ORONO ! 1P C arke T hpwhc a held a ,at ne oer wul t be called Vupon ceiebra;tionis eare in f ull swving. hre for. the tiem atlesfomte l eiluj zand( Wmii. iLaing. Thiese .men hv d( miany ycars, T. A. Reid forfien in coni uighi- tenlure Co fl ofie. posýition alsIo in th,ýe cuil in his long been a ýounmcilor -for the past ninie nlship of CEl'arke ws deeply in debt, s of T. A. Reid, F. B. Lovekin and ie e able tco bril. the Towýnship out of aie yers lhave alwýNayssowda 'cal- idrtrdfrom mniipal ffars efore t-he electio,I ývein and Wmi. Laing were defeat'ed by,, the two new .iis yeahr's counei, G. M. Joiies an d E. R. WXoodyard. er members tenure l in ice, ino conplaiits wr ea-Id t'wo years, henci the ratepayers w-\ere of tIe opinion ýey should be expended on roadis along iith the pur- irmachiniery to take car.je of the samne. This is -what upset the couricil. They have spent many of their shipbixM~es .nd spentl their own lmney to help carry ,s of dhe township for years. They have been given im-ie and a-gain, shoing that their laithlfui services ed, and now the townshipill lose the ser-vices of en) f-or the tim.e iheing at least, whvile the ratepayers seanàj the- results ýof the new- counicil1 to see if they ake in changing -thie counil. Tt is n'ow up to the nin- 1to dto rmore road work withood iaciiery, and ait keep the Vax ry iate xliere it -\as iast year. sot ke Township;- ) express my thanks and appreciation of ce you, have placed ini me by electing me if the council for 1946, will the issuies that may corne before the e as much beairing on the fuiture course Sbuisiness as the next year, and 1I.assure e my endeavour to deal with theni in the ts of ail the people of the township. nk youi and vish you ail t-he Compli ments ARTHUR McKAY W'hen you ivre (1 MRS. J. E. JITCIIRDS M'iii Street, Orono Phone- 27 r 16 To the Citizens of Clarke Township: THANK VOUI For electing nme Reeve of Clarke Township Council for the year 1946, and for the intér- est shown in this election, despite the very uinfavorable conditions of the roads. EDWIARPD R. WOODYARD To the Electors of Clarke Townshi*p: 1 wish to thank you for the splendfid support you have given me, and for the assurance that we should try to bring our road main- -tenance to a much hig-her standard. C. MELVILLE JONES Deputy Reeve takes mnore than bricks!1 .1A lady boarder i com? -tab1e hlomie; phon-e 65 r 12, 01-01-1.--. FOR SALE TIwo Wagoýns wih oo! \ulde Tidres. Appy to Grant Coop \Kn dcial, Ont.; Phl-One ?3 r 1. c-46-p. WANTED Live Poultiry and 'Feather4 Goodi prices paid. We have nio age$Ni M. Flett, Betharry R. R. o 1; Telephone 7 r 13, Rethiany. 50-p. FOR SALE Tiixecio, in gooti coiti-ion, size 3,6 or> 38. Mhy be seen at Riddel's Bal- ber Shoip, 01-ono. a5 FOR SALE PinbenuLtifujlmhgny as (Dominion), oo condition. To be szold by toiede. -Appfly Jas. E. Rich- ,1rd(S; Pb.one 27 ring 1, Orono. FOR SALE VauteSuc,-tioin Cleanrer, -Model C, Serlal N,ý,o. 21i10:36. The vacuum V L be used wbÏere there is no electr-icity, Aipply Vo iMrs. A. E. Mellows, Nýe-w eï,stle, Otrj.a-45-p. NOTICE The Orono W. 1. bingo in the Council in the near future.- Vo be uised to send oi chlildren ol Britainý dlate. for iNO0TICE Oonmeci¶gThutrsdla--y, Novent*er 9t0, the Oono Flouir Miii1 go on anl 8-heur dnay, from 800 a4t tario Depart1ment Uof La'bo-ur e4l Mousb-45-p. DANCE An OkI Time Danvce will be Il 1 Nesvonvllecomm'lityHllonth evenig ofMond Y Dece n lthe 1945, cmmniga .0 ocok Good Orchiestra in attendan1ce. Re- freaimens' old. Acbilission 35 Cet.proeedis for Conum1unty Hall. %meersof PILES rod1 pil- hud îknow Bunlkers liei,ialPjIll,ý f4 'ause at its source, M.oney back if the Olrst bottle does inoV saisfy. Tyr- rel"7s Drug Store, Orono, or Mellow's Drug- Store, Newucastle. NOTICE! oi-i-,e7 i ng Su niday, Dece iber 9ýth, ýCedar Daie Dairy -willdson -iu udY deliveies' for the winterý mionitrs. ..We aprCiate the co-oper- aion we received froi our eustom- ens durinig the last Vwo 'wi-rters and are looking1- forwai-rd Vo haviag- the some results VMis year. Due tIo the shortage of hotties -we have beeu unable to start the six day delivery as early as usiuel, but we have a moderate supply of botties P.ow and wiVh your hielp a-ud care ini returuiing the biotties pro-rnpuVly we are quite sure ïwe wviul be able Vo :supply you vvith sufficient milk on Saturdays Vo do you ýovr the Slaàbhaeh Day. don't.really need. We must support rationing, observe price ceiings, and avoid black markets. If we do this, we can keep prices from shooting sky high. If we don't, some day we'il be paying a dollar for fifty cents' worth of goods. This means your dollars-those dollars you've saved to buy your home-will only be worth fi~fty cents! This is inflation! And after inflation cornes depres- sion! We know what fiaPpened after the last War! It musîn't be allowed to happen again. That's why, for our owni sakes, and for the sake of the returned mxen to whom we owe a job, a fut:ure, a home of their own-we must make sure Canada's dollar re- mains steady. We must kecep up a constant fight against our country's Make this Pledge Todlayl 1 pledge myseif t. do my part in flghting inflation: By Observîng raitioning and avoidiIïg black marketz; in any shape or form. By re;pecting prico controis ?rd other anti-inflation mueasures, and re- fralining from careless and unnleces- rary buying. 1 will ot boy twO where one wilI do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "-old'> will do. Lucite Hair Bruases, ccomp ýylon Bri stie(2s. See this 7at Tyrrelïl's, IN ST RICKLANI ocf Erndst away Decer Lovingly rE 2.00 te Ml( PHONE office 'ire, The RU c Phone 5 Conducts and at r Perry, () E.Mortf IAXI his ýcou- )dation ji- - 1 Es Ti