THIURSI Local News 6IffR ON DIS PLAY AT TED WOODYARD'S ne 49 rlOONOResIllr 2 Supper ?eS (If the y Federation istie the '45 ,B.A. red. Tables, NoCharge u and your T'ORES 1 9c1 for for imie position 'at theQrn sofce Mr. anid UrS- Wn ti tns Sunda(jýy last sith hiso Mltn at EnniSekifien. The Orono psofiewd'iL stay oenl Wednie'sday aftern.oo-n, Dcbe l2th aisd lOth. Mr. and Mrs. Hariy lycett niovrd to thefr nle-w home -'n B m Hvle onSatturday last. Mr. Frank iiBlch, of Creae Sakvjsited recently -m'tbte home of AN, and 3mr. J. HL. Mrisè. are vistin.g vithnhe 11 r " Acari'oa&miOldf1lw5vsic Florenice Nightii)gakliodG onWed- -nesday for- aif rendly isit The striker on the tw lcki just five hiours out a C(cor-di'g tothe hamdson te dm1. e are agi 'I'lrviy to rLim'edy7 the fut The flst heavy snosvflof the tis nioring ThrsayXtheeor forinches coveled thegrud Mr. Boib). GamiIsby was opraedo one cday lest week and is siii cr-iticýal condition. MIrxGam-ýsîy wa accientliyshot while in cnr i the Parry Sound district. MIr. adMrs. James Nixon movedl to their inew hlomie iluBowanvil'le oni Thirrsday ilast. Their sonria iso nioved on the sm a, tlaking the farm- vacated by Mr. Nixon Mris. D>. N. Lindskiy, of No'rth Bat- tieford, Sask., MIns. R. J.Mcino and IMrs. H. Booth and chiildreri, of Toronito, were gue'sts last Tusa at the home of Ah. aand Mrs, eih ton McGinis. The Omringe Degýree Team oner red tie Blue Degree on ahiee candi- datesý at Purpile HliLodg-e, Ca rt- îwrighit ITowVnshfip, onMo.aevin 1lasýt. The eyenimg -was brought t aclosýe by Mie serving of a supper. Doiie1a lam-Glslbv. voýunesonCýf Xr. p10 of ouj atel3r the injured. [Ir. Ernie y bau, soo a Mr. Rob thc wee H. MOI spendling home in tn h'er B.rC. ;ii returii st--,rister 19C opkg 1lic tg 25c bag 39c 'bag 19C 25C 15C 25e 69,c 59c and 79c 25c teak, lb 42c- g Steak, lb 23c nef ruit, Graves and il artl cVUOU t to gvu flYe yr1 j0 endsithl over tweive llioCn pounidsJ of sertviceal1e sed' c!ohingý , 0itl ly needsd by our suffering alles overseas. WVe, at firs't, aîfImed to se- and corarittées and eaded etwith 1966. PBey. Mr. Wallace, of the Ont0 ',a ri o Temoane FlOdeatîon, asthie spe- cial speaker at Park Street Church last Suniday niornjing. A -sil ion- dLered vocal slo by Odrs,(C.Jones formeld part of tlhe choval anthiemn. Mlrs.Chas. Wood' and Mi. C. Taylor contrifbuted a duet e--t the- eveniig sevcand Rev. S. LittIewývood t,)ook as ie ser-imon subject "The-(- Principle ni the Rebound". Announcement Mrs. Reld annouinces that on te dlemand the Gift Shop will OPeai evenings until ~rsm Due to shoc>tage of matlerý duplicates caiinet ho promn in al iines. Makie your s(' r 2 rd.- Tic'ets, FU TURE MinkandFox MUTATIONS Buy a WILU We Ranch Thei C. R. KNOX >N0, PROINE 42 r2 In Our modern fui may be conduicted the dignit-and reverence that would Obtain in a church o(r private home. In addition, the Chapel pro- vides extra conveniences and f acilities ilot possible anywhere else, F ~ rMOriS 00W IJURASIARI 'FNRAL, DIRECTORS 1,--l,,RýYOronoN DWmantville 480 - 731 khaki starring LANA TURINER LARAINIE DAY SUSAN PETEIIS Addted Comedy "11E FORGOT TO RE-MEMBER!> and cartoona Satuirday Only DIECE-MBER Tt .Adventuires of Kitty O'Lay, with Jean Parker and Peter Cooksoni, and a smiash it actïin picture starriag WARREN }LULL, ISABEL JEWEILL and - 1cartoon "4BABY PUSS", -Mon.-Tues.-Wed. DECEMBER 3, il, 5 BETTY GRiABLE and ICKIIYE In~ F(3.'s Special Aaniversary Picture "DIAMONO HO-RSESIIOEY" in techuliceor -Added týOmledy "ýLAST INSTALMEiNT"> PARK ST. UTED CHWRCH I "1ý miliser S.UNDAY, DEC~EMBER 2i "Living On Tiptoe" 2.3O~ChrchSehool. 7 *3,>ý-4W\,o rhi p. Illustrated Lecture. "From 1 bush sehool teo1 "Tbis is ai moral world ýýhe-re mnen aminataiorisreap vhat, they sov." jOrono Ail kinds of P lumbing and DA&N.CE TOWIN HALL, ORONO SATURDAY, DEC. let BY POPIJLAR REQUEST SKIP VAUGHAN AND HIIS ORCHESTRA ADMISSIOIN:- - - 50 Cents ARMSTU WINWER HIS Balance of Winter Hats on sale, clearing at $1..)S, $2.98 SKITS Mse'and Ladies' Skirts, in Wool ad Alpine, pleat- ed and gored. Priceo. froim $3.OOt----0 50 PULILOVERS AIl Wool Pifflovers, in red and blue. Priced-.. $3.o0 AloChildren's Pullovers, iii yellùw, red, bine, si*zes 2 te 6 years. Priced at $2.25 and .. ----------$2.5 ORANGES CHEESE~ 288's, doz 220's, doz Campbell's VEG. SOUP 2 tins 25c EWING'S PUDDING POWDERS eac IMON ARCE CLUB BABY ROLL CHEESE lb. New Blouses, in Taffeta Fe- thber Flannel, Crepe and Sbeer, in hieprintefd and plain colors Priced at $2.75 and........$ ILOUSE COATS la Chenie Printted Pepli Crepes and Feather Flannel. BRUN CH COATS ïu Print. sizes, 14 to 20, 2 lb. box 75c IL Wagstaéff's PLUM MAI 32 oz jar 32c 2 couipons JAVAX 1o4. SHREDDED WHEAT 2~ boxes 23c WAX RAISINS 15e. FLOIJR 24 b bag hini R.E orolio ....... ..........