ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, NO)VE'MBER ý22, 1945 WATSON'S GARAGE Phonke 42 r Il ORONO, Ont. The World's News Seen Thurough TUE "CII,'sTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International DazIy NewsPaper iirtam PEitorials Are Timeiy and Instructive, and In Daily Features, Together with the Week;y Magazine Section, Maire the nlritor an Ideal Newspaper for the Hlome. The Chîritar Science Publishiing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $1200 Yearly, or 100 a MVonth. Saeurdav- Issute, including Magazine Section, $2 6C a Year. Irtroductorv Offer, 6 Issues 75 Cents ------------------------------- SAMPFLE COPY ON REQUES1 Mlotor liquipment 'nrivate Ambulance Neorthcutt and Smith Faneraï Dir-ectors and Furnkiture Dealers KINDNESS COIJRTES'Y SERVICE Eouipped te take rare of the modest funeral ant the. Most resnbecharge as welI as thre largest and Most exacting TeW~phoï%e Office- 668 - Residence- 523 and 726 Telephone Colleçt Bowrni - ille, Ont. STARK VILLE I K E N DA.L MrAlf. I hnOt~ i~ r adMs oru ae c M.Thos). Flshas sld bis farm e T idic i 'Chestl"' tee te M. Neellfrom iSimcoe. jMitr optlfrawek Meis. C ecýil las nal, viited Mr. CerýcilGlssisvis'tinlg his sonl w-,ith Mi. and Mesfr. (George Smlithl. ain otelfrthweknd M41. and1 Mrs. Llew llafowetiand -M. J. Dougai aný ýl dMiss S. Ms JIim had 1'-d (inner with 'Mr. and Mrs. f To(ronto, vistedwsthMr.anld Mes. Thos. Falîsý. F. Stoker TrLte weelk-endu. Mr. iandl Mrs. Ormle FaIts a-n,71fvim- Mr. andm! s .Rbno eei ily liad Sunday,ý dinnler with Mcs. Wm. Toronto cecentýlyv ýisitinig the fdr- MtnOroo). er's lbrother, wo son ithe sick bat. Me\1. '1ndl Mrs. Howard Farow ad Mes. J. CGloveýr ad al)yJoanne amyMiss ITelen Dechert spent "are viitnj te former's mothier. Saudyin saw.Mr.A .ualngofor the xveek- Misws Katheyni Minito 'and finof ed Oshawai, have heen spending ýa Èfew 'Mr. Geo.Wi'Iam' ousýe wasý days with M. Minto. styeuck by litnite otherý nightii Mes. Al-freed Dobso ed May and wlehe ? wo'ke Uth-le clothes on Lou spent acoupfle of daiys withhc hb ne rs were aflame. sister, Mes. Russel LxerToronto, Me. Wm Mrcr ndpaty lbouLghlt Miss Betty Farroýw, Lwec a-bc wlede ri hi utn row and Billy Farrow, Pontypool), trip and eotagn ieéhc 3ipent the week-end( at Mr. Victloe is Ialte g ,o w reue Farro'w'*s. Mr. aadMs.P.ColirCitfford Sh.il>obW. A. pmet at the ihomIie lof and Sgt. Nle al vistedw1 Mrsý. Ormle Fs on Wednesdy, Ms. 'T. fHild*ic n'uda.Srt Nov. 1lt. Ter a odatn-Carroî hs us rtune fei oer prnce and antý njoya,ýhieaferoo rssens atrfiey.asîerie spent. Af tee the busýin1ess1)part of 'The Johi-son Etrnr n ihemetn wa codceMs draw for a ine blankýjet and bas Dunn jisang ail (o and Me.A . Dob- ket of grocer-ies wil tae plce 111,h son gaeaedig Meýs. Falilsser- 'Orange 1Haill n ueda ex a 8 cews eing on te sub- O W ANVILLE Te- thnlh Ae le esho r.J... Strv geris pnnghueo Thsay eeig as n few days in Bcef this week. Noviner lt, when' ins trW Sume from here nttended the H Carton xplined1 issubject te sentation thiat was held in Ormoo lte inteiested udene The speaik- To>wn Hall for !Mrs. 1D. PiRIa. orointed outtHat if we, are te pro Mr. nd rs.Claenc Bulev gresswo muatshakeo offour 'back- Me.nn Ms. înene Brly ndground. The sehý'cools miusttumnont ton with lMe. and Mes W. ayon a better type (of ch1 i.ld. e a1tlhfuil1 Newceastle on SaÉturdaýy eveing. habits miuset- be -fomedl. There was il 1 Mr. and lMrs. 'Wes. Steng r-e.good turrnout feýr thîs meeting anld and Ms Andrew Band'y visited -with questionsasdananerd Mer. and Mrs. Roy Burley, Port Gran- A pesateveinig was spent on by, on Sunday. Mondny evenýuingwe a roundl-up of The people of the istrict muet in the month's meLetings f the Farm theSna Sclhool ron, lest TuesdyRadio Forum was istened teoniG.B, night and organlized for a Communit L. at 8.20, Tie- cete o h Clb a ijl' mieeot every two wo2eks. Ivar-icus roice nee on thoe ____________ findings ofth-sj t s 4iscuissedàý ________________________ during the montb. iws the gener- al opinion tatwe an o owith- FAL S ECILS out the sal 111farmsThe family size .of farm la s ýi1! the iel for. Ontarlo ~flIAL~LT i th oinion o f OnitairioFarm For- PEflIYI UICflI ms. Moreineiv frm,:gand W Appene"if he sxalfarin w mentoeut Regular $8.95 Empress Wsve iof existenýce. for ------ ---------------- $7.00 RZegular $7.50 Luixury ýCLA KE NIO Regular $6.00 Duehes Creme, 'Me. Coilin Sih shavaingas water for ......--.--.-...--..--..$4.5-)0 system installed iii bis homec. Regular $5,00 Crerne 01, Mr. Jin ixnheld na succcssýfu1 for -------- ---------- ---------- .5 farm stock s-ae,le nFr'iday at. Cold Wave -..- $8.50 and S10.00 Ms Enid Bo'weý, Trno pn Sehool Girl Wave . $2.... th prets Toîl Charge will ho rofunded adMs etrBwn Phonoe Oshawa 2399J for Mr. and Mes. -Ernieaýt Bowen andi a ppointment snWyevstdwt e aet at Bethuany (,o,-sethe xxNeek-en,,. Cares Beauty Shop .1.a( ar alyailsý 97 Oshawa Blvd. Wyehave m dteo rono, hnvinga OSHAWA - Onitario purchased thefomer George -Mitchell- Miss MmeArchier spent the weeýk- end with Miss Eileeni Sonch nndff at-1 -' tended the concert and p irosentation 1for ýMes. Robb. Homo and Sehool Cluib Meetîing Our Home anid Seboliol club heldI its regular monthly m-eeting -oni Wed-I nesday, Noobe 4th. Thie meeting opened with thie sing-ing of ., O Gan- ada", with Ms Sandfercock at the ergan, fo 1,wdy the LordI's Prayor. The miines (oflithe lstmeetýingI wero tho eieadt bý-y s odnPo-wee, in the Wabsýenýe of Mrs. 1H-ary Bailey, Recording Scetrand buksiness denît w ith. Mr.Sis Souchi thoni acted as chairman For the-j,,fo)lco-inig programme , Violin duot y Msss Neil and Erwin anyicopn ied ýby Mes. Erwin îRaý*ine.y et the piano; vuýcal subýib Ms Evere5tt Brown, acspne yMes. Sande-r- oock et the pianjo; raigby -Mes. Harry Rowe. Thiespae for thie evening was Me. T. Chaniit, rpro et Hampton Gemrwe gv moving pietures on thffe mkn of butter, showing the cows b i mik- ed, milk sprtdcoeand called for by th creoamàey trck tken ta the ceeamery, tested, chuirned and- wrapped 'ready for sale. He alto gave two other rosis,, on-e being the difforent ages and stages of his six year old daughter-, ail of wihprox- cýd quite !interesting. This was fol lo'wed 'by anothierraig by Mes.à HeIrry Rowe. Thie chairiman thien -mnoved a voe ecdfthianks to those tak- mng part, aftr wich lnh consist- 1ing rd' cake, snwihsand tesa ,as served.n ONTARIO DOES NOTHIING On a rocentd Sunday wve had occa- sicon te riait one of the fas't growing parts of Toron-to. To eue surprise,e cars wee e ldup) for a bdockwie people -frein theIin wakedinanid"ont eof a beaultifuil ne bugalo. Onin-l vesti-etio wo iscovereed it aras 1ho- in- raffied, tickets costing ene dollarsp G,-reeti*ng Cards Corne in to-dayý and select( your Christ-mas G-reeting. Cardîs from' onur fuli stock- of C'outt's B>etter Cards. Hece is a sCeectiOnI of indlivid - Ual cards priced at from 5ec. to 25C.h. This c plet ssoritnt iincludes Christmas, Greetings, especially meant for "Friendls fac ax y" Greetings frorn Canada", "Gýreetinigs to memî--bers of the armned forces". There are also specil "ai greeting cacds for mrother and daughter, father and son. This selectiio)n ertaiffly con- tains the vNery card that Y0IJ would like to senld. ShOp early whiie the stock i.s coIplete. Phoogrphi ChistasCards, mnade f roin your own egatives Per dozen (envelcipes included)------------------------------- ---- - SapePhIOturaphiC Cacd as above........................-- Bring us the negative of your favorite pieture- for a tcial order. Christm-,nas Card S,1electionis ýI Box of 12 (the Sut,-Ihine Line) ýith Sciptuce teýxts......49c. C!,nadian ActistSsSeries (Franz Johniston) box (of 12--------- 50C. Candin rtst S rie(Fank Pariabaker, boýx of 12------ --- $1.0a oxof 18- ------------------------------------- ------- --------------- 49(, J U ST ARRIE A ne Veace tinie shiprnIent oýf RED MOT WýATER BO0VTES, hoe Symibol Hot W ater BoUlIe 2 quart size, weil ceunIStructed, limiited supply, ech -- --- ---------------------- ----- -- -----------$13 Prescriptions a Specialty Charles Tyrreli Agent for Jackman Flowers Phione 68, ORONO IN STOCK TO-DAY KODAK ROLL, FILM Sizes 116, 120, 127, 616 Sand 620 THIE SUPPLY IS LEMITED Ladies' Feit House Slipipers, colors of w,,ine or biue, sizes .9 to 8, pair.. ............. 49e Green Fireking Cups and Saucers, set....20e Earthenwvare Te-apots............ 49c. and 55c Individual Teapots .... ... .........49e Eartheïnware Bowls . ý.......... 20c, 25c. and 4a5C Ear-thenware Bean Pots.............415r and 55c Birthday Candie Holders, 5 for,...........5e Birthday Candiles, 36 to box ... ........e Coat anid Suit Buttons, card.............1Sc, Ladies' Ar^tists Smocks, sizes small, medl-imn and large ..ýý..... ................ ý. ýý....$1.19 Corset Laces, length 2 1-2 yards, each ,. ý.. ...c Boys' Lined knickers, reinfor-ced knees and seat, for long wear, sizes 26 to 34, pair.......... $1.69 Boy-s' Navy Blue Serge Shorts, sizes 5 to 10 years-, pair ..... ... ...........$1.25 Featherweight Aluminumn Knitting Pinis, sizes 10« 11 an-d 12, set of 4 for.........25e Children's Combination Blackboard] and desk $1.45 Doîl Higli Chairs............$1.00 Children-'s Table and Chair Sets, strongly built table and two chairs, Complete .. ....$3.50 Doîl Cradles, wooden...............$1.19 GROCERY FEATURES Nabisco Shredlded Wheat, 2 for ........ ...... 23c Habitant Soups, Tomato or vegetable, 2 tins.... 19c Red Rose Coffee, 1-2 lb...... 25c. 1 lb, .....47e Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb. for........ 43C Vita B. Wheat Germ Cereal. Week-end Special, 3 lb. for ..................3 WAGSTAFFE MRAAE Bitter Swî,ýeet Orange, 24 oz bottle, 2 coupons. 3ke Or.ang2e, Lemon and Grapefruit, 241 oz býottle-, 2 coupons ......... ..... .......35e ReodPeas, standlard quality, 2 tis fori,. 25e Ma-pleLefCnda Cream- Cheese, 1-2 lb pkg 20c. QikQucaker Oats, 3 lb box ......... . ..... 21c E n Join Our Christmas Lay-Away Clnb. A sainl deposit wvill hiold any airticle until Dec. 20(h, in aceordance -with Wartimne Prices and Trnde Board Regulations. OJR ONO 5 c. T0%$1. O 4S TOuR E YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE 1 _and Ontario does 1nothing. Ald'ermnen of the city of Toronto The Province of Aiberta has -ban- tipeak, of Yonge Street as a iniature ned ail advortisemients announcing Monte Carie, and consider a 'haît la th~e sale of tickets on cars, houses-,udnolncessary te, the sýelling of tickets f(qr 5i'ila prjece-Iut Ontario does ik draws-btut Ontario does noth. à nothing.ing. The Province of Saskatcewxan lins TeAtrsyGnrlo h c crncked d.own on the bam<ibling racket.ineAto. erie-e.nc>i ofeLl, nskov- -but Ontario doos nothing. the service clubs and chýurches for The thiird of the Prairie Provinces, imoral support iiin çYIiatigý tnc gani- saof tiCkets foc s) called char-ity lingii menace. Thoy have mnet his Maniitoba, has declaced illegal th-ie 1chal1enge -but Ontaio dosnothing. purposes-but OntLarieý does ntig -United Chureli Observer,- Il r r e- r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r- -r -r -r. r r r r r r r r? HELLO BRITAIN: Don't worry about that baron we promised you -there're a lot of young litters coming along - Ailearm,ýarkïed for the British trade - and we'II sec that yuu get them whvien they are in top econdition. They're being f ed on SIIUR..PGAIN PIC STA1RTER right o so that thylInake the faDstestgans and get a sound lsiart on a shoilrt, economical trip to British înarkets. It won't be lonig now tîli these pigs reach sizable 1weig-hts, and with the growth they inake on SIIIR-GAIN, their percent- age of Grade A's wil be quite satisfac- Shur-Gain 18 Per Cent Pig Stre Made and Sold By ORNO-GORDON W. LOC'.KWOODONAO m Jf,