Price $912.00 Yeariy Sanurda~v Issue, incluRdýingM. 1ir.roduciory Offer Aainres--- - - - - - - - - agarînle Section, $2.60 a Year. r6 Issues 25 Cents SAMPLE COtnY AN .MEETINi Durham Crop Improvement Associationi Agricultural Of fice, Bowmanville at 2.00 p'm, io Monday, December 1lOth rH FALLIS, B.S. A., st, wilI discuss long terni pastures )vement Association belongs to the uni Counity so everyone is invited end a i, her hmein Trn if r.nd Mrs. Lorne Pednvistel nwith .i l da Paedeni, Newtonv'iliî. Mr. and Mirs. Hwr arwand iAileen spent Saturd(ay -in Peterlboro. Mrv. anid iMr>. Hol'Littie a d Gary, Osha a,ý) visited with Mr. anid Mr.Thýos. Falls. Mr, and AMrs. HuihStapieton, of Newtonvillie, visîted \with MVr. and VMrs. W. A. Halowe1Li Mr M rs.110 Ornme Plls and faill- ily spenlt Sunda(1--y witb -Mr, and Mrs. CaisTamblyn, Orono. Mr. and .Mrs. Ausýti-n Turner and H1elen, Nwate,.r.W. Coan Oro0no, spenit Sunday 'ihMr. d çMrs. Liew Hllow.eI. (In-tendiedl for last week) Mr, Bill Fox !sstaigat1 Mr, Bert Trimi's. Mrs. G. S1>ivr hbas eeturned home from iUXbrlilge'.1 Mr. W. Falis., Kenda!:l, visited at _Mr. Thos. FýaiN,. Miss Norma ilowli asgonte te Tormonto for. the jne *Mr. and Ms Ed. R.tvn in visted'wib Mr. anii rs. AW. Dob- Mr.George Smnith entecrtained friends _ýfrom Toronto ove'thewe- end. Mr. and Mus. arry Baiiley and soni, Orono, had Sundlay dne with Ms'. anld MsOrmne Pali. Mfr. and ( ý1 u . EwaIrt Rohinsonl spent Sna ibMr.ý and Mrs. HuLig.h Stapleton, Newvton3Vfie. M issMr o tbo etie Miss IDecheitut ndMay ailowii 0on her birthday. "Double Deck" Gif t Sets Vases ders Fine Books Stuiffed Dolis and Toys 7k/Zt -A display of 'b or youir eaisy DO "TRREL Fittled Leather Cases BillfOMdS E.A. Suimmters SERVICE 1eral at tithe ot argemt and 68 - Residence 523 and 7M6 Bowniw~i1eOnt. t Key Cases Ta'Pngee Gift Sets WAVES Regular $8.95Enres' for................--- ----- Regula)r $7,50 Luxury f or................-- ---- Re-gular $6.001 Duches Cr4l for................----- -- Regular $5.410 Creme for................-- ------ Cold W'ave . -- $8.501 and SchOo1 Girl Wave.---- - ToIl Charg-e will be ref i Phonie Oshawa 23M9Jf appoiistiie.nt Clarke's Beauty SI 97 Oshtawa Bird. OsIIAWA - Ontý Your Opportuniety Britain wili take ALL, our surpfluseg! Canadian demand, with ment rationied, is heavy !I Every egg prodnced can be soid-AýTA PROFIT ! Toj get MAXIMUMI PRODUCTION, yen- will Use a feed which is ECONOMýICALt and DEPIEND- AB1LE. SHURGAIN18% Laying Mash, i, made FRESH in our miii,aneg made bere, saves the EX- TRA cost4 of handiing and hauling atached to oither feeds. Keep thiese SAVED Girains of Gold stcigte your fnes We caýn lth i of nobetter guarantee of depin- j dability than the ACTUAL calulted contnto needed FOOD NIJTRIFNTS, comlpared w itte f amounts reommendied by theNainlRsac * Council (... for OP1TIMTUM (best) resuts- ses the compaisen beiow : Recommended by National Research Couincil 2.25 1.0 17 6600 900o 1L25 Caiculated Coniitent int SHlUR-GAIN 18% Laying Mash 19 1% 2.23 1.12 90f) 1.3c, Gage StatiQnery Christmas Cards GJET SETS FOR LADIES by Lentherie, Gardenia, 'Cashmere, Bouquet, II GIFI SETS FOR GENTLEMEN Mi. Ira h pon of Toronto, was tin ý tevlaeOn MonIday. Mrs hs. Kennmy is spending a ýouple of weeks in Gananoqute visit- ing rla ues id friends. Mrs. Giadyýs Kerrof Laiw, .Sask-. aitchewan, visited hie r cousin), Mrs. Gordon Mrinlon .Sunday. Mi-. Ciarenïce Bell aind friend, of Oshaw, stedl his father and ýsister, IMr. borne- Bell and HildIa over the week-end. Pte. Wle Wrighit nas visiting ini the village the other day contact- ing oid friends. W-alter bias jus-t re- turned fromi overlseas after over three yearès service wth thse arned ïorces. uaf TIse W A. met in the Sna Slihoo1 r'oom -ion ~oDay ecesnberC. 3>rd, with the president, M R.s oy MIercer, ini the ûlhair. The mee-tingý opened Wî-bthCe Singing of a hymn an payr Dtal plans w-,ere madle foýr teKenIdal L.O.L. Banquet to be lbeid o en eaDecembels' 12tth, of wiàh the W.A. is in charge. Elle metn coe ith thle M a W. I. Concert ber27t, as gratSuckýess. At the 1last mlom.-ent Mrs, Johinson,,of ts Jono i-tetainers, wrot)îe expres,îs' ing bier -keen disaIppoinItIm-ent that aIse wouid not ".e able Lu be xvitb us, as. lVIissFniowd wlio n'as- just out of hospital was not yet able to take part and Fbs berseif nsas suffering from-i a very severe sore throat. How- ever, we were vsry pleasedl that she had been able te obtain a very good substituts in the persion of Danny Boy SnIiýIhandI two assi.tants, h I!ni, on a vas-v pinvaide ormn Yardley, Lentheric ing of seamns, aIso eovering h 5yard roll for. .... Men's White Back Denim Ri-ve to 42, pair........... Men's Heavy Drill Shirts, colotI sizes 1411-2 to 17, each . . . ..ý Men's Heavy Cottonade Twveed to 42, pair............ Kleenex, 300 sheet. pkg., 2 pkgs. Colgate's Dental Creamn, larget Coat and Hat H-ooks, screw in Haw,ýe's Floor Wax, 1 lb. tins,. H-awe's Floor Gloss, no rubbing, Hawe's Furniture Cream clean, each ....' *.. . . Gils' and Boys', Bookis tý Chiildren's Plastic Tea 5< 12-piece set for... Doîl High Chanirs... Doil Cradles. ... Ciildren's J.ig Saw Puzý States and Canlada, pla, 2-ILiquidi Shoe Polisi- Specal-oodquaflity Pe 1TIOIN - ENSURE SAVINGS your finlgrs-with SHRGIl8 aigMash. Puïiere and Snmith ire Dealers 15c lb...........----- 25C 15c, r 5c