OROf'40. O~ Contest, Park St. 1 à Church, Friday, N v, epùty Iouncillr :e Townshipi ons vvere tirttheo (owuvsiiipte .vould have 1ber at tô be raised foa 8 mil"s. It was de- nuoo, No- cided te hol'd there matter over for the uniOf inew couciljhat iiiniel- in Jn lg in thre Luary, iThe people in) the east portion h as "a a i the twshpgo ta Port Hope preceding wh1iIVe Viose'In, the northern portýin pened at either go fao dsyor- Peterboro. ock nom,1- There maýs a ~eu for $2,A00 roceoI,- the foi- ed from th1ie IOntari'o DepatrVmeit of thre va- Education for the twsi' share from flhc Governarènt ta ire uaed in educationai 'wor, but as3 the rate bni-ý by J. T.,lacen struck curhier, the gaovernireat L.Rick,-~ earmiarlced titis n-ioniey fo lie used in- educatýial mrk.1Vdoes flot ho- 'R. s long to the council, b-u t t o rate- tin Tur- payeýra cf the township. $2,000 of titis m,,nýTeqas invested in Vicj-ary by Cecil boad(s fr the tine being. There bas i E. been ýOO yariids of gravel puit on tire ,d hy W. rond b(htween Kendai. aiâ Newton- J.Brima- ville flhis yoar, but it is onl the ýbooks * tirat this rmati w.ll he ditc-heti and gravellet la ï 1946. In taýlking te Wnr- by N. L. don Carvetit I infoaned hiinv thiat if wrw, ,as the prý-actice ao' Vie Couniities y S'. L. oncltint when the WardJen came- rar , from Durbiamtire huil af thir noney ,ry Stan. ahorlld ho spenit in V'iat comnty. I ïnton. have iitigaail-st Wnrden Car- vet an beha nide , godWar- donl. I willI1 nom ýSpend i 11-e imoL d hy W. o)n Count.y mark. Clarkehias Va raise H. e . 4,48.8Votil over tao the couinty, being maide op as fiows: Genierai by War- Coun-ty Rate, $17,397.10, Highi and Je~ea. oninatonSChL00, $,5O1 Voca- by S. L. tioni au'd Techu'icai Traaiiig $101.- a-,rro'W. 8. nraklung a miii rate ai 12.8.- Las by Ccii year the cauntcy speaf-$iOO ello Rýeiti rond maýrk,-, wrhietVils yenr $I25,MOO u ibu L. wijllbes,ipnt forr r4ut] ralid mruhi n- 1 -Jones las been carrying an tiiso~ for the 'ne ing until anothar rond engineer lasl'ocatedl. I have :been nuftire couneil Mlten *oar, anti at that die tire mili rate wia 91 and Gareovas $7,000 o 'emîg Vo te(-bank. Sin-e thon mve hure been ahie ýta cnt tire nil aVe dama ta 4, mip cd ont the bank d1b, ami have nover borrometi aay ininey fInmVire baaJk for years, ai- wVays having a substaintia-l surpIns a'- -ho cati oftire yoar. Yen bave Va liave a suriplus for noxt year'smak If you bave ne surplus at the endi oi tire ycar you have bave no maney A cary on the year's mark ns tie taesý are net ,olbcted unatl tire latter part ai tire yea<r. I bave been noinateti for reeve for 1946 anmi ýhaik nry nonminatar anti seconder ise tlire eecorSfor mra- hey bave lone for ime in nry liong enin in'office. We aitouki bave a power grader anti caterpillar, miticir monitimea it arouatn $1,O0wouiti bave te ho spent for f-heir pnmiaâse. There ia ditchiagtinat sirould bie donc, but dur- igtire year ai 1946 mve are goiag ta sc su!bsidiies cnt 'off fromfirihe fam era, tint tire fariera mili get aloag duimg 1946, but match eut for 1947. Nom îa na- tire timýe Vo put tire toma- ship in debt in bnying rond achin. ery. Tirew'oidat tire pesentlai a- turmaoil anti nom -isýtire ine ta go a'ioag eaily. W'e have $=900 i n Vict-orybads a pavtrt a i-iciaia- mn-rked for roada, macimnery, etc, andi !by tlireendi ai tirhearit is xece Ilint thrwiirea4 uplsfor f-ho verni 800lacs. fItecide ta reire frin Vireh couaicil 1I miii irai-ev ýo 1eut. ol do over again the ,ille as I iramve ilfire puat fiteent vents, 1ý. fI Vhak oeueanti al for yonr lyard, the tiepnty ireeve year, mas tiren calleti odyrd saiti ire iati re- cO-per-atioa irorn tire icil, and that W arde-, ha-1 'helpet i m n ýuing Vthe past year hLad o' .,i ninlin.cre- Our Munici" On Saturday Iast, mwe attend held in the Twshpof Clarke ic erlng may mean oee cf twc thinig haebeenl so 'webil pleasedwth atT airs, that they w,ýish te expr, atie last, they have decided il coulicil a young11er and mo11re pro,- 1 igt ay bore, Vo those enough Vo bhe at uthat meeting, tu pleasc-;(lditat from u n vher or1 or, unrea-1sonaiLosggstinsor pha are changîn iiuonth 1)ymoutk ani possible for us Vo hlave aind ia it is aur f.9 lgeVohave, uniess le man in i accordance wýibh these ciý ai Election the mnost active noimination daý,y a nunaber of years. This gath- Either that thie goneral public admninistration ocf aur counici*i's thoir apeito-rthat, now tfine to. lnject.into that. sive otok e9ple wvho were flot forhmunýafr 1 was noV only surpiris;ed, but tes;tant, did I hear any eiratie, As our present day condiitionsiý earl b Vevar. it does lnot aeem Last year 1 predicted in th-is papeir, tha)t with last yeir's ,elec- tion resiilting ýas it did, it mrigltin dicate a- fuller election another year. This has now been proven crrct, with contestants ruingîil foi, ail offices in our ccound.il. 1 believe tfrat during the past year'ý 3ui new m-emibers have solee their resp'onsibiiities weil and have helpe d bring1- our ýowniship to light, i its representation at th-e (ouii- tics Cotinçii as ýwt1ll1 as atý homie. Therefore 1 feel -ith th-1is eleet ionlathe offing, we should!be pLeased Voc have this chance Vto exercise our orvl~ f voting by secret balloýt, for, wliatever we f cel -will ho V'ro our best advantage. Ha webeeni denied Vübisprrie, as have gth.er countnies, .we might n;ore readily show aur appreciation ocf tlits opportunity. NE WTON VILLE KIRBY Mrsý. Willîs Joues visited hiin Wark-1 lVfrs. TlimoniiSi, Of Cadmur.S, wor th, vstn! ghor neice,< -Mrs. -W,. Wannicain Mr. Cinton Broma b 1as installed Mr Ad Mrs. Ern--est Patterýson,, and eiectricit'y. ýson Jinii, cf aw niar ville, spent Sur- IM V.îm. AgaIis very iiin 1Bw-ida lat ith 1M). and iVrs F- J. Mdrs. S, J. Lancasterc is im-rproving After ber rucent ilîness. miss Gladys Wirntney, - Oshrawa, speat the week-end athoe Mr, and' Mrs. Fraak Gîlmer apent Simnday at -Mr. Miii. Kmals 4r. a nd MrsVf.S Wayrne Eilitt apent Snday uat Mr. Bruice Witney,'s. Mr. Wiilis Jones 'broucght home na deer as bfd niso Mer. CocuBw1iy and pa rt Y. MNra. Percy Siniïtir, Roýcse Valley, Ss'k avisiting herbrteRv L. B. Sith. Mr. andi Mrs. W,.AA Adamsanad Koitb, Lake Sh'ore, spent Sunday at Mr. Cliatoni Broimr's. Mesars. David i-am aniHub)ert An- derson, Toronto, visited at Mr. Max Stap'ieton's on Sunmday, Mr. and Mrs. Lanison, Milîson andi Doýreen visitetinlaTarante aud at- tendeti the "Ice Faies". MIr. and Mrs. Cou Stapieoea andi faa-rily -moýre Sunday guests n IMr. ati HNlrs. Lewis Waeds, Antioch.. AUr, aniM Mrs. Emart Rofinsoni and I 1aire tivle, Mr. aniMrs. George KimiraUi speat Sunday at MIr. Hlugir Mvi. andi Mrs. Alf. Gralhain, Nom- 'castie-, atMisa PiryllsSia Nil, ai &shawamore Sudny guesta altMr ack Kimbaii'a M.andi Mrs. HgbStab-!etn andP Mr.an IVra. Georg-ýe Kiba mrLe Rev. ad Ms .1.siit nt Mrs.Poey Smit h sted àlaBrock- %-ic, Addison aa Athens 1mat week mViren Rev. Smnihgave the addiess at tire uaiveiiang aofteHcloulour RalL Airons Higi Sitol The aname ai' Rev. S'mithi son la on the Hlonour Roil at Athens. Mlisceiinneouïs Shomer O11,Wednlesdlay evontirrg, Noveirer 14th, a 1îirge crowd gatitereti in theï Colmmunity HJaiI te honour Mr. and Mcafr. ROY Neabiitt (formîeriyý Olive Wiitn ey>, La i,"Wm. Laia mas ebairmnanii .ei-tire ioiloming pragram: Reîidin, ~Raarnd f Gltnr: DIS 1n Wallace gav anexcellentaddressz ia thre chuarcit bre iast sunday, OooAthietie News Orpuaý ha.z;etitered a eain intr Hockey Longuie Juv.enile inss ,n Vhis meinus, foîIks, the ýboys wii n'eedj -oyuir support. Equipmnent bas Vo beI ouitand n hast ai items -,iii 1be neced, We WHllhave Vo hav. tr ia lled Vo capacity eve-rygae and ne maybes, ns me are step-pingg inlto Tat ecamîpauy and this menans- exipense, regardJssosf ihom car2fuil the mîanagemientmilii ho. Thre dancoeruas a real scea $1O2Wf mas thre net proceeds townrs the equipirent neeed. Everyone wbo came had a roillldnig good thue and Chas. B. TyrreIl really did ibmseif royal in putting 4V Over, aund Porc- Luan did ,likemýise - ýïwih the lunchi. 'Watch eut for more dances, and iotis Ailturn eut Letters 'T-o The Editor Dear Mr.Editor: Receently me lhave witnessed l u villaGtie faririg ai an Athioic Rerainclub for auryon pe pie,fr tire salepupae a dvof p ig nsrng miad an baies nd tirýe siot'faprmasi.Ti Md -ce hope it will accaomplit, it 'purp ose. Tins projet as forciby brought tVo mny nrnd with reg'ard ta tirjemui cipal nminations on Saturday. iIt Mil be recallet thétbast year I opposed 24r. WI, J. Patton mýitroutL atny iore--warndag. This year,M. Patton, -mitiraut hesitatian, mas m-,y ,oniinatorý for Reeveship. Titis, Mr. .Edîtoar, is a definite quality cf spartsý- miansirip, -wich la isto ctea laýcking imay promninent individuals. 1 would s7ay thereciore, tint this mian bas set an examiple of sportsmansirip sudc' goad citizeasirip in miunileipal afrairs, and 1 misi at tis tinte Vo pnlcyexpress -y appreciatin. O0ro no Police Trustees Returned By Ae Oromie Police Trustees nomination he wouilld se mas held on Friday evoing, %oem ater vwhic ber 23rd, and what a quiet affair it hazard fort proved te be, with only about nine 1%r Neil being preseiït, including the three who had ec trustees, clerk, reporter and al, ment, that w'.hich would iridicate that the rate- ire departir payors were satisfled with the stew- hought t5 ardship of Mhis year's police trustees should call and gave noem an open verdict tai ganization carry on the good work durinrg the rMr. W. jý yerof 1946. 1part of the Tihe nominations more as follows :bas just b Charles Tlhonias A1ier-NLouainat- the s ystemi cd by C. F. Awde, aeconded by 20. thon it hasý HALl. roved a ichard E.Logan-Nomninated y $5tory Bnds U. T. iMiler, seconded by Chas. F, tMisaprrig, Awde, lMoaing krv Wilini1 JRid'deki-Norzinated byVe r?ýes Il R. E.,Logan, aecQaded by -ALhail. Dont ,one o As eMAy te last year'% Pouce trus- been cnspfcy tees were elected, thore wiii be no. at the begii election in thli village. tako over t 'Mr. C. T. Wier was caIlled upon Cniisa tu give an accomat of the mark car- necedd 'with M-ld on by the Police Trustees duriiag ila 4Ôono. 3 the yeur. 'The nmain item of buiness the equipine was the LayiNg'of tihe now sidawalk ani me feol lw front of La'wrence Htooey's hanse re iAd c( la tde north endof the nd mi2 ceiipts up1)te culverts at tie TannierýyBiLH, and a aire $,6. piece of sidewalka at the sumeoplace, thm saine pe of which the Ontario govorninent net pro-(fit af p aid haif the cost, If the Police AI . R. R. 1 Prostees 'would undovtako ta fil the tVin af the1 hollow on Vhe wvVst side of Tannery was a repai. Hili, tihe On~tario Governmient was the cGýomil prepared te pay VhIF thre cosy, Mat ondoq fthc TE isup ta $600.0. If ,vs Mr4,0Mlle spýIeidt thre goverwrment wouid pay dheMr ue sum ofE $5O.lO The totalexpdi ytn, h tures for the yeur amiountcd Vo $1-t9 s, na 426,50, otal recoipts $2,374.I4, îeav- ing a balance af $947ll , ith out The mneetil standng accaunts ta the end af the year of $178.50, leaving an estimated11 o !Mr. W. J. RiddeIl sait that hoe mvould like Vo sue tire mest aide of Taaaery ifl filbed so bfiat it cauli ho fixed up, ta ewgr-ass seeti anti oroct saine kind ofai a mali monu-1 mient ta uise as a miemorial site tae place tire mreath fer- any memaorial, services th-at shiold ib held la the vilgelicm emrtinof Virose vmho( have paid Vire supremie sacrifie in, the past tmo mars. Mi'. C. T. Millr sid trat ho id(l been approached ta sce if a plat could ïioV ie set aiside Da aur local cerne- tery. te ho useti as a mienrar, ial place for the depositing 'af a mreath la Inremory af those miro will nover camie buick. Mr. C. T. Miller said that thiere bad heen flteen rnom lilhts l*nst,-tled4 On aur Street lightiing systeiin, and had receiveti ne caiplants ai-d mas of the opinion that everyrone mat ble >a tisfledl. T. A. Reiti thouight that thero' tire south aide af tire 'tomahall. Mr. Neil Porter 'said he lad 'wtm ie tirat it mas keý eh wouid reniov( that Portion af Vi 1Porter wante-d oiitrol of tire En Sis frem whovin ment taire thic iat Vhe Police 1a mieeting for cf the fire d'ep'a J.Riddell tlhon g Helydre Comtntr oen ten ye-aýrs ng Grir. Geo)rge ~Mitchell of the Cana-. diani Armedî Forces, Qversea-s, was al packed tipand ready Vo lbave for home on Vire E)ipraes ni ofSuotlantd, but bis nine vas deleted at the bst moment anid is nmexpDeted !t,,)ar- rive homo on the Que'en Eaei A soci-al eveaing pianaied lry tire chira Park St". Cirurci r povedj very enljayabie ta a11 coer'elned, besides inariik*ing the cevening of WeInpsdaýy, Nove,ýinher :21st, a a tne mheii prob- leims.hol)h m'osant and1' futur, owere oSlie mbe Shsçauaouiç inot Dheoc aP-rcUI hei dernytire expenise inr) ecat-Tire] ing iretm hlland wmas I-t'ir'e ee oiinthat Orono Poljice Tr1,ee -a sh bdie rspnabefor 'tusansirose DnS ltire illage receive the greate'stcgu, irntfraur ire bai1lco Mre AI. Hall tad tire Police T-us-I tees titie itad funia lreciaice tera on1isnroert ndtii tir if the as r ono a more tien anti Mrs. Jai HURý