Wil Russia Agree To Atrmic Plan? Secret To Be Shared After Adequate International * Controls Are Effected In one of hstrys ost mào11Kn- ltis decisions iueta tree powers that possess the secret of thec atoml- lebomb )allsotmced from011 Waýshing9- toýn last week wbat they m-itend tO do about thtý drex1 wcapouis, re- lates the Neýw Yôrk ,Tuens. At once an iousworld turned to Moscow for a r-esp)ouse to the ltri-power formula ai-d its imiplied învitation to Rulssia to cooperate. The natuire of thiat responise igt determinle the succeas or failus'e of the plani draw'n ai the five-day con- fercrnce betweni President Trumian, lfiritish Pr:ime- Minister Attlee and Canadian Primei Minisier King for solution of this mà-ost pressing of Iiternational problemes. It might also determine the future of bu- nsanity itseîf. These were t'ie big1h- ýigtts of ttce plan:. 1. The, secret "knoiw tow" of atojnic b--omb manufacture to bf, kept for the present by Anierica, Britain and Canada but to be âhhaa'ed ,,ith otters after ade- quate international conirols- over &tomic ellergy are effected. 2. A special commission te b. set -kpl under lteU2nited Nations organ'ization Io establish the eontrols, outlaw the bomb ams a weapmn ausd wsurec i u-,se of gto1nic enrrgy "onily for peaee-. fnl purposes." The cmiso woild bave thie right of insptec- tion ;n ail couintnies, toc protect complyiiig States against "viola- tions and eVasins" o"f the r1gree- ment 3. Approval by America, Bni- tain an'd Caniada of 'a fre ex-. change of scientific knowledge. 1.rhe hlope wa5 expressed that other nations -would adopt the !*,Me policy, "tllereby cre-ating ais atninospher4e d reciprocal econ- fidrncce." Rt ,ppeared that ttc key to b progr-mm ay ili the phrase, Çffkct.- guards acceptable te ail nationis." hee safeguards wou)tld be practi-1 «al bases for a control plan that ,wnuld lift the f cear o'f atomie waVýr fromn the mninds of mca. Tbey ,wpuld involve an unrccdn 8legree 0,f7ilitertonatL cooperation. Wvhether ttcy Cal ibc attairned n-e- mins tü e tic accu the hope is that stark iiecsity wilI force the isa- tkiens to fonego their sii1picionis and 'wonk tegether te avoid muttual de- struction. Parachute Microphone A two-way radio systcm enablec parachuitera, on their wvýay 'rom thie planie to te ground, to mnain- tain1 communications with thie plane- o)r the carili; it uises the troat miicrophione. Brîtain On Guard In Mediterranean The Nazis took Crete, but they liever got Cypruls. Ttce Frcnch gave uip ini Synia, but thie fritis1 profntpuly senit in anl anmly,wih ale stinle. 1Great md, of th( iwas aviiabns, navigation was The United limportanice of before the war DeathT û W eeýd a Harmless to Croaps (destroys the m1imprtntwcd of ceeicos sto bl ad val able to)famer net Jna Tt îs called( Agroxonet, and is the otutcomei of researches by Ipe1a ChemcalIndstres'scienitists. Tbousanids o grt nes74l lean tbat theY can rid theýir iawns rf weeýcd s qti c k 1, 5s imipl y an, checaply. 'l'le cost of ciearing an acre ofý corn Iand wîil be abouit S6.00. The Angora goaýt is oie of the irast profitable of al ivestok in Turkey. Ail BeautifuIIy Furnished Wtb Running Water. Rates- NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION II~I1I-or Mon.>' Oack l'or quick reief !rom i tching cause by ecernemu sttbletâot, acabies pinpleesndotheritching * ~~rrecoql4., medicste& iquid stainlems Soothes, conifortes d quickiy calmq Intense ftCiing. D)o't slfier. Amk vour dngit tAaey fQr D. D. 0. PRESCRIPTION. Cdiate sbi)p-ment axid we've a few 2-3 week old. Wr-,ite for list. And order ehlickr> for Dcme-au ary delivery. Such breeds as Lighit SusRsex, New llarrpshire Barred Rlocks, Wyandottes, Australops, etc. and crossesý. Bray Ratchery, 1,0 John N. Harnltoný Ont. RQMW TO MAK.E iiiGER POIL- try profits ;thea Tweddla way! -A good start la vîtally Important Us ,ny bustîe.sa but partlcuilarly P, poultry rasin.wednila -Oovarss- mient Approved chkks arc- reai sýtarters. The blood-tested blghly productive Tweddle breedinig sto- brlds, sexed or straight runl. And iha T4vwfldle aystem or preship- menDt lnspection assu,1res y'Uor Vf. ln[)% live dellvery. Remnembar a, lage European market iawait. yomr produce. Cash In the Pwed- dis, way. Send immadiately for. our 19 46 priclizat and order your cicks now to be sure of the braed you want and the date you &,,sire tbemn on. k for our in- teresting catalogue - h coasts *you notini-g and te "011you alot. Also) freal range pulets for lin- * rodiati edslvciry Twedffle Chick R-atcherïes Lîmlitd, Fergus, Ont. BABY CHICK BUYERS ORnPER VOUr, GO-VERNMEN 1' AP- proved chicks now and obtain an elyorder disco(uni. Eachi braed- er is Govrnmi handed(1(- 1and blod-estdWrite for our 146e price laiaEs ctaogeMonhion -Poultry PamMonktoil, Oniario TTIS FREE 7TOP NO(TOR OUT catalogue Pinan makeyounoney. W'rite for Top Notih Poulry cat- alogue to,-day. Itf wi teli you al about the popul1ar 1,reedïs an cosbreed-, developed 1fronm Top Notchllodtetd highly pro- dluctive breeding fooa.TopNot- cýh chieka s surce you Ofinrae profits becaliqe they"arehelty from a ighmortality rate. flon- esie andforcîgu ecgg and poultry' 211eat rm«,rket.s are large and higih quaý'lity produce laF broinýin1g In hiigh ipr!.cea. Cashla th Top) Notch chicks naiybred anSo preparad for ouiality grow %tls. Scend Ini your order now an1d ha sueof tise rickswenwolNu want thmIlso fr-c range ulltsor immeyodiate divr.TnNotelh 25 FREE CHICKS oUR, 14, 16, AND 18 range pllish- aIl soid, W have pshirea ai rock hot- so laiganS rend>' in tise .above rea oe Ala da ol1S( k RacheiesLim- AIGHF AND- IF YOU lenIt puliets to fil hav'ý e n. lCan sllip ,t m-eek1( Ildlpfo ins W,1isiie Legisor,j anS edap yOnle aýppror- Ilin Chaiiam eglrandX 1epr niow fromi et>', 1Jabni- Dofl't suffer- ReLIU f FOM- H EADACHES HEAD-COLDS GRIPPE PERIODIC PAINS YOU CAN HAVE ET IN MINUTES with tim Grand 5Prescription Reuedy or Moncy Dack BiiSINEISS OPRUf'E SOMETHING NEW TRIP TO EUROP>E PLN OUR 1946 VACATION NOW%. Win a tnpf for 2 t'o the Batilahields of urpeor 92,000.00 lu VlctoirY Bonds. Sea Ireîand, En_ýlaiid, Scot- !landCI, Wales. F rance, Belgiun, 11{olland, Italy anid Graya ,expense tour. P1roceeds in a.id of CýapadIan Legion, Branch 2 34 .BuIldinig Fund, an l Impaial Vat- erana,' projact. Tickets on sale at aIlleýaSjing stores; or availFible up- onraquést. Senld money ordegt -ïimperial Sc-T Es. ranch 234, Caniadian Lgon nuetph, ont. T11içets 3'ýc-3 for $,0 WIN B3RAND NE-W 19421 DE LUXEýL Plymiouth Sedan. 6 otlaer prizes lin Vlctory Bonds. Arrmy anS Naivy ietrans Unit 25U. DaigDec.ý 21, 1945.S, aritin$1, 00 - 6 for $5.0q. P. O. Box 21, Fort Wil- liai.AgetsWanrtad. HOME FOR $1.OO sfiteS now, te be drawil soon. Fund~ membersahip $100 ,6for $î.00. Xtoyn-orada ininten Club, Box98s, Nornda guebecIfljp. T) YIING A N DCEAINC HAVE YOU AYRN ED d-ying or cleaning? Write to us for iniformaitioýn We are glad toC answaer your qetin.Depant- ment Rl. Pre Dye Workai LimitaS, '791 Yonge Street, To- Msagpias In black, bl1ua and dun'. P'. J. lateie, arwood S.,St. FOR ,SALE O WIL LASE11M mevdiateposesin,10 ouico St. Srtoi.Alsro)xinslateiy 10 acres, sutbefor cisiekan ranch orl i makîgardenJing. -room frame boswith Uahoo nd furol- acwired for 'S'ove., ydoin bain. 2 rma,11ooasoma frýuits-, Pa;vadC rond and cernnt walk to door, 1'. J. >Siaýttelle, i y arw 0o'oi Si.,. Thiomas., Ontarlo FOR SAL -CROCE WI TI, L(ghiorn1. R. (. 1P. and achr .A.provl Cokeris.li. J. Lercis, Rt. 1, Lno.Oiro HONEY FOR SALE DERLPICOIS NEW CR1I ONEýy fori. ndae bpetat$90 Parias of 12 four pound css youirnert ration office wili acsne24 peraor rsugar cuosfor. a special voucher ges48 pu ,a f hn> Mi thiýs 10 us wih your chaqe an we wil aship ni oce, Pig Rock Pýria. MleRceOt WATERNWEEL E',- TWO FOOT, Llitte Giani wýith iionp111iý' Gaie, sh)afts, bavaigae pies coniola excllet coditon.Tan foot head Idevelopa 25-, R-. P. Alan' aw, cIsopioig rmilI. shingle m- chin R~aonab~. ewman, l'ail- sl . O GRRYRVOUNDS 4i/ AMONTRTS, li3ES'T hunýting stckn ales only$1,0 C. irdiestone. ranchonlOt. FERRE11TS --ALSO SOME COOl) bre ,n to'.k, mi and femrale. App'I' 44 Waý7St Avenuec. Si .1 Thom- as, Onirio. PERRETS BROWNAND WRIT, GoShuiers on rats anLid raL'bbiis $12,0 ar.aIMann R.11. 1, Paris, O ntario. 1-0-20 MCRIEDEIGTA etor. Ver>' gond rnigodr enadQuaejvillejj, St. Jnacim, YBAIN, NEWVLING & CO. Meînbers The Toronto Stock Exchange 80 Riéhmond St. W. TORONTO 1 ADelaide 4271 F~OR SALE FWOR SALE LIMITED NUMBER 6 M. P. Empire Gardenr; Tractore availabie for imdaedelîvery. This machine l e made in Canadaý, Orders being raccepteS _ncw for Spigdel*va*W ritre fr re and particulars. Gar-dei Tratrr anS Equipuient C-o., Limited, 1160 Albert Road Wïindsor, Ontarto. .Arbor. Arthlur Aiyaa, Ç'urries, Onit. HURON CO)UNT>'. CROPNG ;MILL, good mi.xed f armisig area. Diesel engine, bal bearing gçrinder roi.. lars wiib teVLevol-, going Con- cern, quick Doaseasion. w m. Pearce, Realtor Exeter, Ont. BEAUTIFUL SHOPPING BAGS Make p)arcal-carryinig easy. You. will ov thee strong shopping bags of colorful flo-wared creton- te ne mterial e r solld shade lecatis- eee, Sturdy wooden handies, sýofi ine-fns dlining. Size 16 x 16 inches. Flowerad cr eton- ne in blue. rose, nattiral. SoiUS leathette In brown, Y5ur. or wear. $2,49 each. You Ç*ï45' .;ý proud to carry one aeven ti your icest street ciothes. SenSd 1.0 balance Colleci plus postalge.Ar rowsmthi'a flapi. 4., Box 19, Stn. "27" Montreal. PUPS 1;AND LN iIE F' tenawe, highesýt prices, good hoe.Dixoný's; 1821 St. Antoinie, FOR SALE, REGISTERELD fOR- set awea and ramas, unreiaiad. V. Ba r tett, R. No. , Canfiaid, Ont. ATTENTION. FARMERS. FOI Sale: Tracior Prs made of rub- ber, sutiabl for bolting on steel wýheels, $10,00 eachi. Wfen order- ing state diameter aind iitl or -whéel. National Riibb.ar Co. LA.,, b WiltshLiraAe,,Toronto, Ont, bouglis, siold, rebulili: blis pul- laya, brushes'. Allen Etectri C'Orni- pnny bLd. 2U26 Dufferin St. To- on te. 'Uil LUSFILES ACOMPfllLEUSEq , 0l,'5(0ASSORT- ed files: foi6'- i~inlpdîn(itg fIa1t, h1aif tround, roundsqure etc.; rougis anS m t: a t a clnigprice of $& delivered. TRe- cupetools and MtalIs l'imited, 1212 AltraS TJtsld4rg, Montreat 180 A( tE~ withior Box 474, abie, Wilc tac froml M AIlLE B(USIlH, ach'liin e r>, chIleap) lis, Ont. MAL WORR- mile iantiquar- 9-mpm inbr'ick haros. Box6, LOA-M, BANR s, drillaSwel aorr,,. hah 1. C AT GUE ras ,foi, J RELP WAINTEI3 MARRIED -MA1N WÀN11TED FORL genel fain, to start lon,) must be energetic, reliable and ha.ve Zood references. Permanent pro- ]peets to satisfactory party. ,Appiy Box el9, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. >5WDIVAL R M0i FOOT BALM i DE- Btroys offenvive odor instantly. 48e. bottIj, ottawa agent. ;Den- man Drug. Store, Ottawa, ASHASUFFERE--RSI- GET IN,- mediate relief with AZO '1'ableLs and eventually do away with that terrible gaspinK for breath. Taken regulariy the trouble uslsally c1ears Up entire!y. Mon)ey back g uarantee if directions followed. .00 postpaid, John (Caipbeli, 131 eewainToronto 12, READ THIS -- EVERY£ SUFFERER of Ritlsematiec Pains or Neuritis should try Dixons Remedy. Munli- ro's, Drug Store, 335, Elgin, Otta- GET READY ýFOR WINTER. Bili up your esilias~nce with Merriilîs Systetri Tonlc , aIlets., Caniradian favorite f or forty years. From your drugglst or posýtpald 8.00. from Merrili pro- duets, 98 Silverlbirch Ave. Trn to. ontmrio. ST(MC AND THRfIEAP WORMS ofenar he cause o et -eat .n humaris, ail age2s. No one li- rnune! Wby not fipd o Ut if thlis ta y-our troublheinteï-esting particui- lalrs -- Fr-ea! Write Mulveiney's Rentedies. Sýpeciali:sta Troto DIXONS REMED - FOI" EtR itim and Remtc an.Thou- ada at'isfid. FMuRo's Du BE A H1AIRIZRESSER .IOUN CNDSLEAMINGSCHAOOL Great Opruiy er pleasan1t lignifipd profession, goud wagesý, tthousarda soccessful Mairvel gra>duate. Anrc greatest sys- tam. Jlilustcated catalogule free. Write nor cati MAIIVEL R R1EN 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Brancrhes: 14 1inw, t. laivmiliton) & 74 Rdeas< llStr(eat, Ottatwa. 11ITOGUAVrHIC PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives Fand send jto lis. W'l etujrn 12 printa mouiïed on attractive, einbossed greigcardas, with eýnvelopes for nîaýl1ig for 69c. 'l'lie most ufigin;aI greetlng ucairdaes you can Ket--Ihp kind your frienda wNili keep -- cards that men on active serice ai home andj overseais like to get,. Ordev ceri>. (2 P-hotographa on;iCalenidar> for 25e.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE liox 121, VoNtill rermuiuil A, Ttofo *'Your ilialit, ini coiouring 1and d- TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION yOur f1!mn! ProperlY devaloped ami p rinted. S 8 EXPOSU' RE ROLI4S 2,1,c REPRIN3.'s 8 for 25Ce FINEST E RÇIGSERVICE YOu Xay flot get Pa1l the films you w ant thIs year, but you cao get aji t'ho qunxIlty and service you desire by snigyour flltfl to EMPERIAL PROO ôSE.RVïCE Sitoin 1, Toronto NO FILM REQUIRE!> W>] SP1ECIJSLIZE 1.K1; I sep.ia eslargemrents direct frorcz any saap or photo. 5x7 50c, 8x10 75'. Abbey studio, 18 lRideau St. ottawa, Ontario, MIlJSICAl,(WRM1T 8eï selexchaDllgçs nuaca nstru. Patent P&TEN'ES 8ýooSiet ef lpformsiion on re- il A1 I 1 atue osr own tuba aill wave set. Kit of q30 parts. Tubes, C'has- ai.Icdal hita gift. Ordar eary ric:$9.9t5' Earçrhonea:$3 Eleefrtonie ppiane,116 Prt agýe, inieCan'ada. TAXIDERMY Hisdes ta sined m 5 oe ealsr we alsýo buy , DeOr Ridas. 'Sheep skina tanined for loor rpga. lr -aides tatn,,e4,ind niSe into rtigs. Fox4es and Fusrad1-essd md nmade inito soiit-fs. 2t; Elmi Street. Toron- to, Olivear Spantner Ço, LiS. TEC~TEACHMINT AP n'I' ai 011,e statîng quaIific-ations and salar' execed idlra. Lest- er, Draper, e.Treas.Grcfed WA-N T ED1 OTTAWA T R A CTOR »)rag Saw. Joscph smliis, 1.11. 1, Markhnm, Ontasio. WANTEP TO liENT, L CSMR sho'p aSali iI SwêIig 111good fstrsin comn.niy. lox CC, 73 Adelaide, St., W. Toronto WANT f1(OUS-E IN VLAE TOWN or hsghway, Prefer w'ith iitile lanSI, $700) to $1700,,, Gi!ve descrip- tio)n. pnice etc. Georjge IDrummond, Owen Sounïd. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For ail kinda of dîaes pouiry'. Gaiet(jur1,pri eaq before you saIl.