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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Dec 1945, p. 7

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rE TOPPING MILLER be- f The'l nibc-s rrie sudins- m((Ledt)ll arve3 brouighit t the -,lut Ia-111 ( theV geophlysýict' report te ansd beglan x isvl t e ICIa eVMeryfhin g 1that badhaend Ade \ lla isie slij)ped eut and1 l cluteh- as -,d t Gary, c ixtehll Oh, 4dearl 1ever hum fot t. ntiai, "Tbey'i avu te o w onrQ " suppoe se," se sighedI. G eet ruining eer; hig fyeea" with ut Oivr ad lreadly Ltaken aiys C01minand cf ithe situ1ation, ae.e and remtedby ;race.-lic was wat advan1cing gumentsagahnsit ý ild sup- cattiuig ano)h wcililaitig uponl eco- th a'tdvlaultaJge s of se(Ilinig leases, cion, sud or once Gay o1nud h1iliself icl- agneeiug witb Oiver. -jgs "I h1ink Kýirnbll'S ight , Mi. Masn,"hesaid. aire " orebsrgf"Grace put mîn;lg i. Oliver knws heeh usies ports.1 -at if ever sinlceJhe left schol.ý" fav - Aelîd toodiii thce door, lber s3red 1eyVes b(mi."Wydo' yuail egg"9 lef 'Dadldy aleine?"she demaudedi ,: "Me knows wbat h's doiuig." "I oudr'Graice assacastic. With VWe l. u aail 1coniýc and Iest ieý or dinuer, ay a, sigbd M enair Pres ene1y A.deiaide edged Gary uit o a cor- cive, uier aste faiiy tropted inito thie 1hot diiuig reolin."Ta wassaby fruit agreeiing with lier" besnp. sud -ped. "I tbouighit you'd stick vwitli des.- Dad sud e." ' fiagreed wiithhl ecue bappeus e b rigIo"Gary said qulietiy. At the table, Grace ioe -l) tcrc)ss at Gary. "ben areoyo leaviuig,Meiois'it"sea- ed cooliy. "I hpe te get away tomerrow%, G.ary relid s caisually suýjd cool- 1gar1, 1ly. eo "Wbat?" HIarrvyliftedbivoc ni- se Lltt Maria jumpe)d. "Y-ion're Dot yig ginlg, I hircd yeni. Yen fouuld th3is in lu 11. Yeu \won'1t like lyleico anly- al"! way, nef lu summii-er," mu, "Dad, if -Mr. Tailjiman bias a job downter- Grace was acidi. "A insul witbl a job lu sigbit haýd be)ctter banig on f0, t" sýted Oliver. Mena Lee loe at thier ail ahlmly. 'Gary's net geiuig" shel anuiiounuied wî'th a Sercieekiuidet finaity "fi kn Wse needhlm and Gary wolIdn't gosd lea V' Me wben I 3unecd h]iliým, Weid lyen, Ga ry?-ý" ice. fie was on the(sp)ot. Th]-1eewas, ots stoth1iug -te(do 'buit teagree. in)o Later wheu-i Harvý,%ý had genee ides oiff f the caulyoul, dn-agginlg Oliver ûn with hlm, MnaLee came uC ipstairs Dice and tspped ou Gary's oDpen deeor. mu "Gary,"she ssiid asbte turuied, "I db wanit Yen te stayl 'm worried --about Harvey --b1c's go pl "l'il stay, Mrs. ýMaseni." Gary tumnecd freiri the wiudow,.. "'f you 'ask me ..1 csn't refuse very weIll affer Ailyeu've dloue- for me,"1 dcc Gary sat i- lute iv-ing rom that selszy uîght anid isyed double solitaire- let wïib Mena Lee. Harvey was eut, Or he was aIw,-aSysout uew, reariuig ýet a-rounild somewhlerc i isisy )ý3-obi th roadstcer. ga. lu te middle cof thie garme -11 1ns Lec -laid hem carda down su folded fire ex- "ay"she said. "Yen ike Ade- laide pretty wldov't you ?" Gary 'el, the biot bleed flanc everbis facevudleck. He Smiled any,"Tbere's nef mnuc uise, tryinig te bide aulyfbing frein you, la there, Mrs.MaoBtw t can Ido? Ihaveut a tinIg te offer a girl like deaje- atsthhug "Yen thinklveis uninsportant?, If ~ ~ t is' Loft girl. Harvey M- son bsrd not'ing te effer me bt love, ct ar-udsfcw buudred acres of -wasbed-out prairie land. Wemade the rcst together." "I havcn't even a peeof iwash- ,. ed-out Iland.Ter- lie threw a few rumlcdbis ýou thie table - lies Muy fortune 1" "Yenueemd anoùther shirt, Gary. Yeu buy wue tomomrow. And doP't you giv-e up. Addie's a littieý crazy rigbt u Iow-it's tIle itboug"bt-of ïail hisnlney. Se'lcalm ldowu p-n-r- Hlarvey camne lu late anid tossed a telegrsminiilto Menla Lee's lap. She looked frigbitened sund piclced it up g"ingeýrly %ith lber flu]gers. -01h, lmercy!" sble gasped we ,,he read (Iit."it's romJunlior, lie says 'H'ear w'~struck ohl. Stop., Sweul1. stop. Just wenut anýd bouigbt imyseif a new\ roadsýter,' Harvey Maso, you et a nue Mf f0 hum iirigbit srig andtelbn you baveln. sruck ou yet, and to seud that car rigWbuac." "lie had a niew car last yeaïr," growl1ed IHarvey. "ha'stewa with kidi. Tbey thiink you'r-emd Btthle did lnot write ùor ý,ire t Uarvey Juinior. lie forgot aot ;t. Hle fad to et resdy to go t Autin teget bis drilliugpemi, s berushled arounld, sbouItinig rderýs ail over bth oue -Look lbere, Gary-yen no about this drillinig businiess-you0 oligbtt 0 ouowa good -fig vwhen- yeu seecit. You takre Addie' sucr and she can go aloug and driv, sud you go over eas and hunt me up a gooid crew tIo geo a welli "Yu'lneed twýocew-ger te ge-t your derrick uip suddnier to et your Vwell dow," ý-Gary r ýe- indeid hmii-. "And wbat are yýou going te do0 about water for 'lie boiers and te mn tb'le drii? Ye wldnll't wain:to te mp you-r weil dry itbe first dyevnif yourv ip mpi)wuid lift enougb te runte dril-wbch1 doubt. Yon'llbav te arrange te pipe Soule lifei semecwbere. Aiiy -creeýks oriver uecar bere wnib mucb lwater l toeil?" There' a cîseu attde bamu, An tbat tanik eut there holds a ýuz dred barrels. "Ne ieougb.i, twiiak a week, probably, teet yeur well dwn. A nd you can' run eut cf waterwiiie the drills turnig." "Yeu et -the coutfits we need, sud 1,11 see about tble water. Yu'lhave te arrange for fe to fire the ,boiliers, tewHvec ii tanked in ou trucks. On a field 3eui'd have the gai fromi the strp- peýr, but eut here you-'l l bave te provie your ewu fuel. FU11have te find au ouf fit tbat's equipped vit-, anieSI humer." 5011~, it' a good ting yeu've got Gary, arey, te tbik ever-ytbîn1g," Menla Lee said.Th- %s thaf itte creek ever on the Har- -per place, Harvey. But yendu ha!,ýve te pay old man Harper-and fe hlm w-ýhat yen wanite-d the water for-and ithen hel'd probqai sic (Te Be Contiiiiued) $2,500 From One Acre of Daffodils Before thle wrctoff a Cilf abot 30,000,000 Dutch bulb amII- uually, says the Kitchenier Reco'rd. Canladian flweclvers ithen be- gan te ook te t British Clmi where bulb growîng o o m- ý"n- mercial hasiss more or ieas ilu îts' infancy. Thiereaiffer the ifn hidustry soon flourîsbced, The produ(hction of bulbs luds itself t nesv tvtion f sii olini-gs sud ;at tile sainje fume niet a rnice fprofit. Tbief( is thie caseý of a bl rw er on Vanicoveýr island -wbio.frein, a sÏingle acre of lau, et 0,000 dczen Khng Alfred daffodhlfows wbhich lie sold for 25 cents a dzn or- a sale amouultinig te $2,500. This inecome was denrived wItb- eui even sellihin uebub Mahatma GandhIli ris F commi-andýed aà Red Cross unit l Soutb Afn-ica duiuig the Ber arý Caunietto Overlord By Ross Munro Ross MunI-, ro0, Canianlîï Press corresponident wîvth the C-ana,-dîian forces nlu Europe, bas, traveIied with the Canadian Army wbereve it went. IThe titie of bis story is symlboiic of the dramia of this chronicie of rmodem warfare, 'Gaiint]et" a the code wýord for the first largescale Canadiani action, thé comm-ando raid on tbe Arctic isiand of Spitzbergen., "Overlo-rd" was tbe codle word for tbe 1-Day invasion oM western Europe. In bis introduction Muniro says: "This is a oo abouit the Canadir Dn so]diersý-fr-om Spitzbergýen te Dieppe, froml Sicily andÀ Italy te Normandy and Gerrnany. . . 1 have tried to rele in a narrative of events tbe soef their achieve- nieuts, tbeir ordeals, their sacri- fices and their bolundless coUrageY" Munlro ,weut witb tbeC anadiaus onto tbe beacbi-beadls and into bat- t1e. Tbeir stcry -,n enain onie of thenmost heroiecheapters lu the aunais ofCanadas bistory Gam u tto On.xlrd. .,By Ross Muro. .., The MacniIans ini Can- ada.. Price $3.00. L ... L .ss.....j Decemnber 9 'iMe Christian's Place lu the Life of' the Nation Lesson: Matthew 5: 1-16, ,13-48; 1 Peter 2: 12-17. Golden Text Blessed h tbhe nation whose Ged1 iour Lerd.-Psains 33: 12. R-esponsibilitieýs of Christians Mat. 5: 1.-As sait, wben it 1oSes its savor cannlot be turuerd Yelloor -plnk roýsswith iilacs, iu easy t-cbv y will give colon te you0li lnen- s. just onie spray wouid make anly towel a bandsomle gift. It's fasciniatinig to watch thlese flowers grow on yýour lîniens. Pst- teru 7î56 blas -a tansfen of 12 i-o- tifs 6 x 872 f01, 1 x 3 ilu.; stitc'hes. Seud T EN TY C ENýT S lu ýceins (stamps cuntbc, accentcd) forî this patteru to Wilson Needie- craft Dept., R 1r 21, 73 Adelaide St W'est, Trut.Prittplainily PATTERN N uMBE1f 1-R, yu i\AME and ADDRESSý LE %e YOU CAN'T BEAT Do Yeu sufer wiitl' ils weak, tire feelings? If funictionai periodic disturba,,nces mnake You feel nervous, tiredi restieLs at such] tixues - try Lydia E Pinkhamr's Vege.. table Gýempound tc relieve such syni. tOms Pinkhs' Con)pound is one of the Most effective medicines for this nurpo)se. Fellew label directions Buy todaylýV ISSUE 49-1945 4952crs 121 11- i uw cmans AfPatteru4952 m)ake it one of tesnretfal frockýs. Tin houlder yokes ,that youI can mIakeilu conltrailthte soft- euing effýct of ýgatheQrs, the pert bew. Pattern 4952 ,ones iiu sizes 12, l<, 16, 18 2w.Size16, froc, takes .î Yards 39)-inch fabric. Send TWENTY CENTS (20c) ini coins (ctamps cannot be accept- ed) fo.-r tbis paýtteru, to Roomu 421, 73 Adelaidle St. 'West, Torontoc. Prunt plaiîiiy S'iZEAE, AD- DRESS, STYLE- NUMBER. te usý-efuil arctriaccountl, se a ence for goed, îis tteýiy Iuseless te God and mn 14-l6-Ouir Lord teachies that te attemipt te couceai olur Cbristiani faith is as foiish as to puit a laxnp under a buibeul. 1t is b.-y (our "gooid works,'" by foliowing tbleeapi of lle 1Lord, thlat we Sball best shine for lm isnd glorîify (our Believer and God's Laws 43-4.-WilevecaeLd ïýjtbat we int hate tbe cvii deeds of our enemny weare no to ate the eClnny himself. Cbirist asksu is to act just as 'God acs1t(ar 1me. 111 lis deaiings with maind iilie de znet treat lmn-,as they dsreto be treated. lie does not cnfinleHils loving kinidness anld ten;deýr imercy te' the good. if lie did vwhere shouîld stanld? As God blesses ail men alike se we are to show love and goodneliss te al, 46-To love iiiose wbl ove ius shioiws 1negrea.t ment, for we are r-cwa-rded lu tbeir love to uis. Evcin the puiblicanis witb ail'tbeibtefuil seifisbuec-ss ýcIoved tose woloved thein. Love for love is 'manjlike but loe forbate y Cbricske. 1Servants of God 47-48-In distinction mmo, publican8 anld beathen woselove auid ceurtesy simpefeesd 1par.- tialwe are f sow a perfet loe, evenl as G"od's is to the wvorldý. 1 Pet. 2: 1-5-Odrand civil power lbeing tbe greajt defeulse againist lwesforkce and violence aie te be regarded as an ordance veurs to i 1 tii aýnefil I15 seul en- joys pu cent of CanadCan wheat expoe iru 1944, anid tis variety corniiniied Éli te ote rîîst resiifs, Apex, Renown lamd RegenIt. n Ï rised fthe bulk ýof wetepre onat year. Boss: "Vh-at's this itemn- ten shillings for overhead ex- penses? Traveller: "I bougit n YOUR FAMILY wilI be delighited with M x el buotse Coffee. It's irOaSIýeq by a speeial pirocess that captures ail die stimiat- ing goodnless of this very fine hlend. '1200 feetaoe the 'ý;ca le-anatural settingýl*for skiing, ski -j oigsan. ManY miles o)f trails radiale dircfily from thle Hotel. Luxurious acomdin 5-aceped leadership in Service and Cuisinle. THE CH A NT E CLE Ste. Adlele en Haut, P. Q. Housekeeper Wanted IRL OR MWMAN FORRE Paid Wissaiafuparti1- cula;rS to e MRS. SAIR, 41 W, Ma ilo.rn OPSpo CSeep TonightVer N Drr 'o.YuiLethe V!mni t on M Extensivevueforhedce N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N 4 N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N 'N N N N N N. N. N N N. N N N N N N N You'll enjioy our Orange Pc le Blend

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