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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Nov 1945, p. 7

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With isý hands janed in th* lckets of01 iiai rosers, Gary slqjggedI alonig the Sun-wahedrond te, town, Befor e he ad gonle far, Jlr realized tht is Phkysicai ý,.renIgth was ti far below par, but Ilis 1rnoodY ang-er at lhf e drave bim on. And thlen a car swished ta a stop in tthe fdust, close t' bis eloand Adelaide ,saqid briskiy, "Get in sii y, UIleas you fiee that yo'esirnpiy got ta pont somie more," Gary was too tired to argue. He got ini. ",You cold have telephioned fromi the hiouse, Y015 knacw, anid foiind( out ail about thle trains in five mjintetýs," shie wenlt onj, Iooking straight ahead from uniider the brin, of thle new sports hat. "That is-if you have ta finid oat about trains." "Listen, imy girl." Gary's% jaw 'Wall so stif f thiat the words clipped Off fike lenigils of wire. "Can't I niake you underjcýstanjd that I can't bce under obligations to your fanlY Oh"shle said flatIy.- "That's the reason1, is it?" "Thiat's thec reasoni." Equaiiy fiatknoingthat bie Was tc1ing only 1haif the tuhls hnhh tbemath enatical about it. KnOW- ing tilat thec otheir half-thie other thre-fourths-could not be told Not tili lie ownied mare worldly goods than could be carried m anc battered suitcase. FTo be Conitinuied) aiwda.y SchGnoI ............. ........ ..........- JDecember 2 The Christian anid His Economic Relations Deu. 8:17, 18; Luke 12; 13-21 Golden Text Framan'l life conIsisýteth fot iný the abun4iance of the tbinlgs whïih is posskiss -etb. Luke 1:5 Wealth ie From God D e .8:17 - Wben prosperity c0ames, a miai is ternpted ta be- one protud ,and boastful, and ta îtakf Ai l gory muntb hjmself. fi1e forgets bis îindebtednless taGod; be attriixutes bis Ssccess ta bis own wisdotn, skiifl and energy, 18-Israei was ta, remlemnber whnprospcrity came that it was bec.ause God hiad been i aithful ta lis Coveniant, andi not hec-ause of theniron effort or zbility. A Covetous Brother Lue12:13.-This vman was 3net a disciple af christ but o3ne whao wishevd to miake uise of His influ- enice to imlprove biïs woridiy posi- 14-5-We amn becomies coeouxhatever forrni it aniay jake, it maathiat his becart be- cornes seýt on that particullar object rather thian God and thus takes the place of God, and tbis amocunits ta idolatry. By having abundance of wealth a manl cannat sustain l ife. Whnlii e is ebIbinig away ail thle iieaIth in the worid cannot salie bita fram ideatb. God Giveth Increase 16.ý-Th:is farmier could bave blessed thie poor witb bis Surpflus wheat and brolight blessing ta bis ,own sauut Bltie deiiglsted ta pos- scss things anld ta ghory in tfrcin. Being a '10ool" bis prosperity r ould eventuýally destroy bitai. 17-18.-This irnan sýýpeaks as tbouýgh ail were bis very own11, -witb no~ tbougbit of bis indebtedlness ta God. fie is entirelyiy unnindful of theg fact flhat it is Godi who givetb tie nrae Rich Toward God 19.20-Some men li ive as tboulgb they hiad nio soul, as though thelre is no fe beyonld thie present. and asz thouigh tbey can count 0ona good aid age ta enjoy theernseives ta the fuil. 111 a niençrt of tirnec ai' aur b)righýt dreams of the futuire mnay be sbiatteredI and anothier will possess and eioy whiat we have More than two, gencrations ago-ini grandmotbcr's day--mothers firstdi- covered Vicks VapoRusb. T'oday it is thecmost widely tsedhorne-rernedy for reiieving miseries of cbildren's cold. And bere le the reason .- The marnent you tub VapoRub on tise throat, chest and back at bectime it starts ta work two ways at onç- TABLE -TALKS. Desserts De)ssert is something whicjs we aIl anticipate at the enld of a me4aL. It is the climax or speciai treapt. A dessert mutst cornplement tise mneal. If tie nmain course is sub- stantial, then choose a simple les- sert, but if the main course Is ligbt, then roufi ont tie imeal with a aiericbi steatned pudding. Cjsacoiate Pudding i talcsaongelatille 2 clips mlilk 6tablespoonis or 1 sqtuares grated. IIunsweetened chocolait 2 egg yolksý- talq)0l su-gar Mteaspoon Sait 2 rgg whites 2 tablespoons sugar Few drops~ peppermint f lavor- iirg Soak gelatine for 5 minutes in ~ 1cup xilk. place retnaining milk in top of double houler and scaid, A1dd soaked geletinle, grated chiocolate -and stir until chocolate nrielts. Beat egg yolks with- 3 tahlespoonissur and s;ai1t. Pour bot chiocolate mix- ture graduially otoer egg yalks, stirring conistanltly. Retiurn ta double houler aind' continue cooking until mrixtuire çoats a, spoon. Chili untir partialy set, about 45 mnin- Utes' Beat w2ith rotary beater un- t;i fight and fluiffy. Beat egg whites utlstif f and add the remaining Z tahiespoons; sugar and f lavour- ing. Fol(! into cisocolate mixture and pour into a moistenied miotld. ChýiIli natiliseantd serve whli cer.six Fservings. Orange Bread Pudding 4 slices 'wite bread 2 tabiespoonis butter -14 cup oranige sections or shces 3egg wbiites Mteaspoon sait /2clip suigar 2tablesýpoons grated orange rind 3 egg yolks M c ýup riik Sp)read bread with butter and cnt in cubes. Place in greased baking dish and. arranige oran~ges on 'top. Add Saltta egg99wbIiteýs and beat until stiff. Gradually beat in the sugar and add orange rid. Beat Housekeeper Wanted MltRl ORtWO-MAIN FOR lRE- fined ' homec. Pîeasaýýnt wor1king condlitions. Good Wages. pare Patid. Write Ftating full parti- cuasto - MRS. SAIR, 144 Ridge hlui Driv, Torono For Faster Reflef of CHEST UCOLDhS M uscuIar Aches & Pains Tired Burnlng Feet MASSAGE WELL WITH PRICE 30c and 50c ai AIL Drugglsf a and keeps on warki-ng for hours-to ease caugbing spasmis, help cleas crin- gestion in cold-claggedl upper breath- ing passages, relieve muscular soreness or tigbtaess. 1It prarnotes restful sleep. Often rnast of the mrisery of the cold îs gone by morningi bhat's wby VapoRub is so good ta use when cald stnke. Try itl egg yaiks; add mnilk anid fold inlta- beaten e(gg whites. Pour over bread ixture and ovenl-poach in, a; moderate avenl at 350,F, for 40 minutles. Six servinigs. Zooming Dwindles Wild Geese Return After a five-year ab)sence, wiid geese are returnîng ta, their aid haunlts in Huron county. It is thougbt taptz during t're war years they were frigbtened away by theý zooinig of planes whicb rose frorn the fields of the four tairports, ,oiiietirnes rivaflng in their formation thfe flight of the F.ARN EXTRA MONEY AT HOME Ladies desirous of earning ex- tra money chrocbeting ethome. Materiais, patterns ctc. , vm>vided. Watcii clasuified section in fu- ture editions. WRITE BOXC 513, FORT ERIE, NORTH ONTARIO. cetr ISANTLY -ASPIRIN EASES REURITIC, LEIRALOIO PAIN FAST! w For Reieving Miseries of Childrens Colds N N N N N N N

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