sets bis hiead,,about tbi, oil business hbes goinig t10lneedlsornlebody.", "He Car irre u o n!ili. 'Tle buishes are fuît of te. "Do you bfave fo be niasty?" de- m~ddAdelide,(ý red spots ridinig uip imi her cbee-ks. "You cold biave talked al day and inot said ai thîing like ha. ;I'miisorry-. J'in lot lbeinig lasîy. I'm impiîly facinlg tings-ais lhey are, Adelaidoe. If- I bave anyv in- fluenice 1with yvour fathier at ail, l'il uise àI t ry tb persuade him not 10o wildcat a weli down, if il turns ouI that there is oul under bis land. Hieeau, lease and keep bis royailties-aiid let somcbody e lseý take ail the grief." "FIe won't do il. He'll be ex- cited and want 10 go after the oul hiimself-aud tben just anytlîing can b appen. Don't you like us, G;ary? Do't you want to stay?", "4Great ýScott, Adelaide- don't you kuow I lîke you- 100 mu ch? And do you know bo'w 1mu-1 mioney I've got at this momnt?"Lý "I canii't see0 whaî differenice that "Il mnakes a differenice Io me,I bave cx-aCtly forty-one dollars3. I paid oveni a tentbi of wbat I we your fairilynw" "Omy bevnsure you stili tbiinking about ilb Adelaide de- manded. "Certainly, 'm tbinking about it. I'd be a beel if I didn'Î tbiuk about Il. And as for tbinking aboub-any- tbing else-"2 "What for instance?" "ýA lot of things." Ho looked sraigbt ahead, witis bis face set and a littie pale. "Thiugs. I can't talk about-and can't even dream abouti" The geophysie crew arrived on Friday, and Mona Lee thoughb bbem a. particuiarly grim and un- friendly, lot. They said uoîhing ex- cept pole evasions; îbey treatedý Gary Taliman wibb' condescenïin and Harvey they ignored il!h took to amping around the- bed- room at Énigbî and akig 4'"ýItia't gel a tbinig eout of 'en. I don'i: count. Tbey go outhttere and mionkey arouud and got imb their car and drive off, and nover even, look back. l'ni just tibe guY wbýo owns the land. rni the fol- low who pa,,ys Ibeir bis. I've got a niotion Lü bire sorne rigger-s and ptnie a well down any3way. Thiose guys can't se0 through the grouind. Tbey'vo got 10 guess- same as I have." (To be continuod) Future Fash ion: Dresses of Glass A United States Sonate omt tee looked mb othe future recontly ýand saw: Women parading Cie avenue in spun glass or alumînuniiii dresses, accompanied by genîlernen whose non-shrinkable, neper -to-be-shiny serge pants bave a permanent cease. Homes ,wibb windows of ïinsu- iated glass thiat will clthe be eat bil 50 per cent. Patstel coloured glass kitchen Neon 1igbtning mAros. Bread madý(e fromn sea waîer. A 1f e preseýrving quilî 10 take along on seýa voyages. A meaia cow that burns ont mlk and fresbý1 creani from a mix- buire of waber, dried skimmed mil k and butter. Soybean sboe soles, slapped on at home and sealed wibb a bot flatiron. No foolin', said a Senabe Mii tary Affair-s Stib-Committoe, al of Ihese tbings are in the works. They are part of 839 new devel- opmonts' the commitîee listed in a 19-page printed volume about wartime technology. 1 How Can 1? Sy Anne< Ashley g, Hw ca I emove !perlspfr.. A. By mIixÀing one part of oxalic acid 10 lwenîjy parts of waiter and applying ,withb me ibuh Q. How eau I dlean ligbt furs? A. Rub thorougbly mbt the furs a mixture of 1 pint of f lour, i tablespolSuful of fles earbh, and 1 pint of bran. Shako welI ansi iub again with the bran alone. !lhon' shako and brusb wiîh a sof t dlean clotb. Q. How cao I prevenit ices and jellies froni sticking 1the itmoid? A. VWrap a bot clotb around the .1eliy mold l10 make the ices and jellios corne ont witboub sîicking. Q.How cao 1 easily cdean wh0ite paint? A. Water in xvhicb o-nions bave been boiied is said 10 akean excellent cieaner for white painl. Q. How cao I loosen the diet in cloblies, and aiso mnake îhemn whiter? A. Pour a few drops of turpen- tino loto the wash houler and mî wîll help boosco the dirt. A spooniful of borax in bot waîor and thoýn added to the lasI rinse water tondi bo wbiten ciothes. AIso remember that clotfhes dried sowywil be wbiter than t hosedrequcy Loso 1Novemnber 25 Chrîstians Working Together in the Commnunity.. John 17: 20-23; Acîs 15: 22-29. Golden Text We are laborers together with God. 1 Corinîbians 3:9. Christ's Frayer for His Own John 17:20.-Our Saviouir in His beautiful intercessory prayor, on the ove of Calvary', lbas made. loy- ing supplication for 1ihose wvhû bave beiieved Hms Word anïe- ceived Hum as the Son of Gýod. Those who bolieve give tbe Word ofCod 10 the world, and in s0 do- ing sunron the wrdto beliiove on the Father and die Son. The Power of Love 21 2 Hee, we bae ithe SaVi- ~nr' prb orandideajl for al! wbo s-udbloe on Hlmii. As tiherc is unity in Ibhe Godbeiad so ouir LordI prayed tha l iheeig bhoa simii- lar unity and onenoss amionIiýlie body of unbelievers. 23.-Il is by the indweliing of God the Father and God the Son who are one, and wbo dwell witini the obedient heart, that bleevers wil] learu ho dwell in oneness and love. When God, who is love, dwells witbin us we cannot but shedj forth tbe spirit of love toward all mon. First Church Document Achs là: 22-29-Here we hrave the first mention ofewriting in the bishory of tlie Churcb. Thée bIter contains (1) kindly greetings 10 Gentile brothern; (2) a srnng repu- diation of thie Pharisaical Jows wbo had gone from jerusalemr to Anti- och and înterfered vwitbý Gentile liberties there, and thie statement that a deputahion wlvho really repre- sent the views of thleJesae Cburch are sent; (3) a fil rcgi tion of the authbrityv of Braa and Paul by the apostIes of tIhe circurneision; (4) a dcLaratIion that circnimcision us iont ncesry1 s vin;and ()prohibitions hc enijo' abstinence from certain pra n wbich bealhtiens indug-1- cd. .oeprohibitions wecre con1- ci.- demanded frorn the Gen- tiue ChIristiaus for the purpose of preserving peace, unity, and so- cial intercourse between Jews and Centiles, and also of proteching covrsfromthe resuits of boa- thoen associations and babils. Blond vas forbidden to the Jews by Levilical law, therefore in churches cornposed of botb Jews and Goutles social and brothérly Our iimmediatie househiold has been reduiced 1,0iîree again. With Partner abie 1o get arounld onýce more 10 belp with ithe chiores and milking it vas bardly neccessary to have îhree men i homeo run a hundred acres. There is stýilia dearth of farmi help 50 il w-,as cer- tainiy, no trouble for younig John tc get another job - anid right ln Dur own iglhborhoo(-d mo, wih suited Ihini finle. Son Bob blas also been working ,,- that isfrm ne until five each cday - tractor- pioughing for one of' our nieigh- bours. And Partner andl1 have, been right into the cieken busi-, nesqs, kiling and dressing a few each day so as flot 10 mak il 10 tiring for Partnor. Evecn at thial il was tiring enough. Pes 1ly don't mind being tired just so long as we get those noisy strutîing roosters off the farmi. "The fe- male of the specios" may be "mnore deadly than the maie" btL at least she is not so insu7ifferab'y preten- lions and vain. To hecar the cock- sure crowing thiat emna.untes from our rooster pe yec uld t'h ink the crazy thing-s were telling the world they wreour main source, of incorne. Theiy lp, of course, but l'mntilngyou twe earn eveCry cent we. gel for our dres.sed chiick- Aiid that, by the waqy, is the o nIy liie 1 like roosters - he teir feathers are off and -in plaice of birds -we have dollaRr biilis. And I arn also pieased when the(,v p the scales aI anyvvhere fromn six t0 eight pounds with firm, white flesh one know-s will make good eating. You know, it is poss;ible te gel a lot of satisfacti on frorn the knowledge that one bas lurnedf out a good product. Raîber a funny tbing happ.ened on one of our c1hicken picking daýys. We had just finished wihigand pricing five birds for a prIivale sale when in, came a îruck witlb ur order of potatoes. Tlhere were fîve bags of thie rmurpbies and thec price for the five ba-gs was a lilîle less than our price for our fiv cikes i said 1 FrIer-"Now, hh brýings in th estrtus? W\ell, ir, w touhtanid ,we îalked, b eb avent gl theani- swer yet. Pa tuer îbiks teeare 100 mlany age ' ose o Jr a definite conclusion to be possible. Thiere are so rnany lis.If ;t is a poor season then potato crops Are light; if disoase aIttacks younig chickens then losses arehev.I if . .. 50 many ifs! But I do krow one lhin - at least potatoes cao 'tcr, and they don 't scratch iii the flower b.eds or sneak around tourost onthe !front doorstep 10 the enarasetof the owner. Buit thon potatoes havt\e buigs - anid itey have to be ed and biýille - [lie potatces TI mean, not the bugs. They must be "rpe"in the spring, "picked" ini tho fail, s.prayed or dusted, sorted and bagged and looked rover caeuy for sigios of dry rot, r;ing rotm, wet rot aid scab. Figuires ca' spply tease 10 myi qutestIioni. Figurets can l 1Y go so far. Youcan't estimate in dollars ad et hevaueo!fcarry- ingwatr1 our chickelis, or the diferen]Ce in oigpoaos i wet 9or dry eaos o ter ou are, frienlds, ïand if 0you would 1like 10 start i anarum t iny, rfamily Vou W1II Enloy ~aigA The Si. Regis Hotel a Fvery "00M lwidh eBatil. Silower aind Telephoneýý. *S ingle, $2.50 up - Double, $2.50 ut). *Good Pood, Diaiag andDn- Ing Nightly. Shierbourne a alo Tel. RlIa15 try thiat onei. Anid 1Iwoufld just Ilove 10 knwthe resit. W. - thlank you very muiich for youir 1k:11d letter -i a just abuit the nlicest piece of "fant mai" hatha conemy way,. YOur1 enicoiurainig coumments wver>c ce- tainlyapprecated à twill give memCh p)J leasure tL1-'10 answer'your leter ronaiy Ilte vrynear futue. shh aso e hpp)y 1 send youtbe linfrato y re- qu1ested. Hlere is aat1oughtthat is wrth cosiern. wslistenîlg to anl address byM.WatrS. Wôod given t o Ithe Cn inClub, Toroni- tion". lie spjoke of thle ideta thiat sceers to be pretty gener2al these days ,f the need cifur readjusýtmerit toliigb retimurn lemo. "Buit" hiesad"ima be that readjust,- Teris omeuingi taisn' thre here is suirely roorn for wentawa as oyscone back te rnsgrw mo, it a kniowledge9 and epeinoflife -and deaîh -- f ar byodtheýir ears andc of a, niature Ii that we, in 'our tinie, will novýer know. Thle imost imiportanit in1dusýtries of thieNtelnsaesibid ing, mlachirier, ,textIiles îincluding rayon, anid -choimical produlets. Housekeeper Wanted c)IL R OMN OR RLE- fined homeule, sn okn 'ond(1itions. GodWages. Fare T'nid. Wrt lating fullI pai- MRS. SAIR, 44, 1dg -HLi iveToronto Relieve T0 provle liw fast Aspirin is ready to go to work, just drop one lu a glass of wvater. "Clock" its dismntegrat- inig action ith a stopwaîchi. Witllin two seconds, you'Il sec il start tR disintegrate. It does the sanme in your stomacli. ThaI's why il stops bead- aches 'o quickly. Gel Aspir-in today! Tihe "Baiyer" cross on each tablet1 your guarantee ' tisaI it's A-.piri. " ISSUE 47-1945 (CHRONCLES Gwendoline P. Clarke N N s- N N N N '4 's, N N N N s ks, N .5 -4' N 4-' N 4- N N 's N N " N 14' k 4.. N. N N N N .4 N N N s' N N N N N '1' N N N 's N '5 Ns Ns Ns 'N 'N. N. N "s -s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N., N