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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Nov 1945, p. 6

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'SHORT' ATTIRE FOR MEN u L be Placed on the marksot withLi na year, Simple Economics Grandpa wvorked 12 hour a daýy al? (1a eaus aý Bare facts of the imen's clothing ahortage are revealed in~ thia photo of a fashion show put ont by Washington war vets. There just i9n't enough rayon to fill dem~ands for suit linings as welI as tire fabrica, and clothlng ,*,-,getting the s.-horts end of the deaL. 11E w YORK -,Mnscohn racks are uemptybeane &too buleire racks are faing un. S men whO need both new suitsand nW, tires 1m-ust takýe their cho0ice-theyj can' have bot. Raoused to ne men',5sosits and' overcoats, also is il greait de- mnand uaR afabriefor the, aig of nwsnhtctrs aua rubber tires ïused cottoin cords, !but the s'ythetics gain nrasddr abilit y with rayon, producers daim. For0th lat reason te'ire industry mendus ~ of the yar, Cltin nanufaturnessa there fano feasibe substiue for rayon inincgaý. Sl sequa,,lly >scajrce, andi alpaca, a h"igh gradle mituret uing cotton has ben scontinued by ilîs. C1othýieranied approx-1 ima",tely' thiree yardýs ofirayon inin foir very fouir yrf suiitng.Th rayn demand of jhe clobig in- bas ben -1cult i0half. RAYON4 ORTiRps SS se r istheshortageyf es even theveteras'dmanda can be met. Satisfying normal civilan re- quirementsis an imposibilityune Sinc veterans get no prioit in the acabemay make the clotng probýlema 1ofexsrcennohg chrtofdesper-ate., Clohig corclestmate thuto the basis of two "s prveern 24,000,000garments must be pro- due.Civiiai n demnd is est- atedat 6,00,00 suts.Thiýs total cf 4,000000 ompaesvith a ea production of 2,000;j,00in1941 Tht atory in top-coats anld oveoat is almoat as bad. While producers cf rayon yarn are exadigIeir capacîty, cloth!- inig imanufacurerdeclare t wil b a, year before creadpo to is realied. la viw Of thC retarde iloduction oA new automobiles they feel thte ray3on for rubber tires should be allocated to cloCtliiulg to fdu an imperate demmnd. The cloting industry uses ap- proximl'ately '100,000,000 yrso rayon --i a niormalyerMauc- 1ârers, faced wthalmc-oat tvwicc the nomal &ea or cothin, sy thywiIl be otnaet eaie4 to 50,000,000 yad t 7,1ar 1Th MORE WOOLENS A further cmlcainis îthe dissatisafaction 0f1rayon nls wivth; Office of Price Admrinistration ceil- iniga 'n lîinings fo me'sclothIng.2 Yob W0iI' EaJOY 5taTilîg At TeSi. Regli Hlolt TORUNTo- ta E-very R00221 wlth Batîh, shaower milend ehoe * SubIe, 821.50 Up * À)0 qodFeoil, uImng aidam.ée- lag Nïgâtly. s5eheibojUe at nCarItem Tel. ICA. 4153ç' Office of WarMolatnadRe covrinand tht- CiiinPro- 'omne so al'armed th',at apecifie r jay- on1 lining ouýtput h las been or dr chneldto mencl's clot]ing man - ufatue~s Tismove bas cue SougL39tby Nazis, until thG war's end, for fleeing from a labor camlp ini Ger-many, Oscar G. Lagao, above, arrived in the United States on Oct. 31 and three days latcr.r en- iiated Ïn the U. S, Army. He's a rookie at Ft. Sheridan, 111, Born in Detroit, e was taken to live with hi- family in ]Br.gium. at the age of four. test, silice they vinl turti will su4fer under the nlew allocatïin. The entire pictuire iot a t hid thec situationi in woolenls, which is îimprovýing. Although thl-e govero- nlient took 100 pr cenlt f ili wor- steýd rodltctioni for the arm ed( for- ces froi Janiu-uary to Auigust, 1945, nlsl, hav e reau mred p r-od ujction for ciVilian Use. By Janiuary the sot age o are is e'çpected to be TheIre will be no new ssI 1,17- e ver, unleSa rayn for linlings is made available. -~ I INO ONE eau rýepeal the law of suapply and dexùaiid, But we can make it work ouIr way by holdinig Ou to Vietory ,Bonds4 bouglit to He-re's thy: -For xnany niontha sconsumer g , ods 'will continuie to le searce. Biddinig for thesc goods with aur extra dollars, ithus dri'ving prices up, Only. serves to devalue all of our personal wezltls, and that of the na-tkOn. Pa e tn spri miarily a n ict i- Parag ulay's pop ullation fa c ifly tural~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~J conr, ~goip fct ht.There are aot2,O rus fruit bein-g te m a urative abor-iginlea lu thse wiIds, an co m er ia wa tivit . J N e gýro s are u k o n -BY leaving 9Our exra miney hi sfe keeping wiith our goenetfor ,raymenIt we conditins have Lecome ormnaj-'we auto- maic lykeep prices do wn nd ahttilsthe law or Supply and demand l in ace That's why your ie£ory Bo±is my veyou ïïczce what you've'invested in them-l-il' yo-u Jaold pis to th etîOw. When.tempýed 1,9 casti thoi eiu-îtink of tomnorrou! TDH ZÎUE OF SEAGRAM The Investmetk - that holds 'Unquestioned le-ade*r, sli-p in Canada - that prQvÎdes -maxmmnecrity - that returna godincome> witli unfailing regularïty - that is mnost readily marketabl, whemneedarisces 'the leest invesnient for Catiadliant* Mail orderà reevepomta'tnix 36 King Streei lTf, ùny omen Toronito iW1d TelePhoine EL gin 4321Lite -men who thitk of tomnorrow plaiàs y fedin Bok,,UninjtorutdSmhn Your adio.phoograh oftomo Wo lfl bwiug1 you complete arovels, drvamas and Syntp}soniea anein imrse1on smaU polsof ateel 'wifre. Iloura of etranetwill Le provided by atge po ao larger than your hand. AuId on pos'f '%Iank" ýwfrè ou will lie able t,> makeyoow zeecrding-to lreep permanenxIy or to "Wlp>e eanl" for rt-use any timne yon Ywisl your J'ctory Rontly will bily- reaer p!e«susj's and eomnforts tomorrow! Me wko tïtk ft rO a "IIOLD ON TO YOEIft VICTORV O 'NS TOUAV"9

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