ORO )ONT 1 945 'ance and Draw, Town Hall, Orono, -December Townshipi o1ýr of E. R. 'Woodyar-d for VIre eship -wich ade sure of his io, while -Nc-wtonville, Les-kard Steirvlle strongly voed in, ur o-f Malville Jones)fordeputy et y er' ouil w 'ill be nmade up .ouws: Reeve, E. R. Woodyend; tty Reeve,(1 c. MJones; Council ¶atelLower y, Wilf red 1e and Arbhirr McKay. e mnain question in the election ed Vo settle erounid tIre question îad work throughout tha town- Soima were for having better S and mnaciniery to do tMe work eothes wera of the opiion tit sShiiod be cerried con las b~oe ine alone will seltte this question heor wev cen bave 'btter roads aili keep the tex rate downl cr Vo where it is to-day. At any thre new council bas beau given right Vo go aeed Vo endeavour irak better roeds throughout the ship of Chaike. ibng is tbe resuit of the rot- frbnm the dîfferent polis of tIre . Counil, f14 i13 27 83 -17 Of Newcastle sp tastleIreld its elactýi'onon Mon1- )eceoilbar 3cd, weneighV mcce )r Co ii, ,Nlth four Vo -ha ee ct- Vaide'a C. R. Cerveth end reava -veaýs-tia, rltirnd (from t1he reeve - George Wefton, nin(iiated ifori Disition received ian acclamation, e ther matmbers of the ceunicil J arc, :Messrs, Tracy [Maeas, Glcnny, Staney Grii a-m d Ricekerd. The fLotir defnated laes were T. J. Brown, -NI.. J. ty, Percy Rare and George AVs. dleudid co-operettion- recn'ived al public in thairlîl [p reise threnon y on tIns work. ni tlire enca et- 1more fndtherefore mwe are egain appealing for that ýo- aVi ion. Tickýets ara on sýale e t lyah business placeýs iin tIre vil- aild tIre dance is Wadncsdy,7' Vdelc4s'Dece, 'lown Hei, elv To Bne Cutl Foir thae first tanci reasent yaar butte-r een sliig'Ily -no <Aý cornresponinigpe: mi-onths of production Durham County Federation 0f Agriculture News The tabulation of the ine at the Poruins tliroug-hout the Province hield on Noveiber the 19th, prýesent- fd a very interesýting and efflightn ing picture. It bas often been salid that the f'ar- mer is selfis'h and faut-finidipg, but te the writer, nfter suyigthis ne-- P.ort, thre above doos flot holdgood The studOy foir the wee1ws Coli- trois enld centred arounid the poýpuIlar or otherxvise sujjec!t of rýations. The Forui-s were askdwlatsoude done -with sue;a-r rationing e nd th-e Toliowing wais the :nswor 70'% saî,d eaeit as it is, 20% aid enase it donand onfly 10%I sai4d remnove it. They did say fiwo thin--gn wbichshol dema'nd attentfion, one, tIret the gvo!- mng of sugar et should bpelenLi r- agd nd two, that the bLack mlarkct operators sh'offld be severely dealit Th e resuilt as to butter ratioingii wVas 40,%Ieav'e it as it is, 38%ase it off, and 20 reinove it. Tmvo per cent did not say ,what it wvantedi. There 'seened to be a general opiionci- thiat there mus t bere quaintities ini Th-e nreet raùioning- changed th e picture by sayingý that onily 203%' wvanted to a ve il, as it is, 40%",,case it, and 40%,remoave it. The farmreils ae t pleassed .ith meat rationing. The resuit of the discussions about eiling prices of ninfatre oods slhows vry Ceaeely the f armer doezs not always think onIy of thne price of' hîs o'wn stuif, but is ready and -wili- ingl te be ", a irv. About otber pricns 80 aîd inave theceln prîce.s as they aire, 10% eý ase them, and 5%, rmvethlem. The other 5%,' did flot know v hat they wanited. The farnm- ens big concern seemu a Vo)he floozr Ipnices'irathler than cenlinig, Although contrais nare not th ï-PiI desrab~ thngsthre fermner seemis tVo b-e convineedIthat io is not thre fiest tim-e to remlove themi. Tt is the hoe - tat hese findi:ngis xviII' be, published from -week to wekl so that oth ari esand others can geV a-l Ipicture as seau itbrougbh thle farmiers eyes. The fermepr todayiý is hiikin.g his wey thrioug,ib and ha- lsproving t, hat lbe can imake agood job o it. Joseph J. Mellor, Couinty Seeretery NE WTQN VILLE ý Mr. and Mris. R. Boule,BrnM. F". Gifford, Port Hope, spent .un et Mn,..IClinton Brown's. Daapest sympelthy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs upon the daath of their infan_,t s'oni. Congratulations to ;Mr, Melville JTone-s, who was elected l}nputy Reeve of Clairk Township on rMonday. 31r. and iMrs. Lennox VaSey7, port MeN-l\ichol, -werc week-end guests of han parenite,_Mr. and Ms.Wml. Ste- pleton. Dorothy Stelpieton, dlaughiter of Mr. aInd Mrýs. George Saicowon thep Gold Medal et the W.C.T.U. contest in Ononio on riy night leist. Doro- thy- is twelve yesobld and -,t - tendinjg Port Holpe Hfigbl Sehlool. Youniig Paoqle'S ion Our rîegular mreeting openied with Hymn il3-1, following which 1Rev. Smitb ledi Iinprayer. MAinutes were rend,t an1d follow'ing e ýorrIeCÈcini-on the colecio, er eloptad. Because ofC thre future absence of our citizenshipi conveno0r, Keith Buri'ay, w1ho is to at- tend sehool in Toronto on Decemiber 3 a niew convenor (le Vo lealctnd. Moved by Lewis Stone, saconided by' Keitb Burfi'ey, Vin our, new ceonvenoi. ried. The coll anrouting o $' then took tie chia Hlyme 2-2 -ws Sui Mary WNaclaread thw1. verses1 fevouircd mith wbicir certainly -c anie Wright ha, lotion wes Car- nwstakeni LwsStonie rtIre progr-1ani: foilowývinin hcIr sCrip t'Li,.. Malt- an enicore. i ngis', Nmas /lary Lanae "L'et lmi Formai ope, Hali W.J. sin event of considerable irnport- anc e toi Oronoù, took place on Satur- day evening, when the naw Girl Guideý Hiall, formnerl'y ile MsncTem!pl, was formally op-en'ed. Through thie gennrosity of Mr. W. 7ýE.Ansrng the Lise of the hall bas been -,donte-d Vthe Gidces, and, several organizet- tions have g-,iven furnîshings for the use of thre girl. Mrs. W. E. ArmiistrLon-g. eti of thae Guides, presiddadfoý,r the eveninjg', prorameand we-ýs taken b;y sur- prir e rwdrn Joyce Comis and Jean Turner presented broit a ittle gift ini appreciation of lher untiî,ing efforts in working with thregrs AuwBrownie pick of twepl- e lit,- de girlsin ther brand nw iforms, was introduced V o tIreauine d (ne earlment, littIa Anne Best, car- ried trph Four older girls, Carolirie Jones, Elleen Joines, Doris Snith and Joan Bruton were l e enrolld as Guides. jM. A. J Frank, Bo ,nianville, who celled foir a fnwý, m1inlutes, wavs pres entedi witb a i,,i ane laurp by thc Guides, in eappre- Uiation of be-r interest ilu tilea Orono' g'irls, who ettended eainip et Fenciýon Fells lest summ-er, On- beheilf of Orono dde1os Lodge, Mlr. I. J. Rffddell rresented tira Guides %vith seves-el piaces of T. A. REID tal.Atten th tknof e suin asToastmaister, Dean, Deputv G tf er Br>own il Iled 0on Bro. Wa migâu m 0Orono Lodg,,e, to propos( thre visitors, responded- Retirig Reeve D-wyer, P.D.D.G.M. ofC Dwyer spo,ýke of the grea, teen yeals of f aithiful ser- pnlinciples- of Oddfeiloir Mie Townshp Gouncil, Mr. worl'd Vo day, as the renve for tbe pas.t.nine work of Orono Lodge. retired froer mnicipal af-1 rAt tbis timiethe Toasi is servces miii he o're1pst m ~i D Asi M ai t ai ns. Th e sÉraflPd codeP and nu'crer dss sgiver, to tueni ty m. Ed. Neilsoni, Miss ýS. Penfund, Mrs. Phasýey, -Mrs. Blsper Dean and othr kîndI friands, TIhre',leaders ofcthe Býrownîe's, Auna Staies-, Jean Turner an11 Sh1iley Flintoif, end GepV. Armr- ýstrOng ail1 deserve a great deal o credit for tire wonderful worlk tViey are dong. From 5S to 8 pm.on SeturdeLy, the( miijbi)ers oýf the Local Associationan otson theCGuidaesiVdby the giis, served e bot supper in the Orang Halland lu conuection vwith lt an apron sale, both of which net-- ted e splendid sulni of monc1ly. Local iloistein Nominated For AIi-Canadian! GaatnPiioýt,owýnad by Johni Cruieksbhank, Hampton, Iras becu nromnated for the fourth Annual Ahi- Hae was first prize thra-e-yeýar-oild bull &Ad Senior Champion et LVIre Werk-_ worth egonlChaurpionship Shoo, end wes first and1 Grand Champjion et the DuI11ireni Black and WieDayT et Orono. TIre Altnde ountprne the celimax of the so eason forý Hoîsteini breedeýrs lu Canjada. Prize- -ine(rs -et the varionIs feins eud e - Irbtosof Poica Ceposi caibe ompeta for- national hiouons through tha me dium of photogr plis, thp -actuel selecions in thevanou clsss ai-gmade bjy a comminitea composed of tha judgcs et thýeefis ILu each of the fiftaaeegueso classes an AilCanadien and a Re- serve Ail-Caniain are chiosen. Thins yer84 aulmials osvnad by 58 breedelrs in sxproviînces bave 1been nmnVd TIre winnars will bhaennouncededarly in, Jauuary,. Tbis çonitest is sponsoredl by theaIHolsteii-,rFiesian Journal. Jecirta; aund( Keith Burley as -Mri. S ickle. A sheet was arranged as a curtain, a lump w\-as lit behind tIre )1Layeors, or should -we cali Vba nock actors, and alVire lectric lhghts were doused so tiret tIre saosof tlie players co'uldd h seen ' on the scrcen. TheIre ny tIret followed shoiwýed vT'riouLs parts of tIre hodly be- ùI np.raf-.p<i on sunuICI ut Off ' etc. Anothfer Gof(d1Medel ontssonn- soe ythue Wons Cbnji'tian Tami- pereoce Union, wes beLl on Fidny evenin, Noveber'0th, in teSun- da chhool roomi of Parýk St. United îCuthwith Lbie usueal lr attend- ance. There acee sixcontestants, threa grs, Dorotby StapiJeton, Jo)yce Sut- ton and Kay MceKeunna, aid three boys, Eari Bowu, Danny Lynch and Don MacLren. The ,juàges moee Mrs. S. Moffet, iRer,. Linustead, of' Couirtica, and W. W. Pattarson, ofi Nexvcastle. Thuey. had a rIrelir diffi-j cuit Vask in judý(giing as thea contest- 1 ants -ware markad so ce together, I witb the decision wsfirsit witb tihe girl1s, Dor-othy 'Staplaton, of Nnwtotn- ville; Murst 'with the boys, Denny Lynch, of Orono. Tfie, twowinr ech rncéeivd e gokd medai eaueac oe of th-e contestants received a book. The prasanîtation as ma&e byý Mim,. '1-. Wilsb. Bill Moffet hbey m'g mýon third pnize et the Provini- c!ial convention on b is Tnperanica Poster ,was prasented bny Mrs. Litti-- ýo'od rvith ite$.10priz"e m ' i'dI abook from tha W.C.T.U.n. Lit- tiaoodwasChaîrman e1 -nd gavee Other items on tbe prog amme wete, piano fýsolos by RalpIr eerx of~~~ Hero ,vocal sol byGeoge Joues, and V o c al-solos 1byvMr's. Il Hori, blis od ironouii p-ast 2-5 tinu iï Bro.1 spoke o ieanlt t( lowship,. wola Maple Leaf Insura Hold Meetingi The ag-ents of the M'apie Leaf Far- restau, mers -Mutuel Fire lIniurance Cmp'any were miet for their animal s e ssi o n inPlace Stouff'Ville, on Friday, Nov. lGth. 'The The local a,£ent f n'this mnav nd a